The Quest for the QGP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Quest for the QGP


The Quest for the QGP – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Quest for the QGP

The Quest for theQuark-Gluon-Plasma
Steffen A. Bass
  • Introduction QCD and the Quark-Gluon-Plasma
  • Experimental and Theoretical Techniques
  • Recent Discoveries the case for the QGP
  • jet energy-loss
  • the (almost) perfect liquid
  • turbulence and anomalous viscosity
  • parton recombination

M. Asakawa R.J. Fries A. Majumder B. Mueller C.
Nonaka T. Renk J. Ruppert
work supported through grants by
11 Science Questions for the New Century
  • formulated by the National Research Council
  • What is dark matter?
  • What is dark energy?
  • How were the heavy elements from Iron to Uranium
  • Do neutrinos have a mass?
  • Where do ultra-high energy particles come from?
  • Is a new theory of light and matter needed to
    explain what happens at very high energies and
  • Are there new states of matter at ultra-high
    temperatures and densities?
  • Are protons unstable?
  • What is gravity?
  • Are there additional dimensions?
  • How did the Universe begin?

  • Introduction
  • Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
  • Quark-Gluon-Plasma

QCD The Basics
  • Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics (QCD)
  • one of the four basic forces of nature
  • basic constituents of matter quarks and gluons
  • is responsible for most of the mass of ordinary
  • holds protons and neutrons together in atomic
  • Confinement Asymptotic Freedom
  • quarks and gluons carry color charge (RGB)
  • only color-neutral bound states are observed
  • coupling diverges as large distances / small Q2
  • at small distances / large Q2 qs and gs roam
  • The QCD vacuum ground-state of QCD
  • has a complicated structure
  • contains scalar and vector condensates
  • explore vacuum-structure by heating/melting QCD
  • Quark-Gluon-Plasma

2004 Nobel Prize in Physics
Phases of Normal Matter
  • electromagnetic interactions determine phase
    structure of normal matter

Phases of QCD Matter
  • strong interaction analogues of the familiar
  • Nuclei behave like a liquid
  • Nucleons are like molecules
  • Quark Gluon Plasma
  • ionize nucleons with heat
  • compress them with pressure
  • new state of matter!

QCD on the Lattice
  • Goal explore the thermodynamics of QCD
  • evaluate QCD partition function
  • path integral with N steps in imaginary time
  • can be numerically calculated on a 4D Lattice

Equation of State for an ideal QGP
(ultra-relativistic gas of massless bosons)
  • LGT predicts a phase-transition to a state of
    deconfined nearly massless quarks and gluons
  • QCD becomes simple at high temperature and/or

F. Karsch
QGP and the Early Universe
  • few microseconds after the Big Bang the entire
    Universe was in a QGP state
  • compressing heating nuclear matter allows to
    investigate the history of the Universe
  • the only means of recreating temperatures and
    densities of the early Universe is by colliding
    beams of ultra-relativistic heavy-ions

Telescope for the Early Universe The
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Detectors at RHIC
  • solenoid as centerpiece
  • total detector weight 1200 tons
  • TPC tracking of 1000s of particles
  • can record dozens AuAu collisions per second
  • Example STAR Detector
  • 52 institutions, 12 countries
  • 529 collaborators
  • construction cost 80 M

Collisions at RHIC
  • typical collision recorded by the STAR
    detector AuAu _at_ 200 GeV/NN-pair
  • 1000s of tracks have to be reconstructed to
    determine species and momenta of produced hadrons
    and characterize collision

Lifting the veil of confinement Transport Theory
  • Microscopic Models for ultra-relativistic
    heavy-ion collisions - S.A. Bass et al, Prog.
    Part. Nucl. Phys. 41 (1998) 225
  • Dynamics of hot bulk QCD matter from the QGP to
    hadronic freeze-out - S.A. Bass and A. Dumitru,
    Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 064909
  • Parton Rescattering and Screening in AuAu at
    RHIC - S. A. Bass, B. Mueller and D.K.
    Srivastava, Phys. Lett. B551 (2003) 277

Time-Evolution of a Heavy-Ion Collision
Microscopic Transport Models
microscopic transport models describe the
time-evolution of a system of (microscopic)
particles by solving a transport equation derived
from kinetic theory
  • key features
  • describe the dynamics of a many-body system
  • connect to thermodynamic quantities
  • take multiple (re-)interactions among the dofs
    into account
  • key challenges
  • quantum-mechanics no exact solution for the
    many-body problem
  • covariance no exact solution for interacting
    system of relativistic particles
  • QCD limited range of applicability for
    perturbation theory

