- Dr. Grace Hsuan
- Civil Architectural Engineering
- Waste management methods
- Landfill design and regulations
- Function and usage of geosynthetics in landfill
systems - Durability of geosynthetics
- Future trend of landfill management
3Waste Classification
- Municipal waste
- Construction demolition debris
- Nonhazardous industrial waste
- Incineration ash
- Hazardous waste
4Amount of Municipal Waste
5Waste Management Methods
Method 1970 1980 1990 1992 (Goal)
Landfilling 72 81 67 55
Combustion 21 9 16 20
Recycling 7 10 17 25
6Source Reduction
- Source reduction involves reduction in the
- quantity or toxicity of materials during the
- manufacturing process via
- Decrease the amount of unqualified products by
improving quality control - Decrease the unit weight of the product by using
high quality material.
7Weight Reduction (unit of grams)
Container 1980 1992
2-liter PET bottle 65 51
Aluminum can 19 15
Glass soda bottle 255 177
Steel (tin) soup can 48 37
Half-pint milk carton 14 11
8Recycling Materials in Percentage of Waste
Materials 1985 1990 Projected 1992
Corrugated boxes 4.4 5.9 6.7
Newspapers 2.1 2.8 3.3
Office paper 0.7 0.9 1.0
Glass containers 0.7 1.3 1.5
Steel cans 0.1 0.2 0.2
Aluminum cans 0.4 0.5 0.5
Plastics packaging 0.1 0.2 0.2
Yard waste 0 2.2 2.7
Others 1.5 3.0 3.8
Total 10 17.1 20.2
- Combustion can reduce the volume of the solid
waste up to 90 at the same generate power. - There are 140 combustion plants the US.
- Emission must meet the EPA Clean Air Act.
- Residual ash is hazardous material and should be
disposed accordingly.
- Landfill implies disposal of waste in the ground.
- 70 of the waste is disposed in landfill and the
percentage has been gradually decreasing. - The amount of waste actually increased due to
population growth.
- Approximately 6,500 landfills operate in the US
- 57 belong to local governments
- 14 belong to private companies,
- 29 belong to federal agencies or solid waste
12Landfill Capacity
- The size and capacity vary greatly
- 30 of the landfills receive less
- than 30 tons per day
- 5 receive more than 500 tons
13The Largest Landfill
- Fresh Kills,
- Staten Island, NY
- 3,000 acres
- 2.4 billion cubic feet of waste
- 25 times of the great pyramid
14Nature of Waste Problem
- Moisture within and flowing on the waste
generates leachate - Leachate takes the characteristics of the waste
- Thus leachate is very variable and is
site-specific - there is no "typical" leachate - Flows gravitationally downward into the leachate
collection system - Enters groundwater unless a suitable barrier
layer or system is provided
15Current Legislation
- EPA for both non-hazardous and hazardous waste
- Superfund via Corps of Engineers
- DOE/NRC for radioactive wastes
- Worldwide approx. 40 countries have
legislation/regulations (survey in GRI Report 23)
- Solid waste is regulated under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). - Classification of non-hazardous and hazardous
waste depends on the chemical constituents of the
17Hazardous Waste Definition
- Waste is listed in Appendix VIII of Title 40,
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 251. - Waste is mixed with or derived from hazardous
waste. - Waste is not identified as municipal waste.
- Waste possesses one of the following
characteristics - ignitable corrosive reactive and toxic.
18Minimum Technology Guidance(MTG)
- Federal regulation on landfill design requirement
is published by the EPA. - Dependent on the classification of the waste, MTG
is recommended. - Each state must follows, or exceed, the MTG.
19Non-hazardous Waste
- Non-hazardous waste is regulated under Subtitle D
of RCRA. - EPA regulations are published in Parts 257 and
258, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
20Minimum Technology Guidance (MTG) for a Subtitle
D Landfill
21Hazardous Waste
- Hazardous waste is regulated under Subtitle C of
RCRA. - EPA regulations are published in Part 264.221,
Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
22MTG for a Subtitle C Landfill
23Landfill Closure Activities
- Closure must begin within 30 days of final
receipt of waste extensions may be granted by
state approval. - Closure must be completed in accordance with
closure plan within 180 days extensions may be
granted by state approval. - A notation must be placed in the deed.
