Chapter 12: The Global Cycles of Nitrogen and Phosphorus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12: The Global Cycles of Nitrogen and Phosphorus


Most abundant form on earth N2 gas (78% of atmosphere by volume) ... Mountains), especially with low N uptake (old forests, coniferous vegetation) Also found in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 12: The Global Cycles of Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Chapter 12 The Global Cycles of Nitrogen and
Nitrogen Unique among nutrients in many ways
  • The most commonly limiting nutrient in
    terrestrial ecosystems
  • Most abundant form on earth N2 gas (78 of
    atmosphere by volume) - is unavailable to plants
  • Valence states from -3 (NH3) to 5 (NO3-)
  • No mineral source
  • SOM stores nearly all soil N
  • Atmosphere is main reserve, but unavailable must
    be fixed

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Nitrogen Unique among nutrients in many ways
  • Very low soil available pools relative to uptake
    - that is why it is most commonly limiting
  • Volatile phases (NH3, N2O, N2)
  • Can be taken up as cation (NH4) or anion (NO3-)
  • Assimilating NH4 costs 2-5 of plant energy,
    NO3- costs 15
  • Deposition can be major input in polluted areas
  • Form in plants proteins, amino acids

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Nitrogen Cycling in soils Biologically controlled
Atmospheric Deposition
N2 fixation
N2, N2O
Plant N
Litterfall Root turnover
Organic N
Clay-fixed NH4
Includes mostly microbial (biotic) but also
soime abiotic immobilization
The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • Atmosphere contains largest pool (3.9 x 1021 g)
  • Relatively small amount in terrestrial biomass
    3.5 x 1015 g)
  • Relatively small amount in soil organic matter 95
    to 140 x 1015 g)
  • Mean CN ratios
  • Biomass 160
  • Soil organic matter 15
  • N produces much more C per unit input in biomass
    than in soil

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The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • All N in terrestrial system was derived from the
  • N fixation
  • Estimated at 140 x 1012 g yr-1
  • 10 kg ha-1 yr-1 average
  • Not distributed uniformly - high rates under N
    fixers (clover, lupine, alder, Ceanothus)
  • About 40 x 1012 g yr-1 in ag systems (e.g.,
  • Asmymbiotic (free-living) N fixation ranges from
    1 to 5 x 1012 g yr-1

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • All N in terrestrial system was derived from the
  • Lightning (lt3 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Atmospheric deposition
  • Currently 100 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Pre-industrial lt20 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Mean residence time for N in terrestrial system
    is 700 yr
  • Mean residence time for soil N is gt100 yr
  • Thus, N cycles through both the atmosphere and
    soil at a slower rate than C

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • N needed for terrestrial production
  • Assuming net primary production of 60 x 1015 g
  • Assuming mean CN of primary production is 50
  • Need about 1200 x 1012 g N yr-1
  • N fixation supplies only about 12 of this (140)
  • The remainder must come from recycling, as
    discussed earlier

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • In total, approximately 240 x 1012 g N are
    delivered to the earth per year
  • Lightning lt3 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Atmospheric deposition 100 x 1012 g yr-1
  • N2 fixation 140 x 1012 g N yr-1
  • Of the total, 60 is caused by humans
    (fertilization, N fixation, pollution), 40 is
  • VG, global N cycle, Fig 12.2, p. 386

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • Atmospheric deposition
  • Currently 100 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Pre-industrial lt20 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Fossil fuel combustion 20 x 1012 g yr-1

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • Agricultural activities gt 80 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Mainly fertilization
  • The Haber process
  • 3CH4 6H2O -gt 3CO2 12H2
  • 4N2 12H2--gt 8NH

The global N cycle (Fig 12.2)
  • In the absence of N removal, earth would contain
    a large amount of N in a very short time
  • River export
  • Rivers export 36 x 1012 g yr-1 - - but this may
    be too low, does not include particulate, DON
  • About half of current river export is

  • N fertilization
  • An absolute necessity for crop production
  • A problem needing a solution
  • Groundwater nitrate buildup a problem in ag
    areas, mostly because of fertilization
  • N fertilization is a special problem
  • Nitrogen will not remain in ionic form on soil
    exchanger for prolonged periods
  • NH4 is consumed by plants, heterotrophs when N
    is limiting

