Title: Quality assurance in Connet
1Quality assurance in Connet
- Pirkko Hyvönen, Jaana Lahti,
- Esko Marjomaa,
- Jukka Purma, Pertti Saariluoma, Jorma Sajaniemi
MENU/Valencia 2003
- Students need
- Area for
- embodied expressions
- Personal touch
- Flexible devoted tutoring
- Resourses for planning
- Goal
- Connet offers
- Research
- Multidisciplinary
- co-operation
- Sandbox
- Forced dialogue
- DCT-table
Narratives Discussions
Discussions (EOC)
Narratives Me as a learner (EOC)
- Value laden
- Addiction in learning
- embodiment
- goal unclear,
- substance weak
- Analyses of emotions
- Expressions of intentions
Goal-oriented action Functional intentional
co-operation Supportive teamwork Debate
- Shame sorry
- Confusion
- - Tiredness
- - Anxiety
Inspire Humour Grateful
e-mail (Organization)
e-mail teamwork (EOC)
4Embodiment People are seen as whole entities -
intentional, active and emotional persons.
(Merleau-Ponty 1962, Dennett 1996)
5Embodiment means experiencing andcommunicating
According to our students Their personalities
and experiences are essential parts of virtual
6Scaffolding as a practice
- provides clear directions
- clarifies purpose
- keeps students on task
- points students to worthy sources
- reduces uncertainty and disappointment
- creates momentum
- McKenzie, J. 1999
Based on methaphors of breastfeeding
or construction of the house
The role and strategies of the scaffolders were
a major factor in shaping learning outcomes in
technology based environments. Light, P.
Light, V. 1999
8The Connet network http//www.connet.edu.helsinki
- A multidisciplinary virtual university program
- The students represent various faculties and
disciplines in eight Finnish universities - Focus on the scientific education of cognitive
science, cognitive ICT, and cognitive technology
- Open Source
- The virtual environment for all Connet courses
- Basically a Zope object management server with
add-ons - FLE3 Zwiki Eteria IRC
- Future plans include tight integration of CDT and
LOM (Learning Object Model) into the system.
10Forced Dialogue
- Forces user to write dialogue with oneself
- A type of textual object suitable for distance
learning - A simple addition to any text-entering field
- By Jukka.Purma_at_helsinki.fi
- Collects virtual students and scaffolders
together - Livingroom
- An inter-active part of courses
- IRC Protocol
- A meeting procedure applicable to
- IRC and Chat meetings
- where there are several participants
- Easy-to-use supporting tools for the construction
of curriculum - Administrational work
- Students' planning of personal curriculum
- Quality assurance of the e-content of the courses
- Defining learning object metadata (LOM)
13Content Distribution Tables
14Multi-disciplinarity co-operation
- We'll need competent scaffolders
- - acquainted with cognitive psychology,
educational science, media science and
communication science - to use and teach possibilities of developing ICT
- to evaluate the quality of e-content of services
based on multidisciplinary activities - co-operation with students
- usefulness
- avoiding the risk of getting in Moore's Gap
- appropriateness
- course management, scaffolding,
- contents, goals
- embodiment
- convenience, appropriately challenging,
- how does it feel, summarization
- Dennet, D. (1996). Kinds of minds towards an
understanding consciousness. London Weidenfeld
Nicolson. in Finnish (1997). Miten mieli
toimii. Helsinki WSOY. - Dewey, J. (1999). Pyrkimys Varmuuteen The Quest
of Certainty. A Study of Relation of knowledge
and Action 1929 Tampere Tammer-Paino. - Dillenbourg, P. , Baker, M., Blaye, A., OMalley,
C., (1995). The evolution of research on
collaborative learning. In E. Spada P. Reiman
(Eds.) Learning in Humans and Machine Towards an
interdisciplinary learning science. (Pp. 189-211)
Oxford Elsevier. - Eestola, E. Elbaz-Luwisch, F. (2001). The
Place of bodies in research of teaching.
ISATT2001 Portugal.http//wwwedu.ou/homepage/life
/eilaisa.htm - Frank, A.W. (1991). For a sociology of the body
an analytical review. In M. Featherstone M.
Hepworth B. Turner (eds.) The Body Social
processe and cultural theory. London Sage, 36
-102. - Heinämaa, S. (1996). Ele, tyyli ja sukupuoli.
Merleu-Pontyn ja Beauvoirin ruumiinfenomenologia
ja sen merkitys sukupuolikysymykselle. Tampere
Tammer-Paino - Heinämaa, S Reuter, M. Saarikangas, K.
(1997). Ruumiin kuvia. Subjektin ja sukupuolen
muunnelmia. Body Images. Variations of Subject
and Gender, in Finnish. Helsinki Gaudeamus. - Hyvönen, P., Lahti, J. Marjomaa, E. (2003).
Embodied Subjects and Intentionality in Virtual
Learning Environments. Paper submitted to EdMedia
2003 - World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia Telecommunications, June
23-28, 2003 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. - Johnson, M. (1987). The Body in the mind. The
Bodily basis on meaning, imagination, and reason.
USA The University Chicago Press - Lave, J. Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning
legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge
Cambridge University Press. - Lahti, J. Marjomaa, E. (2003). Scaffolding in
Innovation, Implementation and Evaluation of ICT
Supported Education. Paper submitted to EdMedia
2003 - World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia Telecommunications, June
23-28, 2003 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. - Mercer, N. (2000). Words and Minds How do we use
language to think together. London Routledge. - Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962 / 1945). The
Phenomenology of perception. London Routledge. - Oatley, K. Jenkins J.M. (1996). Understanding
Emotions. Cambridge MA Blackwell Publishers. - Rowlands, M. (1999). The Body in the mind.
Understanding cognitive processes. UM Cambridge
University Press - Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice
Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge
University Press. - Williams, S.J. Bendelow, G (1998). The lived
body. Sociological themes, embodied issues.
London Routledge
17Data / fall 2002 / Connet
Front stage Theme conversation (Fle3) 197
messages Back stage E-mail messages 110 pg,
about 200 messages
Organisations and modern communication, 19
students http//www.urova.fi/home/mpk/Organisaati
Front stage Me as a learner -narratives
(Zwiki) 47 pg, 12 stories Cognitive emphasised
dialogues (Fle3) 145 pg, 244 messages Back
stage Team work (by e-mail) 270 pg, about 300
Education, learning culture 12
students http//www.connet.edu.helsinki.fi/zwiki/