Title: My Fellah Mericuns' It
1My Fellah Mericuns. It has come to my
attendance that a massive assault by
the Homersextual Expeditious Force is to be
launched in the near future. We have
specific and credited information that this
attack is to take place in the Midnorth on
2Our sources in the Department Of Homeland
Circuity have Uncovered the above
Propellgander, which calls for Citizens to live
as Homersextuals. Ah doan wanna even know what
they want to do with all that yella tape.
3Ahve changed the National Alert Status to Mauve
and aggriviated the National Guard.
What units we have left alive and in the
country, anyway.
4Well rout these Homersextuals If it takes
breaking every bit of The Constitution to do it.
Ah Say to them Strap em on!
What? Oh. Bring em on! Bring. Right. Good
Bless. Cept the fags. Yall can go to hell.