Title: World Business Council for Sustainable Development
World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD)
2Who we are
- The WBCSD is a coalition of some 163
international companies representing more than 20
different industrial sectors operating in over 30
countries. Members are unified by their shared
commitment to sustainable development in the form
of environmental protection, social equity and
economic growth. - The WBCSD also benefits from a thriving global
network representing 700 business leaders in
developing countries and nations in transition.
3WBCSD Characteristics
- Global and cross-sectoral member-led organization
- Unique forum of pro-active companies
- Interface with international bodies, NGOs and
other business groups - Outreach to developing and emerging countries
4Our aims
- Business leadership to be the leading business
advocate on issues connected with the environment
and sustainable development - Policy development to participate in policy
development in order to create a framework that
allows business to contribute effectively to
sustainable development - Best practice to demonstrate progress in
environmental and resource management in business
and to share leading-edge practices among our
members - Global outreach to contribute through our global
network to a sustainable future for developing
nations and countries in transition
5The value of membership
- Anticipate emerging environmental trends which
might impact business activities - Participate in policy development by formulating
recommendations which are favorable to business - Influence policy-makers in governments and
opinion leaders from international bodies, NGOs,
and other business groups - Share best practices through exchanging
information with peers from a cross-section of
industries and countries - Educate and influence tomorrows business leaders
- Access the latest thinking on business and
environment-related issues - Reach out to developing and emering economies
6Geographic location of WBCSD members
(excl. Japan)
Eastern Europe
Latin America
North America
Western Europe
7Policy Development and Best Practice
Council Projects
Capacity Building
Member Projects
Global Network
8Council Projects
Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainability through the Market
Climate Energy
Natural Resources
Innovation Technology
Sustainability Reporting
9Council Projects
Corporate Social Responsibility
ObjectiveBuild solid, business-oriented
rationale, cases and perspectives for how and why
CSR matters in todays companies
- Achievements
- Moved WBCSD to the centre of the debates
- Assisted shaping the agenda and provided guidance
via global dialogues - Started to develop and articulate the business
case for CSR - Provided a forum for addressing the more
controversial aspects of CSR
- Future plans
- Introduce phase II with new co-chairs Vic Cocker
(Severn Trent) and Lars-Eric Peterson (Skandia) - New work plan under development with the working
10Council Projects
Sustainability through the Market
ObjectiveTo make the case for the market economy
and delink consumption and environmental impacts
(not consuming less, consuming differently).
Develop proposals for quality of life
improvements for the poor, and for proper
valuation of environmental assets.
- Achievements
- Developed key elements of STM in
multi-stakeholder dialogues in Taiwan, Thailand,
the Philippines, Brazil and Argentina - Collected case histories proving STM works
- Future plans
- Release findings in report, June 2001
- Continue to collect case histories that
illustrate STM - Broadly promote STM leading up to Earth Summit
11Council Projects
Climate and Energy
ObjectiveTo provide business leadership in
creating a framework that enables effective
markets to deliver dynamic and innovative
solutions to the challenge that climate change
- Achievements
- WBCSD had gained good recognition and relations
with key decision makers and stakeholders - Projects centered around learning by doing have
yielded good results in GHG measurement and
reporting, CDM, IETA and emissioins trading, and
the Glion dialogues
- Future plans
- Create a global standard on GHG measuring and
reporting in collaboration with the WRI - Create emissions trading opportunities with IETA
and UNCTAD - Continue Glion dialogues with lead climate change
negotiators and ambassadors - Build CDM capacity (solution oriented approach)
12Council Projects
Natural Resources Access to Water
ObjectivePosition industry as a proactive player
in the management of water resources. Promote
sound framework conditions for business
investments and services in developing countries,
and private sector finance for water supply.
- Future plans
- Study how water pricing structures could be
changed to improve the delivery of water
resources - Promote new public-private partnerships
- Utilize Stockholm Water Symposium for annual
stakeholder dialogue sessions
- Achievements
- Published set of case studies to illustrate
successful public-private partnerships increasing
access to water in developing countries - Launched the Industry Water Prize, and continues
business advocacy at the World Water Forum and
Stockholm Water Symposium
13Council Projects
Natural Resources Biodiversity
ObjectiveWork with the IUCN to produce an
updated report on Business and Biodiversity in
- Achievements
- Scoping meetings have occurred with IUCN and
EarthWatch, partners in promoting the business
case for biodiversity in the form of a report - A draft report is complete
- Future plans
- Finalize the recruitment of co-chairs
- Complete the report in 2001
14Council Projects
Innovation and Technology
ObjectiveTo establish a collaborative process
involving key stakeholders. To use developments
in areas of advanced technologies to illustrate
issues of sustainability and ethics, and to
determine the benefits of a business framework
for IT
- Achievements
- A new working group on ITSS was launched to
understand and effectively manage the
far-reaching implications of new technologies.
