Title: Ralf Klamma
1What is happening in the long tail?Reliable
technologies for communities
- Ralf Klamma
- RWTH Aachen University
- FK 427 Medien und kulturelle Kommunikation
- PROLEARN Network of Excellence
- Sixth Internet Next Generation Workshop Web 2.0,
Internet 2.0... - Aachen, October 18, 2006
- Social Software Web 2.0
- Self-observation tools for Communities Social
Software - Collect PROLEARN Media Base
- Measure PROLEARN Measure
- Analyse PALADIN
- ATLAS Reflective Community Architecture for the
Web 2.0 - Conclusions and Outlook
3What is Social Software?
4Social Software and Communities The Long Tail
Central Core
OUT Continent
Wikipedia The Long Tail (2006)
IN Continent
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Linked The New Science
of Networks (2002)
- The Web 2.0 is a scale free, fragemented network
- Power laws (Pareto-Distribution etc.)
- 95 of users are in the Long Tail (Communities)
5Disturbances in Web 2.0
- What is happening in the long tail?
- A disturbance is an emergent phenomenon based
on collective, distributed decisions undertaken
by agents, having positive or negative effects on
digital social networks. - Disturbances occur on different levels
- Physical
- Communication
- Network
- Egocentric
- Subgroup
- Community
6Agency in the Web 2.0 based on Patterns
Agency Empowering users to take decisions on
activity or inactivity in case of disturbances
- Abstraction Pattern as a general repeatable
solution to a common recurring disturbance - Basis Pattern language overcomes the
difficulties for discovering and describing
disturbances - Computation Machine-readable description of the
patterns - XML-based pattern language for
multidimensional disturbances - Discovery Automatic Analysis of digital social
networks for disturbances with the pattern
- Analysis of Agency Patienthood phenomena on
the Web 2.0 - Which discourses can be expected in the (near)
future? - What influence do different media have on
communities? - What are the impacts of my actions on the
community? - Which event(s) should have taken place?
- How will the community/ies evolve?
7Measure, Analyse, and Simulate PROLEARN Media
- Social Software data from E-learning Communities
- Mailing lists
- Newsletter
- Websites
- RSS Feeds
- Blogs
- Database support by IBM DB2, eXist, Oracle, ...
- Web Interface based on Plone/Zope
- Visualization of
- Graphs
- Tree Maps
- ...
ECTEL 2006
8Pattern by Example Troll
- Troll Pattern This pattern tries to discover the
cases when a troll exists in a digital social
network. A troll in the network is considered a
disturbance. - Disturbance
- (EXISTS medium medium.affordance
threadArtefact) - (EXISTS troll (EXISTS thread (thread.author
troll) - (COUNT message (message.author troll)
- (message.posted thread)) gt minPosts)
- (EXISTS thread1, message1
(thread1.author1 ! troll) - (message1.author troll message1.posted
thread1 )))) - Forces medium troll network member thread
message url - Force Relations neighbour(troll, member) own
thread(troll, thread) - Solution No attention must be paid to the
discussions started by the troll. - Rationale The troll needs attention to continue
its activities. If no attention is paid, he/she
will stop participating in the discussions. - Pattern Relations Associates Spammer pattern.
9Spammer Visualization
- (?medium medium.affordance threadArtefact)
? - (?spammer (COUNTthread (thread.author
spammer) gt minThreadCount)) ? - ((??thread1 (thread1.author spammer) ?
- (COUNTmessage (message.posted thread) gt
10Structural Hole Visualization
- (? m (1 - (2/((COUNTnn.neighbourm)
- (COUNTp(p!n) ?
- ((p.neighbourn ) ? (p.neighbourm) ?
(n.neighbourm)))))) gt efficiencyParameter)
11Research ApproachReflective Community Platform
Support evolving learning communities
(repeated assessment of community requirements)
Self monitoring tools
for Communities
Social Software
Service-oriented Community Platform
Assessment requirements for Communities
Based on Preece 2001, cf. JUKM 2006 for details
- Social Software Web 2.0
- Emergent phenomenon
- 95 of Web 2.0 are fragmented communities
- Agency and Patienthood as challenges for
communities in the Web 2.0 - Self-observation and reflection of communities
- Collect Measure ATLAS Media Base and ATLAS
Measure - Analyse Pattern identification with PALADIN
- Professional Training Facts
- www.prolearn.eu
- IAO, Stuttgart, November 14-15, 2006
- Social Software Web 2.0 Workshop
- Track Future of E-Learning with Siemens,
Deutsche Telekom ... - Symposium in Media Informatics
- www.medien-informatik.eu
- B-IT, Bonn, November 16-17 2006
- Contributions by Microsoft, SAP, Deutsche
Telekom, Buhl Data ... - Workshops about Web 2.0, Social Software, TEL and
Media Conflicts