Title: Blank Black Slide
1Blank Black Slide
2Southern Ocean - the region of lowest SST increase
CMIP2 results at time of CO2 doubling
IPCC 2001
3Ekman Transport in theSouthern Ocean
- David Webb
- National Oceanographic Centre
- Southampton
4Part 1Where the World is inSteady State
5Wind Stress (dynes/cm2)
6J. Richman (OSU)
7Ekman Transport
8Ekman Transport Divergence
9Overturning Stream Function
On Levels
10FRAM Surface Fields
11FRAM North-South Section
12WOCE Section I6
Feb - Mar 1996
13WOCE Section P18
Feb - Apr 1994
14OCCAM - March 1996 WOCE Section I6
15OCCAM - March 1994 - WOCE Section P18
16Part 2Where in the Real World Things Change
with Time
17Wind Stress (dynes/cm2)
18Average Wind Stress between 55S and 65S (1993-94)
19Ekman Pumping in the SE Pacific
20RMS Ekman Pumping
21Trapped Modes
22South-East Pacific ModeResponse Function
23Part 2aWhen the Wind Stress changeswhat
happens to the Large Scale ACC Transportand
the Momentum Balance?
24Drake Passage Transport- during the Fram Spin-Up
25Correlation of Tide Gauges(C. Hughes et al)
26Hughes and Meredith (Phil Trans, in press)
27OCCAM 1ยบ Global Model (66 levels)
28Drake Passage Transport - Control Run
29Wind Stress Increment (dynes/cm2)
30Drake Passage Transport
31Drake Passage Transport
32SSH Difference (1 dyne - Control) over10
33SSH Difference(Control 0.1 dyne) - (Control)
34Overturning Stream Function - Control Run
35Overturning Stream Function - Increased Wind in
36Overturning Stream Function - Change with
Increased Wind
30 days
37North-South Velocity Difference(Control 0.1
dyne) - (Control)
After 2 days
38North-South Velocity Difference(Control 0.1
dyne) - (Control)
After 30 days
39Barotropic Model of the Overturning Circulation
40Overturning Stream Function - Theoretical Change
30 days
41So How Barotropic is the Change?
Variance of Difference Field 1.37x1027
Variance of Difference Field - Theoretical
Estimate 7.66x1024
Variance Unexplained 0.56
(Unexplained after 2 days 6.3)
30 days
42Balance of Terms after 2 Days
Surface Layer
Wind Stress
Mid Layer
SSH-Bottom Pressure
Abyssal Layer
43Balance of Terms after 30 Days
Surface Layer
Wind Stress
Mid Layer
Abyssal Layer
SSH-Bottom Pressure
- Wind Stress creates inertial oscillations which
die out within a day or two leaving an Ekman
Layer - The Ekman Layer appears to generate strong fronts
where it meets saline western boundary currents.
Mixing is caused by the Ekman layer driving dense
water over lighter water. - In the eastern side of the oceans the structures
are much weaker. Why is intermediate water
formed in these regions?
45Conclusions cont
- There is a large variability in the Wind Stress,
and the resulting Ekman Transport and Ekman
Pumping. - This can excite barotropic modes of the Southern
Ocean - There is experimental evidence that changes in
ACC transport are also associated with barotropic
waves that propagate around Antarctica
46Conclusions cont
- Ocean models show that the ocean responds to
changes in the wind stress within a few days. - The initial ocean response is primarily
barotropic - The associated current does not follow f/h
contours - The barotropic current explains the change in the
Deacon cell - The change in topographic form drag due to the
change in SSH balances the change in wind stress. - After a month baroclinic/density terms reach the
10 level.
47Blank Black Slide
48North-South Velocity Difference(Control 0.1
dyne) - (Control)
49(No Transcript)
50Drake Passage Transport
51Analysis - FRAM