Welcome to the CIS Seminar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to the CIS Seminar


(0 : convolve xs y) addSeries [] x = x. addSeries x [] = x. addSeries (x:xs) (y:ys) ... iterate (convolve [0,1,1,1,1,1,1]) [1] test6 = dice !! 3. Convolution ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to the CIS Seminar

Welcome to the CIS Seminar
Laziness is good for you!
  • Nov 17 Stephen
  • Dec 1 Darek
  • Dec 8 Tim

A Tale of Two Students
  • Prof Read Chapter 4

Darek Ha! Chapter 4 is a waste of time. I'll
wait until I see the test and read it real quick
during the test if I have to.
Daniel Better read that right now! You never
know what will be on the test.
A Tale of Two Students
  • Prof Read Chapter 4

Darek Ha! Chapter 4 is a waste of time. I'll
wait until I see the test and read it real quick
during the test if I have to.
Daniel Better read that right now! You never
know what will be on the test.
Prof Test Time!
Daniel Drat he never asked a question from
chapter 4!
Darek Score! Sure glad I got all that extra
What's Going On Here?
  • Suppose that there are no "real time" constraints
    the test isn't time limited.
  • Darek doesn't bother to do work that's not part
    of his final grade he's lazy
  • Daniel does work that might not have an impact on
    his grade he's eager.
  • These guys are representative of two basic
    programming language styles.
  • We know which one is "right"!

Back to Lambda Calculus
  • If you remember Lambda Calculus (hah!) it was a
    way of expressing computation that didn't commit
    you to any specific sequence of operations.
  • You had a big cloud of "work" to do and you could
    do any piece of work (reduction) you wanted to.
    No matter which strategy you choose you
    eventually get the same answer.

Lazy Lambda Calculus
  • Here's the big idea you take your program and
    don't run (reduce) anything unless it's part of
    the "answer". That way you know all of your
    effort "counts".
  • This sounds sensible! So what's the alternative?

Other Programming Languages
  • Most programming languages do work at times they
    don't have to
  • x f(y, z) // Will we really NEED x later?
  • a f(g(b), h(b)) // Does f really use both?

Lazy Languages
  • In a lazy language, we don't do any work that
    isn't part of the "answer". What does that mean?
  • x f(y)
  • doesn't DO anything unless we really want to know
    the value of x.

Every Language is a Little Lazy
  • Even in regular old languages like Java, there
    are constructs that do behave lazily
  • if (y gt 10) z f(x) else z g(x)
  • We don't go out and evaluate both branches of the
    if we wait until we know which is needed.
  • Note that and are lazy too!

A Lazy Function
  • iterate (a -gt a) -gt a -gt a
  • iterate f x x iterate f (f x)
  • What the heck? This defines an infinite sequence
    of value
  • x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))),
  • Now in languages like Java this is an infinite
    loop! But not in a lazy language
  • You have to be careful not to print the entire
  • take 10 (iterate (2) 1)

Lazy Example
  • addPairs Integer -gt Integer
  • addPairs (xyrest)
  • xy addPairs (yrest)
  • addPairs _
  • Check this
  • addPairs 0,1,2,1,0 1,3,3,1

Pascal's Triangle
  • pascal Integer
  • pascal iterate f 1 where
  • f x addPairs (0 x 0)
  • combinations n m
  • pascal !! (n-1) !! (m-1)
  • Let's fire up Haskell and see this in action!

  • Pascal's triangle can be explained in terms of
    "convolution". This is a big deal in the signal
    processing world in which systems are
  • linear (if you double the input, you double
    the output)
  • time-invariant (they do the same thing today
    and tomorrow)
  • We'll also assume causality output can't
    precede input
  • If you know the response to a single 1 (the
    impulse response) you know the response to any
  • This is discrete convolution signals are an
    infinite stream of discrete samples integration
    is now summation

Discrete Convolution
  • convolve, addSeries
  • Integer -gt Integer -gt Integer
  • convolve x
  • convolve (xxs) y
  • addSeries (map (x) y)
  • (0 convolve xs y)
  • addSeries x x
  • addSeries x x
  • addSeries (xxs) (yys)
  • xy addSeries xs ys

A General Pascal Triangle
  • pascal2 iterate (convolve 1,1) 1
  • But wait! We can do more!
  • dice
  • iterate (convolve 0,1,1,1,1,1,1) 1
  • test6 dice !! 3

  • You CS guys can't hide from convolution it's the
    basis for TONS of signal processing software
    (speech recognition, filtering, sound and image
  • Know Math to know CS!

Beyond the Infinite
  • The program we just did is
  • overly convoluted because
  • the streams are finite. Let's
  • deal with infinite streams instead.

Infinite Streams / Convolution
  • convolveI , addSeriesI
  • Integer -gt Integer -gt Integer
  • convolveI (xxs) y
  • addSeries (map (x) y)
  • (0 convolveI xs y)
  • addSeriesI (xxs) (yys)
  • xy addSeriesI xs ys
  • (or using magic Haskell juju)
  • addSeriesI zipWith ()

Contemplating Infinity
  • Infinity is great but we can't see it all at
  • Let's see how Pascal is doing
  • zeros 0 zeros
  • impulse 1 zeros
  • pascalSignal 1 1 zeros
  • infinitePascal
  • iterate (convolveI pascalSignal)
  • impulse
  • test7 take 6 (map (take 6) infinitePascal)

Back to Programming Langs
  • Haskell is a language without control constructs
  • for loop NO
  • while loop NO
  • break NO
  • if / then / else YES (why?)

Why Not?
  • We don't need control constructs when we have
    lazy evaluation.
  • Things that require control constructs can be
    accomplished using ordinary data operations.

  • Java
  • for (i 0 i lt 10 i)
  • if (prime(i)) System.out.print(i)
  • Haskell
  • filter isPrime
  • (takeWhile (lt 10) (iterate ( 1) 0))
  • isPrime n head (dropWhile (ltn) primes) n
  • primes sieve 2..
  • where sieve (pns) p sieve n n lt- ns,
  • n mod p gt

What is ""?
  • In Java, it is an "action" it makes something
  • In Haskell, it is a "definition" it doesn't do
    anything except allow a computation to look up
    the value of a name if needed.
  • Haskell mathematics
  • Java confusion

Why Laziness?
  • Laziness is NOT about avoiding work (sorry,
  • Laziness is about defining things in a natural
    way without having to worry about the underlying
    computational process.
  • Lazy programs are far more "plastic" that others
    we can abstract at ANY point.

Haskell is cool
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