Title: Skin Ulcers in the elderly
1Skin Ulcers in the elderly
- An introduction for IM residents
- At the end you will be able to
- identify the common causes of ulcers
- optimize the healing environment
- identify appropriate patients for the CCAC Ulcer
team protocol - choose a dressing appropriate to the wound
3Sorting out the differential
- Decubitus
- vascular
- venous
- arterial
- diabetic
- neuropathy
- vascular
4Sorting out the differential
- Trauma
- medications
- steroids, IV antibiotics
- malignancy
- infection
- surgical
5Buns of .
6A heel on Connell 3?
7Recognizing malignant ulcers
8A harder to miss one...
9Ulcers you dont see often
10What will make all of these causes worse?
- Edema
- anemia (Hb lt100 will NEVER heal)
- infection
- nutrition
- ?? Role of supplementation
- arterial insufficiency
11Defining an infected ulcer
12Looking at the more common causes
- Venous ulcers
- accounts for 75 of lower extremity ulcers
- occur on medial malleolus
- associated with eczema, edema, weeping
- lipodermatosclerosis in end-stage
- often remarkably painless
13Shame about the face
14The impact of being an biped
15Problems with the carbon-based biped
16Fitting the golden slipper
17More venous problems
18Dont try this at home
19What are local resources for this?
- Compression, compression, compression
- elevation
- education
- CCAC ulcer protocol
- Dr. Bayoumi
20Get the pressure off!
- Common in KGH and LTC
- common over bony prominences
- if found in unusual location, R/O other cause
- OT and Claire Westendorp are allies
21Where are they found?
22Yucky diabetic feet
- Autonomic chances
- foot shape change
- nail care footwear
- dry skin
- sensory changes
23A classic diabetic ulcer
24Heres one to prevent
25Preventing diabetic ulcers
26How should you approach ulcers?
- DDx, staging and assessment of exacerbants
- get pressure off!
- adequate debridement
- moist wound healing
- appropriate dressing choice
- prevent injury to the healing wound
27Staging the wound
- I non-blanchable erythema lastinggt 30 min
- II partial thickness involving epidermis and/or
dermis - III full thickness involving down to fascia
- IV full thickness involving muscle, bone etc
28This is the bottom to remember
29Staging the wound
- Inflammatory early wound with lots of exudate
- Proliferative granulation, wound contraction,
epithelialization - Maturation tensile strength increases (50 by 3
weeks, up to 75)
30Debriding the wound
- Caution with PVD, poor nutrition, low protein
- options include
- surgical
- mechanical
- chemical
- autolytic
31Choosing a dressing
- Clarify goal
- clarify stage and healing phase
- emphasize moist wound healing
- think of cost and equipment needs
32Looking at the ideal dressing
33What are the options?
- transparent film (Opsite , Tegaderm)
- Foam dressings (Allevyn, Curafoam)
- Hydrogels (Intrasite)
- Alginates (Algisite, Kaltostat)
- Saline dressings (wet to dry)
- Hypertonic Saline (Mesalt)
- Hydrocolloid (Duoderm, Tegasorb)
34Wheres the evidence?
- Refer to CCAC protocol
- Mostly B and C
- little RCT evidence for Vit C, E, Zinc
- do not use swabs for culture (C)
- DDX and optimization of healing environment
- adequate debridement
- appropriate dressing for situation
- identify local expertise and resources