Module 14 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Module 14


The uvula aids the soft palate in closing off the nasal cavity during deglutition. ... to help prevent food from traveling down the wrong pipe during deglutition. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Module 14

Module 14
  • The Respiratory System

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  • The respiratory system contains the nasal cavity,
    the paranasal sinuses, the pharynx, the larynx,
    the trachea, the bronchi, and the lungs.
  • Generally, we split the respiratory system into
    two parts. The nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses,
    and the pharynx are a part of the upper
    respiratory tract.
  • The larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs are a
    part of the lower respiratory tract.Upper
    respiratory tract The part of the respiratory
    system containing the nasal cavity, paranasal
    sinuses, and pharynxLower respiratory tract
    The part of the respiratory system containing the
    larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs

Nasal Cavity
  • Each of the parts of the respiratory system has
    its own function or functions.
  • The nasal cavity, for example, has three
  • First, it provides for olfaction.
  • The nasal cavity also conditions the air. There
    is a lot of surface area in the nasal cavity, and
    the tissue on that surface is very vascular.
  • There is also a mucous membrane there that is
    moist and sticky. When you breathe in through the
    nasal cavity, then, the air is warmed by the
    blood vessels, moistened by the mucus, and it is
    cleansed of particles because the particles stick
    to the mucous membrane. So the air is moistened
    in the nasal cavity as well.

  • When the air passes out of your nasal cavity, it
    enters your pharynx.
  • The superior (upper) part of the pharynx is
    called the nasopharynx. The nasopharynx ends at
    the uvula, a small process that hangs off of the
    soft palate. The uvula aids the soft palate in
    closing off the nasal cavity during deglutition.
  • Two auditory orifices open into the nasopharynx,
    one from each ear. This allows air passage
    between the middle ear and the throat, which
    helps equalize the pressure between the middle
    ear and the atmosphere.

  • Inferior to the nasopharynx, we find the
  • It extends from the uvula to the epiglottis.
  • It is called the oropharynx because this is the
    place that the oral cavity opens to the pharynx.
  • As a result, both food and air pass through the
    oropharynx. Two sets of tonsils are located in
    this region of the pharynx.

  • The bottom part of the pharynx is the
  • It is actually posterior to the larynx.
  • When the epiglottis is not blocking the larynx,
    air passes from the laryngopharynx to the larynx.
  • When the epiglottis is closed, food passes from
    the laryngopharynx into the esophagus.

  • When air passes into the larynx, we encounter the
    second function of the respiratory system voice.
  • As you probably already know, the larynx, often
    called the voice box, contains the vocal cords,
    which give us our ability to make intricate
    sounds so that we can speak, sing, and so on.

  • Once air travels down the larynx, it enters the
    trachea, which is also called the windpipe.
  • The trachea consists of about 20 pieces of
    cartilage which are shaped like a C.
  • Dense regular connective tissue and smooth muscle
    hold these pieces of cartilage together.
  • Since the windpipe is a direct route to the
    lungs, it is a good place to mention another
    function of the respiratory system
    ventilation.Ventilation The process of
    getting air into the lungs and getting it back

  • The trachea splits into two bronchi, which each
    carry air to and from a lung.
  • A little more than half the air travels through
    the right branch into the right lung, and a
    little less than half travels through the
    slightly narrower left branch into the left lung.
  • The right branch is called the right primary
    bronchus (bron' kus), and the left branch is
    called the left primary bronchus.
  • Notice that the left lung and right lung are
    different from one another. Each lung is composed
    of lobes, but the right lung is made up of three
    lobes while the left lung is made up of only two.

  • Once in the lungs, the bronchi split into smaller
    tubes called secondary bronchi.
  • Each secondary bronchus goes to one lobe. There
    are three secondary bronchi in the right lung and
    two in the left lung.
  • These tubes then split into even smaller tubes
    called tertiary bronchi, and these split into
    even smaller tubes called bronchioles.
  • The bronchioles continue to branch into even
    smaller tubes, until they become terminal
  • These terminal bronchioles branch into tiny
    alveolar (al vee' oh lar) ducts, which open into
    many microscopic, balloon-like sacs called
    alveoli. The word alveoli actually means
    hollow cavity, which makes sense, since the
    alveoli are, indeed, hollow. The tissue of the
    alveoli is composed of simple squamous
    epithelium, which is lined with capillaries.

