Contractual Relationship and Alteration of Private Rights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Contractual Relationship and Alteration of Private Rights


A right is a legal power entitled by law to protect a ... Conveyance of the right in rem, create a lien, create an easement, create a hypothecary right. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Contractual Relationship and Alteration of Private Rights

Contractual Relationship and Alteration of
Private Rights
Core Subject of Civil Relationship
The Concept of Private Rights
  • Meaning of legal relationship or privities
  • Concept of private rights
  • German scholar V. Tuhr said A right is the core
    concept of private law and the ultimate abstract
    expression for diversified life.
  • A right is a legal power entitled by law to
    protect a specific interest.
  • The function of private rights
  • The function of rights is to protect the extent
    of individual freedom and to allow individual to
    organize or create its social life, especially to
    achieve autonomy in private life.
  • A right is a subjective law and a law is an
    objectified right. Enjoying a right is the
    struggle for the law. (Rudolf von Jhering)

Classification and System of Private Rights
  • Categorized by their contents or interests
  • Personality rights
  • the right to life
  • the right to the inviolability and integrity of
    his person
  • the right to the respect of his name, reputation
    and privacy
  • Rights arising from obligation
  • The right to claim prestation
  • Rights in rem (rights of thing)
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Other rights

Classification and System of Private Rights
  • Categorized by their power or function entitled
    by law
  • The right of claim
  • The right of defense
  • The right to form a legal relationship
  • The right to control or to manage

The right of claim
  • Definition
  • A right of claim is a right entitled a specific
    person (claimant) to carry out a specific act
    (including to do or to refrain from doing) .
  • Subject to extinctive prescription
  • A legal ground to launch a litigation.
  • Developed by German scholar Winscheid based on
    the concept of Actio under Roman Law.
  • The buyers right to claim the seller deliver the
    goods sold and the title of goods sold. (ROC
    Civil Code348I, Korea Civil Code568I, Japan
    Civil Code560, and China Contract Law135)

The right to defense
  • Concept of defense
  • Defense can be defined as an opposing or denial
    from a party against the other party when the
    other party exercises its right.
  • Category of defense
  • Defense in narrow meaning
  • Proposing inexistence of the right of claim
  • Contract is never formed.
  • Contract is valid.
  • Impossibility
  • Failure to acknowledge indeterminate contract.

The right to defense
  • Proposing extinction of the right of claim
  • Compensation (set off)
  • Where two persons are reciprocally debtor and
    creditor of each other, the debts for which they
    are liable are extinguished by compensation, up
    to the amount of the lesser debt
  • confusion
  • Where the qualities of creditor and debtor are
    united in the same person, confusion is effected,
    extinguishing the obligation. Nevertheless, in
    certain cases where confusion ceases to exist,
    the effects cease also.
  • Release
  • Release takes place where the creditor releases
    his debtor from his obligation.
  • Invalid of right (Verwirkung)

The right to defense
  • The right to defense
  • Concept
  • A private right which owns by a individual, not
    the State.
  • Category
  • The eternal right to defense
  • A defense right arising from extinctive
  • The provisional right to defense
  • A defense right on reciprocal performance
  • ROC Civil Code Article 264 A party to a mutual
    contract may refuse to perform his part until the
    counter-prestation has been performed by the
    other party, except he is bound to perform
  • A defense right on beneficium excussionis
  • ROC Civil Code Article 745 A guarantor may
    refuse performance to the creditor, so long as
    the creditor has not filed proceedings for
    compulsory execution, against the property of the
    principal debtor, without results.
  • Japan Civil Code 453, Korea Civil Code China
    Contract Law, German Civil Code 771-773, French
    Civil Code 2021-2024, Swiss Obligation Code 495

The right to form a legal relationship
  • Definition
  • A right to create, alter, or extinguish a legal
    relationship upon exercising such a right.
  • Category
  • The right to rescind a contract
  • The right to annul a declaration of intention
  • The right to recognize a declaration of intention
  • The right to deny a declaration of intention
  • The right to choose a subject matter under
    selective obligations.

