Title: Physics with W and Z Bosons at Hadron Colliders
1Physics with W and Z Bosons at Hadron Colliders
- Introduction
- Part I
- W and Z
- Production at Hadron Colliders
- Part II
- Electroweak
- As backgrounds to exotic phenomena
- Conclusion
- As a standard candle, seeing W and Z boson will
be an important first step at LHC - Relevance to experiment
- Masses energy and momentum calibration
- Luminosity measurement
- Efficiency measurements
- Relevance to physics
- Electroweak and QCD
- Backgrounds to exotic phenomena
4Why W and Z?
- It is easier to identify leptons (e,?,?) at
hadron colliders - Good resolution and efficiency
- jets are messy
- Leptonic final states of new phenomena are
easiest to discover - Cascade decay New particle ? ? W or Z ?
leptons - Direct decay New particle ? ? leptons
- Directly or indirectly W and Z are major
backgrounds to events with leptons
5The W Boson
- Spin 1
- Charge ?1
- MW 80.398 ? 0.025 GeV
- ?W2.106 ? 0.050 GeV
- Couples to- Particles of different flavor-
left-handed fermion orright-handed antifermions - Leptonic decay
6Review of the W Boson
- Hadronic decays
- W- - particle ? antiparticle
7Decays of a real W
- Cannot decay into t-quark
- per lepton species
- Ignoring mass
8Review of the W Boson
- Beta decay via a virtual W boson
- md , mu a few MeV W is virtual
9Decay of Top Quark
- mt 174 GeVmb 5 GeV
- In this case, W is a real particle
10Production of W at Hadron Colliders
- Flip the direction of outgoing quark
- quark-antiquark annihilation
- Real W boson can be produced if the incoming
quarks have enough energy
11Production of W at Hadron Colliders
- Traditionally, W bosons were produced at
colliders - anti quark exists as a valence quark in
anti-protons - For LHC, W is produced by q and q-bar from
protons - antiquark exists as sea quark in protons
12Production Cross Section of W Boson at Hadron
13How to Identify W Bosons
- Signature charged lepton neutrino
- charged lepton is identified easily
- neutrino escapes the detector
- Kinematics for W rest
- ? and ? have p40 GeV and back-to-back
- peak in pT distribution at 40 GeV
- Missing ET signature of neutrino
- Total momentum from detector in transverse plane
? 0 since neutrino escapes the detector - Vector sum of energies calorimeter cells
Jacobian peak
14Discovery of W Boson from UA1 _at_ CERN
15W Event from DØ Experiment in Run I
16W Event Side View
17More About W Events
- Calculating the cross section
18Parton Densities inside Proton
- Consider probability for partons(quarks and
gluons) with momentum fraction x inside proton - proton is a dynamic object
probability density of partons
scattering of quarks
19Electron ET Distribution
- Smooth shape
- Finite width of W
- W not at rest
- Energy resolution
20Neutrino Transverse Momenta
Calculated after correcting missing ET
21Transverse Mass
- How to calculate mass of W?
- We cannot measure the pz of neutrino
- Form a scalar quantity under boost in z-direction
- Transverse vectors are not affected
- Edge of transverse mass distribution is around MW
22Theoretical Transverse Mass Distribution
23Transverse Mass Distribution from CDF Data
24Wjets Events
- W is not produced at rest
- Gluon emission from quarks
- Wn jets
25Review of Z Boson
- Spin 1
- Charge 0
- MZ 91.1876?0.0021 GeV
- ?Z 2.4952 0.0023 GeV
- Couples to particles of same flavor
- Leptonic decay
26Review of the Z Boson
- Hadronic Decays
- Since Z couples to a combination of electric and
weak charge, the branching fraction pattern is
complicated - charged lepton 3.3 per family
- neutrinos 20
- Quarks 67
27Production of Z Bosons at Hadron Colliders
- Production through qq-bar annihilation
- Identification through 2 leptons
28Z Boson in UA1 Detector in April 30, 1983
29D0 Experiment in RunI
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32Experimental Importance of W/Z at LHC
33Energy and Momentum Scale Calibration
- Calorimeter energy calibration
- conversion factor for scintillation photons in
crystals ? energy - Peak position must be at known MZ
- Muon momentum calibration
- Material effects
- Systematic offset in detector alignment and
- Variation in detector response
- calorimeter cell
- misalignment of tracking detectors
35Efficiency Measurement from Data using Z Events
- Tag-and-probe method
- If M(? track)MZ in an event, then the track
must be another muon
probe track
How often is the track identified as a muon?
