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Second, subclinical infection by ALSV produces a depressive effect on performance especially egg production and quality. In addition, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • It comprises a variety of transmissible benign
    and malignant neoplasms of chickens and caused by
    members of genus of avian retroviruses belonging
    to the family Retroviridae.
  • Under natural conditions the most common form of
    neoplasms is the lymphoid leukosis (LL).
  • Economic losses from ALS group of diseases come
    from two sources
  • First mortality ranged from 1 to 2 and may
    reach to 20 or more.
  • Second, subclinical infection by ALSV produces a
    depressive effect on performance especially egg
    production and quality.
  • In addition, their suppressive effect on the
    immune response leading to increase the
    susceptibility to many diseases and vaccination

  • Avian leukosis viruses are members of the
    leukosis / Sarcoma (L/S) group of avian
  • Based on properties for viral envelope
    glycoproteins, members of the L/S group including
    ALVs from chickens are classified into six sub
    groups A, B, C, D, E and J.
  • No cross neutralization between different

  • Strain classification
  • A B are the most common subtypes exogenous in
    the field.
  • C D are the less common
  • E is the endogenous subtype of ALV.
  • J is the exogenous subtype that infect broiler
    meat type chickens.

  • Exogenous viruses ALVs transmitted as infectious
    virus particles.
  • Endogenous viruses The almost normal chicken
    genome also contains several classes or families
    of avian retrovirus-like elements that are
    transmitted genetically. (Genetic transmission)

  • Thermal Inactivation
  • The half-life of various ALVs at 37oc for 260
    min. (4.3 hr.)
  • The half-life of various ALVs at 50oc for 8.5min.
  • The half-life of various ALVs at 60oc for 0.7min.
  • PH ranged from 5 to 9.

  • Chickens are the natural host. Rous sarcoma
    virus has the widest host range.  
  • A-  Transmission of exogenous virus
  • It occurs in two ways
  • ?Vertically. Four serologic classes occur in
    mature chickens in relation to ALV infection
  • 1- No viremia, no antibody (V-A-)
  • 2- No viremia, with antibody (V-A)
  • 3- With viremia, with antibody, (VA)
  • 4- With viremia, no antibody (VA-).
  • - Congenitally infected embryos develop
    immunologic tolerance to the virus and after
    hatching make up the V A- class, with high
    levels of virus in the blood and tissues and
    absence of antibodies.

  • Horizontal infection
  • Shedding of virus from saliva, feces and semen of
    cock, to other birds.
  • Blood sucking insects as the chicken red mite,
    the fowl tick, and mosquitoes.
  • Live virus vaccine prepared from so-called
    normal embryos are potential source of spread
    of infection.

  • Horizontal Transmission
  • The cock acts only as a virus carrier and source
    of contact of venereal infection to other birds.
  • 1/2- 1/8 embryos were infected from eggs with
    virus in the albumen.
  • Virus particles are shed in droppings of newly
    hatched chicks.

  • B-  Transmission of endogenous ALV
  • Endogenous ALVs are usually transmitted
    genetically in germ cells of both sexes (vertical
    transmission). Endogenous viruses have little or
    no oncogenicity but may influence response of the
    bird to infection by exogenous ALV. 

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  • It differ according to
  • Origin of virus
  • Virus subgroup
  • Virus dose
  • Route of infection
  • Age of host
  • Genotype (genetic constitution) and sex of the

Clinical signs
  • Non-specific
  • According to the organs affected and the form of
    the disease
  • Lymphoid leukosis
  • Erythroblastosis
  • Myeloblastosis
  • Myelocytomatosis.
  • Oesteopetrosis.
  • One or more specific neoplasms induced by ALVs
    may occur in a given flock of chickens and more
    than one type of neoplasm may occur in an
    individual birds.

Lymphoid leukosis (LL)
  • It is the most common ALSV in birds. In field
    outbreaks, LL cases can occur any time after 14
    wk of age however, incidence is usually highest
    at about sexual maturity.
  • Sings of LL are not specific, depression,
    inappetence, decrease in the production.
  • Gross lesions of LL
  • Tumors involve liver, bursa of Fabricius, spleen,
    kidneys, lungs, gonads, heart, bone marrow and
  • Tumors are soft, smooth and glistening.
  • A cut surface appears grayish to creamy white and
    seldom has areas of necrosis.
  • Nodular tumor, Miliry, diffuse or combination of
    these forms.
  • Occasionally, the liver is firm, fibrous and
    almost gritty.
  • Hematology
  • Blood films reveal the presence of immature
    lymphoblasts and budded or pseudopoded
    lymphocytes in large amounts.