Effect of a valid contract
  • Concept of the rights arising from a contract
  • the prestation the right entitle to enjoy the
    interest of prestation
  • contractual duty obligation
  • Main obligation
  • The seller of a thing is bound to deliver the
    thing to the buyer and to make him acquire its
    ownership.The seller of a right is bound to make
    the buyer acquire the right sold. If, by virtue
    of such right, the seller can possess a certain
    thing, he is also bound to deliver the thing.
  • The buyer is bound to pay to the seller the
    agreed price and to accept delivery of the object
  • Incidental obligation
  • If performed, contractual duty discharged
  • if in default or breach, it gives rise to a right
    to claim damages or the right of rescission

  • Why is is so important to learn the concept and
    system of private rights before we get into the
    rules of contract in civil law countries?
  • What relationship between variations of private
    rights and the structure in the Civil Code?

Rights arising from obligation
  • Obligation (zhai)
  • A legal relationship that one party can claim
    the other party to do or not to do specific
  • Parties
  • Obligor (debtor) the person who has engaged to
    perform some obligation.
  • Obligee (creditor) the person in favor of whom
    some obligation is contracted, whether such
    obligation be pay money or to do or not to do

Owner of Right
The facts caused legal effect
Legal effect
Occurrence, change, and extinguish of right
Juristic Facts (Juristische Tatsache)
Private Rights
Exercise of Right
Object (subject matter) of Right
Legal relationship
Juristic Facts
Human conduct
Legitimate act
Illegitimate act
Expressive act
Non-expressive Act
Juristic Act
Qusai Juristic Act
Management of affairs without mandate
Freedom of assembly, Freedom of speech Freedom of
Public right
Private rights
Classified by its contents
Classified by its function
Property right
Non-property right
Right to claim
Right arising from obligation
Right of personality
Right to defense
Right in rem
Right of family Status
Right to form a legal relationship
Intellectual property right
Right to control
Other property rights
Juristic Act (Rechtsgeschäft)
  • Definition
  • An act by which the party or parties declare
    their intention of effecting changes in legal
    relations and to which the law attaches the power
    of producing such changes.
  • A lawful act composed of a declaration of
    intention by which a legal effect in private law

Category of Juristic Act
  • Unilateral Juristic Act
  • Property Act
  • Obligatory act
  • Definition A juristic act that create an
    obligation in personam between the parties
    whereby one party is entitled to demand the other
    party to perform a particular act.
  • Examples the establishment of a foundation, the
    promise of a reward, the issuance of a instrument
    payable to the bearer
  • Dispositive Act
  • Definition A juristic act that creates or alters
    a right in rem that is effective not merely
    between the parties but also against the world at
  • Examples Relinquishment of a property right
  • Status Act making a will, bequeathment
  • Act to form legal relationships rescission of a
    contract, a notice to quit given to a tenant, a
    notice to recognize juristic act, a promise to
    offset payment. annulment of a juristic act

Category of Juristic Act
  • Multilateral Juristic Act
  • Bilateral Juristic Act (contract agreement)
  • Property Act
  • Obligatory act (Obligatory contract)
  • Sale, Lease, Gift, Mandate, Loan
  • Dispositive Act (Contract regarding the right in
  • Conveyance of the right in rem, create a lien,
    create an easement, create a hypothecary right.
  • Assignment of the right arising from obligation
    or intellectual property right.
  • Status Act engagement, marriage, divorce,
  • Common Juristic Act Vote of stock holder in
    share holders meeting, establishment of an

  • Are there any similarities and differences
    between a promise and a declaration of intention?
  • Could you describe the relationship between a
    contract and a declaration of intention or a
    contract and a juristic act?

