Title: Convection Initiation Some Theory
1Convection Initiation (Some Theory Fundamentals)
- Stan Trier
- NCAR (MMM Division)
- Assessment of vertical stability
- a. Review of parcel theory and conditional
instability - i. CAPE, CIN and Skew-T (sounding) diagrams
- b. Potential instability and layer lifting
- Thermodynamic destabilization processes
- a. Equations for moisture and lapse rate change
- b. Physical processes
- i. Turbulent heat and moisture fluxes
- ii. Horizontal advections
- iii. Vertical motions
- 3. Broad categories of vertical motion mechanisms
3Parcel Theory (Assumptions)
- Vertically displaced air exchanges no mass or
heat with surroundings - Instantaneous adjustment to the ambient pressure
- Subsaturated air parcels change temperature at
dry adiabatic lapse rate -
- Saturated air parcels change temperature at
moist adiabatic lapse rate - which ranges from 4 K / km (warm
lower troposphere) to 10 K / km - Vertical accelerations governed only by the
buoyancy force -
4Parcel Theory Cont. (Definitions)
- Conditional Instability
- Vertical displacement must be sufficient to
saturate the air parcel, whereby the reduced rate
of cooling upon subsequent ascent would allow the
parcel to eventually become positively buoyant - Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) An air parcel
(which conserves ) becomes saturated at
this level (owing to adiabatic cooling) if given
a sufficient upward displacement - Level of Free Convection (LFC) Level at which
vertically displaced air parcel becomes warmer
than ambient atmosphere and subsequently
accelerates vertically due to positive buoyancy - Level of Neutral Buoyancy (LNB) Level at which
ascending air parcel becomes colder than ambient
atmosphere and decelerates vertically due to
negative buoyancy -
5Parcel Theory Cont. (Definitions)
Parcel theory assumes complete conversion of
potential to kinetic energy
Strength of vertical motion required to raise air
parcel to its LFC
6Example Skew-T Diagrams
Central U.S. Warm-Season
Oceanic Tropical
- Characteristics (CAPE2750 J/kg, CIN110 J/Kg)
- Moderate PBL RH
- Stable layer above PBL
- Steep midtropospheric lapse rate (very unstable)
- Characteristics (CAPE1000 J/kg, CIN10 J/Kg)
- High PBL RH
- No stable layer above PBL
- Nearly moist-neutral lapse rate (slightly
unstable) -
Deep lifting required
LIttle lifting required
7Some Other Examples
Western U.S. Warm Season
Central U.S. Elevated Instability
- Deep, dry PBL with moist midlevels
- Strong downdraft, wind potential, little rain
- Most unstable air with little CIN located above
PBL - Common at night and north of warm/stationary
fronts -
8Boundary Layer Temperature / Moisture Effects on
CAPE and Vertical Velocity
Parcel theory predicts complete conversion of
buoyancy to kinetic energy with wmax (2
- Positive buoyancies occur under saturated
Moist static energy (h gz cpT Lq) conserved
Since L / cp 2.5
r 0.9
Rough equivalence of boundary layer Temp and
moisture effects on storm strength in
well-developed convection cases
From Crook (1996), Mon. Wea. Rev.
9Boundary Layer Temperature / Moisture Effects on
Convection Inhibition (CIN)
When LCL is above boundary layer, CIN does not
depend uniquely on moist static energy
10More Boundary Layer Temperature / Moisture
Effects on Convection Inhibition (CIN)
Quantification from Crook (1996)
For temperature and moisture increases of equal
moist static energy
Some limiting cases
11Some Limitations of Parcel Theory
- Tends to overestimate convective strength
(vertical velocities) or triggering - - no consideration of dry entrainment,
water loading, adverse VPGFs - Cases with limited CAPE can produce very strong
convection -
- - strong forcing features (e.g., sharp
fronts) and strong environmental - vertical shear can produce favorable VPGFs
- Most applicable to conditionally unstable air
parcels in localized regions -
- - convection may also occur in rapidly
evolving environments with potential - instability when deep
layer lifting occurs -
12Case of a Severe Frontal Rainband with Negligible
From Carbone (1982, J. Atmos. Sci.)
