Futures on Debt Securities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Futures on Debt Securities


At these prices, the manager would be able to earn a profit of $24,852 from closing both futures contract (which offsets the higher T-bill futures prices) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Futures on Debt Securities

Futures on Debt Securities
  • Types
  • T-Bills (IMM)
  • T-Bonds and Notes (CBT)
  • Eurodollar Deposits (IMM)
  • Municipal Bond Index (CBT)

T-Bill Futures
  • T-Bill futures call for the delivery or purchase
    of a T-bill with a maturity of 91 days and a
    face value of 1M. Used for speculating on S-T
    rates and hedging.
  • Prices on T-Bill futures are quoted in terms of
    the IMM index or discount yield (Rd)
  • Formula to Convert

Eurodollar Futures
  • Eurodollar Futures are similar to T-Bill
    futures. They call for delivery or purchase of
    Eurodollar deposits with a maturity of 90 days
    and F 1M. They are quoted in terms of the IMM
    index. They differ from T-Bill futures in that
    there is a cash settlement feature. The cash
    settlement is based on the LIBOR. Used for
    speculating on ST rates and for hedging bank
    positions ( correlated with CD rates).

T-Bond Futures
  • T-Bond Futures contracts call for the delivery or
    purchase of a T-Bond with a face value of
    100,000. The contract allows for the delivery of
    a number of T-Bonds there is a conversion factor
    used to determine the actual price of the futures
    given the bond that is delivered.
  • T-Bond futures are quoted in terms of a T-Bond
    with an 8 coupon, semiannual payments, maturity
    of 15 years, and face value of 100.

Long Hedging with Debt Futures
  • Bond manager expecting an inflow of cash in the
    future which he plans to invest in T-Bills for
    90 days (or long term). To hedge the manager
    would go long in T-Bill futures (T-Bond Futures).

Short Hedging with Debt Futures
  • Short Hedging Strategies
  • Bond manager expecting to liquidate a bond
    portfolio in the future.
  • A company planning to issue bonds or borrow.
  • A bank or financial institution managing its
    maturity gap.
  • A company wanting to fix a variable-rate loan.

  • Outright Positions
  • Long Expect rates to decrease. ST Rates use
    T-Bills or Eurodollar futures LT use T-Bonds or
  • Short Expect rates to increase. ST use T-Bills
    or Eurodollars LT use T-Bonds or Notes.
  • Spread
  • Intracommodity
  • Intercommodity
  • Expect Recession Short MBI, Long T-Bond or Short
    Eurodollar, long T-Bill.
  • Expect Upward Twist of YC Short T-B0nd, Long

Cross Hedging
  • Cross Hedging is hedging a position with a
    futures contract in which the asset underlying
    the futures is different than the asset to be
  • Example Future CP sale hedged with T-Bill
    futures AA Bond portfolio hedged with T-Bond
  • For bond positions, the following formula can be

  • Pricing and Hedging with Debt
  • Futures Contracts

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Carrying Cost Model

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Example
  • If the rate on a 161-day spot T-Bill is 5.7 and
    the repo rate (or RF rate ) for 70 days is 6.38,
    then the price on a T-Bill futures contract with
    an expiration of 70 days would be 98.74875

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • The futures price is governed by arbitrage. If
    the market price is above f, arbitrageurs would
    short the futures and go long in the spot.
  • Example Suppose Fm 99. An arbitrageur would go
    short in the futures, agreeing to sell a 91-day
    T-Bill for 99 seventy days later and would go
    long in the spot, borrowing 97.5844 at 6.38 for
    70 days to finance the purchase of the 161-day
    T-Bill that is trading at 97.5844. Seventy days
    later (expiration), the arbitrageur would sell
    the bill (which now would have a maturity of 91
    days) on the futures for 99 (fm) and pay off his
    financing debt of 98.74875 (f), realizing a cash
    flow of 2,513

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Note at fm 99, a money market manager planning
    to invest for 70 days in a T-Bill at 6.38 could
    earn a greater return by buying a 161-day bill
    and going short in the 70-day T-Bill futures to
    lock in the selling price. For example, using
    the above numbers, if a money market manager were
    planning to invest 97.5844 for 70 days, she could
    buy a 161-day bill for that amount and go short
    in the futures at 99. Her return would be 7.8,
    compared to only 6.38 from the 70-day T-Bill.