Constituent elements of formation of Juristic Act
  • General requisites for formation
  • The Parties
  • Declarant (offeror as to offer, offeree as to
  • Subject Matter
  • Declaration of intention
  • offer and acceptance mutual assent.
  • Special requisites for formation
  • Delivery of object (real contract), written
    formation (formal contract)

  • What are the differences between formation of
    contract and effectiveness of contract?
  • What is the reasons behind the dichotomy of
    formation and effectiveness of contract ?
  • If a contract without any consideration has been
    formed, is it an enforceable contact in Civil Law
  • Where the contract is formed but not effect, can
    the party claim the other party to carry out the
    prerequisite elements to effect the contract?
  • If the contract is formed but not effect, is this
    contract a preliminary contract? What is the
    effect of a preliminary contract? Can you
    distinguish a main contract from a preliminary

Case Study
  • X promised to lend 10,000 for six month with
    interest to Y on Jan 1. At the same time, X
    promised to transmit the said amount of money to
    Ys account at the date of Jan 10. However, X
    didnt honor his promise due to economic

Rules regarding formation of loan for consumption
  • Japan Civil Code 587
  • A loan for consumption becomes effective when one
    of the parties receives from the other party
    money or other things and agrees to return things
    of the same kind, quality, and quantity.
  • ROC Civil Code Article 474
  • A contract of loan for consumption is a contract
    whereby one of the parties shall transfer to the
    other the ownership of money or other fungible
    things, and the parties agree that the latter
    shall return things of the same kind, quality and
  • PRC Contract Law
  • Article 196 A contract for loan of money is a
    contract whereby the borrower borrows a sum of
    money from the lender, and returns the sum
    borrowed and pays interest thereon at the
    prescribed time.
  • Article 197 A contract for loan of money shall
    be in writing, except where the loan is between
    natural persons who have agreed otherwise.A
    contract for loan of money includes terms such as
    the loan's type, currency, purpose, amount,
    interest rate, term and method of repayment, etc.
  • Article 210  A contract for loan of money
    between natural persons becomes effective at the
    time the lender tenders the amount of loan to the

Rules regarding preliminary contract of loan
  • Japan Civil Code art. 589
  • A preliminary contract to make a loan for
    consumption shall cease to be effective if one of
    the parties has subsequently been adjudged
  • ROC Civil Code Article 475-1
  • Under a preliminary contract to make a loan for
    consumption, if interest or other remuneration
    has been agreed upon for a loan for consumption
    and one of the parties becomes incapability to
    pay after the preliminary agreement constituted,
    the lender of the agreement may revoke such
  • Under a preliminary contract to make a loan for
    consumption, if it is without remuneration, the
    provisions of Article 465-1 shall be mutatis
    mutandis applied.

Rules regarding formation of loan for use
  • ROC Civil Code
  • Article 464 A contract of loan for use is a
    contract whereby one of parties shall deliver a
    thing to the other, and agrees that the latter
    shall return the thing after gratuitously using
  • Article 465-1 After a preliminary contract to
    make a loan for use is constituted, the lender of
    the agreement may revoke such an agreement.
    Unless otherwise the borrower of the agreement
    has demanded to perform the agreement and the
    lender of the agreement hasnt revoked
  • Japan Civil Code
  • Article 593 A loan for use becomes effective
    when one part receives a thing from the other
    party and agrees to return it after gratuitously
    using and taking profits therefrom.

The institute to balance the interest
betweencontractual parties in non-onerous
  • Gift in ROC Civil Code
  • Article 406 A gift is a contract whereby the
    parties agree that one of the parties delivers
    his property gratuitously to the other party and
    the other party agrees to accept it.
  • Article 408 So long as the right of the gift has
    not been transferred to the donee, the donor may
    revoke the gift. If the thing given has been
    partially transferred, the donor may revoke the
    gift for the portion has not been
    transferred.The provision of the preceding
    paragraph shall not apply to gifts notarized or
    to gifts made for the discharge of a moral

  • Gift in PRC Contract Code
  • Article 185 A gift contract is a contract
    whereby the donor conveys his property to the
    donee without reward and the donee manifests his
    acceptance of the gift.
  • Article 186 Prior to the transfer of rights to
    the gift property, the donor may revoke the
    gift.The previous paragraph does not apply to
    any gift contract the nature of which serves
    public interests or fulfills a moral obligation,
    such as disaster relief, poverty relief, etc., or
    any gift contract which has been notarized.

