An Example of Neurosensory Processing: Audition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Example of Neurosensory Processing: Audition


The central processes of the cochlear nerve constitute the first-order neurons. The cochlear nerve is accompanied by CN VII, the facial nerve, in the auditory canal. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An Example of Neurosensory Processing: Audition

Functional Systems
  • An Example of Neurosensory Processing Audition

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • As we have seen, sensory systems consist of
    serial chains of neurons that link the periphery
    with the spinal cord or brainstem, thalamus, and
    cerebral cortex.
  • The most striking aspect of organization of the
    sensory system is that the peripheral receptor
    sheet, such as the surface of the body, the
    retina, or the cochlea, is systematically mapped
    onto structures of the brain.
  • These maps are not strictly isomorphic with the
    size and shape of the periphery, but reflect the
    relative importance of the various regions of the
    receptive sheet.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Each sensory system first decomposes the sensory
    information and then reconstructs the perception
    by using the different components that
    selectively process one or another aspect of the
    sensory experience.
  • Lets lean how this works using the auditory
    sensory system.
  • Before a sound signal, such as a speech signal,
    gets to the auditory cortex, it passes through
    levels of peripheral and central processing.
  • From the tympanic membrane to the hair cells of
    the organ of Corti in the cochlea, the process of
    detection and replication of the acoustic
    patterns is either mechanical or hydraulic.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • At the level of the cochlea, reception of sound
    energy is analyzed into frequency and amplitude
    representations and is retransmitted in neural
    form via the cochlear branch of the
    vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII).
  • The central processes of the cochlear nerve
    constitute the first-order neurons.
  • The cochlear nerve is accompanied by CN VII, the
    facial nerve, in the auditory canal.
  • The two nerves enter the brainstem at the sulcus
    between the pons and the medulla

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • The fibers of the cochlear division of CN VIII
    end in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei.
  • The cochlear nuclei contain the second-order
    neurons of the auditory pathway.
  • From the cochlear nuclei, most fibers of the
    auditory pathway cross the midline and proceed to
    the upper medulla and pons.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Other fibers ascend in the brainstem
  • Fibers course upward in the ascending central
    auditory pathway of the brainstem called the
    lateral lemniscus.
  • The fibers take one of several routes, and
    synapses in the auditory system may occur at one
    or more of the following structures the superior
    olives, the inferior colliculus, and the nuclei
    of the lateral lemniscus.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • All ascending auditory fibers terminate in the
    medial geniculate body of the thalamus.
  • In all brainstem nuclei, from the cochlear
    nucleus to the medical geniculate body of the
    thalamus, frequency representations are
    maintained positionally.
  • High frequency stimuli are encoded on one side
    of the network, and low frequency stimuli on the

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • With respect to processing, the cells making up
    the cochlear nuclei are hypothesized to process
    the periodicity of monaural signals.
  • This is the first level of real information
  • At the level of the superior olivary nucleus,
    input from both ears is received for the first
    time, from the contralateral and ipsilateral
  • Differences in interaural temporal and intensity
    information are compared and matched for cues to
    sound localization and directional hearing.
  • These interaural temporal and intensity
    differences are then relayed to the inferior

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • These interaural temporal and intensity
    differences are then relayed to the inferior
    colliculus which also receives the frequency and
    periodicity information from the cochlear
  • As a site of convergence, the inferior colliculus
    is hypothesized to simultaneously code the
    complexity of sounds and their direction in
  • Not until the inferior colliculus has
    reconstructed the changes in sound velocity,
    direction, stimulus frequency, and amplitude, can
    the medical geniculate recognize the complex
    frequency ranges and transitions of both vowels
    and consonants.
  • Below this level, categorical feature detection
    is not thought to occur.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • The medical geniculate body is viewed as a
    multi-channel mechanism of the central auditory
  • It is thought to be able to store two or more
    items (echoes) simultaneously, in
    uninterrupted pre-categorical form for
    ultra-short periods of time, until a higher order
    analysis assigns them to a more persistent and
    established categorized form.
  • The fibers arising from the medial geniculate
    body that course through the temporal lobe are
    called auditory radiations.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • They pass through the internal capsule on route
    to the the bilateral primary auditory areas of
    the brain in the superior temporal gyrus, also
    known as Heschls gyrus (A1).

