s t aptas t eea es sts t t - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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s t aptas t eea es sts t t


Esping-Andersen G. (1990) The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Blackwell. ... Heady B., Muffels R. & Dirven H.-J. (1999) The real worlds of welfare capitalism. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: s t aptas t eea es sts t t

?? ??sµ?? t?? ?ap?ta??sµ?? t?? e??µe??a??
?esµ??? s?????t?s? t?? ?????????? ???t???
  • ????? ?atsa??????
  • ?µ?µa ??e???? ????pa???? ??????µ???? Sp??d??
  • ??????µ??? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ??????

  • ????pa??? ????????? µ??t??? 1 ? 15 (? 25)
  • ?? ????pa??? ????????? µ??t??? de? e??a? e??a??
  • p??t??, µe????? ???e? ?a?a?t??????ta? ap?
  • ??a d?a???t? s????? ?????? a????
  • a?????s??de?µe?a ?esµ??? s?stat???
  • µ?a ?d?a?te?? d?ad??µ? e??????? st? ?????

????????? ???t?? ? ????????? p???t???
  • Social policy can exist without welfare states,
    but not the other way around If it is to have
    any meaning at all, the welfare state is more
    than social policy it is a unique historical
    construction, an explicit redefinition of what
    the state is all about.
  • Esping-Andersen G. (1999) Social foundations of
    post-industrial economies. Oxford University

µ??t??a ?????????? ???t??? (1)
  • t? s?µa??e? µ??t??a ?????????? ???t???
    (welfare regimes)
  • aste??sµ?? ?????????? ??at?? p?? s?µµe?????ta?
    ?????? a??e?
  • ?d?a?te??? t??p?? ??????s?? ??? µ??? t??
    ?????????? p???t????, a??? ?a? t?? a????ep?d?as??
    t??? µe t?? a???? e??as?a? ?a? t?? ???????e?a
  • Esping-Andersen G. (1990) The three worlds of
    welfare capitalism. Blackwell.

µ??t??a ?????????? ???t??? (2)
  • t??????st?? 3 µ??t??a pa?at?????ta? st?? ????p?
  • s?s?a?d?µ???at??? (S?a?d??aß???? ???e?)
  • f??e?e??e?? (?????sa??????? ???e?)
  • ???p??at?st??? (???e? t?? ?pe???t???? ????p??)
  • s??te???a??-?????e?e????at??? (???e? t?? ??t?a?
  • ? a????s? p??pe? epe????t?? ?a epe?ta?e? st??
    a?at????? ????p?!

???t???a ta????µ?s??
  • ta µ??t??a ?????????? ???t??? d?af???p?????ta?
    a?????a µe
  • ep??e??µ?t?ta
  • e???? ?a??pt?µ???? ???d????
  • d?µ? pa?????
  • p???? ???µat?d?t?s??
  • ???a??t???? ???µ?se??

s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? (1)
  • ßas??? ?a?a?t???st???
  • p???t??? ????t?p???s? t?? e??a??µ????
  • s?s?a??st??? ??????µ??? p???t???
  • a?ad?a?eµ?t???? ?????????? p???t????
  • ?eµe???d?? a??a ?s?t?ta
  • st???? ????????? ?d??t?ta t?? p???t?
  • Goodin R.E., Heady B., Muffels R. Dirven H.-J.
    (1999) The real worlds of welfare capitalism.
    Cambridge University Press.

s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? (2)
  • ? ????????? p??stas?a d??a??µa t?? p???t?
  • ?a?????? ?????? t?? p????sµ??
  • ?sa (?????) ßas??? p?s? pa????? ??a ?????
  • p??s?ete? pa????? se a?tap?d?t??? ß?s?
  • t? d?µ?s?? pa???e? e??? f?sµa ??????????
  • e?e???t??? p?????µµata apas????s??
  • ????? p?s?st? s?µµet???? st?? a???? e??as?a?
  • ??a ??d?e? ?a? ???a??e?!

s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? (3)
  • p??sfate? e?e???e??
  • st?ßa??t?ta ?a? ?????? s?????
  • ??a? s?ed?? ?da????? t?p?? ?????????? ???t???
  • ßa??? ????µ??e? a?t????e??
  • ?s?t?ta ?a? a????e????
  • ???s? t?? ?e??s?a??? p???t???? ??????µ?a?
  • p??ß??µata ??st??? ?a? d?µ??????a? ??se?? e??as?a?