  • Gift in Japan Civil Code
  • Article 549 A contract of gift becomes effective
    when one party declares his intention
    gratuitously to transfer property of his own to
    the other party and the other party agrees to
    accept it.
  • Article 550 A contract of gift which is not in
    writing may be revoked by either party however,
    this shall not apply with regard to any part as
    to which performance has been accepted.

Mutual Assent Delivery
Loan for Consu- Mption Japan ROC Preliminary agreement (revocable) Executed and cannot be revoked
Loan for Consu- Mption Japan ROC Formed, effective, and executed
Loan for Consu- Mption PRC Written Contract required (formed and effective) Executed
Loan for Consu- Mption PRC Within Natural person (Formed, effective, and executed)
Loan for use ROC Preliminary agreement (revocable) Executed and cannot be revoked
Loan for use ROC Formed, effective, and executed
Loan for use Japan Formed, effective, and executed
gift ROC PRC Formed and Effective (revocable) If notarized or made for the discharge moral obligation (irrevocable) Executed and cannot be revoked
gift Japan In writing, formed and effective Executed
gift Japan Not in Writing, formed and effective (revocable) Executed
Prerequisites to Validate a Juristic Act
  • The validity of Juristic act
  • Valid, Void, Avoidable (voidable), Indefinite
  • General requisites for validity
  • The Parties shall have the appropriate capacity
    to form (enter into) a juristic act (contract).
  • Subject Matter shall be lawful (illegality),
    certain (uncertainty), possible (impossibility),
    and proper (violate public policy and good moral)
  • Declaration of intention shall be without any
  • Variances between declaration and intention
    mental reservation, malicious collusion, mistake
  • Involuntary declaration of intention fraud
  • Special requisites for validation
  • Register required. A contract subject to a
    condition precedent or a time limit for its

  • ROC Civil Code Article71A juridical act which
    violates an imperative or prohibitive provision
    of the act is void except voidance is not implied
    in the provision.
  • ROC Civil Code Article72A juridical act which is
    against public policy or morals is void.
  • ROC Civil Code Article73A juridical act which
    does not follow the formality required by the act
    is void unless otherwise provided by the act.

  • ROC Civil Code Article86An expression of intent
    shall not be void for the expresser did not
    intend to be bound by it, except the fact was
    known to the other party.
  • ROC Civil Code Article87A fictitious expression
    of intent made by the expresser in collusion with
    other party is void, but the voidance can not be
    a valid defense against any bona fide third

Avoidable (revoke)
  • ROC Civil Code Article88If the expression was
    acting under a mistake as to the contents of his
    expression of intent, or had known the situation
    of affairs, he would not make the expression he
    may revoke the expression provided that the
    mistake or the ignorance of the affairs was not
    due to his own fault.
  • ROC Civil Code Article92An expression of intent
    which is procured by fraud or by duress may be
    revoked by the expresser. If the fraud was done
    by a third party, the expression may be revoked
    only under the circumstances that the other party
    knew, or might know the affairs.

  • Incapacity and without approval of guardian
  • Contract made by a person limited in capacity to
    make juridical acts without the approval of his
    guardian is valid upon the acknowledgement of the
    guardian (ROC Civil Code Article79)
  • Disposing others property without authority
  • The disposition of any object which is made by a
    person without title is effective only upon the
    acknowledgement of the person entitled. (ROC
    Civil Code Article 118)
  • Agency without authority
  • A juridical act made in the name of an agent by a
    person of no authority of agency shall not be
    effective to the principal except it is
    acknowledged by the principal. (ROC Civil Code
    Article 170)

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