Title: Proton%20Intensity%20Evolution%20Estimates%20for%20LHC
1Proton Intensity EvolutionEstimates for LHC
- R. Assmann, CERN/BE
- 19/3/2009
Acknowledgements to Chiara Bracco, Elias Metral
(CERN) and Thomas Weiler (Uni Karlsruhe) for
simulation data. Werner Herr for collaboration on
beam-beam related parameters. Bernd Dehning for
input on beam loss monitors. Mike Lamont for
getting me going on this work. Massimiliano
Ferro-Luzzi and Roger Bailey for
discussions. John Jowett for optics and layout
work. Collimation Study Group and SLAC/LARP for
many years of studies from many different persons
and Commissioning Meeting for feedback.
Cassandra has always been misunderstood and
misinterpreted as a madwoman or crazy doomsday
prophetess. L. Fitton
2Recent Reference
PhD report available for download from web site
LHC collimation project http//www.cern.ch/lhc-co
3Nothing New on Limits, Except More Detail
For example, see SPC report
All the connections and expected limitations
announced since many years. Phase II part of our
2003 collimation plan and effort put into place
(White Paper) to find solution. Phase II prepared
to maximum in the LHC tunnel (equipped slots).
4LHC Proton Intensity Limit
- Impossible to predict the future precisely.
Especially as LHC enters into new territory with
intensities above 0.5 of its nominal design
value. - However, baseline assumptions have been agreed
for the design of the LHC, taking into account
experience with previous projects (ISR, SppS,
Tevatron, HERA, ). All checked and supported by
external experts. - Simulations predict performance limitation from
beam losses, based on clear physics process
(single-diffractive scattering) and limitation
in off-momentum phase space coverage in LHC
collimation. - Here, take baseline assumptions and assume
simulations results are correct. Add some
evolution to these values. Calculate performance. - Concentrate on collimation efficiency (assume
impedance less severe, as predicted or solved
with transverse feedback). - All is ongoing work
5Result Achievement Factor Beyond World Record in
Stored Energy
Looks very ambitious and successful,doesnt
it? Beat world record (mature HERA/Tevatron) in
first year LHC by factor 10-20! Later you might
be disappointed by this performance!
LHC is bigger, has much higher complexity, has
magnets with lower quench limits, has deman-ding
beam-beam beam loss issues, has restricted
operational flexibility from protection,
6Collimation Ideal Cleaning Inefficiency versus
Re(Tune Shift)
R. Assmann, T. Weiler, E. Metral
Ideal Performance
Phase I
Phase II Review on April 2/3!
In the following Concentrate on Phase I
Phase II
7Input Ideal Cleaning Efficiency
Cleaning worse at high energy!
More difficult to stop 7 TeV protons ? no black
hole available for sucking them up!
Two cases considered 1) Tight Collimators
always at tightest possible settings (6/7 s).
Best performance but increasingly tight
tolerances. Ramp and squeeze with closed
collimators. 2) Intermediate Intermediate
settings with good protection and relaxed
tolerances. Reduced but still good cleaning.
8 as Inefficiency (Leakage Rate)
Simulation results (points) fitted (lines) to
represent energy dependence.
9Impact of Imperfections on Inefficiency (Leakage
Rate) 7 TeV
PhD C. Bracco
40 intensity ideal reach
10Impact of Alignment Errors on Inefficiency
(Leakage Rate)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Predicted inefficiency over 20 different seeds of
magnet alignment errors ? Always worse than ideal
(as expected).
PhD C. Bracco
11Why Do We Believe Strongly in Limitation?
- Because it is related to clear and well-known
physics processes - Primary collimators intercept protons and ions,
as they should. - Small fraction of protons receive energy loss but
small transverse kick (single-diffractive
scattering), ions dissociate, - Subsequent collimators in the straight insertion
(no strong dipoles) cannot intercept these
off-momentum particles (would require strong
dipoles). - Affected particles are swept out by first dipoles
after the LSS. Main bends act as spectrometer and
off-momentum halo dump ? quench. - Off-momentum particles generated by collimators
MUST get lost at the dispersion suppressor (if we
believe in physics and LHC optics). - No hope that this is not real (e.g. LEP2 was
protected against this not included for the LHC
design and too late to be added when I got
involved). - Predicted for p, ions of different species (with
different programs).
12Downstream of IR7 b-cleaning
Halo Loss Map
Losses of off-momentum protons from
single-diffractive scattering in TCP
Upgrade Scenario
NEW concept
transversely shifted by 3 cm
without new magnets and civil engineering
-3 m shifted in s
3 m shifted in s
13Input Imperfection Factor
Imperfections always make cleaning efficiency
worse. Imperfection factor describes worsening of
inefficiency! Warning Only simulated in detail
for 7 TeV. Assumed to be independent of energy.
14Input Quench Limit
Takes expected magnet quench limit and some rough
dilution into account. Warning Transient quench
limit seems at least factor 2-6 lower than
expected from first beam quenches. Ignored here.
However, not much hope to win in the quench limit.
15Input BLM Threshold
Input Bernd Dehning and BLM team
16Input Dilution Factor
From FLUKA results
Losses are diluted (lowered) by the showers!