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • If the market price is below f, then
    arbitrageurs would go long in the futures and
    short in the spot.
  • Example Suppose Fm 98. An arbitrageur would
    go long in the futures, agreeing to buy a 91-day
    T-Bill for 98 seventy days later and would go
    short in the spot, borrowing the 161-day T-Bill,
    selling it for 97.5844 and investing the proceeds
    at 6.38 for 70 days. Seventy days later
    (expiration), the arbitrageur would buy the bill
    (which now would have a maturity of 91 days) on
    the futures for 98 (fm), use the bill to close
    his short position, and collect 98.74875 (f)
    from his investment, realizing a cash flow of

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Note at fm 98, a money market manager with a
    161-day T-Bill could earn an arbitrage by selling
    the bill for 97.5844 and investing the proceed at
    6.38 for 70 days, then going long in the 70-day
    T-Bill futures. Seventy days later, the money
    market manager would receive 98.74875 from the
    investment and would pay 98 on the futures to
    reacquire the bill for a CF of .74875.

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Implication If the carrying-cost model holds,
    then the spot rate on a 70-day bill (repo rate)
    will be equal to the synthetic rate (implied repo
    rate) formed by buying the 161-day bill and going
    short in the 70-day futures.

Pricing T-Bill Futures
  • Implication If the carrying-cost model holds,
    then the YTM of the futures will be equal to the
    implied forward rate (F)

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 1 Money market manager is expecting a 5M
    CF in June which she plans to invest in a 91-day
    T-Bill. With June T-Bill futures trading at IMM
    of 91, the manager could lock in a 9.56 rate by
    going long in 5.115 June T-Bill futures.

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Hedge Relation

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 1 Suppose in June, the spot 91-day T-bill
    rate is at 8. The manager would find T-Bill
    prices higher at 980,995 but would realize a
    profit of 17,877 from closing the futures
    position. Combining the profit with the 5M CF,
    the manager would be able to buy 5.115 T-Bills
    and earn a rate off the 5M investment of 9.56.

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 1 Suppose in June, the spot 91-day T-bill
    rate is at 10. The manager would find T-Bill
    prices lower at 976,518 but would realize a loss
    of 5,025 from closing the futures position.
    After paying the CH 5,025, the manager would
    still be able to buy 5.115 T-Bills given the
    lower T-Bill prices, earning a a rate of return
    from the 5M investment of 9.56.

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 2 Money market manager is expecting a 5M
    CF in June which she plans to invest in a 182-day
    T-Bill. Since the T-Bill underlying a futures
    contract has a maturity of 91 days, the manager
    would need to go long in both a June T-Bill
    futures and a September T-Bill
  • futures (note there is approximately 91 days
    between the contract) in order to lock in a
    return on a 182-day T-Bill investment. If June
    T-Bill futures were trading at IMM of 91 and
    September futures were trading at IMM of 91.4,
    then the manager could lock in a 9.3 rate on an
    investment in 182-day T-Bills by going long in
    5.115 June T-Bill futures and 5.11 September

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 2 Suppose in June, the spot 91-day T-bill
    rate is at 8 and the spot 182-day T-Bill rate is
    at 8.25. At these rates, the price on the
    91-day spot T-Bill would be 980,995, the price
    on the 182-day spot would be 961,245, and if the
    carrying-cost model holds, the price on the
    September futures would be 979,865. At these
    prices, the manager would be able to earn a
    profit of 24,852 from closing both futures
    contract (which offsets the higher T-bill futures
    prices) and would be able to buy 5.227 182-day
    T-bills, yielding a rate of 9.3 from a 5M

Hedging with T-Bill Futures
  • Case 2 Suppose in June, the spot 91-day T-bill
    rate is at 10 and the spot 182- day T-Bill rate
    is at 10.25. At these rates, the price on the
    91-day spot T-Bill would be 976,518, the price
    on the 182-day spot would be 952,508, and if the
    carrying-cost model holds, the price on the
    September futures would be 975,413. At these
    prices, the manager would incur a loss of 20,798
    from closing both futures contracts. However,
    with lower T-bill futures prices, the manager
    would still be able to buy 5.227 182-day T-bills,
    yielding a rate of 9.3 from a 5M investment.

