Title: Part 5: Public Sector Accounting Malaysian Context
1Part 5 Public Sector AccountingMalaysian
- iii. Financial Systems and Procedures
2Federal Constitutions(Financial Provisions)
- Specified in Article 96 112 covering 8
categories of financial matters - Revenues
- Expenditures
- Control and management of fund
- Borrowings
- Budgets and financial statements
- Auditor General
- National Finance Council
- Special Provisions for Sabah and Sarawak
3Federal Constitutions(Financial Provisions)
- Objectives
- Establish the general framework for the control
of public expenditure - As a broad requirements of a good financial
management systems in government - Govern the methods of which public funds are to
be administered and accounted for - Provide for division of various revenues of
Federal and State government - Define the borrowing powers of Federal and State
government - As a requirement to maintain specified
Consolidated Funds by the Federal and State
government - Specify basic principles of government finance
- As a requirement to prepare financial statements
- As a requirement to prepare annual statements of
assets and liabilities
- State Government
- Revenues from local government
- Revenues fro religious activities
- Export duty on minerals
- Entertainment duties
- Fees from state courts
- Treasure trove
- Federal Govt
- All proceeds of revenues except specify by
Article 110
- Article 109 State government is entitled to
receive financial assistance from Federal
Government in a form of grants - The grants are repayable by state government
- It is an expenditure to the Federal government
- Types of grants
- Capitation Grant
- State Road Grant
- State Reserve Fund
- Grant for infrastructure (upon approval of NFC)
- Grants payable under various act of parliament
(Revenue Growth Grant and Iron Ore Export Duty
- Rationale for the grants
- States have insufficient revenue to finance their
expenditures - Redistribution of wealth (rich state vs poor
states) - Different quality of life and standard of living
- Capitation Grant
- Payable by the virtue of Article 109 (1)(a)
- Purpose
- to assist the State government in their operating
expenditure - Basis of the grant (rates)
- the number of population of a particular state
- The rates could be changed, but any changes
(reduction) should not be lesser than 90 of the
previous years receipts.
- State Road Grant
- Payable by the virtue of Article 109 (1)(b)
- Purpose
- For the maintenance of the state road in a
particular state - Maintenance includes the preservation, upkeep and
restoration of the State roads, roadside
furniture, bridges, viaducts and culverts. - Basis of the grant
- Used to be the length of the road
- Effective from 1990 Consumer Price Index that
take into account the material costs, labour
costs and cost of machinery
- Revenue Growth Grant
- Payable by the virtue of the Revenue Growth Grant
(Amendment) Act 1980 - Rationale
- the growth of the Federal Govt. is contributed by
State Government - Basis of the grant
- When the Federal Government there has an economic
growth by more than 10 in any financial year as
compared to the preceding year - The allocation is based on the population of the
State - Uses
- Water supply
- Public housing
- Industrial estate development
- Other development projects approved by the
National Finance Council
10Expenditure Financial Commitments (Expenditure)
- Article 129
- the Federal and State governments to cover their
own expenditure - However, if the state governments are unable to
cover their expenditure (development), the
Federal Govt. will finance some of these
expenditures on a reimbursable basis - Article 98
- All the expenditures, both at the Federal or the
State level shall be charged to the Consolidated
Fund ie requires an approval from the Parliament - Article 102
- Parliaments approval is required for any unusual
urgency expenditure (contingency expenditure) - Article 103
- Contingency Fund may be created for an urgent and
unforeseen need for expenditure, where there is
no other provisions allowing for such purpose - However, the estimates of such expenditure needs
to be presented to the Parliament
11Control and Management of Fund
- Article 97 (receipts of revenues)
- all revenues and moneys raised or received by
the Federation shall be paid into Federal
Consolidated Fund and the same applies to the
State Consolidated Fund but excluding zakat,
fitrah, baitulmal or similar Islamic religious
revenues - Article 104 (withdrawals)
- No money shall be withdrawn from the Consolidated
Fund except in the manner provided by the Federal
Law - The withdrawals are for the following purposes
- Charged Expenditure (Article 98)
- Authorized Supply Act (Article 100)
- Authorized to be issued under Article 102
- Article 111(1) and (2)
- The Federal shall not borrow except authorized by
the Federal Law - The provision is also applicable to State
government except if the borrowings are from
approved financial institutions and are for the
period of less than 5 years - Purposes of government borrowings
- Budget deficits
- Development and Operating expenditure
- Government may only undertake borrowings if
authorized by the laws and to date 9 laws have