Kinetic Theory- formal language of transport
models -
classical approach
Liouvilles Equation
  • use BBKGY hierarchy and cut off at 1-body level

a) interaction based only on potentials Vlasov
b) interaction based only on scattering
Boltzmann Equation
Collision Integral Monte-Carlo Treatment
  • f1 is discretized into a sample of microscopic
  • particles move classical trajectories in
  • an interaction takes place if at the time of
    closes approach dmin of two hadrons the following
    condition is fulfilled
  • main parameter
  • cross section probability for an interaction to
    take place, which is interpreted geometrically

Applying Transport Theory to Heavy-Ion Collisions
Pb Pb _at_ 160 GeV/nucleon (CERN/SPS)
  • calculation done with the UrQMD
    (Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics)
  • initial nucleon-nucleon collisions excite
    color-flux-tubes (chromo-electric fields) which
    decay into new particles
  • all particles many rescatter among each other
  • initial state 416 nucleons (p,n)
  • reaction time 30 fm/c
  • final state gt 1000 hadrons

  • Recent Discoveries
  • the case for the QGP

  • early times
  • jet production and quenching
  • photons leptons

S.A. Bass, D.K. Srivastava B. Mueller, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 082301 T. Renk, S.A. Bass
D.K. Srivastava, Phys. Lett. B632 (2006) 632 T.
Renk, J. Ruppert, C. Nonaka S.A. Bass,
Jet-Quenching Basic Idea
What is a jet?
  • partons lose energy and/or fragment differently
    than in the vacuum radiative energy loss
  • transport coefficient q is sensitive to density
    of (colored) charges
  • fragmentation of hard scattered partons into
    collimated jets of hadrons
  • pp reactions provide a calibrated probe, well
    described by pQCD
  • what happens if partons traverse a high energy
    density colored medium?

q-hat at RHIC
  • suppression can be experimentally quantified in
    terms of RAA ratio
  • RHIC data shows values for q-hat far larger than
    expected even for a QGP!

Jet-Medium Interactions
  • how does a fast moving color charge influence the
  • can Mach-shockwaves be created?
  • particle emission patterns should reflect angle
    of mach-cone
  • data show strong hints of mach-cone formation
  • angle indicates surprisingly low speed of sound
  • J. Casalderrey-Solana, E.V. Shuryak D. Teaney
    Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 577
  • T. Renk J. Ruppert Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 011901

  • intermediate times
  • creation of an ideal liquid
  • (anomalous) viscosity
  • 1999 first hybrid with 11D hydro
  • won LBNL/INT RHIC predictions prize
  • 100 citations
  • 2006 first full 3D hydro implementation

S.A. Bass A. Dumitru, Phys. Rev C61 (2000)
064909 D. Teaney et al, nucl-th/0110037 T. Hirano
et al. Phys. Lett. B636 (2006) 299 C. Nonaka
S.A. Bass, Phys. Rev. C (2006) in print
RHIC in the press Perfect Liquid
  • on April 18th, 2005, BNL announced in a press
    release that RHIC had created a new state of hot
    and dense matter which behaves like a nearly
    perfect liquid.
  • how does one measure/calculate the properties of
    an ideal liquid?
  • are there any other ideal liquid systems found in

Relativistic Fluid Dynamics (RFD)
  • transport of macroscopic degrees of freedom
  • based on conservation laws ?µTµ?0 ?µjµ0
  • for ideal fluid Tµ? (ep) uµ u? - p gµ? and
    jiµ ?i uµ
  • Equation of State needed to close system of
    PDEs pp(T,?i)
  • connection to Lattice QCD calculation of EoS
  • initial conditions (i.e. thermalized QGP)
    required for calculation
  • assumes local thermal equilibrium, vanishing
  • applicability of hydro is a strong signature for
    a thermalized system

Collision Geometry Elliptic Flow
  • two nuclei collide rarely head-on, but mostly
    with an offset

only matter in the overlap area gets compressed
and heated up
  • elliptic flow (v2)
  • gradients of almond-shape surface will lead to
    preferential emission in the reaction plane
  • asymmetry out- vs. in-plane emission is
    quantified by 2nd Fourier coefficient of angular
    distribution v2
  • RFD good agreement with data QGP EoS necessary

Elliptic flow early creation
P. Kolb, J. Sollfrank and U.Heinz, PRC 62 (2000)
Most model calculations suggest that flow
anisotropies are generated at the earliest stages
of the expansion, on a timescale of 5 fm/c if a
QGP EoS is assumed.
Elliptic Flow ultra-cold Fermi-Gas
  • Li-atoms released from an optical trap exhibit
    elliptic flow analogous to what is observed in
    ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  • Elliptic flow is a general feature of strongly
    interacting systems!