13Some Limitations of Parcel Theory
- Tends to overestimate convective strength
(vertical velocities) or triggering - - no consideration of dry entrainment,
water loading, adverse VPGFs - Cases with limited CAPE can produce very strong
convection -
- - strong forcing features (e.g., sharp
fronts) and strong environmental - vertical shear can produce favorable VPGFs
- Most applicable to conditionally unstable air
parcels in localized regions -
- - convection may also occur in rapidly
evolving environments with potential - instability when deep
layer lifting occurs -
14Effects of Layer Lifting on Potentially Unstable
- Initial Sounding
- No CAPE for any parcels
- Final Sounding
- Deep Moist Absolutely
- Unstable Layer (MAUL)
- Positive CAPE w/ no CIN
Layer Lifting
From Bryan and Fritsch (2000, BAMS)
15Thermodynamic Destabilization
- Forecasting of CI is hampered by limited
availability of sounding information in space and
time - Knowledge of physical processes must generally be
used to anticipate local evolution of
thermodynamic stability - Both CAPE and CIN are sensitive to the lapse rate
and the lower-tropospheric moisture
16Moisture Tendency Equation
mean advection
eddy flux convergence
diabatic sources
17Lapse Rate Tendency Equation
differential horizontal advection
differential vertical motion
differential diabatic forcing
18Turbulent Heat and Moisture Fluxes
- PBL growth depends on several
- factors including
- vigor of turbulent eddies
- stability of air above PBL
Daytime heating results in increase of PBL depth
and potential temperature
19Turbulent Heat and Moisture Fluxes (Cont.)
- In quiescent conditions the vertical moisture
flux convergence lt 0 - term can be critical
- Unlike q, qv decreases above PBL
- When not balanced by surface
- evaporation or moisture advection,
- as PBL grows qv can decrease
- significantly due to vertical flux term
- Large temporal decreases most
- common when dry air exists above
- PBL and inversion is not too strong
In this example vertical heat flux convergence
gt 0 in PBL helps eliminate CIN but the
strong drying from vertical moisture flux reduces
20Turbulent Heat and Moisture Fluxes (Cont.)
- Different Example (Day Before, Same Location and
Quiescent Synoptic Condition)
- Stronger initial inversion and moister
- conditions above the PBL than
- previous example
- No temporal drop in PBL qv
In this example, the heating/vertical mixing
process also reduces CIN but this time results in
increased PBL CAPE
21Heating Gradients and Induced Circulations
Numerical Simulation
Cloud Streets
- Simulation indicates convective initiation
- within 100-200 km zone of PBL rolls
- near surface moisture gradient (dryline)
Deep Convective Initiation
From Trier, Chen and Manning (2004, Mon. Wea.
22Heating Gradients and Induced Circulations
1000-1400 CST Time-Averaged Sfc Heat Flux
Legend Color Shading (updrafts 2 cm/s
intervals) Green Lines (downdrafts
2 cm/s intervals) Labeled Black
Lines (Winds in cross-section)
From Trier, Chen and Manning (2004, Mon. Wea.
23Heating Gradients and Induced Circulations
Legend Color Shading (updrafts 2 cm/s
intervals) Green Lines (downdrafts
2 cm/s intervals) Labeled Black
Lines (Winds in cross-section)
From Trier, Chen, and Manning (2004, Mon. Wea.