s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? (4)
  • µe????t???? p???pt????
  • t? t???? t?? S?a?d??aß???? µ??t????
  • µet? t?? µeta????µ?se??, ????te?? ?e??a??d??? ?a?
    µe µe?a??te?? s??a?s??s? t?? ??st??? ...
  • ... ?µ??, ? ?e???? a???te?t????? t?? pa?aµ??e?
  • ?t??µ? ?a a?t?µet?p?se? ??e? a????e? ?a? ?????
  • ???a?s? t?? p????sµ??
  • µet?ßas? p??? t? ??a ??????µ?a

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (1)
  • ßas??? ?a?a?t???st???
  • f??e?e??e?? p???t???
  • ??????µ?a t?? a?????
  • ?p??e?µµat???? ?????????? p???t????
  • ?eµe???de?? a??e? e?e??e??a ?a? a?t???µ?a
  • st???? a?t?µet?p?s? t?? ft??e?a?

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (2)
  • ??eta??a ???a?d?a ? ?. ?µe???? ???e? ?.
  • ?µ???t?te?
  • µ?t??a ep?peda ?????????? p??stas?a?
  • a?st??? (??? e?d???t???) d?µ? ????t???
  • p??t?µ?s? p??? st??e?µ??e? pa?????

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (3)
  • ??eta??a ???a?d?a ? ?. ?µe???? ???e? ?.
  • d?af????
  • ?????te?? ????????? dap??? st? ?? pa?? st?? ???
  • ?a?????? ?S?
  • e???te?? f?sµa ?????????? pa?????

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (4)
  • t? f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? st?? ????p?
  • e???tat? ??????
  • p????? ?a??????t?ta st?? ??e?a
  • e??a?e? pa?????
  • ?aµ???te??? a??a? ap? ?,t? st?? S?a?d??aß????
  • e?tetaµ??? ???s? e?s?d?µat???? e?????? (means

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (5)
  • t? f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? st?? ????p? (s????e?a)
  • ???µat?d?t?s? ?p??es??? ap? ?s?da ?e?????
  • s?µµet??? asfa??st???? e?sf???? st?? pa????? se
  • ?aµ??? f???????a ...
  • ... ?a? ?aµ??? ????????? dap???
  • ?aµ??? ep?peda d?µ?s?a? apas????s?? ...
  • ... se s?????s? µe t?? S?a?d??aß???? ???e?

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (6)
  • p??sfate? e?e???e??
  • ? ????????? p??stas?a ??e? ???e? p??
  • ep??tas? t?? ??se?? e??as?a? ?aµ???? e?d??e?s??
  • ?a? s??ep?? ?aµ???? aµ??ß??
  • ep?d?µata e??as?a? (in-work benefits)
  • ep?st?ef?µe?e? f?????????? p?st?se?? st?

f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? (7)
  • µe????t???? p???pt????
  • t? p??ß??µa ??st??? ????te?? p?est??? ap? ?,t?
  • t? a?a????st??? ???e?µµa t?? s??t??e?? ?p?
  • ap??s?a a??pt???? ????? apas????s?
  • a???s? t?? a??s?t?ta? ?a? t?? ft??e?a? ap? t?
  • µe???? a?t?st??f? t?? t?s?? ep? ???? ???at????

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (1)
  • ßas??? ?a?a?t???st???
  • a????e???? t?? ?µ?da?
  • ????????? ??????µ?a t?? a?????
  • a?????ß????t???? ?????????? p???t????
  • ?eµe???d?? a??a ????????? s?????
  • st???? asf??e?a ?a? sta?e??t?ta

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (2)
  • µ??t??? Bismarck
  • eµµ??? st? d?at???s? t?? ?????????? ??s??
  • t? d??a??µa st?? ?????????? pa????? ap????e? ap?
  • t? ??s? st?? apas????s?
  • t? ??s? st?? ???????e?a

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (3)
  • d?µ? pa?????
  • pa????? a?????e? µe t?? e?sf????
  • ???µat?d?t?s? ap? asfa??st???? e?sf????
  • ?e??a??d??a p?s?st? a?ap????s??
  • e??e?a ??????
  • ????? f???????a ? ????? ????????? dap???

