Search for 7-prong ? Decays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Search for 7-prong ? Decays


Search for 7-prong Decays. Ruben Ter-Antonyan. on behalf of the ... Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) Detector of Internally Recflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Search for 7-prong ? Decays

Search for 7-prong ? Decays
Ruben Ter-Antonyan on behalf of the BaBar
Collaboration Tau04 Workshop, Sep 14, 2004,
Nara, Japan
  • Outline
  • Introduction
  • Event Selection
  • Data - Monte Carlo Comparison
  • Background Estimate
  • Systematic Uncertainties
  • Preliminary Results

BaBar and ? Physics
1.5 T Solenoid
Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)
Detector of Internally Recflected Cherenkov Light
e (3.1 GeV)
PEP-II Delivered 253 fb-1 BaBar Recorded 244 fb-1
e- (9 GeV)
Drift Chamber (DCH)
Instrumented Flux Return (IFR)
Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)
  • BaBar is a great place for t physics!
  • s(e e- ? t t-) 0.89 nb at 10.58 GeV
  • Recorded luminosity 244 fb-1 ? 220 million
    t pairs!
  • Analyzed luminosity 124.3 fb-1 ? 110
    million t pairs

7-prong t decays
Very rare no observation to date.
  • Experiment
  • BR(t ? 7p(p0)nt ) lt 2.4 ? 10-6
  • (CLEO, 1997, PRD 56, 5297)
  • Theory
  • BR(t ? 7p(p0)nt ) lt 6 ? 10-11 (assuming no
  • (S. Nussinov, M. Purohit, 2002, PRD 65)
  • Motivation
  • With 25 times CLEOs statistics we hope for a
    first observation
  • More stringent bound on the t neutrino mass if
    the decay is observed
  • Search for possible substructure in decay

MC 1-7 event
1-prong side
7-prong side
MC Studies of Signal and Background
  • Signal 7p(p0)nt
  • generated using phase space
  • Background
  • generic t
  • -- generated using TAUOLA
  • - biggest contribution from 5pp0nt mode (g -
  • hadronic uds, cc, bb
  • -- continuum qq simulated with JETSET
  • Bhabha, m-pair, 2-photon negligible

BABAR preliminary
Mass (GeV/c2)
Signal region
Analysis proceeds blinded events below 2
GeV/c2 are removed from the data.
MC 7-prong Invariant and Pseudo-Mass
  • Pseudo-mass was introduced by ARGUS in 1992 to
    measure the t-lepton mass.
  • Assume neutrino is mass-less and takes zero
  • t direction is approximated by 7 ch. tracks
  • mt22(Ebeam E7p)(E7p P7p)m7p2

BABAR preliminary
Events / 0.005 GeV/c2
Mass (GeV/c2)
  • Advantage of pseudo-mass
  • Sharp cut-off at the t mass (1.777 GeV/c2).
  • significant improvement of signal-background

BABAR preliminary
BABAR preliminary
Events / 0.01 GeV/c2
Events / 0.01 GeV/c2
All plots on this slide show Monte Carlo
simulated events
Invariant Mass (GeV/c2)
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Event Selection
  • Pre-Selection
  • Up to 10 charged tracks and 12 neutrals in
  • Thrust magnitude gt 0.90
  • Reject g-conversions
  • Select 8 good tracks in event
  • distance of closest approach to the beam spot in
    XY-plane DOCAXY lt 1.5 cm
  • distance of closest approach to the beam spot in
    Z-plane DOCAZ lt 10 cm
  • 5 tracks with 12 drift chamber hits and
    transverse momentum pT gt100 MeV/c
  • Topology cut event is divided into two
    hemispheres perpendicular to thrust axis with 1
    good track recoiling against 7 good tracks
    and zero net charge
  • 1-prong tags
  • electron ID 0 or 1g
  • muon ID 0 or 1g
  • r, 0g
  • h, 0g
  • Event and 7-prong cuts
  • Thrust magnitude gt 0.93
  • Particle ID for p-mesons
  • pT gt100 MeV/c
  • DOCAXY / pT lt 0.7cm?c/GeV

1.3 lt Pseudo-Mass (7-prong) lt 1.8 GeV/c2
Data-MC comparison
  • Quantitative disagreement between data and MC
    throughout the analysis
  • Data after all cuts contain 5 times larger
    sample of qq events than MC simulation predicts
  • MC simulated qq events will not be
    used for bkg. estimate in data.

BABAR preliminary
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
signal region
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
  • Both data and MC have smooth pseudo-mass
  • Both can be fitted with a Gaussian function
  • MC simulated qq events will be used as a check
    of bkg. estimate method.

MC qq is scaled to data qq above 2 GeV/c2.
Background from t events is small and is
determined from MC.
Data above 2 GeV/c2 will be used to estimate qq
bkg. in signal region
Background Estimate Scenario
DATA After thrust cut
DATA After all cuts
BABAR preliminary
m, s
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
BABAR preliminary
  • Fit from 2 to 2.5 GeV/c2 after thrust cut with a
    Gaussian function
  • Extrapolate the fit below 2 GeV/c2
  • Integrate from 1.3 to 1.8 GeV/c2

  • Use these fit parameters on the pseudo-mass
    spectrum after all cuts.

Mean and sigma do not vary significantly after
thrust cut.
thrust cut
Background Estimate Validation MC
Thrust cut
  • MC Hadronic Bkg. (75 fb-1)
  • Pseudo-mass is fitted after thrust cut and fit
    parameters are used for bkg. estimate after each
  • Good agreement between expected and observed
    number of bkg. events throughout the cuts.
  • After all cuts (1.3-1.8 GeV/c2)
  • -- expected 1.8 0.7
  • -- observed 1

PT cut
7-prong p ID
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
1-prong tags
BABAR preliminary
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Background Estimate Validation 1-8 data
1-8 Data after thrust cut
1-8 Data after all cuts
BABAR preliminary
BABAR preliminary
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
  • 1-8 Topology Data. (91 fb-1)
  • Pure hadronic bkg.
  • Good agreement between expected and observed
    number of bkg. events in the signal region
    throughout the cuts.

