Title: The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker commissioning at SR1
1The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker commissioning at
Ryuichi Takashima(Kyoto Univ. of Education) For
the Atlas SCT collaboration
- APS and JPS joint conference
- October 30, 2006
2A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS)
Muon Spectrometer(?lt2.7) MDT/CSC, RPC/TGC
air-core toroidal magnet ?Bdl 26Tm (48Tm)
Inner Tracking (?lt2.5) Pixel, Silicon Strip,
TRT 2T solenoid magnet good e/g id, t/b-tag
Calorimeter (?lt4.9) Liq.Ar EM/HAD/FCAL, Tile
HAD good e/? id, energy, ETmiss
3SCT Barrel 4 layers, 2112 modules Binary read out
via opt fiber, work independently
SCT Endcap A,C 9 disks, 1976 modules
4The SCT Barrel module
Strip pitch80mm Stereo Angle40mrad
- Survive through direct
- irradiation by primary proton beam
- Operational until 4X1014protons/cm2 .
- deep submicron technology gives
- the radhard feature to the ABCD3T chip.
- remarkable precision lt 5 mm
- by exquisite construction
- procedure.
- Channel by channel adjustment of threshold to
give uniform response to signal. - The readout link can bypass through a dead chip.
- Chips generates 6W.
- Elaborate thermal
- property design needed.
5assembly at Oxford
6Barrel 3 insertion into Barrel 4,5,6 and thermal
7Barrel SCT insertion into barrel TRT
8Individual test at SR1 for barrel 3 through 5
expected electron number for 285mm Si
defective channels 0.3
9Goals of SR1 Commissioning
- Detector Operation Commissioning of System
- Gain experience with detector operation
- Test combined detector supply systems
- Development of standalone combined monitoring
tools - Commission and test combined readout and trigger
- Commission offline SW chain with real data
- The detector performance aspects
- TRT performance with SCT inserted and powered
- Test 4 SCT barrels together and operation with
TRT - Checks of grounding for SCT and TRT
- Test synchronous operation and check for X-talk
and noise - Collect cosmics for efficiency, alignment
tracking studies
10Cables of SCT and TRT
SCT module works independently for both readout
and power supply.
11Detector Tests
- Detector performance checks
- Standalone calibration tests on SCT and TRT after
insertion - Noise studies on SCT and TRT before installation
in the pit - Physics-mode running with common readout and
trigger for SCT and TRT - Synchronous readout of 4 SCT barrels and SCTTRT
- Noise on SCT from TRT Noise on TRT from SCT
- Test with heater system
- Feedback of readout cycle to FE noise
- Studies with cosmic data currently ongoing
- Track Reconstruction
- First look at efficiencies in SCT and TRT
- Residuals
- Detector alignment and test/tuning of different
alignment methods - Analysis of data is on-going, so please consider
the following slides as preliminary results
12Software tests with Cosmic data
- First cosmics very helpful in commissioning the
online and offline SW chain - Combined DAQ and Detector Control System
- Use of configuration Database, data handling,
mapping, Byte Stream converter, monitoring and
event display - Software frame work is different. Offline uses
Athena. Online uses Scram. - Data base shifted to COOL which interfaces to
Oracle, MySQL and sqlite. - Preliminary results from the cosmic data taking
and analysis .(talk by Y. Nagai) - Run at nominal thresholds (1fC SCT)
- Collected 0.5M cosmic triggers
- 70 with good tracks
13Barrel Configuration in SR1 Test
View from outside towards Side A
- 468 of 2112 modules 1/4 of SCT barrel
- Keep detector dry using dry air to thermal
enclosure - Readout using 12 Readout Driver modules
- 2x 6600 Channels 1/8 of TRT barrel
- Readout in 9 ROD
- 3 scintillators for trigger
14Alignment using Cosmic tracks
Residual without alignment
red dots space poits, orange dots cluster hits
15Noise Occupancy at SR1 compatible with production
Noise Occupancy at 1fC threshold
1fC Noise run at SR1(Offline Monitor)
ltNOgt 4.5 x 10-5
x 10-5
Module production
(NO specs lt 5 x 10-4)
Chip NO. No trigger rate dependence
run3065,black,500Hz run3066,red,5kHz run3067,blue,
16- Noise runs changing threshold
- Equivalent Noise Charge
- is very sensitive to
- the threshold setting.
- ENC can be derived
- fitting a plot of occupancy vs
- threshold using error function.
- Offline value matched with
- production.
Number of chips
- 1600 e- ENC at 30C
- hybrid temperature
- reduces at final operation
- temperature by 5e-/C X30C
ENC 1605 electrons
17Quiet, Stable, Respond properly
Hit Count for Noise run
Hit Count of Cosmic data run
Perfect Gaussian!
Nhit (Number of hits /event)
Nhit (Number of hits /event)
?Longest 30kHz noise run of 10M event observed
no spike
- SCT and TRT barrel tested for 3 months in SR1
with 1/4 of SCT and 1/8 of TRT connected - Gained a lot of experience on detector operation
- Noise studies
- Have not observed any cross talk between SCT and
TRT - Noise on SCT well below specs
- No evidence of significant noise increase in SCT
with all 4 barrels together and inside TRT during
tests - Cosmic runs
- Tracked cosmics through both barrels!
- First efficiency and noise-hit studies confirm
expected detector performance - Alignment work is going on.
- Cosmic trigger at the PIT expected to be 0.03Hz.
So SR1 cosmic data are very important. - 2 chips out of 5832 was not functional.
19Robust pattern recognition even in tripled noise
condition. Noise counts tripled in expand mode
on the ROD and hit mode on the chip. Very few
fake space points V pattern of SPs in pseudo-f-h
plane gives track params. Minimize the sum of
residulals on the surface of wafers.
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