K. M. OHara, S. L. Hemmer, M. E. Gehm, S. R.
Granade, J. E. Thomas Science 298 (2002) 2179
Viscosity 101
shear and bulk viscosity are defined as the
coefficients in the expansion of the stress
tensor in terms of the velocity fields
assuming matter to be quasi-particulate in nature
  • viscosity decreases with increasing cross
    section (forget molasses!!)
  • for RFD, the microscopic origin of the viscosity
    is not important

Viscosity at RHIC
large elliptic flow success of ideal
RFD zero/small viscosity
expanding hadron gas w/ significant
increasing mean free path large viscosity
  • viscosity of matter _at_ RHIC changes strongly with
    time phase
  • ideal RFD breaks down in later reaction stages
  • need to take viscous corrections for hadron gas
    into account

3D-Hydro UrQMD Model
  • Full 3-d Hydrodynamics
  • QGP evolution

Cooper-Frye formula
hadronic rescattering
Monte Carlo
t fm/c
Hydrodynamics micro. transport (UrQMD)
  • ideally suited for dense systems
  • model early QGP reaction stage
  • well defined Equation of State
  • parameters
  • initial conditions
  • Equation of State
  • no equilibrium assumptions
  • model break-up stage
  • calculate freeze-out
  • includes viscosity in hadronic phase
  • parameters
  • (total/partial) cross sections
  • matching condition
  • use same set of hadronic states for EoS as in
  • generate hadrons in each cell using local T and

3D-HydroUrQMD Results
  • good agreement with wide variety of data
  • HU to date the most successful description for
    bulk matter _at_ RHIC
  • confirms very low viscosity of matter in the QGP

Where does the small viscosity come from?
M. Asakawa, S.A. Bass B. Mueller Phys. Rev.
Lett. 96 (2006) 252301 M. Asakawa, S.A. Bass B.
Mueller Prog. Theo. Phys. 116 (2006) 725
AdS/CFT correspondence
  • calculating viscosity and viscosity/entropy
    ratio too difficult in full QCD
  • quantities are calculable in a related theory
    using string theory methods
  • model for QCD
  • N 4 Super-Yang-Mills theory

a string theory in 5d AdS
finite temperature
black hole in AdS5
large NC and strong coupling limit
  • classical gravity limit

? YM observables at infinite NC and infinite
coupling can be computed using classical
gravity ? technique can be applied to dynamical
and thermodynamic observables
  • in all theories with gravity duals one finds
    (?very small number!)
  • caution
  • N4 SUSY YM is not QCD
  • no information on how low ?/s is microscopically

J. Maldacena Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998)
231 E. Witten Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998)
505 S.S. Gubser, I.R. Klebanov M. Polyakov
Nucl.Phys. B636 (2002) 99
The sQGP Dilemma
  • the success of ideal hydrodynamics has led the
    community to equate low viscosity with a
    vanishing mean free path and thus large parton
    cross sections strongly interacting QGP (sQGP)
  • microscopic transport theory shows that assuming
    quasi-particle q g degrees of freedom would
    require unphysically large parton cross sections
    to match elliptic flow data
  • even for ??0.1 fm (close to uncertainty bound)
    dissipative effects are large
  • gluon densities needed for jet-quenching
    calculations may be too large compared to
    measured entropy

D. Molnar
  • does a small viscosity have to imply that matter
    is strongly interacting?
  • Paradigm shift needed consider effects of
    (turbulent) color fields

Anomalous Viscosity
  • Anomalous Viscosity
  • any contribution to the shear viscosity not
    explicitly resulting from momentum transport via
    a transport cross section
  • Plasma physics
  • A.V. large viscosity induced in nearly
    collisionless plasmas by long-range fields
    generated by plasma instabilities.
  • Astrophysics - dynamics of accretion disks
  • A.V. large viscosity induced in weakly
    magnetized, ionized stellar accretion disks by
    orbital instabilities.
  • Biophysics
  • A.V. The viscous behavior of nonhomogenous
    fluids, e.g., blood, in which the apparent
    viscosity increases as flow or shear rate
    decreases toward zero.
  • Can the QGP viscosity be anomalous?
  • Expanding plasmas (e.g. QGP _at_ RHIC) have
    anisotropic momentum distributions
  • plasma turbulence arises naturally in plasmas
    with an anisotropic momentum distribution
    (Weibel-type instabilities).
  • Soft, turbulent color fields generate anomalous
    transport coefficients, which may give the medium
    the character of a nearly perfect fluid even at
    moderately weak coupling.

