Crossing-angle-or-not physics implications report from 19-01-04 phone-meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Crossing-angle-or-not physics implications report from 19-01-04 phone-meeting


Crossing-angle-or-not physics implications. report from 19 ... backgrounds collimation. get worse at 1 TeV. technical. issues. hermetic veto post-IP diagnostics ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Crossing-angle-or-not physics implications report from 19-01-04 phone-meeting

Crossing-angle-or-not physics implicationsreport
from 19-01-04 phone-meeting
cold crossing-angle
head-on warm
crossing-angle -
more IP tuning optics design
constraints crab-cavity req.
beam(strahlung) extraction SC mini-quad.
electrostatic separators backgrounds
? get worse at 1 TeV
technical issues
physics issues evaluated
hermetic ?? veto post-IP
diagnostics transverse boost
for energy and B and P not

no killer arguments either way - quantify
physics impact consensually
1. Introduction, specification and context of
study, meeting goals 10
P. Bambade/LAL 2.  Smuon and stau searches with
small slepton-neutralino mass differences
Implications for dark matter interpretation in
co-annihilation scenarios 25 Z.
Zhang/LAL 3. Smuon and stau searches with small
slepton-neutralino mass differences 20
U. Martyn/DESYTentative conclusion further
work concerning impact on slepton search
capabilities 4. Crossing angle and
luminosity spectrum measurement
10 D. Miller/UCL 5.  News
from the ALPCG SLAC Workshop
20 E.
Torrence/Oregon 6. Polarisation effects of the
crossing angle
10 K. Mönig/DESY 7.
Review of arguments for upstream / downstream
polarimetry 15 G.

P. Schüler/DESYTentative conclusion
further work concerning impact on energy and
polarisation 8. Status of the
detector background simulations Comparison
of recent beamstrahlung pair calculations
20 K.
Büsser/DESY 9. Electron identification veto
in the LCAL / LumCAL Comparison with recent
results from Takashi Maruyama
20 K. Kousnetzova/DESY 10. Update
on gamma-gamma to hadrons calculation
20 T.
Barklow/SLACTentative conclusion further work
concerning requirements on the background  and
very forward region

meeting agenda of the physics evaluation http//ww
Conclude by LCWS04 - strengthen international
collaboration (GLC)
SUSY motivation for head-on mode
  • Some popular dark matter SUSY explanations need
    the LSP ?0 to be quasi mass-degenerate with the
    lightest sleptons ?, ?,
  • ? co-annihilation
  • mSUGRA new dark matter constraints from WMAP
    cosmic microwave background measurements point in
    this direction
  • Scenario considered also relevant more generally
    in the MSSM

Acceptable solutions in mSUGRA
M. Battaglia et al. hep-ph/0306219
co-annihilation example with g-2 constraint J.
Ellis et al. hep-ph/0310356
efficient / hermetic ?? veto crucial for ?
Main background ee ? ? ?0 ? ?0
ee ? (e)(e) ? ?
? 10 fb
? 104 fb
Transverse view
imperfect spectator electron veto ? R 1.2 cm
hole at 20 mrad ? 10-3 background efficiency
  • Important LC channel, complementary to LHC
  • Precise slepton masses ? DM ? CMB constraints
    from Planck
  • ( luminosity energy strategy ) (
    LC ? cosmology )

Forward region geometries
  • Specs for study
  • l 4.1m ? veto at 3.7m
  • holes 1.2cm radius
  • (2.1cm likely for x-angle)

1. head-on 1 bunch 2. x-angle 1 bunch 3.
x-angle n bunches (pile-up)
Ideal vs. realistic veto and head-on vs.
from Z. Zhang
in-coming beam hole
rout2.1cm instead of rout1.2cm
  • Low angle veto essential to reduce
    photon-photon background
  • Veto power is better in head-on collision mode

Preliminary ? result benchmark point
D with ?m?-? 12 GeV
from Z. Zhang
After requiring Nm2
Normalized for L500fb-1
cuts valid for both head-on and crossing-angle
  • signal efficiency 80
    spectrum end-points preserved
  • ? ms? and mLSP can be measured with precision for
    this benchmark point
  • ? more model-independent smallest ?m s?-?
    detectable wrt to veto angle and quality ?

