Title: Hostel Leaders:
1(No Transcript)
2Hostel Leaders
3A home away from home
The independence, maturity and lifelong
friendships that boarding encourages are
excellent foundations for adult life.
4Boarding at New Plymouth Girls High Schools
Scotlands Hostel provides a caring and supportive
environment where students are encouraged to do
well academically and take a full part in the
sporting, cultural and social life of the school.
Scotlands Hostel can accommodate up to 140
boarders years 9 13. The hostel has 24
modern, motel style units. The girls change
units term by term.
6Year 13 students take turns living in the 7TH
Heaven which houses 15 students. The 7th
Heaven provides an opportunity for a flatting
experience in a supportive, well equipped
7Unit Tidiness
Students are all expected to share in the
maintenance of the general tidiness and
cleanliness of the unit. Beds must be made and
duties must be done each morning.
Our chef caters for all dietary needs with a very
healthy and balanced menu plan. Students
prepare their own school lunch from the selection
provided during the breakfast period (Monday
Friday). Afternoon Tea is provided for the
students after school. Supper is provided in the
A Tuckshop operates within the hostel. It is
generally open each day. The Tuckshop also
provides essential personal needs which can be
charged on the monthly account.
10International Students
Students from a wide range of countries board at
Scotlands Hostel. The richness and diversity
of culture these students bring to the hostel is
greatly valued.
Prep is an important part of the hostel. Prep
is supervised by a trained teacher. Tuition is
given in time management and study skills and
this produces excellent academic results. The
students attend Prep every night from 6.30 pm
onwards, Monday Thursday, in the Prep
room. The Year 12 and 13 students work on Prep
in their units.
We encourage students to live full and busy
lives. All leave must be applied for and
permission granted before students leave the
hostel. Overnight Leaves All boarders are
seven-day boarders. However there is no
restriction on the number of weekend leaves so
long as parents/guardians give approval.
13Extra Curricular Activities
Scotlands offer a supportive and active extra
curricular programme and encourage all students
to participate in the wide variety of extra
curricular activities the school has to offer.
We actively encourage all boarders to make a
notable cultural, academic, social, sporting and
leadership contribution to the life of the school.
14Hostel Van
From 3.15 pm onwards, the Hostel employs a matron
to transport the girls to activities,
appointments etc.
It is essential that ALL clothing be named. All
girls are responsible for their own laundry, pegs
and washing powder. Many of the students have
their own clothes horse for drying their
clothes. Each year group have their own laundry
facilities and dryers are available for use.
16Hostel Events
- The students are encouraged to get involved in a
number of hostel activities such as - Hostel Fashion Show
- Boys High/Girls High Hostel Socials
- Meal swaps with Boys High
- Hostel Talent Quest
- Top Form competition
- Sports events
- High Tea/Christmas Party
- Hostel Open Day
17Education Review Office (ERO) Report 2003
- High quality buildings and amenities
- A physical environment that supports student
learning and provides comfortable living areas - Separate accommodation for Year 13 allows greater
flexibility and self responsibility
for these senior students - Access to computers and school recreational
areas, assist students in their academic and
sporting endeavours - An effective security system and well understood
procedures for entry and exit to the hostel
promotes student safety and security - Routines and expectations for behaviour are
clearly established and understood by the
students - Matrons provide appropriate supervision at all
times - The hostel manager maintains close links with
parents and hostel prefects - Senior students are trained in peer mediation and
provide support for junior students - Students feel well supported in the hostel
18New Plymouth Girls High School Scotlands
This scholarship is offered annually to a
boarding student entering Year 9. The scholarship
is to the value of 1500.00 Applicants are
expected to be taking a full part in the
academic, sporting, cultural and social life of
their current school or community. The
scholarship will be awarded to an all-round
candidate who, in the Selection Committees
opinion, will make a valuable contribution to the
life of the Hostel. Applications close on 31
October each year. Application forms are
available on this CD and from The Principal New
Plymouth Girls High School Private Bag 2049 NEW
19Here is a brief explanation about Boarding Fees
and incidental expenses.
ACCOUNTS Bond of 450Full years Boarding Fees
are 6,400 (Year 2005) A monthly Statement /
Invoice will be posted to you which will include
Boarding Fees, school expenses and incidental
costs.School expenses will be itemized for your
records and can include such things as
stationery, sports subscriptions, school trips,
exam fees, TOPEC etc.Hostel Incidental costs
could include pocket-money, visits to Doctors,
Dentists and additional school uniform items.
Tuck Shop expenses will be limited to personal
items and will not include the purchase of sweets
and drinks. Receipts for medical insurance will
be posted the following month.
..Continued on next slide
20Boarding Fees and incidental expenses (continued)
PAYMENTSFees are due on receipt of your
Statement / Invoice. Automatic Payments can be
set up, 10 monthly APs starting in January
would cover Boarding Fees with any additional
charges also to be considered. In most cases
these costs could be covered by retaining the AP
throughout the year.Boarding BursariesBoarding
Bursary payments are received after a return of
attendance is completed each term. Information
about Bursaries and the criteria to gain one, can
be found on website www.minedu.govt.nz Bank
Centre Branch, New PlymouthAccount No 15
3953 0478250 00Name NPGHS - Board of Trustees,
Scotlands AccountParticulars (students
initial and surname)
21(No Transcript)
22New Plymouth Girls High School Mangorei Road New
Plymouth New Zealand
Telephone 00 64 675 73840 Fax
00 64 675 85641 Email
scotlands_at_npghs.school.nz Website