The Information Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Information Society


... creation of 'Fourth world', 'black holes of informational capitalism' (Castells). New Capitalism Flows of information in the network in tension with new Self ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Information Society

The Information Society
  • SSICT 2006

  • Information Society theories propose that
    information and the appropriation, flow, use and
    control of information and knowledge is becoming
    central to the organisation of society, the
    economy and our experience of everyday life

The 'New Age' Theories and Information
  • Information Society comes in many forms in the
    theoretical literature
  • Information Economy, Knowledge Society, Post
    Industrial Society, Post-modern Society,
    Surveillance Society
  • Links to theories of Risk Society, Globalisation
  • Technophilic, or technophic, but often

  • Leyotard 2 Myths.
  • Myth of Liberation
  • Myth of the Unity of Knowledge
  • Lyotard (1984). The postmodern condition a
    report on knowledge. Manchester University Press
  • Liberation Utopias
  • Economic the perfect market
  • Social the perfect society
  • Political perfect democracy
  • Individual plastic identity End of time and
  • "Hyperhip Wet Dream" (Sobchack),
  • "The New Jerusalem"
  • James Carey (1989) technological sublime
    "futurist ethos "identifies electricity and
    electrical power, electronics and cybernetics,
    computers and information with a new birth of
    community, decentralization, ecological balance,
    and social harmony"
  • Millenniumism
  • "New Age". How do we know we are leaving the
    previous "AGE"?
  • What is new and what is just more of the same?
    Are there new structures and modes of
    development, production and society?

Economic Visions and Evidence
  • Neo-Schumpterian school
  • "creative destruction" as we enter the next
    "Kondratieff Wave" A new techno-economic paradigm
    constitutes the information age. e.g. Freeman
  • New way of ordering industry
  • Piore and Sabel 1994 - flexible specialisation.
    small firms can assess and respond to markets -
    end of mass production. Networks over hierarchies
    (Castells 1996)
  • Information and service sector dominate economy
  • Economic Cyberspace vision Ultimate free market
  • Dream of the economic Liberals. Constraints of
    Time and Space massively reduced.
  • Information becomes the Key Strategic Resource
  • Intellectual technologies
  • the means of organising society according to a
    technical order (Bell)

Economic issues
  • Information Economics problem of 'free'
  • The Global Networked Economy based on ICTs.
    Economies integrated by the flow of information.
    But creation of Fourth world, black holes of
    informational capitalism (Castells).
  • New Capitalism Flows of information in the
    network in tension with new Self (Castells).
  • How to measure the 'Information society'
  • Machlup and Porat 1960s
  • Productivity Paradox, uncertainty over figures
    and what to measure (Castells)

  • Rise of information industry , and replacement of
    manufacturing jobs with service jobs.
  • Service Jobs we do not actually create anything
  • But how do we really measure what is an
    'information job' Newspaper boy, Physicist and
    Stock Broker all information worker
  • Daniel Bell - End of blue collar work (1970s)
  • or Export of blue collar work to developing

  • The Knowledge Economy (Drucker, 1968)
  • Knowledge becomes the key to economic power and
    success. Property no longer the basis of power.
  • Key knowledge is theoretical (Bell)
  • rationalisation of information and abstract
  • Knowledge Elites.
  • A new social class controlling information and
    technology, knowing about everyone and
    everything, controlling meanings (Blade Runner)
    Elites communicate in powerful networks
  • The Information Professional
  • the problem of Experts is reinforced.
  • What about the rest of the population?
  • Dumbing down End of local processing and
    responsibility for information.
  • Devaluation of local, personal Knowledge

Societal Vision
  • The New Community
  • Reingold local no longer defined by geography.
    Communities of interest.
  • Reaction against existing trends in society -
    search for a past age.
  • Bell End of Blue Collar Work, and the Class
  • The privatisation of society personal networks
    replace neighbourhood participation (Wellman)
  • Digital divide and increased social exclusion
  • New Politics
  • End of conventional politics, crisis of liberal
  • New social movements, non geographically based
  • ICT Tools of government in hands of masses
    (internet - Google - mobile phone etc)
  • Resistance to dictatorships
  • New powers of surveillance and of subversion
    Big Brother

New Culture
  • Information is everywhere, and everything carries
    a message.
  • Signification increasingly important
  • There may be more information, but is there
    really more signification?
  • Rise of the Simulation (Baudrillard) and the
    collapse of meaning.
  • 3 Modes of Information Poster (1990) 1) face to
    face symbolic correspondence 2) print
    representation of signs 3) electronic
    informational simulation
  • No reference points in the Post-Modern Society
  • But what is Information, how do we measure it,
    its production, use and effects?