been passed - Internal Loans
- Loans (Internal banks) Ordinance 1958
- Loans (local) Ordinance 1959
- Treasury Bill (Local) Act 1064Government
Investment Act 1983 - External Loans
- External Loan Act 1963
- Extended credit Act 1966
- Development fund Act 1966
- Loans (Asian development Bank) Act 968
- Loans (Islamic Development Bank) Act 1977
14Borrowings (Sources)
- Domestic Loans
- Malaysian Government Securities (MGS)
- Treasury Bills
- Investment Certificates
- Loan for Housing Loan Fund
- External Loans
- Loans that have original or extended maturity of
more than one year, owned to non-residents and
are repayable in foreign currency, goods and
services. - Bond issues
- International/Multilateral Financial Institutions
- World Bank
- Asean Development Bank
- Islamic Development Bank
- Bilateral Government Sources
- International Monetary Fund
15Budget and Financial Statements
- Article 99
- The Federal Government shall submit
- The estimated receipts and expenditure of the
Federation of the following year before
commencement of that year, and - The statements of assets and liabilities of the
Federation at the end of the last completed year - Article 100
- The expenditure shall be included in the supply
bill for them to be withdrawn from the
Consolidated Fund except charged expenditure - Article 101
- The Federal Government shall prepare a
supplementary budget to cover the insufficient
amount proposed by the Supply Act
16Auditor General
- Article 105(1)
- The appointment of the AG shall be made by the
YDA upon the advice of the PM - The AG is also eligible for reappointment but not
for any other appointment in the service of
Federal or State - The AG may resign at any time but not to be
removed except approved by the federal court. - The remuneration is paid by the parliament
(charged expenditure). - The terms and conditions of the AG service shall
be determined by the Federal Law - Article 106
- The AG has the power and duties to audit and
report on the accounts of the federal and states - Article 107
- The AG shall prepare and report to YDA and the
Parliament the accounts of the federal government
17National Finance Council
- Established by the virtue of Article 108
- Purpose
- to provide a platform for representatives from
the Federal and State government to meet and
discuss issues concerning financial aspects of
both parties - Members
- Prime Minister
- Ministers of relevant ministries
- Rep from each state (Mentri Besar/Chief Minister)
- Meeting will take place if either one of these
conditions arise - As and when necessary by the PM
- At the request of three or more reps
- At least once a year
- Matters discussed
- Grants
- Annual loan requirements
- Loans to any state
- Development plans
18Special Provisions for Sabah Sarawak
- Special Privileges
- Article 112 (A)
- Audit Reports the reports for these two states
shall be submitted to the YDA and the Yang di
Pertua Negeri of the State - Article 112 (B)
- Borrowing powers the FC shall not restrict
them to borrow under the authority of the state
law, but still subject to an approval from the
Central Bank - Article 112 (C)
- Grants assignments of revenues but subject to
Article 112 (D) and the 10th Schedule - The Federation shall pay grants specified by Part
IV to the Borneo States for each FY - Each of the states shall receive all proceeds fr.
taxes, fees and dues specified in Part V, if
collected, levied or raised within the states. - Eg Import duty and excise duty on petroleum
products and export duty on timber and other
forest products, as well as other revenue
19Financial Procedure Act (FPA) 1957
- The objectives are to provide
- Guidance for the control and management of public
finance - Financial and accounting procedure
- Guideline on collection, custody and disposal of
public moneys - Guideline on purchase, custody and disposal of
public properties - The authority for the investment of money
standing in the Consolidated Fund - Definition and explanation of the three accounts
in the Consolidated Funds - The enforcement of the FC relating to finance
20Financial Procedure Act (FPA) 1957
- Areas to be discussed
- Definition of terms
- Consolidated Funds
- Financial procedures for payment, virements,
estimates and write-off - Custody and investment of public fund
- Yearly account statements
- Financial regulation provided by the YDA
21Definition of terms
- Financial Authority
- Federal Consolidated Fund Treasury
- State Consolidated Fund State Treasury
- Financial Year
- 12 months (1 January to 31 December)
- Public moneys
- All revenues, loans, trusts and other moneys and
all bonds, debentures and other securities raised
and received by/on the account of the
Federation/state except Zakat, Fitrah, Baitulmal
and other Islamic revenues - Public Stores
- Chattels and property of/in the possession
of/under the control of the Federation/State
22Consolidated Fund
- Section 7 FPA
- 3 main accounts to be maintained by the Federal
Government - Consolidated Revenue Account
- Consolidated Trust Account
- Consolidated Loan Account
23Relationship Between The Consolidated Fund
24Consolidated Revenue Account
- Maintained by virtue of Section 7(a) FPA 1957
- Sources