Managing the Maturity Gap
  • Case In June, a bank makes a 1M loan for 180
    days which it plans to finance by selling a
    90-day CD now at the LIBOR of 8.258 and a
    90-day CD ninety days later (in September) at the
    LIBOR prevailing at that time. To minimize its
    exposure to market risk, the bank goes short in
    1.03951 September Eurodollar futures at 92.1
    (IMM). By doing this, the bank is able to lock
    in a rate on its CD financing for 180 days of

Managing the Maturity Gap
  • Case In September, the bank will sell a new
    90-day CD at the prevailing LIBOR to finance its
    1.019758M debt on the maturing CD plus (minus)
    any debt (profit) from closing its short
    September Eurodollar futures position. If the
    LIBOR rate is higher, the bank will have to pay
    greater interest on the new CD, but it will
    realize a profit on its futures which, in turn,
    will lower the amount of funds it needs to
    finance. On the other hand, if the LIBOR is
    lower, then the bank will have lower interest
    payment on its new CD, but it will also incur a
    loss on its futures position and therefore have
    more funds that need to be financed.
  • As shown in the exhibit, at September LIBORs of
    7.5 or 8.7, the banks total debt at the end of
    the 180-day period will be 1,039,509 which
    equates to a rate of 8.17.
  • Note This is true for any rate.

Managing the Maturity Gap
  • Managing Maturity Gap Case

Fixing a Variable Rate Loan
  • Case A construction company obtains a 1M,
    one-year variable rate loan to finance one of its
    projects. The loan starts on 9/20 with the rate
    at 11.25 the rate is then reset on 12/20, 3/20,
    and 6/20 at the prevailing LIBOR plus 150 BP.
    The company fixes the variable rate by going
    short in a series of Eurodollar futures
    (Eurodollar strip) with expirations of 12/20,
    3/20, and 6/20 and the following prices

Fixing a Variable Rate Loan
  • By doing this, the company is able to lock in a
    fixed rate of 10.12

Fixing a Variable Rate Loan
  • For example, if the LIBOR is at 9 on date 12/20,
    the company will have to pay 26,250 on its loan
    the next quarter but it will also have a profit
    on its 12/20 Eurodollar futures of 1,250 which
    it can use to defray part of the interest
    expenses, yielding an effective hedged rate of

Fixing a Variable Rate Loan
  • If the LIBOR is at 6 on date 12/20, the company
    will have to pay only 18,750 on its loan the
    next quarter but it will also have to cover a
    loss on its 12/20 Eurodollar futures of 6,250.
    The payment of interest and the loss on the
    futures yields an effective hedged rate of 10.

Cross Hedge Price-Sensitivity Model
  • Price-Sensitivity Model

Hedging A Future CP Issue with T-Bills Cross
  • Case A company plans to sell a 182-day CP issue
    with a 10M principal in June to finance its
    anticipated accounts receivable. The company
    would like to lock in the current CP rate of 6,
    ensuring it of funds from the CP sale of
    9.713635M. Using the price-sensitivity model,
    the company locks in a rate by going short in 20
    June T-bill futures contracts at IMM index 95.

Hedging A Future CP Issue with T-Bills Cross
Hedging A Future CP Issue with T-Bills Cross
  • If CP sold at a discount yield that was 25 BP
    greater than the discount yield on T-Bills, then
    the company would be able to lock in a rate on
    its CP of 5.48.

Hedging A Future BondSale with T-Bond Futures
Cross Hedge
  • Bond portfolio manager plans to sell AA bond
    portfolio in June. Currently, the fund is worth
    1.02M and has a YTM of 11.76 and duration of
    7.36 years.
  • Using the price-sensitivity model to hedge the
    sale against a rate increase, the manager goes
    short in 15 June T-Bond contract trading at 72 -

Options on Treasury Securities
  • Hedging with Options
  • on T-Bills and T-Bonds

T-Bill Options
  • Options on T-Bills give the holder the right to
    buy a T-Bill with a face value of 1M and
    maturity of 91 days.
  • Exercise price is quoted in terms of the IMM
    index and the following formula can be used to
    determine X
  • The option premium is quoted in terms of annual
    discount points (PT). The actual premium is

T- Bond Options
  • Options on T-Bonds give the holder the right to
    buy a specified T-Bond with a face value of
  • Exercise price is quoted as a percentage of par
    (e.g. IN 90). If the holder exercises, she
    pays the exercise price plus the accrued
  • The option premium is quoted in terms of points
    (PT). The actual premium is

Hedging with T-Bill Options
  • Hedging 5M CF in June with June T-Bill Call
  • Call X IMM 90 X 975,000 C PT .5 C
    1250 Hedge nc 5M/975,000 5.128205
    Cost (5.128205)(1250) 6410.