Preliminary ? result benchmark point D with
?m?-? 5 GeV
from Z. Zhang
Thrust axis angle in 3-dim
? PT sum wrt thrust axis in the transverse plane
Azimuthal dependance in the transverse momentum
degradation visible but not huge

signal efficiency 11
S/B ratio
3.1 ? 1.3 2.4 ?
1.1 Caveat 1 TESLA ? electron veto
efficiencies with beamstrahlung pairs from
single bunch crossing warm LC
will need fast read-out (RD?) to avoid
pile-up Caveat 2 some physics backgrounds still
need to be fully included in the analysis
Preliminary slepton study by
H.U. Martyn
Effect of crossing-angle on cms energy calibration
  • Acollinearity angle of Bhabha events monitor the
    luminosity-weighted centre-of-mass spectrum in
    the presence of ISR and beamstrahlung
  • radiation 0 ? changes in angles from the
  • 0.01ECMS transverse boost in a 20 mrad
  • crossing-angle are corrected perfectly
  • radiation gt 1 ? use calorimetric information
  • radiation lt 1 ? use approximate correction
  • ( very good for symmetrical
  • ? simulation exercise started to check magnitude
    of potential bias
  • Desired precision few 10-4 - 5 10-5 for top W
  • (10-5 -
    10-6 to improve MZ measurement)

S. Boogart D. Miller
T. Barklow
Steering and depolarisation from the solenoid
with a 10 mrad crossing-angle
K. Mönig ( M. Woods)
  • Solenoid B field not aligned to momentum ?
    deflection 0.4 mrad
  • (assumes total length 8 m, B 4 T, Eb
    250 GeV)
  • 100 longitudinal polarisation ? spin precession
    to IP 115 mrad
  • is known and can be corrected ? ?P 1-
    cos(0.115) 0.7
  • If measurement error of polarimeter ?P 0.5 ?
    additional spin misalignment 100 mrad ? ?P
    cos(0.115) cos(0.215) 1.6 !
  • Must include effects from fringe fields ? ?P
  • Physics requirement
  • new physics searches SM tests _at_ HE
    SM tests _at_ GigaZ
  • ?P 0.5 ?P
    0.2 - 0.1 ?P lt 0.1
  • extra vertical bends ( some tuning ) required
    to correct for both effects ( M. Woods et al. are
    working on this )

G. Mortgat-Pick
Energy and polarisation calibration strategies
  • Physics channels (Bhabhas, radiative Z returns,
    WW, We?) give the relevant luminosity-weighted
    information ? but need statistics
  • pre-IP calibration needed to monitor incoming
    changes in E and P
  • post-IP very desirable to measure beam-beam
    effects and validate
  • simulated predictions and biases they
    provide important redundancy and can also be used
    in single-beam mode

Head-on collisions ? post-IP diagnostics
how essential are they ?
P. Schüler
E. Torrence
Beam-beam depolarisation 1. spin precession in
the magnetic field 2. spin-flip probability in
beamstrahlung total depolarisation 4 ? lumi
- weighted
Bottom-line on crossing-angle-or-not physics
implications (preliminary)
  • Head-on is quantifiably
  • better for some topics
  • while crossing-angle is
  • preferable for some others
  • Both are acceptable for
  • physics
  • With TESLA one can in principle choose one or the
  • ? Proposed intermediate
  • solution 0.3 mrad x-angle

Comparison and optimisation of cold/warm very
forward veto capability and more comprehensive
background studies seem more important
Pair deposition and electron ID in the
K. Büsser E. Kousnetzova T. Maruyama K. Mönig A.
Large fake-rate if more than 3 bunch crossings
background calculation
T. Barklow
Assume constant for
Ecm (GeV)
Tracker Occupancy ( hits / train) / channels
T. Barklow
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