Title: Daily TAKS Connection: Changes in DNA
1Daily TAKS ConnectionChanges in DNA
- BIO(6) The student knows that the structures and
functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of
genetics. The student is expected to - (C) Identify and illustrate how changes in DNA
cause mutations and evaluate the significance of
these changes.
2Foldable Instructions
- Construct a two tab foldable
- Materials
- Foldable handout
- Scissors
- Pen
- Colored pencils/crayons
- Instructions
- Fold all solid lines
- 1 cm folds should be glued together in the
appropriate order so that a 4 side-box like
foldable is produced
3Changes in DNA Notes
- Environmental Factors can Cause Mutations
- UV rays (does not affect gametes)
- Carcinogens (radiation, cigarettes, asbestos)
- Mutations can be beneficial to an organism
because the change can create an advantage over
other organisms
4DNA Nucleotides Notes
- Record the following notes on each respective
page - DNA is made up of a sequence of NUCLEOTIDES. 1.
On your notes, circle a nucleotide. - Any change in the sequence (order) of these
nucleotides may result in a mutation - 3 nucleotides code for an amino acid
- Amino acids make up proteins
5Codon Chart Notes
- A single base change will code for a different
amino acid.1) What amino acids are coded for
the above?2) What if we change one base? What
amino acids are coded for?
This Means a Different Protein will be made!!
6Karyotypes Notes
- A karyotype is a picture of a persons 23
chromosomes. - From a karyotype you can determine the following
7Question 1
The assembly of a messenger RNA strand that
normally begins with UAC has been changed so that
the newly assembled messenger RNA strand begins
with UAG. Which of the following will most likely
occur? A The protein will be missing the first
amino acid. B The amino acids that make up the
protein will all be different. C The mRNA will
become attached to a ribosome. D The production
of the protein will be stopped.
8Question 2
The diagram above shows chromosomes in a cell
undergoing cell division. If one of the
chromosomes breaks during this process, which of
the following will most likely happen? A
Mutation B Selection C Duplication D Segregation
9Question 3
The diagram shows three generations of cells
produced by a single cell through mitosis. In the
process, a single mutation occurred at the point
indicated. The mutation caused changes within a
dominant allele. How many of the 15 cells contain
the mutation? Record and bubble in your answer
as you would on a griddable item.