Title: The Four Days in Scripture
1The Four Days in Scripture
- An Introduction into the Prophetic Framework in
2The Four Days in Scripture
3The Four Days 3 to come
4The Day of Christ, Day of Lord
62 weeks
Leaving a balance of 8 weeks (8x756years)
1 week (7 yrs)
62 weeks (62x7 434 years)of the 70 weeks (490
years)brings us up to Calvary.
Anti-Christ makes covenant with Jews
66 AD
30 AD
70 AD
There are three possibilities for the spread of
these 56 years
Day of Christ 49, 16, or 9 years in length
5The Day of God
6The Four Days Summary
- We are presently living in Mans Day
- Elijah is the event that starts Gods prophetic
time clock again - Three Days are yet to come
- Day of Christ
- 3 scenarios for the length of this Day
- Day of Lord
- Encompasses the Tribulation Millennium
- Day of God
7The Four Days in Scripture
8Elijahs Coming
and other neglected prophecies.
The content of this work is the result of some
forty odd years of learning, unlearning and
relearning the truths of the Divine library. Some
other helps and hindrances are listed in the
Bibliography.The Wonder of all this is that I
am the one to be writing on these neglected
truths of prophecy. I say this not to be thought
modest, but in all honesty, for I know there are
men who are much better qualified to handle such
subject matter with much greater skill.In any
case, for better or worse, the work is presented
for the readers enlightenment, because others
have refused to disturb the status-quo of
prophecy to wit, The Rapture, The Tribulation
and The Millennium, all in that order, or as
some may say, Armageddon - Now.
9Overview of the Ages Part 1
10Overview of the Ages Part 2
11Overview of the Ages Part 3
12Overview of the Ages Part 4
13Overview of the Ages Part 5