  • The alveoli begin the final function of the
    respiratory system respiration. This process
    involves three specific steps. First, there is
    external respiration.External respiration The
    process of O2 and CO2 exchange between the
    alveoli and the blood

  • Once external respiration has taken place, the
    next step of respiration, gas transport in the
    blood, takes place.
  • Oxygenated blood leaves the lungs and goes to the
    heart and then to the tissues, where it can
    supply the body's cells with oxygen.
  • At the same time, the blood picks up carbon
    dioxide from the cells, which is then transported
    back to the lungs so that it can be eliminated
    from the body.
  • The final stage of respiration is internal
    respiration, which allows for the exchange of
    gases between the cells and the blood.
  • Internal respiration The process of O2 and CO2
    exchange between the cells and the blood

  • One of the functions of the respiratory system is
    the voice.
  • This is controlled by the vocal cords, which are
    located in the larynx.
  • There are actually two types of vocal cords in
    the larynx true vocal cords (also called vocal
    folds) and false focal cords (also called
    vestibular folds).
  • Both are mucosa-covered ligaments and both are
    found in the superior portion of the larynx. The
    false vocal cords are superior to the true vocal
    cords. These two sets of vocal cords have
    different jobs. The false vocal cords close the
    larynx to help prevent food from traveling down
    the wrong pipe during deglutition. They also
    close off your larynx when you hold your breath.
  • The true vocal cords, on the other hand, actually
    produce sound.

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  • The most striking feature is the thyroid
    cartilage, the hyaline cartilage framework of the
    Adam's apple.
  • The middle illustration is a vertical cross
    section of the trachea. In this figure, you can
    see that the vestibular folds are superior to the
    vocal folds. Remember, the vestibular folds can
    completely close off the glottis, sealing the
    larynx. They do this by moving toward each other
    like a pair of sliding doors.
  • The vocal folds do not close completely. They
    move toward each other during sound production,
    but the force of the air leaving the lungs
    blows them open, which causes them to vibrate.
    When we are silent, they are relaxed and form a
    small flap on either side of the larynx. The
    right-hand illustration is a look down the
    opening in the larynx. This opening is called the
    glottis. Note the muscle attachment, where the
    delicate muscles which control the vocal folds
    are anchored.

  • How is sound created?
  • The vocal folds move together in the airway the
    air that passes through the vocal folds causes
    them to vibrate.
  • This makes sound. Remember, sound is just a
    series of vibrations in the air. If a musician
    plucks a guitar string, it vibrates, making a
  • When air passes through the true vocal cords,
    they also vibrate, and that also makes a sound.

  • Of course, we can do a lot more than just make
    sound. We can vary the loudness of the sound as
    well as the pitch. How is that done?
  • Well, the loudness of a sound is controlled by
    the displacement of the vibrations in the air.
  • In the larynx, the more air that passes through
    the vocal cords, the larger their displacement.
    Thus, we control the volume of our voice by
    controlling how much air passes through the
  • The more air we use, the louder our voice is. If
    you're going to yell at someone, you naturally
    take a deep breath, because you need a lot of air
    in order to raise the volume of your voice to
    that level.

  • Pitch is another important aspect to the sounds
    that we make. It is controlled by the frequency
    of the vibrations in the vocal cords.
  • We vary the pitch of our voice in much the same
    way that the musician varies the pitch of the
    guitar strings.
  • We can vary the thickness and the tension of our
    true vocal cords. The length of the vocal cords
    affects the pitch just as it does in guitar
    strings, but we cannot change that.
  • When we are young, the true vocal cords are
    relatively short. This gives our voices a high
    pitch. As we mature, our vocal cords grow.
    Typically, boys' vocal cords grow more than
    girls' vocal cords. Thus, as a boy matures, his
    voice gets deeper, because the longer the vocal
    cords, the lower the pitch.
  • Although girls' vocal cords also grow, they do
    not grow as much. Thus, a girl's voice will
    typically get deeper as she matures, but not
    nearly as noticeably as that of a boy.

