Yitzchak Rosenthal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Yitzchak Rosenthal


Many P2P protocols require clients to divulge 'private information'. Examples: Amount of bandwidth a client has for uploading files. ... Credence algorithm ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Yitzchak Rosenthal

P2P Mechanism Design Incentives in Peer-to-Peer
SystemsPaper By Moshe Babaioff, John Chuang and
Michal Feldman
  • Yitzchak Rosenthal

Types of P2P networks
  • P2P network applications
  • File downloading (e.g. BitTorrent, Gnutella,
  • Video streaming
  • MANETs

P2P Issues
  • Private Information
  • Many P2P protocols require clients to divulge
    private information.Examples
  • Amount of bandwidth a client has for uploading
  • List of files/data client has for uploading
  • Clients may choose NOT to divulge private
    information in order to exploit the network for
    its own gain.
  • Free Riding
  • Peers try to get use OF network without providing
    services TO network(e.g. downloading data from
    peers without uploading to peers)
  • Whitewashing
  • If multiple identities can be created for free
    then an evil user can destroy an identity once
    it has been recognized as not following the rules
    and exploiting the network
  • Sybil Attacks
  • Multiple IDs by same user that collude with each

Addressing the problem through Incentives
  • Provide incentives to peers to follow the rules
  • Types of incentives
  • Currency (CUR) - Mojonation
  • Peers earn currency when providing TO the
  • The currency can be spent in order to get
    services/data FROM the network
  • Reputation (REP) - KaZaA
  • Peers get a better reputation when they provide
    TO the network
  • Peers with better reputation get better download
  • Barter (BAR) - BitTorrent
  • Scalable - doesnt keep state information (CUR
    and REP do)
  • Files are broken into many equal size chunks
  • seeder peer distributes DIFFERENT chunks to
    many different peers
  • Peers who have a chunk exchange with peers who
    have other chunks.

Case study File Sharing Networks
One shot game
  • In a ONE SHOT GAME - free Riding is the dominant
  • Similar to one shot Prisoners Dilemma (PD) where
    dominant strategy is to defect.
  • No downsides for cheating
  • No loss of reputation
  • No way to spend any income

Other approaches
  • Direct reciprocity can be better, but
  • In large population, effect of direct reciprocity
    is diluted since the odds of interacting again
    with same peer is low (Friedman, et al) (See next
  • Enforce direct interaction with limited number of
    peers (BitTorrent)
  • Reputation systems introduces state may not
    scale as well
  • How to deal with newcomers
  • Dissuade whitewashing by
  • Cooperate with strangers with a fixed
    probability, p, is not robust against white
  • Better approach is adjust p based on frequency of
    past cooperation with strangers. This works
    better for a small turnover rate.

Dilution of effects of direct reciprocity with
large population.
  • Areas that reputation work
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Online marketplaces (e.g. eBay)
  • FileSharing - eg. KaAzA files who upload have
    better reputation scores and get higher priority
    when downloading
  • Eigentrust algorithm
  • Uses transitive trust relationships to
    aggregates local trust values to form global
    trust values
  • Similar to page rank in Google
  • Credence algorithm
  • Extends trust from peers to objects in p2p
    system to defend against pollution and poisoning

Minimalist P2P model (no reputation)
  • Each peer i has type ? generosity amount that
    peer will contribute to system
  • x of contributors to system
  • Contribution cost per peer 1/x
  • Decision of rational peer
  • See graph on next slide

Miminimalist P2P model - costs
  • Y axis is of contributors to system
  • X axis is generosity level
  • x1, x2 (on Y axis) and zero are equilibria of
  • X2 is NOT a stable equilibrium
  • Generosity ? is uniformly distributed beween 0
    and ?m.
  • Straight line is CDF of percent of peers who will
    contribute at a certain price level.
  • Curved line is the model of the cost per

Solve for x1 and x2
  • Solve for

  • Benefit proportional to contribution level a
  • Performance of System
  • Ws ax (1/x)x ax -1 (note 1/x is used
    instead of 1/ ? )
  • System will still collapse if maximal generosity
    is low

Reputation system
  • Catch free riders with probabilty, p, an
    eliminate free riders from systemORcatch free
    riders with probability 1 and peanalize free
    riders with (1-p) times reduced service of
  • Load placed on system decreases to
  • So contribution cost becomes

Analysis with reputation
  • Q individual benefit
  • R reduced contribution cost
  • T threat
  • Contributor performance Q R
  • Free Rider performance
  • System Performance

Analysis of Barter Based System (BitTorrent)
Principal Agent Model
  • N set of agents
  • n of agents
  • Ai 0,1 set of possible actions for each
    agent, i ? N
  • a specific agent
  • Set of n agents, N
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