Weibel (two-stream) instability
  • Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision two
    streams of colliding color charges
  • consider the effect of a seed magnetic field with
  • pos. charges deflect as shown alternately focus
    and defocus
  • neg. charges defocus where pos. focus and vice
  • net-current induced, grows with time
  • induced current creates B, adds to seed B
  • opposing currents repel each other filamentation
  • exponential Weibel instability

Guy Moore, McGill Univ.
Hard Loops Instabilities
Nonabelian Vlasov equations describe interaction
of hard (i.e. particle) and soft color field
modes and generate the hard loop effective
  • for any anisotropic momentum distribution there
    exist unstable modes
  • energy-density and growth rate of unstable modes
    can be calculated

Romatschke Strickland, PRD 68 036004
(2003) Arnold, Lenaghan Moore, JHEP 0308, 002
(2003) Mrowczynski, PLB 314, 118 (1993)
Anomalous vs. Collisional Viscosity
  • collisional viscosity
  • derived in HTL weak coupling limit
  • anomalous viscosity
  • induced by turbulent color fields, due to
    momentum-space anisotropy
  • Note that for reasonably small values in the

Collisional vs. Anomalous Viscosity
temperature evolution
  • cross sections are additive
  • ???f?1/s
  • sumrule for viscosities
  • smaller viscosity dominates in system w/ 2
  • anomalous viscosity dominates total shear
    viscosity during QGP evolution
  • a small viscosity does not necessarily imply
    strongly interacting matter!

  • Dynamics of Hadronization
  • The baryon puzzle at RHIC
  • Recombination Fragmentation Model
  • quark-number scaling of elliptic flow

featured in Thompson ESI Fast Moving Fronts
March 2005 2004 JNS publication prize for Young
Nuclear Theorists awarded to C. Nonaka 500
citations since January 2003
R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B. Mueller S.A. Bass,
PRL 90 (2003) 202303 R.J. Fries, C. Nonaka, B.
Mueller S.A. Bass, PRC 68 (2003) 044902 C.
Nonaka, R.J. Fries S.A. Bass, Phys. Lett. B 583
(2004) 73 R. J. Fries, S.A. Bass B. Mueller,
PRL 94 (2005) 122301
The baryon puzzle _at_ RHIC
  • species dependence of v2 saturation
  • not predicted by RFD
  • why do baryons overtake mesons?
  • why do protons not exhibit the same jet-
    suppression as pions?
  • fragmentation starts with a single fast parton
    energy loss affects pions and protons in the same

RecombinationFragmentation Model
  • basic assumptions
  • at low pt, the quarks and antiquark spectrum is
    thermal and they recombine into hadrons locally
    at an instant
  • at high pt, the parton spectrum is given by a
    pQCD power law, partons suffer jet energy loss
    and hadrons are formed via fragmentation of
    quarks and gluons
  • Reco baryons shifted to higher pt than mesons,
    for same quark distribution
  • shape of spectrum determines if reco or
    fragmentation is more effective
  • for thermal distribution recombination yield
    dominates fragmentation yield
  • vice versa for pQCD power law distribution
  • understand behavior of baryons, since
    jet-quenching is strictly high-pt!

Reco Single Particle Observables
  • consistent description of spectra, ratios and RAA

Parton Number Scaling of v2
  • in leading order of v2, recombination predicts
  • smoking gun for recombination
  • measurement of partonic v2 !