Work will be carried out in co-operation with
NGOs, academia, government and business - Contributed to thinking and awareness of key
international organizaitons
- Future plans
- Define an improved innovation process that can be
integrated into existing business processes - Create a stakeholder shared input in preparation
for Earth Summit 2002
15Council Projects
Sustainability Reporting
ObjectiveActively contribute to the debate in
order to ensure that we help shape future
reporting requirements. To create partnerships
with other credible groups, and increase learning
between companies
- Achievements
- Will help improve member companies reporting and
communication on sustainability performance
- Future plans
- Establish a policy document for WBCSD to serve as
a platform for advocacy on indicators and
reporting, and to help members establish
reporting guidelines - Define WBCSD position on GRI and other
initiatives - Improve communication between members and
financial community
16Member Projects
Sustainable Forest Industry
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development
Sustainable Cement Industry
Sustainable Mobility
Electric Utilities
17Member Projects
Sustainable Forest Industry
ObjectiveFormulate an industry response to the
recommendations contained in the landmark study
on the global pulp and paper industry study
Towards a Sustainable Paper Cycle. To find
solutions through information gathered via
multi-stakeholder dialogues
- Achievements
- First draft of Towards a Sustainable Forest
Industry in the 21st Century is complete - Organized a steering committee to plan The
Forests Dialogue (TFD) stakeholder dialogue
- Future plans
- Publish Towards a Sustainable Forest Industry in
the 21st Century - Hold a series of TFD with NGOs, governments,
businesses, forest landowners and others to
resolve issues related to illegal logging and
forest certification.
18Member Projects
Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development
ObjectiveDetermine how the mining and minerals
industry can best contribute to sustainable
development. Establish a transparent process
leading to improved trust and understanding
between the industry and its stakeholders for the
framework conditions for mining
- Achievements
- IIED has project structure and staffing in place,
detailed strategy and workplan completed,
Assurance group formed, ongoing recruitment of
the sponsoring group
- Future plans
- IIED will complete research and stakeholder
dialogues in 2001 - Hold a dedicated industry sector conference in
May 2002
19Member Projects
Sustainable Cement Industry
ObjectiveIdentify the main aspects of
sustainable development relevant to the global
cement industry, and address these aspects and
challenges proactively, before a crisis situation
can develop. Ensure the cement industry
understands societys expectations and responds
by improved performance
- Achievements
- Scoping study is completed, working group is in
place and research is underway - Development of interactive webspace to facilitate
public information and to unite working group
members across the globe
- Future plans
- Using a participatory process over the next two
years, the project will asses the status of the
global cement industry vis à vis SD. - Seek opportunities for improvements as well as
develop recommendations and options for change - Will cover full life cycle of cement and concrete
20Member Projects
Sustainable Mobility
ObjectiveTo fully understand how mobility is
affecting the world, and assess if present modes
of transportation are sustainable. The project
will develop broad visions of future land
transportation systems, outline policy options
and tools towards achieving sustainable mobility
- Achievements
- The project is currrently assigning first
consultancy contracts and organizing its work
structure - The first of a long succession of global
stakeholder dialogues have taken place
- Future plans
- Establish action teams and complete the scoping
exercise - Continue with a rapid succession of stakeholder
dialogues - Produce three reports Sustainability Report
2000, Scoping study, and Sustainable mobility
21Member Projects
Electric Utilities
ObjectiveDevelop a robust program for a life
cycle perspective of electricity generation,
transmission and distribution. Obtain a
convergence of understanding between the industry
and its stakeholders on the meaning and
importance of sustainable development
- Achievements
- The project is currrently in the formation stage
- Future plans
- Develop a strategic framework, guidelines and
practical tools for more sustainable industry
practices - Identify differing priorities between developing
and developed nations - Define electricity sector performance indicators,
measurement and reporting - Identify opportunities under climate change
policies for technology transfer and capacity
World Summit for Sustainable Development 2002
Global Compact
Global Governance
World Summit 2002
ObjectiveTo give business a voice at Earth
Summit 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, and to
participate in the agenda setting process in
preparation for the conference
- Achievements
- Established cooperative agreements with UNEP to
produce Global Facts for Business booklet - Full participation in UNEP and EU preparation
discussions - Working documents underway
- Future plans
- Task force will continue to develop its plan and
work on publications. - First report Trends and Facts to be released in
2001 - Continue to build knowledge about the importance
of businesses participation at ES 2002 among
members and Global Network
Global Compact
ObjectiveTo increase knowledge of, and
committment to the Global Compact initiated by UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan. To use the Global
Compact as a vehicle towards influencing the
shift towards a sustainable market economy and
globalized society.