Information and the Commodification of Knowledge
  • Everyday Day use FACTS
  • Information and Cybernetic Theory. Shannon and
  • Bits, purely quantitative
  • Everything is information (Rozak)
  • Rhetorical/symbolic value
  • Information becomes a byword for progress,
    inextricably linked to technology
  • Quantity v. Quality
  • Information is quality-less. When it is used by
    people it can be transformed to Knowledge
  • Data - Information -Knowledge - Wisdom
  • How is information turned into knowledge? What
    methods are seen as legitimate? How is this
    judged correct interpretation?
  • Power and Use (Ibn Rushd/Averroes)

Appropriation of Knowledge
  • Appropriation from people
  • When knowledge is exteriorised (Leyotard) then it
    can be information. Limits to expression of
    knowledge (Tacit knowledge)
  • Appropriation from the world communities,
  • Reduction of everything to the same sort of
  • Problem of Classification
  • How to interpret information in rational
    classification - gt give it status of knowledge.
    Falling through the gaps.
  • Legitimate knowledge
  • whose knowledge and in what form . e.g. DNA
  • Commodification of Information
  • Once exteriorised Information can be owned,
    packaged and sold, controlled.
  • Rise of Information Management
  • Techniques and Professions to manage information
  •  Personal 'Appropriation'
  • Appropriation is also an individual activity
    Meaning giving and Semiotic interpretation. With
    access to multiple interpretations, and
    information sources, could the IS be an increased
    focus on 'meaning' over 'substance'?

The Individual in a Media World
  • Search for transparency in use of technology
  • hides the effects of technology.(Sobchack)
  • Hermeneutic experiences
  • we struggle with technology and we become aware
    of its 'power'.
  • symbolic interactionism -gt social construction
    (Weber, Mead, Blumer, Goffman, Garfinkel)
  • Does media technology shape the way we see and
    present ourselves?
  • Cyberspace and the transformation of identity
    (Turkle and many others)
  • Media technology shapes the way we perceive the
  • McLuhan movement from print to radio, TV and
    now Electronic Interactive media has a direct
    effect on our psyche
  • Ihde selectivity of instruments which
    'organise, select and focus the environment
    through various transformational
  • Poster 3 Modes of Information - change the way
    we understand the world (all integrated today)

The connected individual and the networked
  • The privatisation of society
  • personal networks replace neighbourhood
    participation (Wellman)
  • Empowering on a local level as well as global
  • Creates new possibilities for Social Movements
  • New democracy, Popular Movements, Power of
    communication and knowledge previously in balance
    of state, now in hands of All
  • Challenges our ability to live and think alone
  • Makes us more aware and more social
  • Constant connection though wired and wireless
  • Augmentation or replacement of local geographical
    presence with global tele-presence.
  • Challenge to local and national political
    identity and participation
  • - But makes us more aware
  • rise of spontaneous single issue political
  • heightened awareness and access.

Communication v Information
  • Is Information society the correct idea, or the
    correct goal?
  • Some would say the communication society is a
    better description of what will give us the
    preferred outcome.
  • Why?
  • Information Society
  • Rationalisation
  • Classification
  • Ownership
  • Control
  • Lyon suggests these are basis of Surveillance
  • Three theoretical perspectives on understanding
  • Capitialism, (Marx)
  • Power (Foucault)
  • Organisation (Weber)
  • Where is hermanutic knowledge? Values, goals

Information and Communication
  • Information used to
  • try to know existing world,
  • impute relationships, and to
  • predict future
  • Communication used to
  • Create relationships
  • Plan and make the future
  • Communication Society
  • Communication used to know each other, an
    affective, local process.
  • Feelings
  • Relationships
  • Knowledge, information and tacit information
  • However
  • Are we overloaded with information and

Issues in the Information Society
  • Privacy and Freedom
  • Paradox ICTs make us more free and less
    freeSurveillance by Government and Corporation
    and fellow citizensAlways connected.
  • Electronic Polity
  • Electronic Democracy Formal participation and
    political movementsRepression and subversion
  • Haves and Have Nots Access, Skills, relevance
  • "Digital Citizens" v. The Excluded Digital
    UnderclassNew Global Divisions
  • Control of the network
  • Open standards, public control or proprietary
    systems and ownership
  • Information Overload
  • Too much to know, and no time do do anything
  • Free market Society
  • Organisation of Work
  • The networked economy, Teleworking, Flexible
    Working, Portfolio workers, Virtual workplace
  • Commodification and Intellectual Property Rights
  • Ownership of information and the challenge of
    cost free reproduction
  • Altered Consciousness/ Awareness
  • Changing perceptions of the world, of self,
    relationships, authority etc
  • Death of Distance The End of Time
  • 24hr Global economy
  • Error 3 When the Earth Crashes
  • Information Age Disaster comes from the network
    of networks not outerspace
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