Title: Foam Fractionation versus Ozone Contacting:
1Foam Fractionation versus Ozone Contacting
- Impacts on Water Quality in a Natural Seawater
System - R. Phillips, E. Kingsley, S. Mansergh R. Weber
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
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3Outer Bay Exhibit
- Opened in 1995
- 1.2 million gallons (4,540 m3)
- 21 m long 9 m wide11 m deep
4Outer Bay Life Support System
5Outer Bay Exhibit Turbidity
6Pilot-Scale System
7Pilot-Scale System
8Pilot-Scale Testing Parameters
9Water Quality Parameters
- Turbidity (mNTU)
- Bacterial Densities
- Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)
- Residual Ozone
- Hypobromite Bromate
- Free Chlorine (DPD)
- Dissolved Oxygen
- pH
10Contactor. Change in Turbidity vs. Ozone Dose
11Fractionator. Change in Turbidity vs. Ozone Dose
12Bacterial Densities
- Heterotrophic Plate Counts on Marine Agar
- Live cells, underestimates population
- Flow Cytometry
- Live and dead cells, double-stranded DNA stain
- Sodium Thiosulfate added to sterile sample
bottles to neutralize residual oxidants - Log10 Reduction
- Log10 exhibit SW Log10 treated SW
- Log10 reduction of 1 1 order of magnitude
13Contactor. Log10 Reduction of Bacteria (HPC) vs.
Ozone Dose
14Fractionator. Log10 Reduction of Bacteria (HPC)
vs. Ozone Dose
15Change in ORP vs. Ozone Dose
16Hypobromite vs. Ozone Dose
17Free Chlorine vs. Ozone Dose
18Hypobromite vs. Free Chlorine
19ORP and Hypobromite
20Summary of Results
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- Mark Fisher and John Overby, Ozone Water Systems,
Inc. - Jeffrey Keaffaber, JK Associates, Inc.
- Michael Alden, Bechman Coulter
- MBA Facilities and Husbandry Staff
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- The Outer Bay Exhibit
- Turbidity patterns in the OB system
- Pilot-scale testing of an ozone contactor and a
foam fractionator - Water quality results from pilot-scale testing
- Summary
24Hypobromite Bromate
- O3 Br- ? O2 OBr- (Hypobromite)
- 2 O3 OBr- ? 2 O2 BrO3- (Bromate)
25Total Particle Counts 0.6-20.0 um
26Total Organic Carbon
Ozone Contactor
Foam Fractionator
27Bromate vs. Ozone Dose
28Pilot-Scale System
29Contactor Fractionator
30Pilot-Scale System
31Design Criteria Water Quality
32Ozone Contactor and Deaeration Tower
33Deaeration Tower
- Designed for 10,000 gpm at a velocity of 0.084
ft/sec. - Modify existing distributors
- Possibly add perf distribution plate at media
surface - Replace Nupak 4 with Brentwood media
34Deaeration Tower Blowers
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