Title: Coping with the Fiscal Crisis
1Coping with the Fiscal Crisis
- Budget Picture
- Legislative Analysts Office (LAO)
- Impact on Community Colleges
- Budget Reduction Process
- Budget Fundamentals
- Timelines
3Budget Picture
- State faces a 25 - 28 billion problem over the
next 20 months - Governor proposes 9.2 billion budget solution
for 2008-09 - 4.7 billion in new taxes
- Temporary 1.5 sales tax increase
- Expanding sales tax base to include some services
- Other targeted taxes
- 4.5 billion in budget cuts - 2.5 billion to
K-14 - Legislature in special session ending November
30 no action taken - December 1 Governor declares fiscal emergency
4Legislative Analysts Office (LAO)
- California Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor
- Comments on Governors Budget Plan
- Realistic numbers
- No borrowing
- Long lasting solutions
- Balanced approach no longer just a spending
problem - Early Action is Critical
- Maximize options
- Allow agencies to prepare for cuts
- Allow time for necessary ballot measures
5Impact on Community CollegesGovernors Proposal
- 2008-09 mid-year budget reductions of 332.2
million - 39.8 million for the COLA reduction
- 292.4 million reduction for apportionment
- No reduction of workload measures proposed
- Allows districts to backfill apportionment cuts
by shifting cuts to categorical programs
6Impact on Community CollegesLAO Proposal
- Weighted less towards mid-year cuts most of the
cuts occurring in 2009-10 - No reduction to apportionment recommends
targeted cuts Approximately 100 million - Fee increases
- 26 dollars per unit effective January 1, 2009
- 30 dollars per unit effective July 1, 2009
- Reduced funding for Certain Courses
- Physical Education
- Enrichment Courses
7Legislative News
- Previous Special Session fails to reach agreement
- Last vote - 200 million cut to community
colleges - 25 new Legislators
- 15 Democrats
- 10 Republican
- Special Session with new Legislators
- 55 to 60 million Property Tax Shortfall
- Joint Legislative Meeting
- Cash flow crisis
- Numbers could be 50 higher - 40 billion
- Senate Budget Committee today
8Budget Reduction Process
- District will attempt to absorb mid-year cuts
estimated at 10 million for 2008-09 - Time to make planned reductions and will allow
time to better evaluate the budget situation
Things will change! - Campuses and constituent groups are asked to
start looking for ways to reduce expenditures - Things to do now
- Evaluation of all vacant positions
- Review of all expenditures including travel
non essential exp - District Planning Council will discuss various
options and can make recommendations to the
Chancellor - Chancellors staff will also provide
recommendations - Recommendations involving collective bargaining
or academic and/or professional matters will go
to appropriate groups for consultation
9Budget Fundamentals
- Planned reductions instead of reactionary
reductions - Value focus on people
- 5 Board Required Reserve will remain intact
- Everything else is on the table
- Target Reduction of 15 million for 2009-10
10Current Budget - Ongoing
Personnel 112,979,900 67.0
Retiree Benefits 6,244,520 3.7
Extended Day 26,876,372 16.0
District-wide 6,540,698 3.9
Operating Allocation 11,602,902 6.9
Insurance 1,221,000 0.7
Other salary related benefits 504,000 0.3
Subtotal 165,969,394
Unallocated 538,683 0.3
COLA _at_ 0.68 1,073,811 0.6
Additional Growth 1,048,670 0.6
Total 168,630,558 100.0
- Board Policy Contingency 9,313,751
- Budget Center Carryovers 14,660,536
- District-wide 3,816,059
Subtotal 27,790,346
Other Funds
- Self Insurance Fund - Capital Outlay Fund - Retiree Benefit Fund 23,840,454 17,000,000 47,014,498
12Budget Timelines
- Meetings with the Campuses
- SCE 11/17/08
- Anaheim Campus 12/2/08
- Cypress 12/4/08
- Fullerton 12/10/08
- District Planning Council (DPC) Meetings
- Input from Constituent Groups 1/9/09
- Governors January Budget expected 1/15/09
- Governors May Revise expected 5/15/09
- Completion of Tentative Budget 6/8/09
- Public Hearing on Proposed Budget 9/8/09
- Recommendations to the Chancellor
- Development of Budget Subcommittee
- Evaluation of Recommendations from Constituent
Groups - Recommendations to DPC
14Areas of Focus
- Enrollments
- Productivity
- Vacant Positions
- Employee Benefits
- Salary Roll Backs