Title: Dr Iain Cameron
1Dr Iain Cameron Head of Research Careers
Tel 01793 444038 Fax 01793 444562
iain.cameron_at_rcuk.ac.uk http//www.rcuk.ac.uk
2Research Careers and the UK
- 44,000 researchers in HEIs
- One quarter non-UK
- 80 on fixed term contracts
3Summary of UK response to EPR
4Science and the Downturn
- Some say that now is not the time to invest, but
the bottom line is that the downturn is no time
to slow down our investment in science but to
build more vigorously for the future. And so we
will not allow science to become a victim of the
recession - but rather focus on developing it as
a key element of our path to recovery. - Gordon Brown (UK Prime Minister)
5The Roberts Agenda People supply, skills and
1997-2002 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009-????
Career Path Studies
6The Research Councils Strategy has three main
- gt Attract the most creative minds into research.
- gt Encourage researchers to get the training they
need. - gt Help research organisations manage their staff
and develop their careers.
7The Research Councils also aim to
- gt Encourage people from all groups of society to
take up research careers. - gt Enhance the international reputation of UK
research training.
8QAA Code of Practice - 2004
Code of practice for the assurance of academic
quality and standards in higher
education Section 1 Postgraduate research
programmes - September 2004
Code incorporates Research Councils Joint Skills
9RCUK Joint Skills Statement
- Seven 7 categories 35 topics
- Research skills and techniques(6 topics)
- Research Environment (7 topics)
- Research Management (3 topics)
- Personal effectiveness (7 topics)
- Communication skills (5 topics)
- Networking and teamworking (3 topics)
- Career management (4 topics)
- Published in QAA Code of Practice Postgraduate
Research Programmes
10(No Transcript)
- Recruitment and Selection
- Recognition and Value
- Support and Career Development
- Researchers Responsibilities
- Diversity and Equality
- Implementation and Review
12- Implementation and Review
- Vitae the programme dedicated to realising the
potential of researchers, funded by the Research
Councils, will play a major role in innovating,
sharing practice and enhancing the capability of
the sector.
13Vision and aims
- For the UK to be world-class in supporting the
professional development of researchers and
researcher careers - Championing the development and implementation of
effective policy - Enhancing higher education provision through
sharing practice and resource - Providing access to development opportunities and
resources - Building an evidence base to support the
researcher development agenda
14A virtuous circle for researcher training
15Future directions and issues
- Pensions Skills and Employability
16The pensions discussion
- National dialogue established
- USS Arrangements may encourage inflow and
discourage outflow - Research Pension issues dont reduce mobility
but mobility can affect pensions - USS - 85 take-up (lower for researchers)
- UK mobility high to US lower to EU
- Pensions Information a key issue
USS University Superannuation Scheme (pensions
17Employability and skills of researchers
- Key issue in RCUK strategy (funding and policy)
- Progress involves true partnership between
Government, Funders, HE sector organisations and
Research Organisations - UK strong in providing research, transferable
(employability) and career development skills - Increasing focus on enterprise, outreach and
policy skills - UK ready to share its experienceand learn from
other countries
18Thank you for your attention!