- Partnering for Advocacy
2Micah 68
- what does the Lord require of you but to do
justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly
with your God
3What is Micah Challenge Canada?
- Mobilizing Christians against poverty
- Global and local
- Inward-looking deepening Christian commitment to
work for and with economically poor communities - Outward-looking urging leaders of rich and poor
nations to fulfill their public promise to the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
4What are the MDGs?
- 1. Eradicate extreme poverty hunger
- 2. Achieve universal primary education
- 3. Promote gender equality empower women
- 4. Reduce child mortality
- 5. Improve maternal health
- 6. Combat HIV/ AIDS, malaria other diseases
- 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
- 8. Develop a global partnership for development
5The Micah Call
- Unique moment in history
- The stated intentions of world leaders echo
something of the minds of the Biblical prophets
and the teachings of Jesus concerning the poor - We have the means to dramatically reduce poverty
- Commit yourself to the Micah Call (to work
together to pursue justice on behalf of the poor
and to call on international decision makers to
fulfill their promises and so halve poverty by
2015) at www.micahchallenge.ca
6Partnering for Advocacy
- Partnerships are central to the success of
campaigns projects - Partnerships lend large support and endorsement
to the campaign and give it a LOUDER VOICE - Partnerships enable the campaign to reach a wider
audience - Partnerships increase the resources, tools and
capabilities of the campaign
7Micah Challenges Partners
- Global Micah Challenge campaigns
- National partners endorsing Micah Challenge
Canada - Canadian churches
- Canadian schools/ universities
- Other non profit organizations campaigns
- Government
8Global Micah Challenge Campaigns
- Micah Challenge International
- (World Evangelical Alliance Micah Network)
939 current country campaigns with more being
Australia Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Canada Colombia DR Congo France Germany Haiti Hong Kong India Indonesia Italy Kenya Malawi Mongolia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Peru Philippines Rwanda Sierra Leone Switzerland Tanzania Uganda United Kingdom Uruguay USA Zambia Zimbabwe Argentina Burkina Faso Burundi Nigeria Dominican Republic El Salvador Ethiopia Japan Mexico
10Northern Govts Aid/ Debt/ Trade Southern Govts Good governance
MDG Success
Northern Churches Relationships Church of Christ Southern Churches
11Cross-border resource sharing (Blow the Whistle
12NAE meetings in Washington, DC
- Micah Challenge National Coordinators from around
the world - US Evangelical Leaders
- UN Secretary General
13Micah Challenge Canadas National Partners
- Associations Networks
- Canadian Christian Relief Development
Association - Canadian Council of Churches
- Canadian Foodgrains Bank
- Canadian Youth Network
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
- ADRA Canada
- African Enterprise Canada
- Canadian Baptist Ministries
- Canadian Food for the Hungry International
- Cause Canada
- Christian Blind Mission
- Christian Childrens Fund of Canada
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
- Crossroads Christian Communications
- Diaconal Ministries Canada
- Emmanuel International
- Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada
- Foundation for International Development
15- Habitat for Humanity Canada
- International Teams of Canada
- The Leprosy Mission
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Opportunity International Canada
- The Salvation Army
- SIM Canada
- Visionledd
- WEC International
- World Vision Canada
- Wycliffe Canada
- YWAM Canada
16Canadian Churches
- Growing number of individual churches across
Canada are becoming active members of Micah
Challenge Canada and initiating events and
promotion in their own communities.
17Canadian Schools Universities
- The Micah Centre, Kings University College,
Edmonton - Targeting Christian educational institutions is a
18Other NGOs Campaigns
- Make Poverty History Canada
- C4D The Canadian Coalition for Climate Change
and Development (partnering with the Food
Security Policy Group) - Stand Up Speak Out Oct.17, 2007 (United
Nations Millennium Campaign)
19Stand Up Video
- Parliament Hill
- Non-partisan
- Canadian International Development Agency
21Where are we now?
- Halfway to 2015
- Micah Challenge Canada today lessons learned so
far - Partnerships are key. Identify partners who
- Can reach new audiences
- Can contribute valuable tools (communication,
website/ design, policy, church ministry, youth
appeal, strong voice that is respected among
Christians and government)
22Conclusion Key Points
- Get involved! Be an ACTIVE CITIZEN!
- Hold your government accountable!
- Be a partner. Lets do this together!
23Micah 68
- what does the Lord require of you but to do
justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly
with your God