  • N fertilization
  • Available N does not remain elevated for long
  • Frequent refertilization is necessary

N fertilization
  • Fertilizer Efficiency
  • Defined as percentage of added fertilizer that is
    actually used by the target plants
  • Generally 5-40 for N

N fertilization
  • Why is N fertilizer efficiency so low?
  • Things we cannot help
  • Microbial immobilization (most important for N)
  • Abiotic N fixation in organic matter
  • Things we can help
  • Bad timing get it in when roots grow
  • Incorrect amounts
  • Too low feeds microbes, which are most efficient
  • Too high in the case of N causes nitrate leaching

N fertilization
  • Excessive N fertilization leads to acidification
    and groundwater NO3- pollution
  • Balancing N fertilization rates and timing with
    crop needs is a major problem
  • We must fertilize with N to eat!

  • The microbially-mediated reduction of nitrate
    (NO3-) to N2, N2O, NO
  • NO3- carbohydrates --------gt CO2 N2, NO, N20
    (mostly N2)
  • Required No O2, presence of NO3- carbohydrates
  • Denitrification is the major mechanism of N loss
    from desert/range soils.
  • Global estimates 13 to 233 x 1012 g yr-1
  • Major uncertainty!!

Fire effects on N
  • N gasified (not volatilized) to NH3, NOx, and N2
    during fires
  • gt90 N in whatever burns is lost as gas
  • Globally, biomass burning may have contributed 50
    x 1012 g N yr-1 according to the book - probably
    higher now

Fire effects on N
  • N gasified (not volatilized) to NH3, NOx, and N2
    during fires
  • gt90 N in whatever burns is lost as gas
  • Globally, biomass burning may have contributed 50
    x 1012 g N yr-1 according to the book - probably
    higher now

Global N cycling
  • Balancing the global N cycle, they ignore
    recycling - e.g.
  • NH3 from fires rapidly re-absorbs in terrestrial
  • Natural emissions of NOx from soils (how is this
  • Tables 12.1 and 12.2

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Global N cycling Oceans
  • Oceans receive
  • From rivers 36 x 1012 g N yr-1
  • From N2 fixation 15 x 1012 g N yr-1
  • From atmospheric deposition 30 x 1012 g N yr-1
  • Note that while rivers are a rather small
    proportion of terrestrial N cycle, they are 40
    of input to oceans

Global N cycling Oceans
  • Surface ocean contains very little inorganic N
  • Deep oceans contain large amounts of inorganic N
  • (570 x 1012 g N yr-1) from organic matter
  • Permanent burial of N in sediments is small
  • Most N sent deep eventually denitrifies and is
  • Denitrification fluxes may be large 110 x 1012
    g N yr-1

Nitrous oxide N2O
  • Greenhouse gas - 300 x as effective as CO2
  • Increasing at an annual rate of 0.3
  • The only significant sink is stratospheric
  • Soils may also constitute a small sink
  • Mean residence time in atmosphere is about 120 yr
  • Sources are poorly known
  • Natural
  • Oceans nitrification from deep sources
  • Soils - mostly tropical wet soils
  • Table 12.3

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Nitrous oxide N2O
  • Greenhouse gas - 300 x as effective as CO2
  • Increasing at an annual rate of 0.3
  • Greenland ice cores show it has been much lower
    (Fig 12.5)
  • The only significant sink is stratospheric
  • Soils may also constitute a small sink
  • Mean residence time in atmosphere is about 120 yr
  • Table 12.3

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Nitrous oxide N2O
  • Sources are poorly known
  • Mostly from denitrification and nitrification in
  • Natural (10 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Oceans nitrification from deep sources (4 x 1012
    g yr-1)
  • Soils - mostly tropical wet soils (6 x 1012 g
  • Anthropogenic (5.7 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Cultivated soils (3.5 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Biomass burning (0.5 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Industrial sources (1.3 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Cattle and feedlots (0.4 x 1012 g yr-1)
  • Table 12.3

