Title: Liquid Crystalline Elastomers as Artificial Muscles
1Liquid Crystalline Elastomers as Artificial
P.E. Cladis
Advanced Liquid Crystal Tech. Summit, NJ
2Stress-Strain in Smectic A SLCEs
Strasbourg ILCC 1998 Nicole Assfalg
Alumni from Heino Finkelmann's Group See also
Liquid crystalline elastomers as artificial
3Spontaneous Shape Change Sample Preparation
P.E. Cladis Phase Transitions in Liquid
Crystalline ElastomersA Fundamental Aspect of
LCEs as Artificial Muscles in Interactive
Dynamics of Convection and Solidification, P.
Erhard, D.S. Riley and P.H. Steen (eds), Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2001) p. 123.
4Spontaneous Shape Change Result
1998 Symposium on Artificial Muscles and Liquid
Crystalline Elastomers
Partially supported by NSF DMR
9871475 http//alct.com/fps/index.htm
6First works
7Kyushu University 2001
8Swelling Dynamics Samples
- PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
Swelling dynamics of
liquid crystal elastomers swollen with low
molecular weight liquid crystals
Yusril Yusuf, Y. Ono, Y. Sumisaki,
P. E. Cladis, H. R. Brand, H.Finkelmann,Shoichi
Swollen Nematic LSCE
Dimension n does not change!
PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
10MONO2 and POLY
PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
12Swelling Dynamics
- 5CB 8min
- MBBA 6min
- 5CB 16min
- MBBA 30min
PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
Inverse swelling ratio
13Swelling Temperature Dependence
Temperature dependence None for Dry POLY Lots
for MONO and Swollen POLY PR E 69, 021710 (2004)
14Electric Field
Yusuf et al. PRE 71, 061702 (2005)
15Voltage Dependence
Yusuf et al. Low-voltage-driven electromechanical
effects of swollen liquid-crystal elastomers ...
Threshold about 1.5V independent of sample
thickness typical for LMWLCs
16Temperature Dependence
Yusuf et al. PR E June 2005
17Characteristic Times, t
Yusuf et al. PR E June 2005
18Voltage Dependence of 1/t
Yusuf et al. PR E June 2005
19Voltage Summary
Yusuf et al. PR E June 2005
20Acknowledgements We thank the IMA for the
opportunity to present these results. Yusril
Yusuf, Y. Ono, Y. Sumisaki, Jong-Hoon Huh, H. R.
Brand, H.Finkelmann, Shoichi Kai Nicole
Assfalg PEC thanks the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Sciences for a Research Prize
enabling this research.
21Kyushu 3/2001