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • The primary auditory cortex (areas 41 and 42) is
    believed to be the area in which initial
    recognition of an auditory stimulus occurs at the
    cortical level.
  • Cells in A1 have been found to be sensitive to
    the direction and velocity of frequency changes
    required to identify the location of a sound
    source, especially if the sounds originate in the
    contralateral extrapersonal space.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Additionally, many neuronal cells show particular
    sensitivity to the features of complex sounds.
  • Although they should not be regarded as feature
    detectors per se, they are thought to recognize
    the constancies of size, shape, and position in a
    gestalt sense (e.g., the whole is greater than
    the sum of its parts).
  • Many neurons in A1 also show complex temporal
    response patterns, and may be the site of
    auditory short-term memory.
  • At this level, however, auditory memory must be
    viewed as a single-channel mechanism, responsive
    to the temporal, or serial order of the
    pre-categorical acoustic input received from the
    medial geniculate body.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Since A1 has also been hypothesized to recognize
    consistencies of position, size, and shape, it
    seems highly possible that the relevant
    attributes of the pre-categorical acoustic forms
    are matched at this level and categorized into
    some more stable or permanent auditory template
  • Wernickes area (area 22) is most frequently
    cited as being the auditory association cortex.
  • But, as we have seen, an important distinction
    must be made between modality specific or
    unimodal association cortex, and multimodal or
    heteromodal association cortex.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • The unimodal portion of Wernickes area (area 22)
    receives input from A1 and the medical geniculate
    bodies of the thalamus.
  • It then relays thalamic pre-categorical and
    primary categorical template matches in
    multiple steps to the progressively more anterior
    parts of the gyrus.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Here more abstract features of auditory
    information are postulated to be extracted by
    neurons more responsive to individual patterns
    rather than to isolated stimulus features.
  • Outputs from these anterior areas are then
    believed to be directed towards the paralimbic
    and limbic structures of the temporal lobe and
    also to the prefrontal and temporoparietal
    heteromodal fields.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Although cortical auditory recognition of the
    acoustic stimulus occurs in the A1, it is not
    until these auditory templates are relayed to the
    unimodal association cortex that the actual
    experience or perception of the stimulus
  • Within the heteromodal portion of Wernickes
    area, modality specific information is lost in
    favor of intermodal associations.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • Output from unimodal AA is projected to several
    heteromodal areas within the temporoparietal
    cortex, and to the prefrontal heteromodal
    association areas as well.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • The importance of heteromodal regions is to
    provide a neural template for intermodal
    associations necessary for many cognitive
    processes, such as language.
  • They also provide the initial interaction between
    extensively processed sensory information and
    mood and drive.
  • They also provide the initial interaction between
    extensively processed sensory information and
    mood and drive.
  • Thus, the heteromodal association areas are
    likely to emphasize associative elaboration of
    perceptual and cognitive processes, and provide
    the firs real linguistic input.

Neurosensory Processing of Audition
  • In summary, the role of the cortex in auditory
    perception can be delineated by three distinct
  • In the first region, A1 receives pre-categorical
    acoustic forms from the medial geniculate body
    and matches them into cortical template
    representations (gestalts).
  • In the second region, AA experiences the
    projected categorical templates and completes the
    process of auditory perception. Finally, the
    heteromodal association regions, receiving the
    perceived auditory information from the unimodal
    association area, integrates this information
    with that from other unimodal association areas,
    some of which my be linguistic or emotional,
    for further cognitive and motor processing.

Behavioral Manifestations for Auditory Cortical
  • Unilateral lesions of A1 do not lead to
    contralateral deafness because A1 has access to
    information from both ears, even though the
    influence of the contralateral ear appears

Behavioral Manifestations for Auditory Cortical
  • Moreover, because the medial geniculate body has
    major projections not only to A1, but also to AA
    in the adjacent superior temporal gyrus, complete
    cortical word deafness (auditory verbal agnosia)
    is not likely unless there is bilateral damage to
    both A1 and AA.
  • Lesions that destroy AA lead to impairments in
    retention and discrimination of auditory
    frequency and sequence.
  • The retention impairment reflects auditory-limbic
  • The frequency and sequence discrimination
    impairment reflects disturbances of auditory
    template formation.

Behavioral Manifestations for Auditory Cortical
  • Lesions in AA of the right hemisphere may lead to
    nonverbal auditory agnosia.
  • Such individuals have difficulty identifying
    environmental sounds, familiar melodies, and
    variations in timbre.
  • Bilateral lesions in heteromodal association
    areas dependent upon the unimodal AA for input,
    or a strategically situated unilateral left-sided
    lesion, interrupting the transcallosal input from
    the contralateral AA has been found to contribute
    to an inability to understand or repeat spoken

Behavioral Manifestations for Auditory Cortical
  • Damage to the heteromodal portion of Wernickes
    area can contribute to the emergence of what has
    been termed Wernickes aphasia.
  • Nonetheless, the language deficit seen in
    Wernickes aphasia will not be confined solely to
    the auditory modality.
  • Comprehension deficits are also seen in the
    graphic modality.