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (4)
  • ????????? asf???s?
  • ?d?a?te?? ?????? t?? µ??t????
  • ? s??s? e?sf????-pa????? de? e??a? a?st???
  • ?ata?e?µat?sµ?? st?? ??????
  • d?af??et???? ?a???e? ??a d?af??et???? ?at?????e?

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (5)
  • ?pe???t??? s??d??µ? pa??µ???? f??d?sµ??
  • ?e??a??d??a ep?d?µata ?????????? asf???s??
  • s?????? pa??t??? µ??f? t?? pa?????
  • ???µat?d?t?s? ?????????? p??stas?a? ap? e?sf????
  • ??sµa µeta?? insiders ?a? outsiders

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (6)
  • s???pe?e? t?? pa??µ???? f??d?sµ??
  • d?sµe?e?? ep?pt?se?? st?? apas????s?
  • ??µata a?e?d??e?t?? e???te?, ???a??e?, ????
  • fa???? ??????
  • ?aµ??? ???a??e?a apas????s? ?a? ?aµ??? ????µ?t?ta

???p??at?st??? µ??t??? (7)
  • d???µµata t?? ?pe???t???? µ??t????
  • e?? t? p??ß??µa t?? S?a?d??aß???? ????? e??a? ??
    a?aµ??e? t?? a????? e??as?a? ...
  • ... ?a? t? p??ß??µa t?? ?????sa??????? ?????
    e??a? ?? a??s?t?te? ?a? ? ft??e?a ...
  • ... ?? ?pe???t???? ???e? a?t?µet?p?????
    p??ß??µata ?a? sta d?? µ?t?pa

  • Goodin R.E., Heady B., Muffels R. Dirven H.-J.
    (1999) The real worlds of welfare capitalism.
    Cambridge University Press.
  • s?????t??? a???????s? t?? ep?d?s?? t?? s?st?µat??
    ?????????? p??stas?a? t???? ?????
  • ???a?d?a, Ge?µa??a ?a? ???
  • s?µf??a µe ta pa?a??t? ???t???a
  • p??a???? t?? ??????µ???? ap?d?t???t?ta?
  • ap?te?esµat??? ?atap???µ?s? t?? ft??e?a?
  • p??a???? t?? ?s?t?ta?
  • p??a???? t?? ?????????? e?s?µ?t?s??
  • p??a???? t?? asf??e?a? ?a? sta?e??t?ta?

a???????s? ap?d?t???t?ta
  • s?µf??a µe t?? p??d?a??af?? t?? e??e???d??? t??
    ?e???ass???? ??????µ??????, t? f??e?e??e??
    ????????? ???t?? ?a ?p?epe ?a ?e??e?ta?
    ap?d?t???te?? t?? ???p??at?st???? ?a?, ??????,
    t?? s?s?a?d?µ???at????
  • ?? e?d??µese? a?ap?te?esµat???t?te? de? fa??eta?
    ?a ????? µe???? s?µas?a se te?e?ta?a a????s?,
    af?? ? ßas???? st???? e??a? ? ??????µ???
    µe?????s? ?a? ? e??µe??a ?a? ta t??a µ??t??a
    ?????????? ???t??? de?????? ??a?? ?a e?asfa??????
    pa??µ??a ??????µ??? µe?????s? ?a? e??µe??a ??a
    t??? p???te? t???

a???????s? ft??e?a
  • ??a ta ded?µ??a de?????? ?t? t? ???p??at?st???
    ????????? µ??t??? e??a? t? ?d?? ap?te?esµat??? µe
    t? s?s?a?d?µ???at??? ?? p??? t?? ?atap???µ?s? t??
    ft??e?a? se et?s?a ß?s? a?t??eta, ta
    f??e?e??e?a ????????? ???t? e??a? e?t?p?s?a??
    a???a?a ?a ?atap??eµ?s??? t? ft??e?a se
    ?p??ad?p?te e?d???
  • se µes?-µa???p???esµ? ß?s?, t? f??e?e??e?? ?a?
    t? ???p??at?st??? µ??t??? ?????????? ???t???
    e?a?e?f??? t? ft??e?a e????sta a?t??eta, t?
    s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? ??? µ??? ep?t?????e?
    µ?a µe?a??te?? µe??s? t?? ft??e?a? ap? ta ???a
    d?? se et?s?a ß?s?, a??? a??µ? pe??ss?te?? se
    pe?taet? ? de?aet? ß?s? µ?a ?a?? ep?d?s? p??
    ße?t???eta? ?a? ???? µe t? p??asµa t?? ??????