24Landfill Covers(Non-hazardous landfill without
Geosynthetic on the bottom liner system)
Erosion Layer
150 mm
Infiltration Layer
450 mm
25Cover Layers
- Erosion Layer
- Earthen material is capable of sustaining native
plant growth - Infiltration Layer
- Permeability of this layer of soil should be less
than or equal to the permeability of any bottom
liner system or natural subsoils present, or
permeability less than 1x10-5 cm/sec whichever is
26Landfill Cover System(Subtitle C D, and Corp
of Eng.)
150 mm
Varies (frost depth)
Cover Soil
150 mm
Filter (or GT)
300 mm
Drain (or GN)
600 to 900 mm
Clay _at_ 1x10-7 cm/sec
300 mm
Gas Vent (or GT)
Solid Waste
27Landfill Site
- Conforms with land use planning of the area
- Easy access to vehicles during the operation of
the landfill - Adequate quantity of earth cover material that is
easily handled and compacted - Landfill operation will not detrimentally impact
surrounding environment - Large enough to hold community waste for some time
- geomembranes (GM)
- geosynthetic clay liners (GCL)
- geonets (GN)
- geotextiles (GT)
- geogrids (GG)
- geopipe (GP)
- geocomposites (GC)
29Primary Functions
Type S R F D B
GM - - - - Y
GCL - - - - Y
GN - - - Y -
GT Y Y Y Y -
GG - Y - - -
GP - - - Y -
S separation, R reinforcement, F
filtration D drainage, B barrier
30Natural Soils vs. GSs
Function Natural Soil Geosynthetics
Barrier-Single CCL GM
Barrier- Composite GM/CCL GM/GCL GM/GCL/CCL
Drainage Layer Sand Gravel or sand GT GN
Filter Layer Sand GT
31Liner System
Gravel w/ perforated pipe
32Final Cover System
Geosynthetic ECM
Cover Soil
GC or GN
GP or GC
33Solid Waste
34Possible Geosynthetic Layersin a Waste
Containment System
- in Final Cover - 7
- in Base Liner - 9
- 16 Layers!
35Liquid Barrier Systems
- Single CCL
- Single GM
- Single composite liner
- Double composite liner
36Composite Barriers(Intimate Contact Issue)
37Composite Barriers(Theoretical Leakage)
GM alone (hole area a)
Composite liner (GM/CCL)
Q 0.21 a0.1 h0.9 ks0.74 (for good contact)
Q 1.15 a0.1 h0.9 ks0.74 (for poor contact)
Ref. Bonaparte, Giroud Gross, GS 89)
38Generalized Leakage Rates Through Liners(ref.
Giroud and Bonaparte, Jour. G G, 1989)
assumes 3 holes/ha (i.e., 1.0 hole/acre)
39Response Action Plans (RAP's)
- Only applicable with double liner systems
- Worldwide, 58 HSW (incl. USA) and 14 of MSW
require double liner systems - Requires measurement of liquid quantity in leak
detection system - If above the preset action leakage rate (ALR),
different requirements are set in motion, e.g., - continuous monitoring
- characterize liquid
- stop receiving waste
- remove waste to locate leak(s)
40Some Comments on RAP's
- (a) "de minimum" leakage 10 lphd ( 1.0 gpad)
- vapor diffusion through perfect geomembrane with
no flaws 0.2 to 20 lphd - (b) typ. action leakage rate (ALR) 50 to 200
- continuous monitoring
- assess liquid characteristics
- compare to primary leachate
- (c) typ. intermediate leakage rate (ILR) 200 to
1000 - stop adding waste
- continue monitoring and testing
- (d) typ. rapid and large leak (RLL) gt 1000 lphd
- remove waste
- repair leak(s)
Note all of the above RAP values are for
illustration only -- they must be site
specifically determined -- note that EPA only
requires the establishment of an ALR value
41Average Values of Leakage Quantities
Sand Leak Detection
Leakage Rate (lphd)
Life Cycle Stage
42Average Values of Leakage Quantities (contd)
Geonet Leak Detection
Leakage Rate (lphad)
Life Cycle Stage
Widely Used Geomembranes Limited Used Geomembranes
High density polyethylene (HDPE) Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE)
Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) Ethylene interpolymer alloy (EIA)
Flexible polypropylene (f-PP) Ethylene propylene trimonomer (EPDM)
Polyvinyl chloride-plasticized (PVC-p)
- Name is associated with resin type