The Muscles and Mechanics of Ventilation
  • We divide the muscles of ventilation into three
    groups muscles of principal inspiration, muscles
    of forced inspiration, and muscles of forced
  • The muscles of principal inspiration, the
    diaphragm and the external intercostals, are used
    when we breathe in normally.
  • When we consciously take a deep breath or when we
    exercise vigorously, we use the muscles of forced
    inspiration, the sternocleidomastoid muscles, the
    pectoralis minor muscles, and the scalene
    muscles, as well.
  • When we consciously force ourselves to exhale, we
    use the abdominal muscles and internal
    intercostal muscles (deep to the external
    intercostal muscles), which are the muscles of
    forced expiration.

  • How do these muscles control ventilation? Let's
    start with the diaphragm.
  • The diaphragm is a long, sheet-like muscle and,
    when we exhale, it's relaxed.
  • When we inhale, the diaphragm contracts, which
    causes it to shorten and pull downward.
  • This pushes down on the abdominal organs below
    it, which increases the size of the cavity in the
    chest (the thoracic cavity). When this happens,
    the lungs expand, and that causes air to rush
    into them through the nasal cavity or the mouth.
  • When the diaphragm relaxes, it gets longer, and
    the abdominal organs below it passively push it
    back up. This reduces the size of the thoracic
    cavity, which pushes in on the lungs.

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  • The other set of muscles that work during normal
    inhalation are the external intercostals.
  • When they contract, they pull the ribs up and
    out. Once again, this increases the size of the
    thoracic cavity, and the lungs expand as a
  • Muscles of inhalation, then, increase the volume
    of the thoracic cavity.
  • For a big forced breath, you have to use the
    muscles of forced inhalation, the
    sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor, and
    scalene muscles. These pull up either the ribs or
    the sternum when they contract, and that makes
    your thoracic cavity even larger. This increases
    the amount of air that you can inhale.

  • In order to exhale at rest, you just have to
    relax any of the inhalation muscles that were
  • As we already discussed, when the diaphragm is
    relaxed, it gets longer.
  • This reduces the size of the thoracic cavity. If
    any of the other muscles of inhalation are
    contracted, relaxing them will further reduce the
    size of the thoracic cavity.
  • When that happens, the lungs get pushed in, and
    air is forced out.

Factors That Aid Ventilation
  • There are elastic fibers in the lungs.
  • Thus, the lungs are a bit like balloons. They
    inflate because their elastic nature allows them
    to stretch.
  • However, when nothing is forcing them to stretch
    what will they do? They will recoil back to their
    original size.
  • The elasticity of the lungs, therefore, aids in
    expiration. When the diaphragm and intercostal
    muscles relax, the pressure inside the lungs
    increases. This forces the air out of the lungs.
  • With nothing pushing against them anymore, the
    lungs naturally collapse, like a balloon that is
    losing air. This helps push air out of the lungs

  • Emphysema is a common lung disease which can be
    caused by smoking or being exposed to a lot of
    air pollution.
  • In this disease, the walls of the tiny alveoli
    degenerate, and many tiny alveoli join together
    to make one large alveolus.
  • This causes two problems. The rate at which
    oxygen can be exchanged with the blood in the
    alveoli depends on the surface area over which
    blood is exposed to oxygen. Many tiny alveoli
    have more surface area than one large alveolus.
    Thus, the decrease in surface area causes less
    oxygen to be exchanged with the blood. The second
    problem is that as the walls of the alveoli
    degenerate, the elastic tissue degenerates as
    well. Typically, it is replaced with scar tissue.
    As a result, the lungs lose their elasticity.
    This causes a person with emphysema to have
    difficulty exhaling.

  • There is another factor which aids expiration
    the surface tension of alveolar fluid.
  • What does this mean?
  • The wall of an alveolus is lined with simple
    squamous epithelium.
  • This tissue is delicate, and that's why smoking
    or exposure to excess air pollution can destroy
    it. Now, like any mucous membrane or any of the
    internal membranes, this tissue is damp. It's not
    wet, but it's damp. The fluid which causes this
    dampness is called alveolar fluid, and it
    covers the entire surface of the alveolus.

