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Paul Missionary Journeys Joe Dillabaugh New Testament/ Prof. Smith October 30,2002 Journey #1 Important events of his first Trip 48 A.D. From Antioch Paul, Barnabas ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Paul

  • Missionary Journeys
  • Joe Dillabaugh
  • New Testament/ Prof. Smith
  • October 30,2002

Journey 1
(No Transcript)
Important events of his first Trip
  • 48 A.D.
  • From Antioch Paul, Barnabas and John (surnamed
    Mark) begin their first journey. They travel to
    Cypress (Cyprus) and Perga.
  • John Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas at Perga and
    returns to Jerusalem (see Acts 1313). After
    Perga Paul/Barnabas journey to Antioch in
    Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe.
  • Agrippa II (see Acts 25) made king of Chaleis.
  • 49 A.D.
  • Paul and Barnabas go back to visit the same
    places they did in 48 A.D. and return to Antioch.
  • Cumanus made procurator of Judea (about this

Cities of the First missionary journey
Antioch Of Pisidia
  • Acts 1314-52
  • Antioch was in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).
  • Like in many places Paul and the others began
    their ministry in the Jewish synagogues.
  • When the Gentiles accepted their message the
    Jewish leaders stirred up trouble and had Paul
    and Barnabas out of the city.
  • The message was accepted and when they returned a
    church was already established and growing.
  • Antioch was in the region of Pisidia, it had a
    large amount of well traveled roads, great trade,
    and a large Jewish population

  • Cyprus was located in the Mediterranean sea, the
    island of Cyprus was the home of Barnabas, as
    well as a large Jewish population.
  • This is where They meet the sorcerer named
    Bar-Jesus, who worked for the Governor Sergius
  • Paul claims that Bar-Jesus is the enemy of
    everything that is right, and by the power of
    God the sorcerer goes blind. (Acts 134-11)

  • This is where John Mark left The Missionaries.
  • The Capitol of Pamphylia
  • Perga is on the southern coast of Asia Minor
    (modern Turkey).
  • Paul visits Perga twice on his first Journey Once
    on his way Antioch, and then again on his way
    from Antioch to Attalia.
  • Acts 1313-14 1425

Antioch Of Syria
  • Modern day Antakya in Turkey
  • The Capitol of the province of Syria and the
    third largest city of the Roman Empire.
  • After the martyr of Stephan many Christians fled
    the 300 miles to Antioch
  • Home to many Christians and Jews
  • Home of one of the earliest largest, and most
    active Christian churches.
  • Home church of Paul for the remainder of his
  • Acts 1119-26 1311535

  • Remote city in the Roman province of Galatia
  • Paul was thought to be an incarnation of Hermes
    (The messenger of the Greek gods), and Barnabas
    was thought to be the incarnation of Zeus
  • Paul was eventually stoned and left for dead by
    his enemies
  • A Christian church was founded here and Paul
    returns to visit on his second journey
  • Acts 146-20 161-5

Journey 2
(No Transcript)
Important events of trip 2
  • 50 A.D.
  • Paul and Barnabas attend the "Council of
    Jerusalem" (see Acts 15).
  • Caraetaeus captured by the Romans in Britain.
  • Cogidunus (Father of Claudia?, See 2 Tim. 421)
    assists the Romans in Britain.
  • A.D. 51
  • Second missionary journey begins. Paul and
    Barnabas travel to Antioch.
  • At Antioch John Mark (who left them at Perga on
    their first missionary journey) wishes to rejoin
    Paul/Barnabas. A disagreement ensues between Paul
    and Barnabas about whether to allow Mark to come
    with them. The argument is so heated that Paul
    finally decides to take Silas with him to Tarsus,
    Derbe, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch in Pisidia.
    Barnabas takes John Mark and travels to the
    island of Cypress (Cyprus).
  • At Lystra Paul meets Timothy, who accompanies him
    on the rest of his journey.
  • A.D. 52
  • Paul/Silas/Timothy travel to Troas, Philippi,
    Thessalonica and Beroea (Berea).

Important events of trip 2
  • Jews from Thessalonica come to Beroea and stir up
    the people against Paul. He is sent by sea to
    Athens. Silas and Timothy stay in Beroea for a
    time. It is possible Timothy later travels to
    Athens, meets Paul, and is sent to revisit
  • Paul travels to Corinth and writes 1
    Thessalonians. Timothy and Silas are with him.
    Paul meets Aquila and Priscilla.
  • Claudius expels the Jews from Rome (see Acts
  • A.D. 53
  • Paul stays in Corinth and writes 2 Thessalonians.
  • The tetrarchy of Trachonitis given to Agrippa II.
  • Felix made procurator of Judaea
  • A.D. 54
  • Paul, Aquila and Priscilla leave Corinth in the
    Spring and arrive at Ephesus. Aquila and
    Priscilla stay in Ephesus as Paul travels on to
    Jerusalem. Paul arrives in the city in the Summer
    (Pentecost). He then goes to Antioch.
  • Death of Claudius and accession of Nero.