- All have some amount of additives
- Additives can vary from 2 to 60
- Some additives are critical to performance
45Compositions(approximate percentage)
Type Resin Carbon Black Plasticizer Anti-oxidant Filler
HDPE 95-97 2-3 0 1-0.5 0
LLDPE 95-97 2-3 0 1-0.5 0
PVC-p 50-70 1-2 25-35 1-0.5 5-10
fPP 95-97 2-3 0 1-0.5 0
CSPE 40-60 5-40 0 1-0.5 5-15
EPDM 25-30 20-40 0 1-0.5 20-40
46Geomembrane Styles
- smooth geomembranes
- Textured geomembranes
- Reinforced geomembranes
47Manufacturing Processes
- Flat extrusion
- Blown sheet extrusion
- Blown sheet co-extrusion
- Calendaring
48Material Properties
- Mechanical property
- Density
- Melt flow
- Carbon black
- Plasticizers
- Antioxidant
49Tensile Behavior
- Test method varies according to the resin type
and style of the geomembrane. - Each test method consists of unique shape of
specimen and strain rate. - Methods
- HDPE, LLDPE and fPP ASTM D 638 Type IV
- PVC-p ASTM D 882
- All reinforced geomembranes ASTM D 751
50Design Concept
- Where
- Test methods are from ASTM, ISO, or others
- Design models from the literatures
- Factor-of-Safety is site specific
51Density Methods
- ASTM D 752 (Specific gravity)
- ASTM D 1505 (Density column)
- ASTM D 4883 (Ultrasonic for PE only)
52HDPE Geomembranes
- Resin density is around 0.930 g/cc, which is in
the medium density range according to ASTM D 833. - The 2.5 carbon black raise the density of the
product to 0.941g/cc, which is the HDPE range. - ?product ?resin 0.0044C
- Where C weight percentage of carbon
53Melt Flow (MI) Method
- Test Method - ASTM D 1238
- Only for thermoplastic materials
- Test condition varies with resin type
- It is essential for extrusion process, i.e., for
product manufacturers - For the same type of polymer, MI can be
correlated to the molecular weight
54Function of Carbon Black
- The primary function is as an ultraviolet light
stabilizer to protect polymer being degraded. - Carbon black absorption coefficient increases
with loading up to 3. - In elastomeric materials, carbon black also
functions as an reinforcement, and loading can be
as high as 30-40.
55Addition of Carbon Black
- The masterbatch technique is utilize to
dispersing carbon black in plastic. - A masterbatch is a resin containing a high
concentration of carbon black. - The masterbatch is blended with polymer resin to
achieve the desire percentage.
56Carbon Black
- Carbon black content is measured according to
ASTM D1603. - Carbon black dispersion is evaluated according to
ASTM D 5596.
- Plasticizers is used in PVC to lower the glass
transition temperature (Tg). - An addition of 30 plasticizer in PVC can lower
the Tg from 80oC to 20oC. - The plasticized PVC behaves rubbery at normal
ambient temperature. - However, plasticizer can slowly leach out with
58Analysis Plasticizers
- The amount of plasticizer in the polymer can be
determine by extraction according to ASTM D 2124. - The type of plasticizer can be identified using
Infrared (IR) spectroscopic.
- The function of antioxidants is to protect
polymers from being oxidized during the extrusion
process and service lifetime. - For polyolefines, antioxidants is vital to the
longevity of the product. - Antioxidant will be the focus of the second part
of this class.
60Degradation of HDPE Geomembranes
- Chemical Related
- Thermal-oxidation
- Photo-oxidation
61Linear PE Structure
- Linear PE is a graft copolymer
- Each co-monomer creates one branch
- Co-monomer can be butene, hexene, or octene
62Density of Geomembranes
- Density decreases as the amount of co-monomer
increases - Density range of PE (ASTM D883)
- gt 0.940 g/ml for HDPE
- 0.926 - 0.940 g/ml for MDPE
- 0.910 - 0.925 g/ml for LLDPE
- lt0.909 g/ml for VLDPE or ULDPE
63II. Oxidation Degradation
- Polyolefins, such as HDPE, PP and PB are
susceptible to oxidation. - Oxidation takes place via free radical reactions.