  • Water is strongly attracted to other water
    molecules because of hydrogen bonding.
  • In fact, it is more strongly attracted to other
    water molecules than to the molecules in the air.
  • At the surface of any collection of water, this
    creates a surface tension. that is a powerful

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  • The surface of the lungs is covered with a layer
    of tissue called the visceral pleura.
  • There is a space between this tissue and another
    layer of tissue called the parietal pleura.
  • The space in between these two layers of tissue
    is called the pleural cavity, and it is
  • What's in there? Just a tiny bit of watery fluid.
    Since there is not a lot in the pleural cavity,
    it is at a lower pressure than atmospheric
    pressure. We call that a negative pressure,
    since it is lower than the pressure to which you
    are accustomed.

  • Since the pleural cavity is at a pressure lower
    than atmospheric pressure, it puts external
    suction on the lung, holding it open. Thus, even
    though the elastic nature of the alveoli and the
    surface tension of the alveolar fluid keeps
    pulling the lungs closed, the negative pressure
    in the pleural cavity keeps them from collapsing
    completely.What happens if we lose the vacuum
    seal of the pleural cavity? Air will rush into
    the pleural cavity, giving it the same pressure
    as the atmosphere. When that happens, there is no
    longer a negative pressure holding the lung open,
    and the lung will collapse. That's called a

  • The second process that aids inspiration and
    keeps the lungs from collapsing completely is a
    process that fights the surface tension of the
    alveolar fluid.
  • Remember, this surface tension aids the alveoli
    in collapsing, and it is quite a powerful force.
    It turns out that this force must be reduced in
    order to allow for proper breathing. How is it
    reduced? It is reduced by a surfactant that is
    secreted by specialized cells in the
    lungs.Surfactant - A molecule with a
    hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end

  • Airway resistance.
  • Remember, the air flows into the lungs and
    ultimately to the alveoli through the bronchi,
    bronchioles, and alveolar ducts. Well, when air
    travels through a tube, the walls of the tube
    resist the flow.
  • That's called airway resistance. Of course, the
    lower the airway resistance, the more healthy it
    is. It turns out that most of the airway
    resistance occurs in the bronchioles.
  • Asthma is the classic disease that increases
    airway resistance.

External Respiration
  • On the left-hand side of the figure, you see a
    cross section of a single alveolus with three
    capillaries near it. Notice the alveolus has a
    macrophage in it to destroy by phagocytosis any
    foreign invaders that make it to the alveolus.
    Air fills the lumen of the alveolus, and gases
    can be exchanged across the respiratory
    membrane.The right-hand side of the figure
    shows you the details of the respiratory
    membrane. The first layer is the alveolar fluid,
    which was mentioned above. This fluid, which has
    surfactant in it, coats the simple squamous
    epithelium of the alveolus. Notice the
    construction of this epithelium. The cells are
    spaced far from one another, and a thin membrane
    connects one cell to another. The gases in the
    air pass through this membrane on the way in and
    out of the alveolus.

  • Beyond the simple squamous epithelium of the
    alveolus, you find the basement membrane of the
    alveolar epithelium.
  • Beyond that, there is a tiny interstitial space
    separating the alveolus and the capillary.
  • That space ends with the basement membrane of the
    capillary endothelium.
  • After that you find the simple squamous
    endothelium of the capillary, which leads to the
    lumen of the capillary.

  • When the alveolus fills with air, oxygen travels
    across the respiratory membrane and is picked up
    by the erythrocytes in the capillary.
  • At the same time, carbon dioxide diffuses from
    the blood (mostly the blood plasma), across the
    respiratory membrane, and into the lumen of the
  • When the alveolus collapses, that carbon dioxide
    is forced out of the alveolus. When the alveolus
    is inflated again, fresh oxygen comes in with the
    new air.

  • Pneumonia is another way that the controlled
    relationship between ventilation and blood flow
    can be compromised.
  • Pneumonia is a general term that refers to an
    infection of the lungs. The infections can be
    viral, bacterial, or even the result of protozoa.
  • This infection usually leads to fluid collecting
    in the alveoli and poor ventilation of the lungs.
    Once again, then, there is not enough air in the
    alveoli for the blood that is pumping through
    them. As a result, the tissues do not get enough
    oxygen, and the results can be deadly!