Most direct deconfinement signature to date!
Dynamic Modeling Discovery to Exploration
  • Dynamical Modeling provides insight into the
    microscopic reaction dynamics of a heavy-ion
    collision and connects the data to the properties
    of the deconfined phase and rigorous
    Lattice-Gauge calculations
  • a variety of different conceptual approaches
    exist, developed to address the physics relevant
    to specific stages of the collision
  • a standard model covering the entire
    time-evolution of a heavy-ion reaction remains to
    be developed
  • develop suite of validated and mutually
    interfaced transport codes for modeling all
    stages of the collision
  • perform simultaneous parameter optimization for
    the quantitative extraction of key QGP and
    transport parameters from data
  • multi-institutional project with Duke in strong
    leadership role

Summary and Conclusion
  • Heavy-Ion collisions at RHIC have produced a
    deconfined state of matter which can be called a
  • the QGP has the properties of a near ideal fluid
    with a (very) small viscosity
  • (turbulent) color fields induce an anomalous
    viscosity, which keeps the total shear-viscosity
    small during the QGP evolution
  • parton recombination shows direct evidence for
    the built-up of collectivity in the deconfined
  • QGP research utilizes
  • insights from
  • QCD
  • Lattice field theory
  • kinetic/transport theory
  • statistical mechanics
  • fluid dynamics
  • plasma physics
  • string theory
  • AMO Fermi-systems
  • Note
  • due to its slow nearly isotropic expansion, the
    early Universe most likely did not have an
    anomalous contribution to its viscosity

The End
The Practical Side of Heavy-Ion Collisions
  • Suppose
  • You lived in a frozen world where water existed
    only as ice
  • and ice comes in only quantized sizes ice
  • and theoretical friends tell you there should be
    a liquid phase
  • and your only way to heat the ice is by
    colliding two ice cubes
  • So you form a bunch containing a billion ice
  • which you collide with another such bunch
  • 10 million times per second
  • which produces about 1000 IceCube-IceCube
    collisions per second
  • which you observe from the vicinity of Mars
  • Change the length scale by a factor of 1013
  • Youre doing physics at RHIC!

The RHIC Facility
  • 2.4 miles round, 12 ft underground
  • 1740 superconducting magnets
  • 1,600 miles of superconducting niobium titanium
  • helium chiller draws 15 MW of power (enough for
    15,000 homes)

RHIC tunnel
  • gold beams travel at 99.995 c (186,000 miles per
  • beam made up of 57 bunches
  • collisions at 4 intersection points
  • temperature in collisions is 150,000 times
    temperature of the sun

RF Cavity system
Initial Particle Production in UrQMD
AdS/CFT correspondence
  • calculating viscosity and viscosity/entropy
    ratio too difficult in full QCD
  • quantities are calculable in a related theory
    using string theory methods
  • model for QCD N 4 Super-Yang-Mills theory in
    4d with SU(NC)

a string theory in 5d AdS
finite temperature
black hole in AdS5
large NC and strong coupling limit
  • classical gravity limit

? YM observables at infinite NC and infinite
coupling can be computed using classical
gravity ? technique can be applied to dynamical
and thermodynamic observables
J. Maldacena Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998)
231 E. Witten Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998)
505 S.S. Gubser, I.R. Klebanov M. Polyakov
Nucl.Phys. B636 (2002) 99
?/s bound in QCD from AdS/CFT
  • viscosity from Kubos formula
  • AdS/CFT correspondence
  • Imaginary part of retarded Greensfunction
  • is mapped on graviton absorption cross section
  • viscosity ? graviton absorption cross section
  • absorption cross section area of horizon A
  • entropy SA/4G
  • in all theories with gravity duals one finds
    (?very small number!)
  • caution
  • N4 SUSY YM is not QCD
  • no information on how low ?/s is microscopically

The RHIC Transport Initiative
Duke Univ. Ohio State Michigan State Purdue
U. of Minnesota
Hard Loops Instabilities
Nonabelian Vlasov equations describe interaction
of hard (i.e. particle) and soft color field
modes and generate the hard loop effective
Effective HTL theory permits systematic study of
instabilities of soft color fields
  • find HTL modes for anisotropic distribution
  • for any ??0 there exist unstable modes
  • energy-density and growth rate of unstable modes
    can be calculated

Romatschke Strickland, PRD 68 036004
(2003) Arnold, Lenaghan Moore, JHEP 0308, 002
(2003) Mrowczynski, PLB 314, 118 (1993)
Anomalous Viscosity Derivation Sketch
  • linear Response connect ? with momentum
    anisotropy ?
  • use color Vlasov-Boltzmann Eqn. to solve for f
    and ?
  • Turbulent color field assumption
  • ensemble average over fields
  • diffusive Vlasov-Boltzmann Eqn
  • example anomalous viscosity in case of
    transverse magnetic fields
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