Title: EEEGEF 492'15 Software Process Metrics
1EEE/GEF 492.15 Software Process Metrics
Royal Military College of Canada Electrical and
Computer Engineering
- Professor Colin Wortley
- wortley_at_rmc.ca
- 613-541-6000 ext. 6493
Dr. Terry Shepard shepard_at_rmc.ca 613-541-6000
ext. 6031
2Why Software Metrics?
- Will they answer the question of how much
software weighs?
3(No Transcript)
4Le kilogramme est l'unité de masse il est égal
à la masse du prototype international du
- Louis XVI chargea un groupe de savants d'établir
un nouveau système de mesure. Leurs travaux
aboutirent à la création du système métrique
décimal , qui est devenu le SI tel que nous le
connaissons aujourd'hui. L'idée de départ de la
commission royale (qui comprenait des notables
tels que Lavoisier) était de créer une unité de
masse qui porterait le nom de grave . Par
définition, cette unité serait la masse d'un
litre d'eau à la température de congélation
(c'est-Ã -dire pratiquement 1 kg). Elle serait
représentée par un étalon de masse. - Après la Révolution, le nouveau Gouvernement
républicain reprit l'idée du système métrique,
mais en y apportant des changements notables. Par
exemple, comme un grand nombre de mesures de
masse effectuées à cette époque concernaient des
masses bien plus petites que un kilogramme, le
Gouvernement décida que l'unité de masse serait
le gramme . Cependant, un étalon d'un gramme
étant aussi difficile à utiliser qu'à établir, il
décida de représenter l'unité de masse par un
étalon d'un kilogramme. Cet étalon serait connu
sous le nom de kilogramme des archives . Vers
1875, l'unité de masse fut redéfinie comme
kilogramme , et fut représentée par un nouvel
objet dont la masse était pratiquement identique
à celle du kilogramme des archives. - La décision du Gouvernement républicain eut
peut-être des motivations politiques après
tout, n'était-il pas composé des mêmes personnes
qui ont condamné Lavoisier à être guillotiné...
Quoi qu'il en soit, du fait de cette décision
malheureuse, nous avons hérité d'une unité de
base dont le nom comporte un préfixe.
5Le kilogramme est l'unité de masse il est égal
à la masse du prototype international du
- The reason why "kilogram" is the name of a base
unit of the SI is an artefact of history. - Louis XVI charged a group of savants to develop a
new system of measurement. Their work laid the
foundation for the "decimal metric system", which
has evolved into the modern SI. The original idea
of the king's commission (which included such
notables as Lavoisier) was to create a unit of
mass that would be known as the "grave". By
definition it would be the mass of a litre of
water at the ice point (i.e. essentially 1 kg).
The definition was to be embodied in an artefact
mass standard. - After the Revolution, the new Republican
government took over the idea of the metric
system but made some significant changes. For
example, since many mass measurements of the time
concerned masses much smaller than the kilogram,
they decided that the unit of mass should be the
"gramme". However, since a one-gramme standard
would have been difficult to use as well as to
establish, they also decided that the new
definition should be embodied in a one-kilogramme
artefact. This artefact became known as the
"kilogram of the archives". By 1875 the unit of
mass had been redefined as the "kilogram",
embodied by a new artefact whose mass was
essentially the same as the kilogram of the
archives. - The decision of the Republican government may
have been politically motivated after all, these
were the same people who condemned Lavoisier to
the guillotine. In any case, we are now stuck
with the infelicity of a base unit whose name has
a "prefix".
- The international prototype of the kilogram seems
to have lost about 50 micrograms in the last 100
years, and the reason for the loss is still
unknown (reported in Der Spiegel, 2003 26). The
observed variation in the prototype has
intensified the search for a new definition of
the kilogram. Although it is accurate to state
that all other objects in the universe have
gained 50 micrograms per kilogram, this
perspective is counterintuitive and defeats the
purpose of a standard unit of mass.
7Measuring is hard
- Even old, widely used, well established metrics
- have a complicated history
- are still changing
- What is a metric?
- the type of property being measured?
- eg. lines of code
- the unit used to measure a property?
- eg. a standard for counting lines of code in Java
- the result of measuring a property?