Managing the Maturity Gap with T-Bill Put
  • Case In June, a bank makes a 1M loan for 180
    days which it plans to finance by selling a
    90-day CD now at the LIBOR of 8.258 and a
    90-day CD ninety days later (in September) at the
    LIBOR prevailing at that time. To minimize its
    exposure to market risk, the bank buys a T-Bill
    put at X IMM 90 for 1250.

Maturity Gap Hedged with T-Bill Puts
Hedging future T-Bond Sale With T-Bond Puts
  • Case Three months from the present (.25 of
    year), a bond manager plans to sell a T-Bond with
    maturity of 15.25 years, F 100,000, and coupon
    rate 10.
  • Manager hedges the sale against interest rate
    increases by buying one put option on a T-Bond
    with a current maturity of 15.25 years and face
    value of 100,000. The put has an expiration of
    T .25 years, exercise price of X IN 95 or
    X 95,000, and is trading at P 1 - 5 or P
    1.15625/100(100,000) 1156.

Hedging future T-Bond Sale With T-Bond Puts
  • Hedge T-Bond Sale

Hedging Future Bond PortfolioSale With T-Bond
  • Case Three months from the present (.25 of
    year), a bond manager plans to liquidate a bond
    portfolio consisting of AAA, AA, and A bonds. The
    portfolio currently has a WAM of 15.25 years, F
    10M, WAC 10, and has tended to yield a rate
    1 above T-Bond rates.
  • Manager hedges the sale against interest rate
    increases by buying put options on a T-Bond with
    a current maturity of 15.25 years and face value
    of 100,000. The put has an expiration of T
    .25 years, exercise price of X IN 95 or X
    95,000, and is trading at P 1 - 5 or P
    1.15625/100(100,000) 1156.
  • To hedge, the manager buys 105.26316 T-Bond puts
    for 121,684

Hedging Future Bond PortfolioSale With T-Bond
  • Hedge Bond Portfolio Sale

Futures Options onTreasury Securities
  • Futures options give the holder the right to take
    a futures position
  • Futures Call Option gives the holder the right to
    go long. When the holder exercises, she obtains
    a long position in the futures at the current
    price, ft, and the assigned writer takes the
    short position and pays the holder ft - X.
  • Futures Put Option gives the holder the right to
    go short. When the holder exercises, she obtains
    a short position at the current futures price,
    ft, and the assigned writer takes the long
    position and pays put holder X - ft.
  • Futures option on Treasuries Options on T-Bill
    Futures, T-Bond Futures, and T-Note Futures.

Futures Options onTreasury Securities
  • Call on T-Bill Futures
  • X IMM 90 or X 975,000
  • PT .5 or C 1,250
  • Futures and options futures have same expiration.

Futures Options onTreasury Securities
  • Put on T-Bill Futures
  • X IMM 90 or X 975,000
  • PT .5 or P 1,250
  • Futures and options futures have same expiration.

Futures Options onTreasury Securities
  • Notes
  • If the futures and the options on the futures
    expire at the same time and the carrying cost
    model holds, then the options on the spot and the
    options on the futures are equivalent.
  • Futures options are more liquid than spot
    options, making them more popular.
  • Hedging with Treasury futures options are similar
    to hedging with Treasury spot options.

Interest Rate Options
Interest Rate Options
  • Interest rate call option gives the holder the
    right to a payoff if an interest rate (e.g.,
    LIBOR) exceeds a specified exercise rate
    interest rate put option gives the holder the
    right to a payoff if an interest rate is less
    than the exercise rate.
  • Interest rate options are written by commercial
    banks in conjunction with a future loan or CD

Interest Rate Call Option
  • Case
  • A company plans to borrow 10M in sixty days
    from Sun Bank. The loan is for 90 days with the
    rate equal to LIBOR in 60 days plus 100 BP.
  • Worried that rates could increase in the next 60
    days, the company buys an interest rate call from
    the bank for 20,000.
  • Terms Exercise Rate 7 call premium plus
    interest will be paid at the maturity of the
    loan any interest rate payoff will be paid at
    the loans maturity.
  • See JG, pp 522.

