Title: Top Quark Mass Measurement at CDF Run II
1Top Quark Mass Measurementat CDF Run II
- Jean-Francois Arguin
- University of Toronto
- HEP Seminar
- University of Toronto
- February 1st, 2005
- Introduction to top quark physics
- Why measuring Mtop?
- Experimental setup
- Mtop measurement using kinematic information
- Reducing the systematics
calibration - Conclusion and Outlook
3The Top Quark
- Discovered only recently (1995 at CDF, DØ)
- No real surprise existence is required for
viability of the Standard Model (SM) - Guarantee absence of triangle anomalies
renormalizability - Absence of FCNC, e.g.
- Agreement with measured decay rate
Most striking characteristics huge mass!
How large? 40 times Comparable to gold
4Top Production and Decay
- Concentrate on QCD production (also single-top
EWK production exists) - Production at Tevatron
- 85
- 15
- Decay in SM
- Thus,
5Top Production and Decay
- W bosons decay either hadronically or
leptonically. - W decays define channel
- Dilepton 5
- Leptonjets 30
- All-hadronic 44
- In this talk always
- leptonjets channel
6Top Quark Physics
- Large mass ?very different behavior than other
quarks - Only known particles decaying to a real boson
- So short-lived
- (tt5x10-25sec)
- ? It decays before hadronizing!
- Last feature has interesting
- experimental consequences
- can observe bare quark!
Top quark measurements
7Motivation for Mtop inside SM framework
- At tree level, EW theory
- depend on 3 quantities, e.g. can choose
- Fine structure constant a
- Fermi constant GF
- MZ
- However, radiative corrections
- must be included
- Example parameter ?
- Receives corrections dominated by Mtop
- quadratic dependence on Mtop!
8Motivation for Mtop inside SM framework
- Many precision EWK measurements depend on Mtop
- Therefore, high accuracy Mtop measurement is
crucial for - Consistency check of SM
- Constrain unknown model parameters ? MHiggs
- Sensitivity to new physics
9Motivation for Mtop beyond SM
- Top quark mass so large, can it be a special
particle? - Beyond SM top quark plays a role in many
theories - mSugra Large Mtop provoke electroweak symmetry
breaking (EWSB) at the weak scale - In some dynamical EWSB theories (topcolor) top
quark sees additional gauge interaction,
resulting top condensates responsible for EWSB. - MSSM in a similar situation than SM superpartner
are constrained by Mtop - Precise measurements of the top quark
- mass will help constrain these theories
10Summary of Mtop Measurements
- Direct Mtop meas. In Run I world ave.
- Higgs mass fit
- Run II Goals
11The Tevatron
- Proton-antiproton collisions at
- Run II c.m. upgrade (1.8 TeV to 1.96 TeV)
- ? 35 increase in
12The CDF Detector
- Calorimeters
- Central, wall, plug calorimeter
- Coverage
- EM reso.
- HAD reso.
- CDF II general purpose
- solenoidal detector
- 7 layers of silicon tracking
- Coverage
- B-tagging eff. 30
- COT drift chamber
- coverage
- Resolution
- Muon chambers
- Scintillator, proportional chamber interspersed
with absorber - Provide muon ID up-to
13Challenges of Mtop Measurement
- Statistical limitations
- Small statistics 25 b-tag leptonjets ev. / 100
pb-1 - Complicated final state to reconstruct
- Observed final state
- Complications
- 12 possible jet-parton assignments
- B-tagging helps a lot
- Neutrino momentum diluted by missing ET
measurement - Jet resolution is poor (130/ET-1/2)
- Systematics limitations
- Currently completely dominated by jet energy
scale uncertainty - Current understanding set a lower limit of 3 GeV
on the top mass uncertainty
14The Kinematic Analysis
- Advantage
- Simple, robust
- Less assumptions
- Published Run I ?baseline for Run II
- Disadvantage
- Use of information not optimal
15Selecting Leptonjets Events
- Final state
- Lepton selection
- One isolated e or µ ET (pT)gt20GeV with ID
- Electron EM cluster with expected shower shape,
matched track - Muon track matched to muon stub, expected
deposited E in calo.
- Large missing ETgt20GeV
- Measured in calorimeters
- Infer pT(neutrino)
- gt4 jets
- Reconstructed with cone algorithm from
calorimeter towers - ETgt15 GeV (8 GeV on 4th jet)
After these selections S/B 1
16B-Tagging and Sample Division
- B-tagging
- Require B-tagging
- S/B 3 (gt1-tag)
- S/B 20 (2-tags)
- Leptonjets sample division
- Consider four subsamples
- ? Better statistical power by fitting events
with different sensitivity to Mtop
17Top Quark Mass Reconstruction
- Keep combination with lowest ?2
- B-tag improves a lot Mtop resolution
More correct combinations with b-tags!
