Title: Cognitive Neuroscience PSYC 768 Neuroscience 101
1Cognitive NeurosciencePSYC 768Neuroscience 101
2OverviewFunctional NeuroanatomyNeurophysiology
Elements of Neurochemistry
3Early Views of the Brain
- Galen
- Vesalius (1542)
- Leonardo da Vinci
4Functional Neuroanatomy of Cognition
Anatomical subdivisions
Carving the mind at its joints
5Nervous System Organization
Peripheral (PNS)
Somatic (SNS)
Autonomic (ANS)
Spinal Cord
Cortical Areas
6Major Brain Structures
Midbrain and Hindbrain
7The Brain is a 3-D Structure
- Forebrain
- (Neommamalian brain)
II. Midbrain (Paleomammalian brain)
III. Hindbrain (Reptilian brain)
II and III sometimes collectively known as the
(University of Washington Digital Anatomist
8The Triune Brain (Paul McLean)
Increasing Functional Complexity
Increasing Evolutionary Age
9Development and Evolution
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
10The Hindbrain
- Medulla
- Life support functions
- Regulation of respiration, muscle tension, etc.
- If damaged
- death
- coma
- Pons
- Arousal and sleep (reticular formation)
- Consciousness
- If damaged
- coma
- sleep disorders
11The Hindbrain (contd.)
- Cerebellum
- Coordination of movements (under cortical
control) - Cognitive functions?
- If damaged
- Motor disorders
12The Midbrain
- Tectum
- Superior colliculus
- Eye movements
- Inferior colliculus
- Auditory orientation
- Tegmentum
- Reticular formation
- Arousal and sleep
- Substantia nigra
- Motor initiation
- If damaged
- Parkinsons disease
13The Forebrain
- Basal ganglia
- Monitoring of voluntary movements
- If damaged
- Motor disorders (Huntingdons disease)
- Thalamus
- Sensory relay center
- If damaged
- Attentional disorders
14The Limbic Lobe
- Cingulate gyrus
- Hypothalamus
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
- Phylogenetically older than neocortex (allocortex
and mesocortex) - These structures are involved in various aspects
of emotional behavior
15The 4 Major Cortical Lobes
16Brodmanns Areas (original)
17Brodmanns Areas (simplified functional)
18Cortical Areas
- Occipital Lobe
- Primary visual cortex (Striate cortex V1 Area
17) - Secondary visual areas (Extrastriate cortex V2
Areas 18, 19) - Demarcated from the parietal and temporal lobes
by the parieto-occipital sulcus
19Cortical Areas
- Parietal Lobe
- Primary somatosensory cortex Postcentral gyrus
- Association areas play a role in attention and
spatial processing - Demarcated from the frontal lobe by the central
sulcus (or Rolandic fissure)
20Cortical Areas
- Temporal Lobe
- Primary auditory cortex Superior temporal gyrus
(A1 Areas 41, 42) - Inferior temporal gyrus plays a role in visual
object recognition - Medial temporal lobe (hidden in this view) plays
a role in memory formation - Demarcated from the parietal lobe by the lateral
sulcus (or Sylvian fissure)
21Cortical Areas
- Frontal Lobe
- Primary motor cortex Precentral gyrus (Motor
strip Area 4) - Homunculus in motor and somatosensory cortices
22Cortical Areas
- Frontal Lobe
- Primary motor cortex Precentral gyrus (Motor
strip Area 4) - Homunculus in motor and somatosensory cortices
- Prefrontal cortex plays a role in higher
cognitive functions - Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- Anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex
- Orbitofrontal cortex
23Cortical Regions
.htm (Harvard Brain Anatomy and Pathology Project)
- Outer layer (bark) of forebrain
- Approximately 3 mm thick and 2000 sq. cm in area
- About 20 billion neurons, plus 200 billion glial
cells - Convoluted cortex is folded on itself
- Gyrus (gyri) protuding surfaces or bulges
- Sulcus (sulci) grooves or enfolded regions
- Large sulci (fissures)
- Longitudinal
- Central (Rolandic)
- Lateral (Sylvian)
- Degree of convolution higher in primates, highest
in humans
25Cortical Layers
- I Molecular layer mostly dendrites
- and long axons few cell bodies
- II External granular layer small pyramidal
cells - III Outer pyramidal layer medium and large
pyramidal cells input from other cortical
columns - IV Internal granular layer mostly granule
cells input layer from thalamus - V Inner pyramidal layer large pyramidal cells
motor output to spinal cord - VI Multiform layer mostly spindle cells
26Cortical Columns (Vernon Mountcastle)
- Oriented perpendicular to the cortical surface
- 30-50 um diameter, spanning the 3 mm depth of the
cortical layers - Each column contains approximately 100 neurons
- Shape is quasi-hexagonal, because each cortical
column is typically surrounded by six other
columns - Columns function as modules
A cortical column is a complex processing and
distributing unit that links a number of inputs
to a number of outputs via overlapping internal
processing chains" (Mountcastle, 1998).