Interest Rate Put Option
  • Case
  • A company plans to invest 10M in sixty days in a
    Sun Bank 90-day CD. The CD will pay the LIBBER.
  • Worried that rates could decrease in the next 60
    days, the company buys an interest rate put from
    the bank for 15,000.
  • Terms Exercise Rate 7 put premium plus
    interest will be paid at the maturity of the CD
    any interest rate payoff will be paid at the CDs
  • See JG, pp 522.

Caps Series of Interest Rate Call Options
  • A Cap is a series of interest rate calls that
    expire at or near the interest rate payment dates
    on a loan. They are written by financial
    institutions in conjunction with a variable rate
  • Case
  • A company borrow 50M from Commerce Bank to
    finance its yearly construction projects. The
    loan starts on March 1 at 8 and is reset every
    three months at the prevailing LIBOR.
  • Cap In order to obtain a maximum rate while
    still being able to obtain lower rates if the
    LIBOR falls, the company buys a Cap from the bank
    for 100,000 with exercise Rate 8.
  • See JG, pp 524.

Floor Series of Interest Rate Put Options
  • A floor is a series of interest rate puts that
    expire at or near the payment dates on a loan.
    They are purchased by financial institutions in
    conjunction with a variable rate loan they are
  • Case
  • Commerce Bank purchases a floor with an exercise
    rate of 8 for 70,000 from another institution
    to protect the variable rate loan it made.
  • See JG, pp 524.

Interest Rate Swaps
Interest Rate Swaps
  • An interest rate swap is an exchange of CFs.
  • Generic Interest Rate Swap involves the exchange
    of fixed-rate payments for floating-rate payments.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Terms
  • Parties to a swap are called counterparties.
    There are two parties
  • Fixed-Rate Payer
  • Floating-Rate Payer
  • Rates
  • Fixed rate is usually a T-Note rate plus BP
  • Floating rate is usually the LIBOR.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Terms
  • Interest is usually made semiannually.
  • Principal Most interest rate swaps do not
    exchange principal.
  • Notional Principal Interest is applied to a
    notional principal.
  • Maturity ranges between 3 and 5 years.
  • Dates
  • Effective Date is the date interest begins to
  • Payment Date is the date interest payments are
  • Only the interest differential is paid.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Example
  • Fixed-rate payer pays 9.5 every six months.
  • Floating-rate payer pays LIBOR every six months,
  • Notional Principal 10M.
  • Effective Dates are 3/23 and 9/23 for the next
    three years.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Swap

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Points
  • If LIBOR gt 9.5, then fixed payer receives the
    interest differential.
  • If LIBOR lt 9.5, then floating payer receives the
    interest differential.
  • Fixed payers position is similar to a short
    position in Eurodollar strip.
  • Floating payers position is similar to a long
    position in a Eurodollar strip. See JG 511-512.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • A synthetic fixed-rate loan is formed by
    combining a variable rate loan with a fixed-rate
    payers position.
  • Example A three-year, 10M variable rate loan
    with rates set equal to the LIBOR on 3/23 and
    9/23 combined with a fixed-rate payers position
    on the swap just analyzed.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Synthetic Fixed-Rate Loan

Interest Rate Swaps
  • A synthetic variable-rate loan is formed by
    combining a fixed-rate loan with a floating-rate
    payers position.
  • Example A three-year, 10M, 9 fixed-rate loan
    combined with the floating-rate payers position
    on the swap just analyzed.

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Synthetic Fixed-Rate Loan

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Points
  • Swap Banks The market for swaps is organized
    through a group of brokers and dealers
    collectively referred to as swap banks.
  • As brokers, swap banks try to match
  • As dealers, swap banks temporary positions as
    fixed or floating players often hedging their
    positions with positions in Eurodollar futures

Interest Rate Swaps
  • Points
  • Closing Unlike futures positions, closing a swap
    position prior to maturity can be difficult.
  • Alternatives
  • Sell Swap.
  • Enter offsetting swap position.
  • Hedge with Eurodollar futures.
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