Cities of second Journey
  • 10 miles inland from the south coast of modern
  • Population of about 500,000 (In New Testament
  • Birth place of Paul, returned here for a short
    time after converting to Christianity, but spent
    most of his reborn life elsewhere
  • Pauls visit here proved his commitment to
  • Acts 930

  • Located in the Roman Province of Lycaonia
    (southern Turkey)
  • Paul probably sent his letter to the Galatians
    here as well.
  • Paul meets Timothy here
  • The town visited by Paul after his stoning in

  • Present day Konya in south central Turkey.
  • When Paul visits here it was a city in the Roman
    Province of Galatia
  • Paul begins teaching in the synagogue here and
    leads many people to Christ.
  • The Jewish leaders plot to stone and kill Paul
    and Barnabas
  • Paul flees from this city to Lystra
  • Acts 141-7

  • City in Greece that on the land connecting the
    mainland Greece with the southern peninsula
  • Home of people from all over the known world
  • Temple prostitutes and a large mobile population
    gave Corinth a reputation for sexual behavior
  • Paul stayed here for eighteen months while he
    established a church which is who first and
    second Corinthians was written
  • Acts 18

  • Capitol city of the Roman Province of Asia
  • Ephesus was at the end of a huge trade routes
    through Asia
  • Perhaps the home of the Apostle John
  • On Pauls second journey he only stayed here for a
    short time claiming he would come back if it is
    Gods will (Acts 1821)
  • Acts 181919

Third missionary Trip
(No Transcript)
Important events of the third journey
  • Significant Events During Journey A.D.54
  • Paul begins his third missionary journey. He
    leaves Antioch and goes to Ephesus.
  • Priscilla and Aquila are already in Ephesus and
    make contact with Apollos. After teaching him
    thoroughly about Christ, they and the brethren
    send Apollos to Corinth.
  • A.D. 55
  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.
  • A.D. 56
  • Paul continues to stay in Ephesus.
  • A.D. 57

Important events of the third journey
  • In the Spring at Ephesus Paul writes 1
  • In Summer he leaves Ephesus for Troas. He
    proceeds to Philippi.
  • It is in Philippi during the Autumn that it is
    believed Paul wrote II Corinthians. Titus arrives
    in the city.
  • In the Winter Paul goes to Corinth, where he
    writes the book of Galatians.
  • A.D. 58
  • In the Spring Paul writes the book of Romans.
  • Paul leaves Corinth and goes to Philippi and
  • In the summer (Pentecost) Paul arrives in
    Jerusalem. He is arrested and sent to Caesarea.

Cities of the Third trip
  • A port city about ten miles from Troy in what is
    now Northwest Turkey
  • Paul has his vision of a macedonian calling for
    help in this city.
  • This is also where the child who had fallen from
    an upstairs window was
  • Acts 205-12

  • Eight miles inland from the coast of Neapolis on
    the coast of Macedonia
  • Named after Philip of Macedon
  • Paul was illegally imprisoned here but later
    released with an apology because he was a Roman
  • The letter to the Philippian church was probably
    written during Pauls final imprisonment in Rome
  • Acts 166-40 206

  • A sea port on the west coast of present day
  • Paul stayed here enroot to Jerusalem at the end
    of his third Missionary journey
  • The elders of the Ephesian church came to meet
    him here to hear his farewell message
  • Acts 2015-38

  • David conquered this city and made it the capitol
    of Israel.
  • The disciples, their wives, and other friends beg
    and plea Paul not to go to Jerusalem due to fear
    of persecution
  • Paul is arrested here in Acts 21
  • The Jews plot to kill Paul while he is in prison
  • After the murder plot is uncovered Paul is moved
    from Jerusalem to Caesarea
  • Acts 21-23

  • Most important city in Macedonia (northern
  • Still a major city today, however, it is now
    called Thessaloniki
  • Paul's two letters to the Thessalonian church
    were more than likely written within months of
    his leaving the city

  • Life Application Bible. (1997). New International
    Version. Tyndale House publishers, Inc. Wheaton,
  • Nelsons Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible.
    (1998) Thomas Nelson, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee
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