Centrifugal Auditory Input
  • As we have seen so far, auditory perception seems
    to involve hierarchically ordered levels or
    stages of processing in which the raw sensory
    data are successively transformed by the
    different nuclei of the central auditory nervous
    system into some organized patterns or gestalts
    of acoustic properties for cortical recognition
    and interpretation.
  • Indeed, this type of sequential organization
    seems to imply that all auditory information is
    processed serially from the point it enters our
    ears until the point at which it is perceived
  • This is not the case, however, because decisions
    at higher levels can influence processing at
    lower levels by way of the centrifugal auditory

Centrifugal Auditory Input
  • Within the central auditory NS, centrifugal
    connections arise from each of the areas involved
    in the auditory system.
  • From A1, centrifugal connections project to
    nuclei one or two levels below their point of
  • From a group of neurons on the medial side of the
    contralateral superior olive, cochlear efferent
    fibers pass to the cochlea via the crossed
    olivocochlear bundle, and the cochlear division
    of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII).

Centrifugal Auditory Input
  • Individual connections may be either excitatory
    or inhibitory, but the centrifugal auditory
    pathways appear to be activated by the inhibition
    of transmission of auditory signals through the
    ascending auditory pathways.
  • With the addition of centrifugal input, the
    perception of an auditory stimulus is affected by
    bi-directional influencessimultaneous bottom-up
    and top-down processing.
  • I have proposed a simple model of auditory speech
    perception based on the notion of parallel
    information processing to help you understand
    these bi-directional influences.

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • For bottom-up processes, specialized receptors,
    highly sensitive to certain patterns of complex
    auditory stimuli, simultaneously respond to
    multiple-stimulus characteristics arising from
    spatial-temporal changes in the acoustic waves.
  • At the first level, the organ of Corti acts as a
    transducer, receiving frequency and amplitude
    properties of the sound energy and retransmitting
    it in neural form.
  • The cochlear nucleus is the analyzer.
  • It breaks up the neural code into frequency,
    periodicity, and intensity parameters.
  • It relays the temporal and intensity patterns to
    the localizer and the frequency pattern to the

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • The localizer, the superior olivary complex,
    receives this relay of temporal and intensity
    parameters from both sides of the auditory
  • It detects interaural differences and matches
    them for stimulus source determination and
    directional hearing.
  • At the level of the synthesizer, the inferior
    colliculus, intensity discriminations from the
    localizer and frequency discriminations form the
    analyzer converge simultaneously for relay to the
  • The medial geniculate body acts as the buffer.

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • Pre-categorical echoes of the complex frequency
    ranges and transitions of both vowels and
    consonants are held briefly for higher level
  • A1 is the categorizer.
  • It receives pre-categorical acoustic input in
    serial order from the buffer.
  • This input is matched, not to some internal
    standard pattern, but for constancy of frequency,
    intensity, and periodicity, into a more stable
    auditory template representation.
  • Unimportant variations in the acoustic signal are
    smoothed out.

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • When AA, the perceiver, receives the stable
    templates as well as thalamic excitation about
    semantic content, the actual experience of the
    stimulus occurs.
  • This experience is projected to several
    elaborators in the heteromodal areas to be
    utilized in other cognitive, linguistic, and
    motor processes.
  • In the top-down, active processes, the status of
    the bottom-up or afferent pathway is tuned by the
    efferent system, thus enhancing or decreasing
    responses of the neuronal brainstem nuclei.
  • The categorizer, A1, exerts an inhibitory
    influence on the buffer, the medical geniculate
    body, and the synthesizer, the inferior

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • This inhibitory influence decreases the
    responsiveness of these two nuclei to eliminate
    steady acoustic signals and restrict the range of
    frequency detection.
  • The synthesizer, in turn, attenuates the
    intensity differences at the level of the
    localizer (the superior olive) to improve
    auditory selective attention and to dampen the
    sensitivity of the transducer to prevent
    saturation or damage to the system.
  • Finally, the localizer, the superior olive,
    influences habituation to repeated signal
    presentation to enhance auditory discrimination
    at the level of the analyzer.

Theoretical Model of Auditory Speech Perception
  • This simplified model of speech perception
    supports the notion that the auditory central
    nervous system is a dynamic, self-regulating
    system actively searching for informative
    patterns within the complex of information
    potentially available in the media surrounding
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