36W Bosons
- Missing ET is calculated using calorimeter cells
with some minimum energies - Width and distribution of missing ET tells us the
inherent noise of the calorimeter
37Integrated Luminosity Measurement and W/Z
- Important for integrated luminosity measurement
- Number of events of a process we expect
- But how do we get ?
- Systematic uncertainties of A and ? difficult to
estimate - Using W or Z events could have smaller error
cross section
Integrated luminosity
Measured by luminosity counter
38Physics with W/Z Bosons
- Electroweak
- Higgs
Tevatron - proton antiproton collider at 1.96
TeV Experiments at Tevatron CDF and D0
39Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
40W/Z as Standard Candles
- Proton structure
- Parton distribution function
- W/Z Rapidity
- perturbative QCD
- Well-defined scale for perturbative QCD
- W/Z n jets
- pT of W and Z bosons
41Parton Density Function (PDF) of Proton
fraction of pz of proton carried by a quark
or gluon
42W Boson Rapidity at Tevatron
- Quarks inside proton
- Quarks inside antiproton
43W/Z Boson Rapidity at LHC
- Quarks inside proton have different average
momenta - Boost in z-direction of bosons are different
- Boson rapidity distribution sensitive to parton
44LO, NLO, NNLO Predictions
- lt5 theoretical uncertainty on total cross
- From Zjets distributions
- Probe gluons inside proton
- Test reliability of QCD calculations
- Zn jets fixed order perturbative QCD
- pT of Z boson resummation in QCD
46W/Zn jets Prediction from Theory
- Open points are NLO calculations LO can be off
by more than 100 !
47Zn jets at D0
1st jet
2nd jet
3rd jet
MCFM Next-to-Leading order (NLO) calculation
48Transverse Momentum Distribution of Z
- Tests the resummation calculation at low pT
Leading order calculation
49Wjets at Tevatron
50Jets in Wjets
51Jet ET Distribution from Wjets Events
52Jet Opening Angle Distribution
53Slide from Michelangelo Manganos Talk at CTEQ07
54Rediscovering Standard Model at LHC
Assumed selection efficiency W? l?, Z? ll
20 tt ? l?X 1.5 (no b-tag, inside mass bin)
lots of minimum-bias and jets (107 events in 2
weeks of data taking if 20 of trigger
bandwidth allocated)
10 pb-1 ? 1 month at 1030 and lt 2 weeks at 1031,
1 fb-1 Similar statistics to D0/CDF
100 pb-1 ? few days at 1032 , ?50
55W, Z n-jets at CMS
CMS AN-2006/102 CMS AN-2006/108
- Background to many searches
- Lepton multijets
- Cross sections are high, can be measured with
1fb-1, already dominated by - detector effects,
- theo. uncertainties,
- ttnjet bkg subtraction (for Ws)
- W/Z heavy flavor jets
56W/Z jets Backgrounds to Higgs
57Electroweak Physics with W/Z
58W Boson Mass
- Copious W production - strong point of hadron
colliders - MW is one of the most important parameters in the
59Connection with the Higgs Sector
- Weak mixing angle
- Higgs loop effect on W/Z
- Logarithmic dependence
60At CMS
- By using kinematics of leptons from Z decays,
total error in systematics to 30 MeV is
possible. - energy scale and linearity 14 MeV
- resolution 5 MeV
61Diboson Production
- Probe of trilinear gauge coupling
62Diboson at CMS
- Multilepton signature major background to
search for new physics
significance 12.8
significance 13
- Standard Candle Inclusive W/Z are the well
understood part of the Standard Model - Calibration of detector and physics
- One of the most important channels
- W/Zjets
- NLO calculation available up to 2 jets
- Need 4 and 5 jets calculation, currently only in
LO 100 error