Title: Behaviour and Performance of Interactive Multi-player Game Servers
1Behaviour and Performance of Interactive
Multi-player Game Servers
Ahmed Abdelkhalek, Angelos Bilas, and Andreas
- Investigate the scalability of services provided
by servers - Multi-player games are enabled by a central
server - FPS typically supports under 70 users
3The First Experiment
- 32 PII-400 MHz computers
- Machines connected on the same LAN
- Quake (FPS game)
- 1 human controlled player with the rest being
automated players
4Server incoming network throughput per client
5Server outgoing network throughput per client
6Server response size
7Server received request rate
8Server response rate (relies/s)
9Server execution time breakdown
10Graphics Rendering Time for Clients
11Server response rate as measured at the clients
12The Second Experiment
- Each client computer simulates 16 players
- Compare statistics on two maps, a small map and a
big one - use PIII-800 MHz computer as server later
- Use EMON to monitor the CPU statistics
13Server response rate (small map)
14Server outgoing network throughout per client
15Server execution time breakdown (small map)
16Request processing time at the server (small map)
17Server response size (small map)
18Server response rate (large map)
19Server execution time breakdown (large map)
20Request processing time at the server (large map)
21Server response rate (800MHz processors, large
22Request processing time at the server (800MHz
processors, large map)
23Server execution time breakdown (800MHz
processors, large map)
24Server CPU Behaviour
- Network bandwidth is not an issue
- Incoming bandwidth per player on server is
constant with increasing number of players - Outgoing bandwidth per player increases with
increasing number of players - Memory requirement is not an issue
- Use server response rate and average response
time for evaluation
26Conclusion (contd)
- Can support between 60 to 100 players with the
equipment - Server utilization increases linearly with the
number of players - Doubling the speed of CPU results in a less than
double increase in the number of players - Room for improving server performance at the
microprocessor architecture level