Title: Mineral Nutrition
1Unit 1
- Chapter 5
- Mineral Nutrition
2Mineral nutrition
- Mineral nutrients are elements such as N, P, K
that plants acquire primarily in the form of
inorganic ions from the soil. - Plants are miners of mineral nutrients through
roots. - Mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria
often participate with roots in the acquisition
of mineral nutrients.
3Figure 5.1 Worldwide fertilizer consumption over
the past five decades
4- Typically, lt 50 fertilizer applied to the soils
are used. - Leaching or evaporation to the air cause
pollution. Nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4). - Because of the complex nature of
plant-soil-atmosphere relationships, studies of
mineral nutrition involve scientists in many
5Essential nutrients
- Essential elements
- an intrinsic component in the structure or
metabolism of a plant, - its absence causes severe abnormalities in plant
growth, development, or reproduction. - There are a total of 16 essential mineral
elements - Macronutrients
- N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Si
- Micronutrient
- Cl, Fe, B, Mn, Na, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo
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11Figure 5.2 Various types of solution culture
Solution culture Hydroponics
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15Figure 5.3 Chelator and chelated cation
- To prevent Fe precipitation, often chelators as
EDTA or DTPA are used to make chelated Fe
16Mineral deficiencies
- Deficiencies of several elements may occur
simutaneously in different tissues - Deficiencies or excessive amounts of one element
may induce deficiencies or excessive
accumulations of another - Some virus-induced plant disease may produce
symptoms similar to those of nutrient deficiencies
17Mineral deficiencies
- Nutrient deficiency symptoms in a plant are
expression of metabolic disorders resulting from
insufficient supply of an essential elements - These disorders are related to the roles played
by essential elements in normal plant metabolism
and function (Table 5.2)
18Si, Ni, Mn ??
19Mineral deficiencies
- If an essential element is mobile, deficiency
symptoms tend to appear first in older leaves. - Deficiency of an immobile essential element
becomes evident first in younger leaves.
20Nutrient deficiencies
- Essential elements have multiple roles in plant
metabolism. - Soil and plant tissue analysis can provide
information on the nutritional status of the
plant soil system and can suggest corrective
actions to avoid deficiencies or toxicities.
21Extra reading
- Topic 5.1 Symptoms of Deficiency In Essential
Minerals - http//5e.plantphys.net/article.php?chtid289
- Group 1. part of carbon compounds
- N component in amino acids, DNA Deficiency
chlorosis in old leaves. - S component in amino acids, vitamins. Deficiency
chlorosis in mature and young leaves. Veins and
petioles show a very distinct reddish color.
- Group 2 energy storage or structural integrity
- P components in DNA, RNA, phospholipids, ATP,
etc - Deficiency stunted growth, dark green
coloration containing necrotic spots slight
purple coloration -
24Silicon components of cell wall Deficiency
lodging and fungal infection Boron function
unclear (cell wall component) Deficiency
necrosis of young leaves and terminal buds
- Group 3 nutrients in ionic form
- Potassium marginal chlorosis necrosis, shown
first in old or mature leave. A more advanced
deficiency status show necrosis in the
interveinal spaces between the main veins along
with interveinal chlorosis. This group of
symptoms is very characteristic of K deficiency
26Nutrition deficiencies
- Calcium necrosis around the base of the leaves.
The very low mobility of calcium is a major
factor determining the expression of calcium
deficiency symptoms in plants. - Classic symptoms blossom-end rot of tomato
(burning of the end part of tomato fruits), tip
burn of lettuce, blackheart of celery and death
of the growing regions in many plants. All these
symptoms show soft dead necrotic tissue at
rapidly growing areas, which is generally related
to poor translocation of calcium to the tissue
rather than a low external supply of calcium.
27Group 3
Leaf chlorosis and necrosis
Small necrotic spots, chlorosis in young or old
Chlorosis in old leaves
Dark green leaves, twisted or malformed
Intervenous chlorosis in young leaves
- Group 4 mineral nutrients involved in redox
reactions - Iron Zinc Copper Nickle
- Molybdenum associated with nitrate metabolism,
chlorosis in leaves
29Nutrient deficiency
- Diagnosis of mineral nutrient deficiency
- Soil analysis
- Plant tissue analysis
- Crop harvesting removes nutrients from the soil
- Nutrients can be added back to the soil in the
form of fertilizers - Chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers (plant
and animal residues) - Fertilizers can be applied to the soil or sprayed
on leaves
30Figure 5.4 Relationship between yield and the
nutrient content of the plant tissue
31Figure 5.5 Influence of soil pH on the
availability of nutrient elements in organic soils
- Soil pH has a large influence on the availability
of mineral nutrients to plants
32Figure 5.6 The principle of cation exchange on
the surface of a soil particle
Cation exchange capacity the degree to which a
soil can adsorb and exchange ions
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34- The soil is a complex substrate physically,
chemically, and biologically. The size of soil
particles and the cation exchange capacity of the
soil determines the extent to which a soil
provides a reservoir for water and nutrients - A soil with higher cation exchange capacity
generally has a larger reserve of mineral
35Figure 5.7 Fibrous root systems of wheat (a
36Figure 5.8 Taproot system of two adequately
watered dicots
37Figure 5.9 Diagrammatic longitudinal section of
the apical region of the root
38Figure 5.10 Formation of a nutrient depletion
zone in region of soil adjacent to plant root
- Plants develop extensive root systems to obtain
nutrients - Roots have a relatively simple structure
- Roots continually deplete the nutrients from the
immediate soil around them, and roots grow
continuously. - Different areas of the root absorb different
ions - in barley, Ca absorption is restricted to the
apical region K, nitrate, and ammonium can be
absorbed at all locations of the root surface. - In corn, elongation zone has the maximum rate of
K and nitrate absorption.
40Figure 5.11 Root biomass as a function of
extractable soil NH4 and NO3
- Excessive nutrients decrease root biomass, as
carbohydrates become limited.
41Figure 5.12 Root infected with ectotrophic
mycorrhizal fungi
- Root infected with ectotrophic mycorrhizal fungi
forming a dense sheath or mantle the hyphae
also penetrate the intercellular space of the
cortex to form the Hartig net.
42Figure 5.13 Association of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi with a section of a plant root
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi grow into the
intercellular space of the cortex and penetrate
individual cortical cells
43Mycorrhizal fungi
- Plant roots often form associations with
mycorrhizal fungi - The fine hyphae of mycorrhizae extend the reach
of roots into the surrounding soil and facilitate
the acquisition of mineral nutrients,
particularly those like phosphorus that are
relatively immobile in the soil. - Plant provides carbohydrates to the mycorrhizae.
Plants tend to suppress mycorrhizal association
under conditions of high nutrient availability.