Title: Active Galactic Nuclei
1Active Galactic Nuclei
- 4C15 - High Energy Astrophysics
- jlc_at_mssl.ucl.ac.uk
- http//www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/
- Apparently stellar
- Non-thermal spectra
- High redshifts
- Seyferts (usually found in spiral galaxies)
- BL Lacs (normally found in ellipticals)
- Quasars (nucleus outshines its host galaxy)
3Quasars - Monsters of the Universe
4AGN Accretion
- Believed to be powered by accretion onto
supermassive black hole
high luminosities
highly variable
Eddington limit gt large mass
small source size
Accretion onto supermassive black hole
5Quasars - finding their mass
Where inward force of gravity balances the
outward push of radiation on the surrounding
So a measurement of quasar luminosity gives the
minimum mass assuming radiation at the
Eddington Limit
6Measuring a Quasars Black Hole
- Light travel time effects
If photons leave A and B at the same time, A
arrives at the observer a time t ( d / c )
If an event happens at A and takes a time dt,
then we see a change over a timescale tdt. This
gives a maximum value for the diameter, d,
because we know that our measured timescale must
be larger than the light crossing time.
d c x t
c speed of light
d diameter
7Accretion Disk and Black Hole
- In the very inner regions, gas is believed to
form a disk to rid itself of angular momentum
- Disk is about the size of our Solar System
- Geometrically thin, optically-thick
- and radiates like a collection of
- blackbodies
- Very hot towards the centre
- (emitting soft X-rays) and
- cool at the edges (emitting
- optical/IR).
This animation takes you on a tour of a quasar
from beyond the galaxy, right up to the edge of
the black hole.
It covers ten orders of magnitude, ie the last
frame covers a distance 10 billion times smaller
than the first.
9Accretion Rates
- Calculation of required accretion rate
10More about Accretion Disks
- Disk self-gravitation is negligible so material
in differential or - Keplerian rotation with angular velocity WK(R)
- If n is the kinematic viscosity
- for rings of gas rotating,
- the viscous torque
- exerted by the outer
- ring on the inner will be
- Q(R) 2pR nS R2 (dW/dR) (1)
- where the viscous force per unit length is acting
on 2pR and - Hr is the surface density with H (scale height)
measured - in the z direction.
11More about Accretion Disks (Cont.)
The viscous torques cause energy dissipation of Q
W dR/ring Each ring has two plane faces of area
4pRdR, so the radiative dissipation from the disc
per unit area is from (1) D(R) Q(R) W/4pR
½ n S (RW)2 (2) and since W WK (G
M/R3)1/2 differentiate and then D(R) 9/8
n S Q(R) M/R3 (3)
12More about Accretion Disks (Cont.)
From a consideration of radial mass and angular
momentum flow in the disk, it can be shown
(Frank, King Raine, 3rd ed., sec 5.3/p 202,
2002) that n S (M/3p) 1
(R/R)1/2 where M is the accretion rate and
from (2) and (3) we then have D(R) (3G M
M/8pR3) 1 (R/R)1/2 and hence the radiation
energy flux through the disk faces is
independent of viscosity
13Accretion Disk Structure
- The accretion disk (AD) can be considered as
- rings or annuli of blackbody emission.
14Disk Temperature
- Thus temperature as a function of radius T(R)
and if
then for
15Disk Spectrum
- Flux as a function of frequency, n -
Total disk spectrum
Log nFn
Annular BB emission
Log n
16Black Hole and Accretion Disk
For a non-rotating spherically symetrical BH, the
innermost stable orbit occurs at 3rg or
and when
17High Energy Spectra of AGN
- Spectrum from the optical to medium X-rays
Low-energy disk tail
Comptonized disk
Balmer cont, FeII lines
high-energy disk tail
Log (nFn)
optical UV EUV soft X-rays X-rays
14 15 16
17 18
Log n
18Fe Ka Line
- Fluorescence line observed in Seyferts from gas
with temp of at least a million degrees.
19Source of Fuel
- Interstellar gas
- Infalling stars
- Remnant of gas cloud which originally
formed black hole - High accretion rate necessary if z cosmological -
not required if nearby
20The Big Bang and Redshift
- All galaxies are moving
- away from us.
- This is consistent with
- an expanding Universe,
- following its creation
- in the Big Bang.