- Free radicals form at the tertiary carbon atoms
(i.e., at branches). - Oxidation leads to chain scission that results in
decrease of Mw and subsequently on mechanical
64Forming Free Radicals
65Different Degradation Stages
66Various Stages of Oxidation
67Reactions during Induction Period
68Reactions during Acceleration Period
69Functions of Antioxidants
- Primary antioxidants react with free radical
species - Secondary antioxidants decompose ROOH to prevent
formation of free radicals
70(No Transcript)
71Types of Antioxidants
Category Chemical Type Example
Primary Hindered phenol Irganox? 1076 or 1010 Santowhite crystals
Primary Hindered amines Various of Tinuvin?, Chemassorb? 944
Secondary Phosphites Irgafos? 168
Secondary Sulfur compound Dilauryl thiodipropionate Distearyl thiodipropionate
Secondary Hindered amines Various of Tinuvin?, Chemassorb? 944
72Effective Temperature Range
Hindered Phenols
Hindered Amines
Temperature (oC)
73Depletion of Antioxidants
- Two mechanisms
- Chemical reactions by reacting with free
radicals and peroxides - Physical loss by extraction or volatilization
74Arrhenius Model
- Rate of reaction X Y Z
- Where
- X collision frequency (concentration or
pressure) - Y energy factor
- Z probability factor of colliding particles
(temperature dependent)
75Potential Energy
transition state
Potential Energy
products of
Progress of Reaction
76Distribution of Energy
Fraction is
exp( )
77Arrhenius Equation
78Arrhenius Plot
ln R
high temperature
low temperature
(lab tests)
(site temperature)
Inverse Temperature (1/T)
79Experimental Design
- Incubation environment should simulate the field
(i.e., landfill environment) - Limited Oxygen
- Some degree of liquid extraction
- Utilize elevated temperatures to accelerate the
reactions. - 55, 65, 75, and 85oC
80Incubation Device
81Tests Performed
- Oxidative inductive time (OIT) for antioxidant
content. - Melt index for qualitative molecular weight
measurement. - Tensile test for mechanical property
82OIT Tests
- OIT is the time required for the polymer to be
oxidized under a specific test condition. - OIT value indicates the total amount (not the
type) of the antioxidant remaining in the polymer.
83OIT Test for Evaluation of Antioxidant (AO)
- OIT Tests
- ASTM D3895-Standard OIT (Std-OIT), or
- ASTM D 5885-High Pressure OIT (HP-OIT)
- HP-OIT test is used for AOs which are sensitive
to high temperature testing
84(No Transcript)
85Thermal Curve of OIT Test
86Test Results
Percent Retained
Incubation Time (month)
Changes in Eight Properties with Incubation Time
at 85C
87Analysis of OIT Data
- Determine OIT depletion rate at each temperature.
- Utilize Arrhenius Equation to extrapolate the
depletion rate to a lower temperature. - Predict the time to consume all antioxidant in
the polymer.
88a) - OIT Depletion Rate
89b) Arrhenius Plot
y 17.045 - 6798.2x R2 0.953
y 16.856 - 6991.3x R2 0.943
ln (OIT Depletion Rate)
1/T (K)
90c) Lifetime of Antioxidant
- Use the OIT depletion equation to find t
- ln(OIT) ln(P) (S) (t)
- The OIT value for unstabilized PE is 0.5 min.
- For this particular stabilization package
- t 200 years
91Lifetime of Geomembrane
- Induction time and degradation period (Stages B
C) can be established by using unstabilized
polymer in the experiment. - It was found by Gedde et al. (1994) that the
duration of Stages B and C is significant shorter
than that of Stage A. - Antioxidants are critical to the long-term
performance of polyethylene and other
92Future of Waste Containment
- Current waste containment technique is defined as
dry dome method by eliminating leachate from
being generated after closure. - Waste will not degrade since moisture is a
critical component of the biodegradation process.
93Bioreactor Landfill
- a sanitary landfill operated for the purpose
of transforming and stabilizing the readily and
moderately decomposable organic waste
constituents within five to ten years following
closure by purposeful control to enhance
microbiological processes. The bioreactor
landfill significantly increases the extent of
waste decomposition, conversion rates and process
effectiveness over what would otherwise occur
within the landfill.
94Why Operate a Landfill as a Bioreactor?
- to increase potential for waste to energy
conversion, - to store and/or treat leachate,
- to recover air space, and
- to ensure sustainability
- 1993 - less than 20 landfills recirculating
leachate - 1997 - 130 landfills recirculating leachate
- My estimate - 5 of landfills
96Aerobic Bioreactor
- Rapid stabilization of waste
- Enhanced settlement
- Evaporation of moisture
- Degradation of organics which are recalcitrant
under anaerobic conditions - Reduction of methane emissions
97Research Issues - Aerobic Bioreactor
- How much air is needed?
- How can air be delivered?
- What is the impact on the water balance?
- How are landfill fires prevented?
- What are the economic implications?