  • A physiological process which aids in the
    efficiency of external respiration is the
    functional residual capacity of the alveoli.
  • When you have exhaled, there is still air in your
    lungs. Typically, an adult's lungs have a little
    more than two liters of air in them after he or
    she has exhaled normally. When the person inhales
    at rest, usually the volume of air in the lungs
    increases by only half a liter or so. This is
    referred to as the tidal volume.Tidal volume -
    The volume of air inhaled or exhaled during
    normal, quiet breathing

  • Most healthy adults can breath in over 3
    additional liters of air when they forcefully
    inhale. Thus, the volume of air in the lungs can
    change from just over two liters to about five or
    six liters (depending on size) when we forcefully
    inhale. This maximum volume of air that the lungs
    can hold is referred to as the total lung
    capacity.Total lung capacity - The maximum
    volume of air contained in the lungs after a
    forceful inhalation

  • Just as you are able inhale more air than you
    usually do under normal conditions, you can also
    exhale more than you usually do under normal
    conditions. When you forcefully exhale, you expel
    as much air as possible from your lungs.
    Interestingly enough, you cannot empty your lungs
    of air. Even when you exhale as much as possible,
    a residual volume of air is left in your
    lungs.Residual volume - The volume of air left
    in the lungs after a forceful exhalation

Gas Exchange During External and Internal
  • When dry, the air around us is 78 nitrogen and
    21 oxygen. The remaining 1 is a mixture of
    many, many gases, including carbon dioxide, which
    makes up about 0.04.
  • Of course, we never really breathe dry air. The
    air that we breathe has some water vapor in it,
    and that reduces the percentages of nitrogen and
  • Humidified air is typically 74 nitrogen, 20
    oxygen, 6 water vapor, and still about 0.04
    carbon dioxide. This air is typically at
    atmospheric pressure, which is near 760 mmHg.

  • What happens when we breathe this air into our
  • The lungs have a functional residual capacity.
  • Thus, there is old air in the lungs. When we
    breathe in, the new air that we are breathing
    in mixes with the old air that is already
    there. What do you think will happen to the
    partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide as
    a result? Remember, this old air has been
    giving up its oxygen to the blood and has been
    taking carbon dioxide from the blood. Thus, it
    has less oxygen and more carbon dioxide than the
    new air.
  • As a result, when the new air mixes with the
    old air, the partial pressure of oxygen will be
    lower than it was in the new air, and the
    partial pressure of carbon dioxide will be higher
    than it was.

  • When blood returns to the lungs, it has given up
    some of its oxygen to the tissues.
  • As a result, the partial pressure of oxygen in
    the blood is low - about 40 mmHg. At the same
    time, this blood has picked up carbon dioxide
    from the tissues. Thus, the pressure of carbon
    dioxide is higher than normal - about 45 mmHg.
  • Now let's compare these numbers to the partial
    pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
    alveoli. The partial pressure of oxygen in the
    alveoli is higher than the partial pressure of
    oxygen in the blood. As a result, diffusion
    dictates that the oxygen must travel out of the
    alveoli and into the blood. On the other hand,
    the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the
    alveoli is smaller than the partial pressure of
    carbon dioxide in the blood. Thus, diffusion
    dictates that carbon dioxide must travel from the
    blood to the alveoli. In the end, then, the gases
    really don't know which way they are supposed
    to travel.

  • When the blood reaches the tissues, what happens?
    Well, the cells of the tissues have been using up
    their oxygen.
  • Thus, the partial pressure of oxygen is low,
    averaging about 40 mmHg. At the same time, the
    process of using oxygen to convert food into
    energy (discussed in a later section) produces
    carbon dioxide. As a result, the partial pressure
    of carbon dioxide is high - about 45 mmHg. As the
    blood flows through the thin-walled capillaries,
    then, oxygen diffuses from the area of high
    partial pressure (the blood) to an area of low
    partial pressure (the cells).
  • At the same time, the carbon dioxide diffuses
    from an area of high partial pressure (the cells)
    to an area of low partial pressure (the blood).
    This increases the partial pressure of carbon
    dioxide in the blood to 45 mmHg, and it lowers
    the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood to
    about 40 mmHg. The blood (darker red in color
    now) is then sent back to the heart and then to
    the lungs to start the process all over again.

