Photosynthesis: Physiological and Ecological Considerations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Photosynthesis: Physiological and Ecological Considerations


study limiting factors (slowest step or limiting condition) ... 1200-2800 ppm in Cretaceous [CO2] 1 ppm/yr. due to fossil fuels 380 ppm today. 600 ppm by 2020 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Photosynthesis: Physiological and Ecological Considerations

Photosynthesis Physiological and Ecological
  • Larger scale
  • lvs and communities vs. chloroplasts
  • Understand plant productivity
  • crop yields
  • forestry, agronomy, botany, horticulture, food
    science, etc)
  • study limiting factors (slowest step or limiting
  • 3 metabolic steps critical for optimal Ps
  • RUBISCO activity, RuBP regeneration, triose-P

  • 3 parameters impt in measuring light
  • amnt (intensity, duration, time of year, canopy)
  • spectral quality (wavelength, time of year,
  • direction (N, S, E, W, indirect, direct)
  • Light measured as S
  • irradiance amnt S that falls on flat area per
    unit time (W m-2)
  • 1 W 1 J s-1
  • photon irradiance of incident quanta (mol m-2
  • 1 mol light 6.02 x 1023 photons
  • relationship btwn quanta and S
  • E hc/? where ? wavelength, c speed of
    light 3 x 108 m s-1 h Plancks
    constant 6.63 x 10-34 J s-1
  • 400 nm photon has 2x more S than 800 nm photon

  • Direction of light
  • light strikes obliquely or flat (perpendicular to
    surface, noon)
  • flat sensors best for flat lvs
  • sensing direction
  • spherical sensors best for oblique
    oblique light or
    light from many
    directions (diffuse
    light, reflection)
  • not sensitive to direction
  • useful for non-leaf measurements
  • fluence rate measurement
    from all directions

    (W m-2 or mol m-2 s-1)

  • Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
    measure of irradiance (amnt of light) btwn
    400-700 nm (W m-2)
  • when mol m-2 s-1 its called photosynthetic
    photon flux density
  • PAR in direct light 400 W m-2
    2000 µmol m-2 s-1
  • higher at higher altitudes

Energy Losses
  • 1.3 kW m-2 radiant S from sun reaches Earth
  • 5 S converted to carbohydrates
  • why?
  • outside of absorption
    spectrum (400-700
  • heat loss
  • fluorescence

Leaf Anatomy
  • Epidermal cells
  • transparent to visible light
  • convex focuses light to chloroplasts
  • impt in low light
  • Palisade cells
  • photosynthetic, 2nd layer
  • parallel columns, 1-3 cells deep
  • high chlorophyll content
  • sieve effect due to uneven distribution
    of chlorophll w/i
  • light channelling light propagated through
    vacuole, transmitted to leaf interior
  • Spongy mesophyll cells
  • photosynthetic, 3rd layer
  • irregular shape, large air spaces,
  • light scattering diffusing of light ? absoption

sun leaf
shade leaf
Leaf Anatomy
  • Other modifications ? reflection, ?
    absorption (40)
  • hairs
  • salt glands
  • epicuticular wax

Leaf Movement
  • Solar tracking (heliotropism)
    diurnal movement of
    occurs in full sun
  • controlled by swelling of pulvinus
    cells) at leaf base due to
    changes in ?s
  • diheliotropism diurnal mvmt,
    keeps plant
    organs perpendicular
    to sun rays, maximize Ps
  • am lvs vertical, follow the sun,
    pm lvs vertical,
    reorient at night
  • paraheliotropism diurnal mvmt,
    keeps plant organs
    parallel to
    sun rays, minimize sun rays

Chloroplast Movement
  • Chloroplast mvmt is means of controlling light
  • low light perpendicular to light
  • high light parallel to light rays
  • ? absorbance 15
  • move along microfilaments

Sun / Shade Adaptations
  • Plasticity capability of growing
    in sun
    or shade
  • most sp. not so plastic
  • depends on location in crown/habitat
  • high light sun lvs, 2 PSII1 PSI
  • more RUBISCO/xanthophyll
  • reddish/pale, smaller/thicker, deeper lobed
  • longer palisade parenchyma
  • more extensive vascular system
  • thicker CW in epidermis, sun burn
  • low light shade lvs, 3 PSII1 PSI
  • more chlorophyll per rxn center,
    more chlorophyll b
    (antenna), ? Ps rate
  • larger/thinner, shallow lobed

Competition for Light
  • Plants compete for light
  • balance canopy to allow maximum
    Ps for entire
  • maximum absorption of PAR
  • sunflecks patches of light in
    canopy that move
  • allow short burst of Ps
  • Shady environment
    more far-red (PS I)

Light-Response Curve
  • Light-response curve graph of CO2 fixation at
    various light levels
  • dark no Ps Rm - CO2 assimilation (loss)
  • as light ?, CO2 assimilation ?
  • light compensation pt pt where
    CO2 uptake equals
    CO2 release
  • depends on sp. and development
  • comp. pt sun 10-20 µmol/m/s
  • comp. pt shade 1-5 µmol/m/s
  • lower b/c ? R in shade plants
  • above comp. pt. linear increase
  • ? light ? Ps b/c light limited
  • saturation pt. where ? light ? Ps
  • limited by other factors

