Title: tt dafea
1?ef??a?? 1? ?e??st??f??? ???t??s?
???a????????? ???p??sµ??
2??p??? pe??st??f???, ?e?sa?? ?e?t??pa??
1. ?????? (derrick) 2. ????t??e?
(engines) 3. ?a?????? (draw works) 4.
??t??e? ??sp?? (mud pump) 5. Sta?e?? s?st?µa
t???a???? (crown block) 6. ????t? s?st?µa
t???a???? (travelling block) 7. ????st??
(hook) 8. ?e??st?ept?? t??f?d?t?? (swivel)
9. 4/?????? ? 6/?????? st??e??? (kelly) 10.
?e??st??f??? t??pe?a (rotary table) 11.
?p?t??p?a? e????e?? (blowout preventer) 12.
??at??t??? ste???? (drill pipes) 13. ??t?ßa?a
(drill collars) 14. ??pt??? ???? (bit) 15.
?s?µe?t?µ??? s?????s? (cemented casing) 16.
??s???? ?a?a??sµ?? ??sp?? (shale shaker) 17.
?e?aµe??? ??sp?? (mud tanks) 18. St????µa 3
d?ad?????? d?at??t???? ste?e???(stand of 3
joints of pipe) 19. ????? ?p? st??????
kelly(rathole where kelly is kept during
tripping) 20. ?ept?µ??e?a pe??st??f????
t??pe?a?(close-up of rotary table)
3??aµ??f?s? ep?f??e?a? ???? ap? t? ?e?t??pa??
Sta?e?? t???a??a (crown)
????t? p?atf??µa ?e???sµ?? ste?e??? (monkeyboard)
?????? (derrick)
???at?stas? a??µ???? ??sp?? (mud mixing shack)
Ste?a??p???µ??? t?f??? ap??es?? ??sp?? (lined pit)
A?t???st?s?? (pump house)
??ped? ?e?t??p???? (drilling floor)
?????? µetaf???? a?t???µe??? pet?e?a??? (flow
??ß?ta? (boiler)
??s? ?e?t??p???? (substructure)
??µpa µetaf???? ste?e???(catwalk)
?t???? ??afe??? (doghouse on-site office)
?e?aµe?? ?a?s?µ?? (fuel tank)
??at??t??? ste???? (drill pipes)
4?ept?µ??e?e? e??p??sµ?? ?e?t??p????
1. Sta?e?? s?st?µa t???a???? (crown block)
2. S??µat?s????? (drilling line)
3. ????t? s?st?µa t???a???? (traveling block)
4. ????st?? (hook)
5. ?e??st?ept?? t??f?d?t?? (swivel)
6. ?e??st??f??? t??pe?a (rotary table)
7. ?a?????? (draw works)
8. ??t??e? ??sp?? (mud pumps)
5??p??? s??desµ?????a d?at??t???? st????
?e??st?ept?? t??f?d?t?? (swivel)
St??e??? pe??st?ept?? t??f?d?t? (swivel stem)
???sa?µ???a? d?aµ?t??? pe??st?ept?? t??f?d?t?
(swivel sub)
?p?fa?e?a??? e??p??sµ??(rig floor equipment)
??????? tet?a??????? / e?a??????? ste??????
(kelly cock)
??? e??s??µ??? ???? (upper upset)
?et?a?????? ? e?a?????? st??e??? (kelly)
?e??st??f??? t??pe?a (rotary table)
??t? e??s??µ??? ???? (lower upset)
??ast??? p??state?t??? ????µµa (p??a??et???)
(rubber protector)
S??desµ?? µe ???? se µ??f? "?????" (tool joint
box member)
??at??t??? st??e??? (drillpipe)
S??desµ?? µe ???? se µ??f? pe???? (tool joint
pin member)
??d??e?t??t???? e??p??sµ??(downhole equipment)
???sa?µ???a? d?aµ?t??? (crossover sub)
??t?ßa?? (drill collar)
?p?sßest??a? ??adasµ?? (bit sub)
??pt??? ???? (bit)
??t?p? ??p?? (working face)
6???sa?µ??? t?? ?e?t??s?? se d?af??et??? pe??ß?????
?e?sa?a ?e?t??s?
Ge?t??s? se p??ß??ta (jetty)
Ge?t??s? se e??d?a jackup
Ge?t??s? se sta?e?? e??d?a
Ge?t??s? se ?e?t??t??? s??f??
Ge?t??s? se p??t? ?µ?ß?????µe?? e??d?a
7?a?ade??µata ?e?sa??? ?e?t??p????
8?a?ade??µata a?t?µetafe??µe???,?e?sa???
9?a?ade??µata e?ed??? t?p?? jacket
10?a?ade??µata e?ed??? t?p?? jackup
11?a?ade??µata p??t?? ?µ?ß?????µe??? p?atf??µa?
?? ??a at???µa
12?a?ade??µata ?e?t??t???? s?af??
13S??µat??? pa???s?as? t?? s?st?µat?? a?????s?? ?a?
?a?????s?? t?? d?at??t???? st????
Sta?e?? s?st?µa t???a???? (crown block)
(ß) ?????s? d???µe?? p??? st? ????t? s?st?µa
t???a???? (traveling block)
?????µe?? s??µat?s????? (fast line)
Sta?e?? s??µat?s????? (dead line)
????t? s?st?µa t???a???? (traveling block)
?a?????? (drawworks)
??????s? (anchor)
?a????? s??µat?s?????? (storage reel)
??de??? f??t??? (load indicator)
(?) ?????s? d???µe?? p??? st? sta?e?? s?st?µa
t???a???? (crown block)
(a) ???ta?? ?a? ???????a s?st?µat?? a?????s??