21Cosmological Redshift
- Continuity in luminosity from Seyferts to quasars
- Absorption lines in optical spectra of quasars
22Alternative Models
- Supermassive star
- 10 solar mass star radiating at 10
J/s or less does not violate Eddington limit. It
would be unstable however on a timescale of
approx 10 million years. - May be stabilized by rapid rotation gt
spinar - like a scaled-up pulsar
23- Also, general relativity predicts additional
instability and star evolves into black hole. - Starburst nuclei
- a dense cluster of massive, rapidly
evolving stars lies in the nucleus, undergoing
many SN explosions. - Explains luminosity and spectra of low-luminosity
24- BUT SN phase will be short (about 1 million
years) then evolves to black hole - radio observations demonstrate well-ordered
motions (i.e. jets!) which are hard to explain in
a model involving random outbursts
25Radio Sources
- Only few of galaxies contain AGN
- At low luminosities gt radio galaxies
- Radio galaxies have powerful radio emission -
usually found in ellipticals - RG 10 - 10 erg/s 10 - 10 J/s
- Quasars 10 - 10 erg/s 10 - 10 J/s
26Radio Galaxies and Jets
- Cygnus-A ?
- VLA radio image at
- n 1.4.109 Hz
- the closest powerful
- radio galaxy
- (d 190 MPc)
? 3C 236 Westerbork radio image at n
6.08.108 Hz a radio galaxy of very
large extent (d 490 MPc)
Jets, emanating from a central highly active
galaxy, are due to relativistic electrons that
fill the lobes
27Jets Focussed Streams of Ionized Gas
28Electron lifetimes
For Synchrotron radiation by electrons
- Calculating the lifetimes in AGN radio jets.
- If nm 10 Hz (radio) 4.17x10 E B
- E B 2.5x10 J Tesla
- tsyn 5x10 B E sec
- For B 10 Tesla, t 3x10 sec, 1 month
- For B 10 Tesla, t 10 sec, 3x10 yrs
29Shock waves in jets
- Lifetimes short compared to extent of jets
gt additional acceleration required.
Most jet energy is ordered kinetic energy. - Gas flow in jet is supersonic near hot spot gas
decelerates suddenly gt shock wave forms. Energy
now in relativistic e- and mag field.
30Equipartition of energy
- Relative contributions of energy
- What are relative contributions for minimum
energy content of the source?
Energy in source
magnetic field
31- Assume electrons distributed in energy according
to power-law
Total energy density in electrons,
Must express k and E as functions of B.
32- Assume electrons distributed in energy according
to power-law
Total energy density in electrons,
Must express k and E as functions of B.
33- We observe synchrotron luminosity density
- And we know that
and the total energy density in electrons then
35Finding Emax
36- The energy density in the magnetic field is
- Thus total energy density in source is
- For T to be minimum with respect to B
magnetic field
38- And finally,
- This corresponds to saying that the minimum
energy requirement implies approximate equality
of magnetic and relativistic particle energy or
energy density in particles
energy density in magnetic field
39Equipartition in Radio Sources
For Cygnus A ? Lradio 5.1037 J/s
- If dlobe 75 kPc 2.3.1021 m and vjet 103
km/s, then - tlife 2.3.1021/106 2.3.1015 s 7.107
years - Rlobe 35 kPc 1021 m and hence Vlobe 4/3 p
Rlobe3 - 5.1063 m3
- Total energy requirement 5.1037 x 2.3.1015
1053 J - and energy density 1053/1064 10-11
J/m3 - So from equipartition ? B2/2mo 10-11 or B
5.10-9 Tesla
- Maximum frequency observed is 10 Hz.
Thus electron acceleration is required in the
41Relativistic Beaming
- Plasma appears to radiate preferentially along
its direction of motion - Thus observer sees only jet pointing towards her
- other jet is invisible.
Photons emitted in a cone of radiation and
Doppler boosted towards observer.
42Jet collimation
- Nozzle mechanism
hot gas inside large, cooler cloud which is
spinning hot gas escapes along route of least
resistance rotation axis
gt collimated jet - But VLBI implies cloud small and dense and
overpredicts X-ray emission
43Supermassive Black Hole
- Black hole surrounded by accretion disk
- Disk feeds jets and powers them by releasing
gravitational energy - Black hole is spinning gt jets are formed
parallel to the spin axis, perhaps confined by
magnetic field
44Geometrically-thick disk
- Black hole disk acc rate gt Eddington
- Disk puffs up due to radiation pressure
- Torus forms in inner region which powers and
collimates jets - Predicted optical/UV too high however, but still
46Q 4.d) If the high energy electron spectrum in
the galaxy is of the formN(E) ? E-3/2, express
the ratio of Inverse Compton-produced to
Synchrotron-produced X-ray intensities in terms
of gIC and gSynch.
- Ratio (no of electrons with )
- (no of electrons with )
- But
Hence IIC/ISynch gIC/gSynch2-3/2