18Mtop Templates
- Histograms are fitted with analytic functions
parameterized by the true top mass - Obtain probability density functions of
reconstructed top mass as a function true Mtop
Reco. Mass and p.d.f.s vs true Mtop
19Background contamination
Background templates
- Background sources
- gt1-tag events
- Wjets mistag
- QCD multijets
- Wheavy flavor
- Others (WW/WZ, single top)
- 0-tag events
- QCD multijets
- Wjets
20Extracting Mtop
- Unbinned likelihood fit
- Compare data reconstructed mass distributions
with p.d.f.s extracted from Monte Carlo - Background constrained to expectations
- Combined fit multiply subsamples likelihood
- Likelihood fit sanity check
Unbiased fit!
21Systematic Uncertainties
JES dominates!
- Systematics sources
- Jet energy scale Completely dominates (come back
later) - ISR, FSR confuse jet from top decays with
initial and final state radiation jets - Other syst. PDFs, generators, background
modelling, jet resolution are small
22Results on Data
- Fit applied to data
- Final result
23Dominant Systematics Jet Energy Scale (JES)
- Are jets observed in data well-modeled by MC?
- Source of uncertainties
- Fragmentation governed by non-perturbative QCD.
Affect JES - Particles momentum distribution
- Out-of-cone energy
- Detector response
- Non-linear for hadronic particles in CDF
- Underlying event
- deposits energy in jet cone
24Possible solution calibration
- JES, future limitation for Mtop
- Uncertainties from JES already dominate
statistical uncertainty - Knowledge of JES will improve, but has
limitations - Understanding of QCD
- LHC top measurements will be even more
compromised by JES
- Extrapolation to ttbar events
- Standard JES calibration requires extrapolation
to ttbar environment - Calibration samples Photonjet, dijet, min. bias
- Differences with ttbar Jet flavor composition,
Q2 scale, color flow, less busy
Fully in situ JES calibration using can provide
an elegant solution!
25Principles Calibration
- How does it work?
- Identify jets coming from W
- Reconstruct their invariant mass mjj
- mjj strongly dependent on JES (GeV)
- MW uncertainty is completely negligible (lt 50
MeV) - mjj mostly independent of Mtop
- How does it solve the two previous problems?
- No additional uncertainty from extrapolating JES
from photon-jet, dijet events to ttbar - JES uncertainty becomes statistical, will scale
with luminosity!
mjj distribution can be used to constrain
jet energy scale!
- How to reconstruct Mjj?
- Which jet come from W?
- No ambiguity when 2 b-tags
- Otherwise keep all possible mjj and consider
them equally - This method works well because
- Less combinatorics for mjj than Mtop
- 25 better uncert. than kinematic fit
- More correct comb. considered
- More sensitivity to JES
27Adding a Dimension to the Measurement
- Show 2-D templates Mtop, JES
- Extend the machinery
- Determine simultaneously Mtop and JES
- mt and mjj templates
- Each template depend on Mtop and JES
- For optimal constraint on JES combine a priori
uncertainty and
28Constraint by
- mjj templates
- Approximately independent of Mtop
- Measuring mjj gives constraint on JES independent
of true top mass -
- mjj provides an orthogonal determination of JES!
29B-jets Energy Scale
- Can we assume b-jets energy scale be set by
W-gtjj? - Estimated differences between W-jets and b-jets
- Harder fragmentation ?Mtop 0.2GeV/c2
- Semileptonic decays ?Mtop0.4GeV/c2
- Color flow ?Mtop0.3GeV/c2
- Additional uncertainties arising from b-jets
is 0.5 GeV/c2 - Check through future in situ measurements of
LEP constraints on B-quark Fragmentations
30JES measurement with
- Mjj will be use for two purposes
- Independent cross-check of JES
- Calibration in Mtop measurement
- If cross-check is satisfying, will combine
information on JES - improve s(JES) by 30!
s(JES) with addition of
31Mtop measurement using
- Combine fit of mt and mjj improve s(Mtop) by 15!
- Future of the technique
- Both stat. and JES uncert. will scale with
luminosity - Expect ?Mtop2-3GeV/c2
- with
- reach CDF goals
Total Mtop uncertainty with of combined fit
- Top quark mass measurement is one of highest
priority of Tevatron - Related to Higgs mass through radiative
corrections - Important role for beyond SM physics
- Top mass measurement is a complicated task
- Few events available
- Event topology is complicated
- Large uncertainty from jet energy scale
- We demonstrated
- Kinematic analysis provide robust Mtop
measurement - calibration can provide crucial
improvement in understanding of jet energy scale - very important for the future of the
measurement at the Tevatron and LHC
33More Research Achievements
- Many services to the CDF collaboration
- Develop improved top-specific jet corrections
(original work) - Develop underlying event and multiple interaction
- Participated to CDF primary vertex finder
- Develop conversion photonjet balancing technique
(original work)
- Responsible for the jet reconstruction software
- Largely responsible for jet corrections software
structure - Maintain and develop many pieces of code
(including calorimetry) - Wrote calorimeter software documentation
- Plus
- Beauty, charm physics experience from BaBar
34Potential for Physics Outreach
- Significant TA experience
- Significant undergraduate student supervision (in
HEP context) - Educational experience outside
- Graduate formation effective communication for
physicists - Strong communication skills