Title: Efficient Morse Decompositions of Vector Fields
1Efficient Morse Decompositions of Vector Fields
- Guoning Chen and Eugene Zhang _at_ Oregon State
University - Konstantin Mischaikow _at_ Rutgers University
- Robert S. Laramee _at_University of Wales Swansea
- Introduction
- Efficient Morse decomposition
- Results
- Conclusion
- Introduction
- Efficient Morse decomposition
- Results
- Conclusion
- Many applications involve vector fields
- Mathematics
- Dynamical systems
- Physics
- Fluid mechanics
- Electromagnetism
- Engineering
- Weather prediction
- Tsunami and hurricane modeling
- Engineering design and testing
- Others
Airfoil data from Jim Liburdy and Dan Morse
- Vector field topology analysis helps to identify
the important dynamics - Traditional vector field topology on surfaces
(Vector field topological skeleton, ECG)
includes - Fixed points nodes (source/sink) and saddles
- Periodic orbits
- Connectivity
- Graph representation (ECG)
- Related work
- Vector field topology analysis
- Fixed point (singularity) extraction
- Helmann and Hesselink 1989,1991
- Tricoche et al. 2001, Polthier and Preuß 2003
- Scheuermann et al. 1997, 1998
- Periodic orbit extraction
- Wischgoll and Scheuermann 2001, 2002
- Theisel et al. 2004
- Chen et al. 2007
- computational instability of ECG
Case 1 different mesh configurations
- computational instability of ECG
Case 2 noise in the data
- computational instability of ECG
Case 3 different numerical integration schemes
- More stable interpretation is desired
- More stable interpretation is desired
- Previous method Chen 07 produces Morse
decompositions that are typically too coarse.
- Contributions
- Demonstrate the instability of vector field
topology defined in terms of individual
trajectories - Propose Morse decomposition as the foundation for
vector field topology - Propose a means to obtain finer Morse
decompositions efficiently
- Introduction
- Efficient Morse decomposition
- Results
- Conclusion
15Efficient Morse Decomposition
- Definition Morse decomposition
- A Morse decomposition of surface X for the flow
is a finite collection of disjoint compact
invariant sets, called Morse sets. - The triangular regions containing the Morse sets
are referred to as Morse neighborhoods. - Morse set connection graph (MCG)
16Efficient Morse Decomposition
- A pipeline of Morse decomposition
Flow combinatorialization
Strongly connected component extracting
Constructing a quotient graph
Computing MCG
17Efficient Morse Decomposition
- A pipeline of Morse decomposition
Flow combinatorialization
Strongly connected component extracting
Constructing a quotient graph
Computing MCG
18Efficient Morse Decomposition
- Geometry based Flow Combinatorialization
19Efficient Morse Decomposition
- We propose map based method
20Efficient Morse Decomposition
- Introduction
- Efficient Morse decomposition
- Results
- Conclusion
- Engine Simulation data sets
- Gas engine
Dataset name Number of triangles Number of Morse sets Time for flow combinatorialization (seconds) Time for computing MCG (seconds)
Gas engine (t0.1) 26,298 50 27.8 7.9
Gas engine ( t0.3) 26,298 57 75.4 1.2
Diesel engine (t0.3) 221,574 200 1101.3 37.7
All the results are obtained in a 3.6 GHz PC with
- Introduction
- Efficient Morse decomposition
- Results
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Demonstrate the instability of vector field
topology defined in terms of individual
trajectories - Propose Morse decomposition as the foundation for
vector field topology - Propose a means to obtain finer Morse
decompositions efficiently
- Future work
- Extend to time-varying data analysis
- Improve the performance
29Thank you!
30Efficient Morse Decomposition
- Geometry-based flow combinatorialization
31Efficient Morse Decomposition
32Efficient Morse Decomposition
33Efficient Morse Decomposition
34Efficient Morse Decomposition
35Efficient Morse Decomposition
36Efficient Morse Decomposition
37Efficient Morse Decomposition
38Efficient Morse decomposition
- The stability of Morse decomposition
39Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
- Explicit Outer Approximation Computation
- Rigorous
- Computationally expensive
- Boundary approximation
- Inaccurate with large time interval
- Hybrid method
- Not suitable for surfaces
40Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
- A forward backward mapping framework with an
adaptive edge sampling for computing the
sufficient outer approximations - The basic observation
- The image of a simple object under a continuous
map is still simple.
41Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
- An adaptive edge sampling
42Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
43Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
- Trace each vertex v of a triangle T forward for
the time t. - If it falls in triangle Ti, add the edges
from the triangles of the one-ring neighbors of v
to Ti in the directed graph. - 2) Trace each vertex v of T backward with t.
- If it falls in triangle Ti, add the edges from
Ti to the one-ring neighbors of v. - Compute the image of each edge following the
original flow and inversed flow, respectively.
The adaptive edge sampling algorithm is employed
to guarantee a simple outer approximation. The
directed edges are added accordingly during the
44Implementation of Flow Combinatorialization
- The exploration of spatial vs. temporal
- Engine Simulation data sets
- Gas engine
- Engine Simulation data sets
- Gas engine
Dataset name Number of triangles Number of Morse sets Time for flow combinatorialization (seconds) Time for computing MCG (seconds)
Gas engine (temporal t0.1) 26,298 50 27.8 7.9
Gas engine (temporal t0.3 26,298 57 75.4 1.2
Diesel engine (temporal t0.3) 221,574 200 1101.3 37.7
Diesel engine (spatial ts0.08) 221,574 201 689.4 43.2
All the results are obtained in a 3.6 Hz PC with