Nitrogen Saturation
  • N-saturation
  • Many definitions. We will use
  • N leaching is approximately equal to N
  • N leaching is nearly all NO3-, with some organic
  • N deposition includes NH4, NO3-, organic N
  • Very rare in forest ecosystems because most are
  • Has been found in polluted sites (near farms,
    much of Holland, Smoky Mountains), especially
    with low N uptake (old forests, coniferous
  • Also found in
  • Red alder (too much fixation) and
  • Some naturally N-rich sites (e.g., Turkey Lakes,

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Nitrogen Saturation
  • The level of N deposition that will produce
    N-saturation varies enormously with tree
    species and age (i.e., N uptake)
  • The next figure shows the range of N uptake in a
    variety of forests in the Integrated Forest Study
  • Smokies Tower, Becking and Beech sites have both
    high deposition and low uptake therefore they
    are N-saturated
  • The same rates of deposition in the Duke Loblolly
    site would probably produce faster growth but no

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Nitrogen Saturation
  • NO3- leaching in saturated sites is highly
    dependent on deposition rates, plant and
    microbial uptake
  • Unlike the case with S, N will NOT be retained
    with higher N inputs once the site is
  • There is no mechanism for N retention at higher
  • Further N can be retained after N-saturation
    only by
  • Adding high CN ratio material to soil (more
    microbial uptake)
  • Planting younger or higher N-demanding trees
  • plant uptake)

Nitrogen Saturation
  • If N deposition is reduced, NO3- leaching usually
    decreases quickly and sharply (no bleeding effect
    like for SO42-)
  • N retention is controlled by completely different
    factors and behaves completely differently with
    changes in N input than S retention is with
    changes in S input!!

The Global Phosphorus Cycle
No significant gaseous component Atmospheric
transport as dust and particles is small (1 x
1012 g yr-1) Major source of available P is not
created by microbial reactions, but by chemical
reactions Apatite in parent material is he major
primary source (in contrast to N, where there is
no major mineral source)
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Characteristics of the Phosphorus Cycle
  • Second most commonly limiting (second on fert
  • Taken up in anion form (H2PO4-, HPO42- at higher
  • Both soil mineral (apatite) and organic sources
    are important
  • Deposition is unimportant
  • Strongly retained by adsorption to soils
  • Forms in plants ADP, ATP (plant energy

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Characteristics of the Phosphorus Cycle
  • Leaching unimportant
  • Particulate loss (sediment in streams, erosion)
    is major pathway for loss from terrestrial
  • Leaching lt deposition (net gain) nearly always
  • Due to biological uptake when N is limiting
  • Due to adsorption and precipitation alway
  • Large, inorganic adsorbed or apatite pools
  • Small or large "available" soil pools

Characteristics of the Phosphorus Cycle
  • Fertilization
  • Large effect of P fixation
  • Adsorption to Fe, Al hydrous oxides so strongly
    that P is unavailable
  • Common in Andisols (volcanics) and Oxisols
    (tropical highly oxidized soils)
  • Duration of increases in soil available P depend
    largely on P fixation
  • Long-term in non-P-fixing soils
  • Short-term in P fixing soils

Phosphorus Fertilization
P-fixing soils
Non-P-fixing soils
Characteristics of the Phosphorus Cycle
  • CP ratios
  • Mineralization when lt2001
  • Immobilization when gt3001

Phosphorus in the Oceans
  • Main input is via rivers 21 x 1012 g P yr-1
  • Only 10 of this is ortho-P
  • Remainder is adsorbed to particles, unavailable
    to marine biota
  • What ortho-P enters oceans is precipitated mostly
    as apatite
  • Ca5(PO4)3OH lt--gt 5Ca2 3HPO42- 4HCO3- H2O
  • Ksp 10-58
  • So ortho-P concentrations are approx. 3 x 10-6 M

Phosphorus in the Oceans
  • Turnover of P in surface oceans is days
  • 90 of P taken up is recycled
  • Some goes deep and is entrained in sediments (2 x
    1012 g P yr-1)
  • The latter is the long-term P sink
  • Recycled to the terrestrial system only over very
    long-terms, with uplift
  • Therefore, we have what agronomists call the
    phosphorus problem
  • A finite supply, in essence, which is being
    slowly sequestered in the ocean
  • Accelerated erosion increases this problem
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