a???????s? ?s?t?ta
  • d?af??et??? ????????? µ??t??a ????? d?af??et???
    ep?d?s? ?s?? af??? t? µe??s? t?? a??s?t?ta? se
    s?s?a?d?µ???at???? ???e? ?p?? ? ???a?d?a, ?a? ?
    a???? pa???e? ?at a???? µ????te?e? a??s?t?te?
    ?a? t? ????????? ???t?? ?ataf???e? ?a t?? µe??se?
    pe??ss?te?? asp? ?,t? f??e?e??e?e? ???e? ?p?? ??
  • se ???p??at?st???? ???e? ?p?? ? Ge?µa??a, ?
    a???? pa???e? t?? ?d?a a??s?t?ta ?p?? ?a? st?
    f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? t?? ??? ?µ??, t?
    ???p??at?st??? µ??t??? ?ataf???e? p??? ?a??te?a
    ?a µe??se? t?? e?s?d?µat???? a??s?t?te? µ?s? t??
    ?????????? pa?????
  • p??t??, se d?a??????? ß?s?, t? s?s?a?d?µ???at???
    µ??t??? e??a? e?e??? p?? ep?t?????e? ta
    ?aµ???te?a ep?peda a??s?t?ta?

a???????s? e?s?µ?t?s?
  • ?s?? af??? t?? e?s?µ?t?s? t?? at?µ?? se
    ??????????, ? ???a?d?a ta ?ataf???e? ?a??te?a, ??
    ??? ?e???te?a
  • ?s?? af??? t?? e?s?µ?t?s? t?? ??????????? st??
    a???? e??as?a?, ? e????a e??a? p?? s???et? ??
    ??? ep?t???????? ?a??te?a t?? e?s?µ?t?s? t??
    ??????????? st?? a???? e??as?a? a?? p?sa st??µ?,
    e?? ? ???a?d?a ep?t?????e? ?a??te?a t??
    µa???p???esµ? e?s?µ?t?s? t?? ??????????? st??
    a???? e??as?a?
  • ?s?? af??? t?? ap?t??p? t?? ??????????
    ap???e?sµ??, ? ep?d?s? t?? Ge?µa??a? e??a? ?a?a??
  • s??ep??, ? ?e???? e????a e??a? ??p?? a??µe??t?

a???????s? sta?e??t?ta
  • µe ???a ????a, ta e?s?d?µata t?? at?µ?? ?a?
    p????? ???e? p?e???? t?? ???? t???
    ?a?a?t??????ta? ap? µe?a??te?? sta?e??t?ta st?
    s?s?a?d?µ???at??? ???a?d?a ap? ?,t? a????
  • ?a? ?? pa?eµß?se?? t?? ??ß????s?? ?????
    t??????st?? µ???? t?? e?????? ??a a?t?

s?µpe??sµata (1)
  • t? f??e?e??e?? µ??t??? ep?t?????e? t? s?????t?s?
    t?? ??st??? t?? ?????????? ???t??? se ?aµ???
    ep?peda, a??? µe t?µ?µa t? d?at???s? t?? ft??e?a?
    se s?et??? ????? ep?peda
  • t? ???p??at?st??? µ??t??? ?????????? ???t???
    e?asfa???e? e?s?d?µat??? sta?e??t?ta ?a?
    asf??e?a, a??? µ??? ???? st?? ?????????? pa?????
    p?? ?e???t??? t??????st?? ?a ?p?epe ?a ?????
    ß????t??? ????
  • t? s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? s?µß???e?
    pe??ss?te?? st?? e???e??? t?? ft??e?a? ?a? st?
    µe??s? t?? e?s?d?µat???? a??s?t?t??

s?µpe??sµata (2)
  • t? s?s?a?d?µ???at??? µ??t??? ?????????? ???t???
    ?pe???e? saf??
  • e??a? t? ?d?? ?a?? µe (?a? s???? ?a??te?? ap?) ta
    ???a µ??t??a a?af????? µe ??a ta ???t???a
    a???????s?? t?? ?????????? ???t???
  • e??a? t? ?d?? ?a?? µe ta ???a µ??t??a ??????????
    ???t??? ?s?? af??? t??? ??????µ????? st?????
    ep?s??, µe t?? ?????a t?? ??????µ???? a??pt????
    ?a? e??µe??a?
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