Light-Response Curve
  • Light saturation levels lower in shade-grown
  • depends on early development
  • change light cond. little effect

Light-Response Curve
  • Maximum quantum yield measure of photons used
    for CO2 assimilation
  • C3 more efficient lt30 C
  • C4 unaffected by temp.
  • more efficient than C3 at gt30 C

Light-Response Curve
  • Saturation occurs btwn 500-1000 µmol m-1 s-1
  • full sun 2000 µmol m-1 s-1
  • indiv. lvs dont use full sun
  • allow penetration
  • entire plant has greater use

Dissipation of Excess Energy
  • Xanthophylls (carotenoid) func.
    for dissipating excess S
  • zeaxanthin most effective, fluctuates
  • plants grown in full sun have
    more xanthophylls

Dissipation of Excess Energy
  • Isoprene
  • bluish haze over forests, piney scent
  • 5C hydrocarbon
  • contributes to atmospheric levels of CO, O3, and
    methane residence time (GH effect)
  • Stabilizes photosynthetic membranes at ? light
    and temp.
  • absorbs 222 nm (? S)
  • ? light and temp.
    isoprene syn.

Dissipation of Heat
  • Tremendous heat load dissipated by/as
  • evaporative heat loss due to evaporative
  • evaporation requires S thus pull heat from leaf
  • sensible heat loss due to air
    circulation around leaf
  • air must be cooler than leaf
  • long-wave radiation
  • back to atmosphere/space

Photosynthesis and CO2
  • ? CO2 ? Ps, ? CO2 ? Ps
  • Charles Keeling
  • CO2 0.037 (370 ppm), H2O vapor 2, O2
    20, N2 80
  • growing season in N. hemisphere

CO2 ? 1 ppm/yr due to fossil fuels
1200-2800 ppm in Cretaceous
380 ppm today
180-260 ppm
600 ppm by 2020
Greenhouse Effect
  • Greenhouse effect warming of Earths
    climate due to trapping of
    radiation by atmosphere
  • GH roof transmits visible light
  • absorbed by plants
  • excess light converted to heat and re-emitted as
    long-wave radiation
  • glass doesnt transmit long-wave radiation well
  • thus GH heats up
  • GH gases (CO2, methane, isoprene) trap long-wave
    radiation thus Earths atmosphere heats up

Greenhouse Effect
  • GH effect on plants
  • Ps limited in C3 plants due to ? CO2
  • thus ? CO2 ? Ps for C3 plants why?????
  • but ? CO2 ? GH effect ? warming ????? for
  • RUBISCO deactived as temp. and CO2 ?
  • http//

(No Transcript)
CO2 Diffusion to Chloroplast
  • CO2 diffusion depends on CO2 gradient
  • diffuses as gas through stomata to wet cell
  • diffuses in liquid from cell surface to
  • resistances to diffusion
  • r rstomata rboundary layer rair space
  • intercellular air space resistance
    due to
    diffusion in air space
  • mesophyll resistance w/i cell,
    btwn cell
    surface and stroma
  • large SA of mesophyll cells and
    intercellular spaces
    facilitate diffusion

Photosynthesis and CO2
  • CO2 compensation pt R equal Ps
  • Below CO2 comp. pt
  • very low intercellular CO2
  • Ps strongly limited, R unaffected
  • thus net efflux of CO2 (R gt Ps)
  • Above CO2 comp. pt
  • Ps stimulated in C3
  • low to med. CO2 limited by
    RUBISCO carboxylation in
  • high CO2 limited by RuBP

Photosynthesis and CO2
  • Stomata limit CO2 entry
  • Ignoring stomatal resistance
  • Ps rates saturate at much lower levels in C4
    plants than C3
  • due to CO2 concentrating mechanisms in C4
  • Ps rates increase across wider range
  • thus C3 may benefit more
    from ? CO2
  • thus C4 will benefit little
    from ? CO2
  • CO2 comp. pt very low in C4

    b/c no photorespiration

C4 and CAM Plants
  • CO2 at carboxylation sites is saturated in C4
    and CAM
  • C4 plants need less RUBISCO
  • thus less N
  • maintain ? Ps rates at ? CO2
  • thus can close stomata
  • thus more efficient use of H2O and CO2
  • C4 less efficient at using light b/c S cost of
    CO2 conc. mechanisms
  • thus most shade plants are C3
  • CAM plants limited by malate storage

Photosynthesis and Temperature
  • Ps rate as func. of temp. exhibits bell curve
  • Ps rxns stimulated by ? temp. to pt
  • too high temp. is damaging
  • At high CO2, Ps rate greatly
    affected by temp.
  • limited by other rxns
  • At ambient CO2, Ps rate
    affected little by temp.
  • limited by RUBISCOs affinity
    for CO2

Photosynthesis and Temperature
  • R ? as temp. ?
  • CO2 fixation per photon remains
    same in C4
  • b/c no photorespiration
  • CO2 fixation per photon ? in C3
  • thus need more S per CO2
  • b/c photorespiration
  • photorespiration ? why?????
  • Optimal temp. for Ps depend on genetics and
  • species specific responses
  • temp. where individual plant is grown
  • do best where you were grown
  • alpine vs desert
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