Calculated in detail by FLUKA. This factor takes
this detailed dilution into account. Makes proton
and FLUKA results coherent. Warning FLUKA
results only available for 7 TeV and the ideal
machine. Dilution factor assumed to be
independent. Can be different.
17Putting it together Performance Model
- The various important input parameters have been
put together into a preliminary performance
model. - All is preliminary work.
- However, should give some good idea about what we
are looking at and what are the main parameters
expected to limit the LHC performance. - Such an approach takes into account the agreed
assumptions, the technical results and the
simulations of achievable performance.
18Result Intensity Limit vs Loss Rate 5 TeV
19Result Intensity Limit vs Loss Rate 7 TeV
20Remarks Beam Loss Rate
- The LHC beams will have most of the time gt 20h
beam lifetime! - Original assumption for stored LHC beams Min.
intensity lifetime 20 h (after 20 min about 1
of beam lost). - However, every accelerator experiences regular
reductions of beam lifetime due to various
reasons - Machine changes in operational cycle Snapback,
ramp, squeeze - Crossing of high-order resonances during
operational cycle. - Operator actions during empirical tuning (tune,
orbit, chromaticity, coupling, ) with some small
coupling of parts of beam to instabilities - A very short drop in beam lifetime is sufficient
to have a quench and to end the fill. Collimation
must protect against these loss spikes. - Collimator design assumption changed toMin.
intensity lifetime 0.2 h (after 10s about 1 of
beam lost). - Based on real world experience (SppS, HERA,
Tevatron, RHIC, ISR, ).
21Examples for 0.001/s Loss Rate
- It is really the loss rate that matters above a
few ms. So what counts is the ratio of loss
amount over loss duration (short loss spikes are
very dangerous). We get the peak loss rate
0.001/s from - 1 of beam lost in 10 s.
- 0.1 of beam lost in 1 s.
- 0.01 of beam lost in 100 ms.
- 0.001 of beam lost in 10 ms.
- Stick with the official loss rate 0.001/s from
now on, adding some evolution. - Assume 0.002/s is achieved in the first year of
LHC operation at 5 TeV, as shown in following
22Result Intensity Limit vs Energy
LHC could store lots of intensity at 1 TeV ?
Shows effort put on improvements!
23Result Limit Stored Energy vs Beam Energy
x 300
LHC could store lots of energy at 1 TeV ? Shows
effort put on improvements!
24Input Beam-Beam Related (W. Herr)
Crossing Angle (LR BB)
Limit bunch intensity (head-on BB)
Limit on bunch spacing (LR BB)
25Result Intensity Limit vs Energy
R. Assmann and W. Herr
beam-beam limited
beam loss limited
26Result Limit Stored Energy vs Beam Energy
R. Assmann and W. Herr
beam loss limited
beam-beam limited
27Result Peak Instantaneous Luminosity
R. Assmann and W. Herr
beam-beam limited
beam loss limited
28Evolution versus Time
- All LHC systems are supposed to work much better
than comparable systems in HERA and Tevatron in
the slides before. They have been designed to do
so. - However, there are no miracles (usually) and
systems will not start up with their final
performance. Issues must be understood and solved
one by one (a 0.1 beam tail of the LHC
corresponds to full Tevatron/HERA beam). - Some time evolution was added to the different
parameters to reflect the experience that
critical issues are usually improved with time. - Also include an upgrade scenario (Scenario 1)
Collimation upgrade completed in 2013/14
shutdown. Triplet phase I upgrade. - Assume 5 TeV ? 6 TeV ? 7 TeV. Just my guess, can
be changed
29Inputs I
Ideal inefficiency
Peak loss rate
Limit bunch intensity
30Inputs II
BLM threshold
Crossing angle
Imperfection factor
Dilution factor (FLUKA)
31A Look at Tevatron Efficiency vs Time
D. Still
factor 2 improvement per year
32Result Intensity versus Time (Scenario 1)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
33Result Stored Energy versus Time (Scenario 1)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
34Result Peak Luminosity versus Time (Scenario 1)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
35Scenario 2
- As before, but early collimation upgrade
completed in 2011/12.
36Result Intensity versus Time (Scenario 2)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
37Result Stored Energy versus Time (Scenario 2)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
38Result Peak Luminosity versus Time (Scenario 2)
Collimation limited
Beam-beam limited
- Nothing new on expected beam loss limitations for
LHC. - Collected baseline LHC assumptions (originating
from real-world collider experience Tevatron,
SppS, RHIC, HERA, LEP, SLC, PEP-2, ISR). - Put together available performance simulations
around collimation and beam loss (optimistic
approach). Other high intensity effects assumed
OK (electro-magnetic noise, heating from image
currents, instabilities, R2E, ). - Used info as input parameters to model intensity
reach of the LHC. - Introduced some evolution in input parameters. BB
limits from W. Herr. - Obtain performance estimates versus time based on
technical arguments. - Will not claim that this is the truth but this is
the best estimate that I can do and it is not in
contradiction with simulations. - If different input parameters are agreed we can
evaluate the effect on performance! Also allows
analyzing LHC performance once we have data! - All preliminary M. Ferro-Luzzi is coordinating a
strategy note.
40From Peak to Integrated LuminosityLEP Example
Can look into a LEP model which can be applied to
LHC. Note LHC much more complex and sensitive
than LEP!