24Terrain Influence on Timing of Convection
- Daytime convection over lowlands typically
- begins later than over adjacent terrain due
- to greater surface heating required
- Mountain high-level heat source may help
- initiate solenoidal circulation in which ascent
- and moisture transport occur over slope
- Convection over lowlands more intense due
- to greater CAPE
Mtn. Top
AC Dry adiabat from sfc convective temperature
to CCL EG Dry adiabat from mtn convective
temperature to CCL Hatched Areas Energy Input
required to reach convective
temperature at different elevations
From Bluestein (1993) Synoptic-Dynamic
Meteorology in Midlatitudes Vol. II
25Influence of Vertical Motions
22 LST Surface q / Winds / Reflectivity
- Afternoon sounding conditionally unstable
- but with stable layer above PBL
- Lifting above frontal surface contributes to
- 100-deep unstable saturated layer that
- allows development of E-W oriented
- nocturnal convective band
- Here, the lifting both 1) transports moisture
- in the vertical, raising the RH as ascending
- air adiabatically cools, and 2) steepens the
- midtropospheric lapse rate, which together
- allow organized convection to proceed
Sounding location
26Lifting and Horizontal Advection of Moisture
02 LST Surface q / Winds/ Reflectivity
- Another case of nocturnal convection along
- and north of a quasi-stationary surface front
- Unlike previous case, lifting alone cannot
- explain local evolution of the sounding
- Here, the MAUL has mixing ratio values much
- greater than at any level in the 6-h old
sounding - indicating importance of horizontal advection
Sounding location
27- Environmental lower-tropospheric ascent (at some
horizontal scale) generally required to initiate
organized convection - In many cases mesoscale vertical motion is
important in allowing organized convection to
persist beyond several cycles of convective cells
(caveat, self-sustaining convection in strong
28Forced (Isentropic) Mesoscale Ascent
- Occurs with horizontal warm temperature advection
- - Can saturate conditionally or potentially
unstable lower-tropospheric layers (direct
initiation) - - Can reduce CIN defining where fine-scale
mechanisms can more easily initiate convection
(indirect initiation) - - May be orographically forced or associated
with overrunning of statically stable air masses - Examples
- - Relative flow up frontal surfaces (e.g.,
Low-level jets) - - Mesoscale convective vortices (MCVs)
29Raymond and Jiang (JAS 1990) Conceptual Model of
Isentropic Lifting within a Steady
Balanced Vortex (e.g., MCV)
30Solenoidal Circulations
- Thermally-direct atmospheric flows forced by
baroclinity - - under hydrostatic conditions strength is
governed by horizontal temperature gradient and
depth through which it extends - - often associated with differential surface
heating - Sources
- - sloped or irregular terrain (e.g.,
mountain-valley circulation) - - land-water contrasts (e.g., sea-breezes)
- - land-surface contrasts (e.g., vegetative
differences, soil moisture gradients) - - spatial variations in cloudiness
- - antecedent convection (e.g., gust fronts)
31Sea-Breeze Circulation
32Gravity Waves and Related Phenomena
- Unbalanced circulations resulting from convection
and - other sources
- Examples related to convective sources
- - Deep (full tropospheric)
- - Shallow (trapped)
33Deep (Full-Tropospheric) Gravity Waves
Vertical Motion Associated with MCS-like Vertical
Heating Profile
Lower-tropospheric ascent near MCS
Deep subsidence farther away
- L1 mode associated with convective part of
heating profile has rapid phase speed - L2 mode associated with stratiform component of
MCS heating profile has slower - phase speed ( 20 m/s) and may cause vertical
displacements sufficient to destabilize - initially small CIN environments
From Mapes (1993) J. Atmos. Sci.
34Shallow (Trapped) Wave-Like Disturbances
Internal Bore of Wavelength
Density Current
- Gravity-wave related phenomena can be excited by
antecedent convection - Statically stable nocturnal PBL provides an
environment where such - disturbances can maintain coherence
From Simpson (1997), An Introduction to
Atmospheric Density Currents
35Turbulent PBL-Based Circulations
- In situations with little or no CIN, PBL-based
circulations can determine where deep convection
first initiates - Horizontal convective roll circulations (for
example) have differences in potential
temperature and moisture between ascending and
subsiding branches - Can define sites where deep convective clouds
form on mesoscale boundaries
36HCRs Intersecting Sea-Breeze Front
From Atkins et al. (1995) Mon. Wea. Rev.
37Thank You!
- Stay tuned for Howie and 6 oclock magic!