Title: Management of Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium microphyllum)
1Management of Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium
- Jeff Hutchinson and Ken Langeland
- U.F. Agronomy Dept.
- Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
Lakeland Restoration Workshop 2008
2"Pops" up in very isolated natural areas
- A.R.M. Loxahatchee NWR
- Palm Beach County
3Percent Cover (pre-trt)
Native Plant Cover
Initial Invasion
Lygodium Cover
4Dense Infestation DuPuis Reserve, Martin County
5Infestation being treated
6Re-growth from rhizomes
7New growth from spore germination
9Herbicide Translocation
- Occurs up (acropetal) and down (basipetal) in
OWCF - Limited horizontal movement in the rhizomes of
? Complete spray coverage is essential
10(No Transcript)
11Rhizome Example
12Growth Characteristics (4 months)
Height (cm) Fronds per m2 Fertile Leaflets
Rhizome 126 821 9.3
Sporophyte 66 1536 17.3
Sporophyte 26 595 5.6
Re-sprouts from rhizomes grow ca. 3.8 meters per
year New Sporophytes grow ca. 1.9 meters per year
131) Fronds grow vertically and horizontally 2)
There can be gt 600 / m2 in dense infestations 3)
Treatment can be difficult - Overlapping foliage
blocks herbicide
14Sporophyte Development from Soil Samples
(6 Months)
Site Sporophytes per m2 Fertile Leaflets
1 3051 1.2
2 1811 4.2
3 (treated site) 2885 13.7
4 1694 7.7
15Spore Germination
- Germination rates can be as high as 96
- Spores can remain viable for at least 8 years
- ? This means that even if you kill the mature
ferns, there will be re-growth from spore
16Non-Target Damage
17Change in Native Vegetation
Loxahatchee N.W.R. tree islands
Aerial Application Swamp Fern Wild Grape
Escort 2 oz / 20 gal - 94 147
Escort 4 oz / 20 gal - 88 148
Rodeo 3.75 pints / 20 gal - 81 15
Rodeo 7.50 pints / 20 gal - 91 105
18Escort (2 oz / 100 gal)
19Rodeo (2 product)
20Dense Rachis Mat
Gaps in Rachis Mat
21(No Transcript)
22Recommended RatesGround Treatments
- Glyphosate (1-3 product)
- Metsulfuron methyl (2 oz / 100 gallons)
- Triclopyr (2 product)
- Imazapic (1 product)
- Tank Mixes
- Glyphosate (1.5 product) metsulfuron methyl (1
oz / 100 gallons) - Glyphosate (1.5 product) triclopyr (1.5
- It is important to get complete spray coverage
when treating OWCF - Re-treatment will be required especially in dense
infestations - Re-treatment should be conducted at 4-6 months
- Fertile leaflets begin to develop in lt 4 months
- Spores remain viable for at least 8 years and
germination rates can be as high as 96 - Perpetual management problem!? One shot of
herbicide wont kill it
24Acknowledgements FLDEP, SFWMD, SJRWMD, USFWS,