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Respiratory Control
  • Control of respiration takes place in the medulla
    and the pons of the brainstem.
  • In the medulla, there are two groups of neurons
    called the dorsal respiratory group and the
    ventral respiratory group.
  • In the pons, there is one group of neurons called
    the pontine respiratory group. The basic rhythm
    of breathing is thought to be set by the dorsal
    respiratory group, which controls the diaphragm.
  • When the dorsal group sends action potentials,
    the diaphragm contracts, and you inhale. When the
    action potentials stop, the diaphragm relaxes,
    and you exhale. This gives us the basic rhythm of
    our respiration.

  • In addition to the automatic nature of
    ventilation, there is one really neat fail-safe
  • It is called the Hering-Breuer reflex, and it
    prevents us from over-stretching our lungs.
  • If we inhaled really, really deeply, we could
    over-inflate our lungs, which could potentially
    tear the visceral pleura, which would be bad.
    However, this cannot happen because of the
    Hering-Breuer reflex.
  • When we inspire deeply, we stretch receptors in
    our bronchioles. As the receptors stretch, they
    start sending action potentials to the medulla.
    If the action potentials get frequent enough,
    they will inhibit the dorsal and ventral
    respiratory groups. What will happen then? If the
    dorsal and ventral groups are inhibited,
    inspiration will stop and expiration will begin.
    This, then, is another example of negative
    feedback in the body. Receptors notice that you
    are inhaling too deeply, and action potentials
    are sent to stop the process of inhaling.

  • What does this chemical control center detect in
    order to determine the controls it needs? Oxygen,
    right? Wrong! The level of carbon dioxide is what
    guides this chemical process! This is so
    important, we want to emphasize itCarbon
    dioxide levels and pH are the major indicators in
    the control of ventilation.

  • As you learned in your chemistry course, this is
    called acid disassociation, and its effect is to
    lower the pH of the solution. Thus, we come to
    another important pointThe more CO2 in the
    blood plasma, the LOWER the pH of the blood.

  • The pH of blood can be used to control
    ventilation. If the pH is too low, the body
    increases ventilation to remove carbon dioxide.
    That raises the pH.
  • If the pH is too high, the body decreases
    ventilation to retain carbon dioxide. That lowers
    the pH.
  • How is this all controlled? Once again, the
    control starts in the medulla, where there is a
    group of chemoreceptors called the central
    chemoreceptors of the medulla.
  • Now this is separate from the three respiratory
    groups of neurons discussed above. Those give us
    our basic rhythm of ventilation. The central
    chemoreceptors in the medulla affect the rate and
    depth of the ventilation.

  • There are also some other chemoreceptors in the
    aorta and in the carotid sinuses, but those are
  • The major set of chemoreceptors are in the
    medulla. When there is increased partial pressure
    of carbon dioxide in the body, blood pH drops.
    Since the blood supply feeds the cerebrospinal
    fluid, the pH of the CSF also goes down. That low
    pH caused by the increased carbon dioxide affects
    the central chemoreceptors of the medulla, and
    they stimulate more ventilation to get rid of
    carbon dioxide and therefore raise the pH of the
    CSF and the blood.

Cellular Respiration
  • However, why do the tissues need oxygen, and why
    do they make carbon dioxide?
  • Cells burn food for energy in a process called
    cellular respiration. Although you learned about
    this process in your first-year biology course,
    we want to review it with you now and add a few
    more details.

  • The most efficient way for cells to produce
    energy is through aerobic respiration, which
    involves converting glucose (C6H12O6) into carbon
    dioxide and water. This process requires oxygen,
    and that is why it is called aerobic respiration.
    The overall chemical reaction for aerobic
    respiration is as follows
  • C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6H2O energy in the form
    of ATP

  • This reaction leads to the release of a lot of
    energy, which, as you know, is stored in the cell
    as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  • This seemingly simple chemical reaction takes
    place in three enzyme-controlled stages
    glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron
    transport system.