- Achievements
- Held several workshops in cooperation with member
companies to identify four areas of action that
are important in order to bring the Global
Compact forward - WBCSD and 20 member companies participated in
review of progress and future planning session
hosted by Kofi Annan
- Future plans
- Participate in the scoping of a Global Compact
liaison office - Mobilize the business community
- Explore concrete projects that would fit current
work programs and be accelereated under the
Global Compact - Develop local Global Compacts
Global Governance
ObjectiveTo shed light on the questions of
social organization and governance that WBCSD
global scenarios identitfied as an important
aspect of the shift towards a sustainable future.
- Achievements
- Re-evaluated the Jazz, FROG and GeoPolity
scenario stories and derived a short briefing
document on governance scenario platforms - Held stakeholder dialogues with member companies
to gain feedback on the document - An expert at SEI is reviewing the current global
governance debates
- Future plans
- Will develop scenario exercise dedicated to
global governance reflecting feedback and
interest from members
26Capacity Building
Learning by Sharing
Stakeholder Dialogue
Education and Training
27Capacity Building
Learning by Sharing
ObjectiveDevelop a network for member companies
to exchange both successful and negative
experiences and share best practices among each
other. Allow the WBCSD to transfer this learning
into the broader business community
- Achievements
- Experience sharing sessions held to help
companies correct the gap between the
sustainability vision and actual practices, and
to make progress in sustainability performance - Partnership with the Alliance for Global
Sustainability, and accumulated a library of best
- Future plans
- Provide further opportunity for members to
exchange in an off the record setting - Contine to build collection of best cases
28Capacity Building
Stakeholder Dialogues
ObjectivePursue the use of stakeholder dialogues
as a tool to advance the WBCSDs work and
progress its thinking. To promote an iterative
process where the business perspective is shared
and enhanced while providing learning and
knowledge sharing with stakeholders
- Achievements
- Established the WBCSD as a leading player in
process and content of stakeholder dialogues - Provides a vital service to the membership as it
provides a forum for raising and test marketing
new or controversial challenges
- Future plans
- Continue to refine skills and application of
dialogues - Expand dialogues in both depth and scope
- Produce a report detailing our experiences
29Capacity Building
Education and Training
ObjectiveCreate learning tools and opportunities
for knowledge exchange through outreach. Build
upon the expertise of others and establish
creative partnerships for delivering WBCSD
- Achievements
- Established cooperations with a number of leading
academic institutions and educaional programs - Created and work with the WBCSD Fondation for
continuing education - Cooperation with the World Bank on course
development - Completed the NORLET program 500 Russian
managers participated
- Future plans
- Continue work via the Foundation and the virtual
university - Pursue collaboration with other strategic partners
30Capacity Building
ObjectiveDevelop a scenario approach to
sustainable development issues and provide
strategic advice to member companies on issues of
- Achievements
- Created visibility for WBCSD as a cutting edge
organization - Global scenarios have helped us influence the SD
agenda - Provided competitive advantage for participating
members - Published findings on scenarios for sustainable
energy, carbon emissions, biotechnology, global
- Future plans
- Continue to utilize scenarios as a key tool in
cooperation with external scenario specialists
31The Regional Network
The Regional Network of the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
consists of Business Councils for Sustainable
Development (BCSDs) and partner organizations in
Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania.
They are independent organizations of companies
with a common commitment to providing business
leadership for change towards sustainable
development in their respective countries and
regions. Â Whereas the programs and priorities of
BCSDs and partner organizations vary across
countries and regions, they all include leading
local companies and foreign subsidiaries of the
WBCSDs member companies. To ensure commitment at
the highest level, the member companies are
usually represented by their chief executive or a
business leader of similar rank. All Regional
Network BCSDs and partner organizations share a
proactive approach towards dialogue and
cooperation with governments and civil society in
order to advance the sustainability agenda.
Organizations -
Vernadsky Foundation
BCSD North Sea Region
BCSD Poland
EPE France
BCSD Czech Republic
BCSD Mongolia
BCSD Portugal
FE Spain
BCSD Austria
BCSD Croatia
FFA Spain
BCSD China
BCSD Latin America
CII India
BCSD Korea
BCSD Gulf of Mexico
APEQUE Algeria
AEEC Egypt
BCSD Mexico
BCSD Taiwan
BCSD Honduras
BCSD Thailand
BCSD El Salvador
PBE Philippines
BCSD Venezuela
BCSD Costa Rica
BCSD Malaysia
BCSD Colombia
BCSD Indonesia
Perú 2021
BCSD Brazil
WASIG W.Australia
BCA Australia
EFZ Zimbabwe
IEF South Africa
BCSD Argentina
BCSD New Zealand