27Modular Structure of Cortex
Functional Columns
Six Structural Layers
Basic Information Processing Unit?
28Neuronal Information Processing
- Neuron to neuron communication
- action potentials
- postsynaptic potentials
- Neurochemical innervation of cortex (subcortex)
29Neuronal Conduction
- Resting neuron membrane potential - 70 mV
- Active postsynaptic potential generated by input
to neuron - Passive current flow through neuron
- Depolarization (membrane potential ?)
- Hyperpolarization (membrane potential ?)
- Repolarization (return to resting membrane
30Neuronal Conduction (contd.)
- If net potential at axon hillock gt threshold, ion
channels open (active process), and action
potential generated (exchange of Na and K ions) - Na ions in Rising phase of AP
- K ions in Falling phase of AP
- AP duration approximately 1-2 ms (refractory
31Neuronal Conduction The Problem
- Action potential decays over length of axon due
to resistance and capacitance - Not a problem over short axonal distances (e.g.,
retina) but is for long distances (e.g., spinal
motor neurons) - Resistance is reduced (and axonal speed
increased) - However fat motor neurons needed to reach distant
muscles would exceed width of spinal cord
32The Solution Myelin and Saltatory Conduction
- Myelin (glial cell membrane) insulates axon and
reduces resistance and increases speed of
conduction - AP regenerated at gaps in myelin (Nodes of
Ranvier) where ion channels are found - Saltatory conduction (jumps) represents a
tradeoff between signal loss due to axonal length
and speed
33Saltatory Conduction
34Myelin and Saltatory Conduction (contd.)
- Unmyelinated neurons are the fastest in the
nervous system, but can only conduct over short
distances - Myelinated neurons are slower, but can conduct
over longer distances ( 100 m/s)
Unmyelinated (no Nodes of Ranvier), fastest,
short distance
Myelinated (many nodes), slow, longer distance
Myelinated (few nodes), faster, shorter distance
35Synaptic Transmission
- Synapse Gap between axon of one neuron and
dendrite (or cell body) of another cell - presynaptic neuron
- postsynaptic neuron
- Synaptic transmission involves communication
across the synapse from one neuron to another - chemical
- electrical
36Synaptic Transmission (contd.)
- Chemical transmission involves
- voltage-gated Ca2 ion channels in the
presynaptic neuron - receptors (specialized ion channels) in the
postsynaptic neuron
37Chronology of Events at Synapse
- Action potential arrives at axon terminal
- Vesicles containing neurotransmitter fuse with
presynaptic membrane (with help of Ca2) - Neurotransmitter released into synaptic cleft
(gap) - Neurotransmitter diffuses across cleft and binds
with postsynaptic receptors
38Chronology of Events at Synapse (and beyond)
- Binding (lock and key) of NT and receptor results
in postsynaptic potential (PSP) - Depending on postsynaptic receptor, the PSPs can
be excitatory or positive (EPSP) or inhibitory or
negative (IPSP) - Spatial and temporal summation of EPSPs and IPSPs
at axon hillock leads to action potential, and so
the process of neuronal communication continues - Action potential On or off a digital signal
- PSPs Can have multiple values, positive or
negative an analog signal
39Discovery of The First Neurotransmitter
- Acetylcholine (ACh)
- Discovered by Otto Loewi (1924)
- Vagus nerve stimulation of heart muscle
- Chemical stimulation of second heart
- Henry Dale showed that ACh is also involved at
the neuromuscular junction - Curare (as in poison darts) occupies receptor
sites in muscles, hence preventing ACh to work
and causing paralysis
40Routes to Paralysis and Intoxication
41We now understand the microstructure of
neurotransmitter receptors
42Classes of Neurotransmitters
- Acetylcholine
- Amino acids
- excitatory
- glutamate
- aspartate
- inhibitory
- gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
- glycine
- taurine4
- Biogenic amines
- serotonin
- histamine
- catecholamines
- dopamine
- norepinephrine
- Neuropeptides
- Over 50 known
Underlined NTs have been linked to different
aspects of cognitive functioning
43Key Historical Figures
Sir Charles Sherrington 1857-1952
Sir Henry Dale 1875-1968
Otto Loewi 1873-1951
All Nobel Prize Winners
Eric Kandel 1934 - present
Sir John Eccles 1903-1997
44Internet Resources
- www.cogneurosociety.org (Cognitive Neuroscience
Society) - www.sfn.org (Society for Neuroscience)
- http//www.humanbrainmapping.org/ (Organization
for Human Brain Mapping) - http//www9.biostr.washington.edu/da.html
(University of Washington Digital Anatomist
Project) - http//www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html
(Harvard Brain Anatomy and Pathology Project) - http//www.univie.ac.at/anatomie2/plastinatedbrain
/main.html (The Plastinated Brain) - http//www-medlib.med.utah.edu/kw/sol/sss/subj2.ht
ml University of Utah Medical School) -