- eg. the number of lines of code in a particular
program - In software, the term metric is used in all
three senses - most often in the first two senses
8Software does have weight-usually not a very
interesting property
- Software weight depends on how it is represented
paper, chips, circuit boards, chalk, CD, shrink
wrap, - Software can exert very large forces
- Changing the software may not change its weight
- choosing useful metrics for software is a hard
problem - there are too many choices
- - we will let Walker (not Winston) Royce choose
for us
9 four scales of measurement
- The four scales are defined by three qualities
- magnitude, equal intervals, and zero
- Most basic is the nominal scale,
- represents only names
- has none of the three qualities.Â
- eg. a list of students, the set of names in a
program - Second is the ordinal scale
- has magnitude only
- values are ordered but arithmetic operations are
pointless - eg. house numbers on a street, ranking of
software versions by market position - Third is the interval scale
- possesses both magnitude and equal intervals
- values can be usefully added or subtracted
- eg. temperature in degrees F, ranking of software
versions by date of release - Fourth is the ratio scale.
- contains all three qualities
- values can be usefully multiplied or divided
- eg. temperature in degrees K, number of lines of
code in a module
an example
10The following table shows the width and height of
ISO A and B paper formats, as well as the ISO C
envelope formats. The dimensions are in
A8, A9, A10
11The ISO paper size concept
which scale is being used?
why does software not use A0 size paper? - all
other branches of engineering do
12- Is a process metric different from a product
rest of this lecture will focus on process
13Properties of Process Metrics
- provide objective measures of
- project progress
- qualities of software products
- provide the means for estimating the cost and
schedule to complete a project with desired
levels of qualities - accuracy improves over time
- each metric has two dimensions
- a static value
- a dynamic trend
- measuring change (trend) is the most important
aspect of metrics for project management
process metrics provide reality checks
14Seven Core Process Metrics ( Walker Royce)
- Management Indicators
- Work and Progress
- Budgeted Cost and Expenditures
- Staffing and Team Dynamics
- Quality Indicators
- Change Traffic and Stability
- Breakage and Modularity
- Rework and Adaptability
- MTBF and Maturity
15M1 work and progress
- purpose
- iteration planning
- plan vs. actuals
- management indicator
- perspectives
- function points
- object points
- scenarios
- test cases
- Software Change Orders (SCOs)
16Work and Progress
planned progress 40
Work Plan
current time
actual progress 25
schedule variance 15
17M2 - budgeted costs and expenditures
- purpose
- financial insight
- plans vs. actuals
- management indicator
- perspectives
- cost per month
- full-time staff per month
- of budget expended
- earned value calculations
18Planned and Actual Cost ? Progress
actual progress?
Expenditure Plan
current time
planned cost 40
actual cost 15
cost variance -25
19Earned Value Example
The earned value at the current time is the
planned cost of the actual progress. The negative
cost variance represents an under-budget
planned cost 40
expenditure (planned and actual)
Expenditure Plan
current time
actual progress 25
actual cost 15
schedule variance 15
cost variance -10
20M3 staffing and team dynamics
- purpose
- resource plan vs. actuals
- hiring rate
- attrition rate
- perspectives
- people per month added
- people per month leaving
21Staffing and Team Dynamics
the two charts dont correspond ???
22M4 - change traffic and stability
- purpose
- iteration planning
- management indicator of schedule convergence
- perspectives
- SCOs opened versus SCOs closed
- by type (0,1,2,3,4)
- by release / subsystem / component
23Change Traffic and Stability
Open SCOs
Closed SCOs
does this graph represent stability?
24M5 breakage and modularity
- purpose
- convergence
- software scrap
- quality indicator (maintainability)
- perspectives
- reworked SLOC per change
- by type (0,1,2,3,4)
- by release / subsystem / component
25Breakage and Modularity
Breakage ()
design changes
implementation changes
26M6 rework and adaptability
- purpose
- convergence
- software rework
- quality indicator (maintainability)
- perspectives
- average hours per change
- by type (0,1,2,3,4)
- by release / subsystem / component
27Rework and Adaptability
Rework (/change)
implementation changes
design changes
28M7 MTBF and maturity
- purpose
- test coverage / adequacy
- robustness for use
- quality indicator (reliability)
- perspectives
- failure counts
- by release / subsystem / component
- test hours until failure (MTBF)
- by release / subsystem / component
29MTBF and Maturity
MTBF (hours/failure)
Reliability Growth
30MTBF and Maturity
MTBF (hours/failure)
Reliability Decay
31Characteristics of Good metrics
32Characteristics of Good Metrics
- meaningful to the customer, manager and performer
- demonstrates quantifiable (real) correlation
between process changes and business performance - everything boils down to (cost reduction,
revenue growth and margin increase) - objective and unambiguous
- displays trend
- natural by-product of the process
- supported by automation
- Royce, Walker. Software Project Management,
Addison-Wesley, 1998. Chapter 13.