Title: Performance of HXD on ASTROE1
1K. Makishima1, T. Takahashi2, T. Murakami2,
T. Kamae3, Y. Fukazawa3, M. Tashiro4, and
the HXD team1-71 University of Tokyo 2 ISAS 3
Hiroshima University4 Saitama University 5
Osaka University 6KEK 7RIKEN
The Hard X-ray Detector ( HXD-II ) on
HXD Hardware
- Performance of HXD on ASTRO-E1
- HXD-S (sensor) , weighing 200 kg
- ? 16 Well-type counter units in a 44
coumpound-eye configuration - - GSO and BGO crystals in phoswich coupling
(30-600 keV) - - 2 mm thick silicon PIN diodes (10 - 50 keV)
- - Active plus passive collimation of the field
of view - ? 20 Anti Counters, made of thick BGO,
surrounding the Well-type units - HXD-AE (analog electronics)
- ? 100 channels of parallel processing, tolerant
to very high counting rates - ? Precaution against events with very large
energy deposits - ? Flexible anti-coincidence logic
- ? Sophisticated architecture employing
semi-custom VLSI and FPGA - HXD-DE (digital electronics)
- ? DMA to reduce the CPU load
- ? Software for both the data/command protocol
and the event selection
The measured GOS responses to various ?-ray
- Scientific objectives High-sensitivity and
Wide-band study of .. - Particle Acceleration in Stars, SNRs,
Interstellar Space, Blazars, Radio Galaxies, and
Clusters of Galaxies - Nuclear lines (44Ti etc.)
- The ee- annihilation lines
- X-ray to ?-ray continua of Black Hole Binaries
and AGNs - Cyclotron lines in Accreting X-ray
Pulsars - Rotation powered pulsars
- The CXB above 20 keV
- and so on..
The expected sensitivities of various hard X-ray
The PIN (left) and GOS (right) room background
spectrum measured at -20? during the spacecraft
thermal-vacuum test.
The completed HXD-S
Seven Well-type counter units being assembled
A single unit of Well-type phoswich counter
Possible improvements presently investigated
- 1. Increasing the effective area of the PIN
diodes by - adjusting the electrode design.
- 2. Increasing the quantum efficiency of the PMT
- (23 ? 30).
- 3. Further evaluation of the low-level
radioisotope - contamination in detector materials.
- 4. Possible replacement of the PIN diodes with
CdTe - (20mm square, 0.5mm thick), having a much
higher - QE and probably a better ?E.
- 1. No major changes in the architecture.
- 2. Improving the grounding design.
- 3. Possible increase in the mechanical height.
- 1. No major hardware/software design changes.
- 2. Some software improvements.