?a? ?a?????s?? t?? d?at??t???? st????
14S??a?µ?????s? d?at??t???? ste?e???
1. ?a?????s? ???? ste?????? st? µ???? ?p?
st?????? (mousehole)
?????s? t?? swivel ?a? t?? kelly p??? ap? t? ???
S?????? µetaf??? t?? ???? ste?????? st?? ????f?
t?? d?at??t???? st????
S??des? t?? ???? ste?????? s?????s? t??
2. ?etaf??? ???? ste?????? ap? t? st??ßa
15??µ? ?e?t??s?? ???ss?µe??? ?at? f?se??
S?????s? ?d???? (conductor pipe)
???µet??? ?e?t??s?? 24?
S?????-s?13 3/8?
???t??s? 17 1/2?
? ?p? ?d???? ???sseta? p??? t?? e??at?stas?
t?? ?e?t??p????
S?????-s?9 5/8?
???t??s? 12 1/4?
S?????s? 7?
???t??s? 8 1/2?
???t??s? 6?
16S??a?µ?????s? d?at??t???? ste?e???
1. ????? ?p? st?????? ???? ste?????? (mousehole)
3. ?a?t????? st?????? ste?e??? (finger)
2. ?ts????? d???? (steel beam)
4. ????t? p?atf??µa ?e???sµ?? ste?e???
17?aß?? a????t?p???s?? e??p??sµ?? d?at??t???? st????
(a) ?aß? a????t?p???s?? d?at??t???? ste?e???
(ß) ?aß? a????t?p???s?? a?t?ßa???
(?) ?aß? a????t?p???s?? ste?e??? s?????s??
18?s??s? ß????? ep? t?? ??pt????
S??????? ß???? d?at??t???? st???? st? ????st??
??a?t?µ??? ß???? S??????? - WOB
(a) ??pt??? e?t?? epaf?? µe t?? p??µ??aoff
(ß) ??pt??? se epaf? µe t?? p??µ??aon bottom
????? ep? t?? ??pt???? (Weight On Bit WOB)
19S?st?µa pe??st??f??
S????a? ??sp?? (hose)
?e??st?ept?? t??f?d?t?? (swivel)
4/?????? ? 6/?????? st??e??? (kelly)
???a??sµ?? pe??st??f?? (rotary drive)
????eµ?? ?d???s?? kelly (kelly bushing)
?e??st??f??? t??pe?a (rotary table)
??at??t??? ste???? (drill pipes)
??t?ßa?a (drill collars)
??pt??? ???? (bit)
20???p??sµ?? s?st?µat?? pe??st??f??
(a) ?e??st??f??? t??pe?a
(ß) ?????? t??ß?a?
(?) ????eµ?? ?d???s?? t?? kelly
21S?st?µa ?????f???a? ?e?st?? d??t??s??
?p?st??f? ??sp??
?e?aµe?? ??sp??
??at??t??? ste????
??pt??? ????
22??t??e? ?e?st?? d??t??s?? d?? t???? ?????d???
??t??a d?? ?????d???(duplex design)
??t??a t???? ?????d???(triplex design)
23S??µat??? ?e?t?????a a?t???? d?p??? ?a? ap???
(a) ??p??? d??s??(a?t??a d?p??? ?????d???)
(ß) ?p??? d??s??(a?t??a t??p??? ?????d???)
V p/4 dL2 Ls Vp 3 (p/4 dL2 Ls)
V1 p/4 dL2 Ls V2 p/4 (dL2 - dr2) L
Vp (2) (p/4) (2dL2 - dr2) Ls Ep
24S?st?µa asf??e?a?
25???a??sµ?? asf??e?a? ? Blow Out Preventer - ?.?.?
St???e?? sf?a??sµat?? da?t?????
?e?t??s??(pack-off element)
S??desµ?????a eµß????(ram assembly)
?a?ß?da e?s?d?? (opening port)
?µß??? (piston)
?a?ß?da e??d?? (closing port)
??a???? ?d?a?????? ?e?st?? (fluid connections and
hydraulic passages)
?a??ßd??? pe??ß??µa (steel body)
?µß??? (piston)
??e????? st?µ?? ?d?a?????? s?st?µat?? e??????
eµß????(side outlet for choke/kill)
?a?t????e?d?? µ??a??sµ?? asfa?e?a? (annular
BOP)se t?µ?
?µß???f???? µ??a??sµ?? asfa?e?a? (ram-type BOP)
se t?µ?
S?st?µa ap?t??p?? e?t????e?? e????e??
26?p??a??ss??? e??p??sµ??
??t?sta?µ?st?? a????s?? (heave compensator)
??e?µat???? ta??st?? (pneumatic tensioning)
???t? e??d?a (floating drilling vessel)
???s?a????sa s??des? (slip joint)
?p?ped? ???assa? (sea level)
?a??d?? a?????s?? (anchor line)
?????? d?a????s?? e?e???µe??? ??sp?? (marine
?????? st?a??a??sµ?? e?e???µe??? ??sp?? (choke
?????? ?e?st?? ?????? p?es?? (kill line)
???aµpt? s??des? (flex joint)
?a??d?a e?????? BOP (BOP control lines)
?p??a??ss?a d??ta?? BOP (subsea BOP stack)
???µ??a? ???assa? (sea floor)
??at??t??? ste???? (drill pipes)
?p?sßest??a? p??s????se?? (bumper sub)
??t?ßa?a (drill collars)
??pt??? (bit)
27?a?e?? de? e??a? t??e???...
??µ?? ??at??
?et???a?? a????
?e?at? ap????e?t?? p?t??µa
?d?ap??at? p?t??µa