- All revenues and moneys received by the
Federal/State government except loans and trusts - Revenues and moneys include tax revenue, non-tax
revenue and non-revenue and receipts from Federal
Territories - Uses
- Operating expenditure all supply charges in the
annual budget and transfer to other fund such as
Development Fund. - Charged expenditure specify in Article 98
25Charged expenditure
- Civil List
- Royal Allowances Lord President,
- Chief Justice and Judges
- Auditor General
- Speaker of The House of Representatives
- President of The Senate
- Election Commission
- Judicial and Legal Service Commission
- Public Services Commission
- Education Commission
- Police Force Commission
- Treasury
- Charges on Account of Public Debt
- Pensions,Retirement Allowances and Gratuities
26Consolidated Trust Account
- Maintained by virtue of Section 7(c) FPA 1957
- Sources
- All receipts of government and public trust funds
- All receipts for specific purposes
- Receipts include deposits, trusts and recoveries
of loans/advances - Uses to maintain 6 major trust funds
- Development Fund
- Housing Loan Fund
- Government Trust Funds
- Public trust Funds
- Deposits
- Accounts Payable
27Consolidated Trust Account
- Development Fund
- Set up under Development Fund Act 1965
- To account for loans for the purpose of
development, contributions from Consol. Revenue
Account and repayment loan given out from this
fund - Housing Loan Fund
- Established under the Housing Loan Fund Act 1971
- To provide housing loan facilities to government
employees - To account for contribution fro Consol. Revenue
AC and Development Fund, proceeds from loans
transferred from Loan AC, repayment of housing
loan and interest earned
28Consolidated Trust Account
- Government Trust Funds
- Established under Sect. 10 FPA 1957
- Source
- Contributions from government
- 5 major classifications
- Clearance Account
- Trading Account
- Loan Account
- Contingency Fund
- Misc. Fund
- Pension Trust Fund
- Public Trust Funds
- Established under section 9 FPA 1957
- To account for trust monies entrusted to Federal
government and Special Trust fund incorporated
under relevant act - Source
- Public that placed in trust of the government for
specific purposes
29Consolidated Trust Account
- Deposits
- To account deposits/ monies received by
government for a specific purpose under certain
law/ contractual agreement - Refundable when the specific purpose has been
achieved - Accounts Payable
- Represents the amounts owing to supplier of goods
and services by the government as at 31 December
for which payment were made in January
30Consolidated Loan Account
- Established under Section 7 FPA 1957
- To account for all receipts from loans and
disbursements for outstanding loans and transfer
to other loan funds - Source
- Receipts form local and external borrowings
31Financial Procedures for Payment, Estimates,
Virements and Write-Off
- Warrant
- Section 3 FPA 1957
- A letter authorising Ministers at the federal
level or Mentri Besar or Chief Minister to
withdraw money from the Consolidated Funds - Estimates
- Section 15 FPA 1957
- estimates on the revenues to be received and
expenditure to be spent for the year and the
purpose of such expenditure is to be prepared
every year.
32Financial Procedures for Payment, Estimates,
Virements and Write-Off
- Virements
- Section 15(4) FPA 1957
- transfer of allocation between sub-heads within
the same head, however need prior approval from
the Treasury or State Financial Authority - Write-Offs
- Section 17 FPA 1957
- empower Ministers or Chief Minister to authorize
a write-off of any losses or deficiencies and
irrecoverable amounts of debts, revenues and
33Custody and Investment of Public Fund
- Section 8 FPA 1957
- all moneys paid to the Consolidated Fund should
be kept in the banks according to the Treasury
requirements and may be invested in various
approved investments - All investment revenue shall be credited to
Consolidated Revenue Account except those
received for the trust accounts.
34Yearly Statement of Accounts
- Section 16 FPA 1957
- as soon as practicable after the year end of
every financial year prepare in respect of that
year - Consolidated Revenue Account
- Consolidated Loan Account
- Consolidated Trust Account
- A statement of accounts of any fund created by
the Federal Constitution and not accounted in the
Consolidated Trust Account - A Statement of the assets and liabilities
35Financial Regulations by The YDA
- The YDA, after consulting with the National
Finance Council may provide the following
regulations - Collection, receipts, custody, issue,
expenditure, accounting, care and management of
the public money - Record, examination, inspection and departmental
check of all receipts and the keeping of
necessary books and accounts - Forms all books and documents required under this
Act - Purchase, safe custody, issue, sale or other
disposal or writing-off, accounting, stock-taking
of stores and property of Federal and States - Preparation of estimates of revenue and
expenditure of Federal and States - Authorization of rates and payments of public
funds for specific purposes if not provided by
law - Making advances to public officers