Cuts Expected bkg. Observed evt.
Thrust mag. 41 10 57
7-prong p ID 29 7 32
pT 19 5 22
DOCAXY/pT 7.7 2.3 8
1-prong tag 2.0 0.6 1
B A B A R p r e l i m i n a r y
Preliminary Results
After all cuts
After thrust cut
BABAR preliminary
BABAR preliminary
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
Events / 0.025 GeV/c2
signal region
extrapolation of fit
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Pseudo-Mass (GeV/c2)
Events in signal region -- expected bkg.
11.9 2.2 -- observed 7
Signal efficiency -- 7pnt mode 8.05
-- 7pp0nt mode 8.04
No evidence for signal !
Systematic Uncertainties
Signal Efficiency (both modes have equivalent
uncertainties) Tracking efficiency 5.2
Particle ID 2.7 1-prong generic t
BR 0.5 Limited MC statistics
2.6 Luminosity and tt- cross-section
2.3 t background Limited t MC
statistics (3 events out of 621 fb-1) 58
5pp0nt branching ratio 15 qq background
Fit parameters () 18 Fit range () 3
Num. events fitted () 4
Total uncertainty of signal efficiency ()
B A B A R p r e l i m i n a r y
Total uncertainty of t background ()
Total uncertainty of qq background ()
Preliminary Upper Limit
N tt- 1.1 108 tt- background 0.6
0.4 qq background 11.3 2.2 Total expected
background 11.9 2.2 t- ? 4p- 3p nt
efficiency (8.05 0.55) t- ? 4p- 3p p0 nt
efficiency (8.04 0.55)
B A B A R p r e l i m i n a r y
using most conservative Bayesian approach
BR (t- ? 4p- 3p (p0) nt ) _at_ 90 CL lt 2.7 10-7
Experiment CLEO (1997) BaBar Luminosity
(fb-1) 4.6
124.3 Observed (predicted) events 0
(2.8) 7 (11.9) BR (t- ? 4p- 3p (p0) nt ) _at_
90 CL lt 2.4 10-6 lt 2.7 10-7
  • Pseudo-mass is a powerful tool for reducing qq
    background in the signal region
  • Hadronic background estimate completely done
    from data
  • No evidence for t- ? 4p- 3p (p0) nt found BR
    upper limit is 10 times better than previously
  • Will finalize the analysis with doubled
    statistics soon.

Backup Slides
1-7 Topology Event
A typical example of a MC simulated 1-7 event on
the left plot 8 tracks are counted, but the right
plot shows where the 1 additional track comes
Looper and Photon Conversion Rejection
  • Looper candidate
  • A pair of tracks with SVT hits
  • pT,LAB lt 200 MeV/c for each track
  • cos?LAB lt 0.18 for each track
  • DpT,LAB lt 100 MeV/c
  • Remove tracks with largest DOCAZ
  • Photon Conversion candidate
  • A pair of tracks with invariant mass lt 5 MeV
  • Distance between tracks in XY-plane lt 0.2 cm

Efficiency of the Cuts
Cuts 7pnt 7pp0nt t bkg. uds cc bb
Pre-selection () 23.6 22.8 0.0006 0.01 0.006 0.0001
Pre-selection (events) 23.6 22.8 628 26093 9786 152
7-prong cuts 13.4 12.8 5.1 725 99 2.8
1-prong tags 8.6 8.4 2.3 143 13 0
Events in signal region 8.1 8.3
0 0 1.6 0
BABAR preliminary
  • After pre-selection background is always
    dominated by qq events.
  • 7-prong cuts suppress the background from
    generic t events.
  • Background from qq is suppressed after tagging
    the 1-prong and the pseudo-mass cut.

Data-MC Comparison
Data/MC ratio for various topologies
  • Quantitative data-MC disagreement increasing
    with cuts for multi-prong events.
  • Domination of qq bkg. in multi-prong events,
    resulting in worse data-MC agreement.
  • MC simulation of qq in 1-7
  • topology does not agree with data.
  • MC simulation of t events is reliable for an

BABAR preliminary
Numbers show MC simulated qq/t ratio for
different topologies.
Background Estimate Validation
  • 1-7 MC expected and observed qq bkg. in the
    region (1.3-1.8) GeV/c2
  • 1-8 Data expected and observed events in the
    region (1.3-2.0) GeV/c2
  • 1-7 Data expected background (t and qq) in the
    region (1.3-1.8) GeV/c2
  • -- t bkg. is estimated using Monte Carlo
  • -- qq bkg. is estimated from the fits

Cuts 1-7 MC 1-8 Data 1-7
Data exp. obs. exp. obs. exp. obs. Thrust
mag. 89 34 95 41 10 57
257 36 298 7-prong p ID 33 11 29
29 7 32 108 18 98 7-prong pT
22 8 23 19 5 22 83
14 79 DOCAXY/pT 10 4 15 7.7
2.3 8 47 9 40 1-prong tag
1.8 0.7 1 2.0 0.6 1 11.9
2.2 7
B A B A R p r e l i m i n a r y
The agreement is quite good!
Upper Limit Calculation with Errors
To obtain the BR upper limit calculation
incorporating uncertainties, we integrate the
Likelihood function of the experiment
n number of events observed, sampled from
Poisson, m ltngt f B b b - number of bkg.
expected, b sample from normal N(b, sb) f 2
Ntt e, f sample from normal N(f, sf)
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