  • Let's start with glycolysis, since it is the
    first stage of aerobic respiration. In order to
    get things going, the cell actually has to expend
    some energy in glycolysis. This energy is used to
    convert glucose into fructose diphosphate

  • Let's look at the reaction, then. Glucose is a
    molecule with 6 carbons. That's why there are six
    carbons shown below it.
  • Fructose diphosphate also has 6 carbons, but in
    addition, it has a phosphate group (abbreviated
    as Pi) on each end of the carbon
  • chain. That's what the symbol below fructose
    diphosphate means.
  • Where did those phosphates come from? They came
    from ATP. Look at the equation. There are 2 ATPs
    on the reactants side, and there are two ADPs on
    the products side. What is the difference between
    ATP and ADP? The difference is a phosphate!
  • Thus, the ATP break apart, releasing energy. This
    energy allows the phosphate that broke off of
    each ATP to add on to the carbon chain, making
    fructose diphosphate.

  • Now that we have fructose diphosphate, what
    happens? The next step is to break down the
    fructose diphosphate. Since this chemical has 6
    carbons with a phosphate on each end, what do you
    think it will be broken down into? It will be
    broken in half, making 2 molecules which have 3
    carbons each with one phosphate on each end. This
    three-carbon molecule, phosphogylceraldehyde, is
    lovingly called PGAL for short.

  • The next step is probably the most important step
    in glycolysis, at least from an energy point of
    view. The PGAL that is formed in the reaction
    above reacts with phosphate and a molecule called
    NAD. NAD is often called a hydrogen stealer,
    because it picks up hydrogen atoms from other

  • Once again, look what happened here. The two
    D-PGA each have two phosphates, for a total of 4
    phosphates. Those molecules give up all four of
    their phosphates to 4 ADP molecules. What does
    ADP plus a phosphate make? It makes ATP, which is
    a package of energy for the cell. When the D-PGAs
    lose their phosphates, they become the simple,
    3-carbon molecule pyruvate.
  • Glycolysis requires a glucose and 2 ATPs. It
    makes 2 pyruvate molecules, 2 NADH molecules, and
    4 ATPs. This gives the cell a net gain of 2 ATPs

  • We want to point out a couple of things about
    glycolysis before we move on to the next stage of
    aerobic respiration. First of all, notice that no
    oxygen is used in any of the chemical reactions.
    Thus, oxygen is not required for glycolysis.
    Thus, glycolysis is an anaerobic step. In
    addition, you need to realize that all of this
    takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell.

  • Here is where we want to add another stage to
    cellular respiration.
  • Technically, however, something happens in the
    mitochondrion to prepare the pyruvate for the
    Krebs cycle.
  • We call that the oxidation of pyruvate. When
    pyruvate enters the mitochondrion, it is attacked
    by NAD, which steals a hydrogen atom.
  • This causes the molecule to break down, and one
    of the carbons in pyruvate gets converted to CO2.
    This leaves us now with a 2-carbon chain, which
    is called an acetyl group. This acetyl group
    needs something with which to bond, however.
  • Conveniently, there is an enzyme called
    coenzyme-A just waiting to be bonded to. When the
    acetyl group bonds to the coenzyme-A, the result
    is called acetyl coenzyme-A.

  • Now keep track of what went on here. The
    pyruvates each have 3 carbons. They each lose a
    hydrogen to NAD. That makes 2 NADH. They also
    each lose a carbon to make CO2. That leaves two
    molecules, each with 2 carbons. Those two-carbons
    molecules bond to coenzyme-A. This makes 2 acetyl
    coenzyme-A molecules. That's the oxidation of
    pyruvate, which prepares things for the Krebs

  • In the oxidation of pyruvate, each pyruvate loses
    a carbon to make carbon dioxide. The two-carbon
    molecules left (acetyl groups) attach to
    coenzyme-A. In addition, each pyruvate loses a
    hydrogen. Thus, 2 CO2 molecules are formed, 2
    NADH are formed, and 2 acetyl coenzyme-A
    molecules are formed.
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