1 2Essential Questions
- What are the CODE vocabulary principles?
- What are Marzanos six steps to effective
vocabulary instruction? - How do the CODE and Marzano steps help struggling
students add to their word knowledge? - How can I implement both the CODE principles and
Marzano process into daily intervention
3Learning Targets
- I can explain the CODE Vocabulary Principles and
Marzanos Six-step Vocabulary Instruction. - I can implement CODE and Marzano into daily
classroom planning and instruction.
4(No Transcript)
5- Acquiring the vocabulary we use for thinking and
communicating is a linguistic achievement of
nearly incomprehensible importance and
complexity. - --Phythian-Sence and Wagner (2007)
The limits of my language are the limits of my
mind. All I know is what I have words for.
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953)
6anticipation/Reaction Guide
Statement Agree Disagree
Vocabulary knowledge is the single most important factor in reading comprehension.
Socioeconomic status can drastically affect vocabulary development in children.
Students must have multiple exposures to a word and its meaning to deeply process it.
Vocabulary has to be taught through direct and indirect means.
7Vocabulary Acquisition
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12The Gap continues..
1,000,000 words
100,000 words
13Recognizing the need to teach vocabulary is
- But HOW you teach
- vocabulary makes all the
- difference in a students actual word acquisition.
14- It is imperative to be mindful of
- the serious limitations inherent in
- the three most common vocabulary
- teaching practices in K-12
- classrooms. Kevin Feldman Kate Kinsella
15(No Transcript)
16Effective vocabulary instruction requires
- Active and positive student participation
- (Carr Wixson, 1986)
- Personal engagement with a new word
- (Dole, Sloan Trathen, 1995)
- Opportunities for students to discuss new words
- Teaching vocabulary before reading
- (National Reading Panel 2000)
- Learning in rich contexts, incidental learning,
and the use of computer technology - National Reading Panel 2000)
- Providing multiple exposures to a word
(Marzano., 2003)
17 Vocabulary Should Be Taught ....
18Direct Vocabulary Instruction Works
- Building Academic Vocabulary, 2
19Making Vocabulary Memorable )
20Basic Principles of Vocabulary InstructionPrincip
le C
- Students remember
- vocabulary when the word is
- strongly Connected to what
- they already know and have
- experienced.
21Principle O
- Students remember more
- information when it is
- clearly Organized.
22Principle D
- Students remember
- vocabulary when it is Deeply
- processed through visual,
- auditory, physical, or
- emotional experiences.
23Principle E
- Students remember
- vocabulary when they are
- given the opportunity to
- Explore or think about it in a
- variety of ways.
24Daily Classroom Instruction for Vocabulary
- Marzanos Six-Step Approach
25Step 1
- The teacher provides a description, explanation
or example of the new term.
26Step 2
- Students restate the explanation of the new term
in their own words.
27Step 3
- Students create a nonlinguistic representation
of the term.
28Step 4
- Students periodically engage in
- activities that help them
- add to their knowledge of
- vocabulary terms.
29Step 5
- Frequently have students discuss important terms
with one another.
30Step 6
- Periodically engage students in games that allow
them to play with the terms. -
31Revisiting CODE
- Without using your notes, think back to the
discussion of the CODE vocabulary principles. On
a piece of scrap paper, jot down what you
remember. - Turn to a partner and see if you can fill in any
32Marzano CODE
Teacher provides description, explanation, or example of new term.
Students restate explanation of the term in their own words.
Students create nonlinguistic representation of term.
Students periodically do activities that help them add to their knowledge of vocabulary terms.
Periodically, students are asked to discuss terms with one another.
Periodically, students are involved in games that allow them to play with the terms.
33Lets Revisit the Guide
Statement Agree Disagree
Vocabulary knowledge is the single most important factor in reading comprehension.
Socioeconomic status can drastically affect vocabulary development in children.
Students must have multiple exposures to a word and its meaning to deeply process it.
Vocabulary has to be taught through direct and indirect means.
34Reflective Journal
- Many teachers see vocabulary as
- necessary for better reading. Few, however,
realize its long-term effect on learning,
achievement, thinking, communication. - --Bromley, 2002 Watts, 1995
- Learning Targets
- I can explain the CODE principles of vocabulary
instruction and Marzanos six steps. - I can implement CODE and Marzano into my daily
classroom planning and instruction. -
- Wagner, Richard, Andrea E. Muse and Kendra R.
Tannenbaum. Vocabulary Acquisition Implications
for Reading Comprehension. Guilford Press New
York, 2007. - Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical
Investigations, 1953. - Hart, Betty Risley, Todd R. Meaningful
Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young
American Children. Paul H. Brookes Publishing
Baltimore, 1995. - Nagy, W., Anderson, R. C. (1984). How many
words are there in printed school English?
Reading Research Quarterly, 19, 304-330. - Feldman, Kevin Kate Kinsella. Narrowing the
Language Gap The Case for Explicit Vocabulary
Instruction. Scholastic, 2005. - Dole, Slone, and Trathen. The Cornerstones of
Reading Comprehension Teaching for Vocabulary
and Text Understanding. (2002) Retrieved from
the World Wide Web http//www.designedinstruction
(June, 2010). - Marzano, Robert. Building Backgraound Knowledge
for Academic Achievement. ASCD 2003. - Carr, E., Wixson, K.K. (1986). Guidelines for
evaluating vocabulary instruction. Journal of
Reading, 29, 588595. - National Reading Panel. Put Reading First.
National Institute for Literacy, 2001. - Silver, H., Strong, R., Perini, M. (2007). The
Hidden Skills of Academic Literacy. - Alexandria. Thoughtful Education
Press. - Bromley, K. (2004). Rethinking vocabulary
instruction. The Language and Literacy - Spectrum, 14(Spring), 3-12.