Title: Best Practices in Grading for Science
1Best Practices in Grading for Science
Tara Richerson NSTA Portland
2Be Careful What You Wish For
3Does a dislike of grading indicate a symptom of
the lack of fit between what teachers are asked
to do and actual practice? (Brookhart, 1994)
5Equal and Fair
6True or False
7(No Transcript)
8How many levels of performance are there?
9Levels of PerformanceLevel One
10Levels of PerformanceLevel Two (can do with help)
11Levels of PerformanceLevel Three (can do
12Levels of PerformanceLevel Four
- When you tell kids your primary goal is for them
to learn, does your grading policy reinforce
this? How do you know?
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20Teacher Generated Field Notes
- Folder and Sticky Note Chart
- Roster with Targets Use hash marks with dates to
track observations - Stickers on a Clipboard Choose 3 5 students to
watch make notes on stickers to place in record
book at end of day
21Student Generated Field Notes
- Printed sheet with targets for students to track
- Graph progress on targets
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24The Future of Data Visualization
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26Number Crunching
- Grades in both systems can be thought of as a
kind of continuum
27Number Crunching
28Whats Important
- Can a student tell you what his/her grade is and
why? - Conference with students.
- My strengths are ___.
- I can improve by ___.
- My grade is a ___ because ___.
29Final Reflection
- What did you see today that caused you to think,
wonder, dream, plan, or question? - What are the consequences, ramifications of what
you saw? - What are the next steps for you? your school?
your district?
- Working with Students by Neighborhood Charter
House School - GraphJam
- Testing and Appeal Your Grade by Married with the
Sea - TAS Field School by LisatheLibrarian
- Schoolwork Book 6 by Noelle
- Concentric Target by Tengtan
- Record Keeping by Joe Thorn
- Sometimes Life is Like This by Hailun