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criteria Lymphoid Leukosis (LL) Mareks Disease (MD)
Age It does not occur before 14 wk of age. Mortality occurs between 24 and 40 wk of age. It may occur as early as 4 wk of age. And increase condemnation rates. -Mortality peak varies from 10 20 wk of age.
Bursal lesion Nodular tumors of bursa. Intrafollicular tumors consisting of uniform large lymphocytes. In some birds, it induces a premature atrophy of bursa. In others, the bursa may be tumorous, in which case the wall may be thickened from interfollicular infiltration with pleomorphic lymphocytes.
Nerve lesion - Paralysis with gross lesions of peripheral nerves. Lymphoid infiltration in nerves.
Eye lesion - Gross lesions of iris (gray eye) with lymphoid infiltration.
Skin lesion - Tumors in skin and/or muscles. Feathers follicular pattern of lymphoid cell infiltration in skin.
Infiltrating cells Homogeneous population of lymphoblasts. Immature lymphoblasts are highly pyroninophilic. LL tumors are composed of B cells and have surface IgM markers. Tumors usually contain lymphoid cells varying in size with maturity from lymphoblasts to small lymphocytes) and plasma cells. These medium and small lymphocytes do not stain with pyronin. 60-90 of tumor cells are T cells that lack IgM markers and only about 3-25 are B cells.
Tumor-associated cell surface antigen (MATSA) Absent in tumor cells. From 0.5-35 of tumor cells have MATSA.
2. Erythroblastosis (Eb)
  • It is usually seen in growing birds (over 3
    months of age) 3-6 months of age.
  • It occurs in two forms
  • Acute the blood is dark red with smoky overcast.
  • Subacute the blood is watery, light red and
    clots slowly.
  • Signs of Eb
  • General weakness, emaciation, diarrhea and
    paleness due to sever anemia.
  • Gross lesions of Eb
  • There is usually a general anemia.
  • Diffuse enlargement of liver, kidney and spleen.
    These organs are usually cherry red to dark
    mahogany and are soft and variable. While, marrow
    is hyperplastic, semi-liquid, cherry red and has
  • Petcheial hemorrhage on muscles, subcutis and
  • Thrombosis infarction lead to rupture of liver
    or spleen
  • Edema in lungs, heart (hydro-pericardium) and
    abdomen (Ascitis).
  • Finally, atrophy of spleen and lymphoid organs.
  • Hematology of Eb
  • Stained blood smears reveal a variable number of
    erythroblasts, and immature cells of the
    myelocytic series. Hemoglobin content is reduce,
    plasma ratio is increased with sever low
    erythrocytes count.

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3- Myeloblastosis (Mb)
  • It affects also growing birds.
  • Signs are similar to erythroblastosis, but it
    have long coarse.
  • The parenchymatous organs are enlarged and
  • in chronic cases the liver may be firm, nodular
    or diffuse tumor.
  • Bone marrow is reddish gray to gray solid.
  • In advanced cases, these organs appear mottled
    (morocco leather) or even granular.
  • Hematology of Mb It is characterized by a
    spectacular leukemia. In the peripheral blood,
    myeloblasts may be found in a large number, may
    compose 75 of all blood cells.
  • The disease may result in a secondary anemia, in
    which sever decrease of erythrocytes and plasma
    ratio with highly increase of leukocytes ratio
    (thick buffy coat).

  • It has a longer incubation period than Eb and Mb,
    but shorter than LL.
  • General signs are similar to those of Mb and Eb.
    In addition, skeletal growth of myelocytes may
    result in abnormal protuberances of the head,
    thorax, and shank. The course is highly variable
    and usually prolonged.
  • Gross lesions characteristically, they occur on
    the surface of bones in association with the
    periosteum and near cartilage.
  • Tumors often develop at the osteochondral
    junctions of the ribs, inner sternum, pelvis and
    cartilaginous bones of mandible and nares.
  • Flat bones of the skull and vertebrae are also
    often affected.
  • Hematology the disease is usually aleukemic, but
    occasionally is associated with erythroblastosis.
    Sometimes a heterophilic leukocytosis is present.

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Myloid leukosis (ALV.J)
  • It causes predominantly myeloid leukosis
    (Mylocyto-matosis ML) in broiler and commercial
    broiler flocks at 4 weeks of age and older.
  • The frequency of tumors varies considerably
    between lines of chickens. It has slow tropism
    for bursal follicle cells, but high tropism for
    cultured blood monocytes.
  • In subgroup J Moderate to great enlargement of
    liver, spleen, thymus, gonad and kidney.
    Skeletal Tumor stunting due to its effect on
    pituitary gland hypothyrodisim.
  • ALV-J spreads vertically through the embryo and
    horizontally by contact, producing tolerant
    viremic birds and immune birds, respectively. All
    birds of the former class are shedders and
    transmitters of ALV-J to their progeny, as are a
    few birds in the immune class.
  • Meat type birds infected soon after hatching
    are particularly prone to becoming tolerant also.
  • Shedder can be identified by testing vaginal
    swabs and egg albumen for ALV groups-specific
    antigen by ELISA, allowing ALV-J eradication
    protocols to be designed.

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  • The disease is most commonly seen in birds 8-12
    wk of age or may develop any time after 1 month
    of age.
  • It is seen sporadically in the field and more
    often in males than in females.
  • Signs
  • Long bones of the limbs are most commonly
  • Jerky gait with uniform or irregular thickening
    of the diaphyseal or metaphyseal regions were
  • Birds with advanced disease have characteristic
    boot-like shanks. Affected birds are usually
    student and pale due to secondary anemia.
  • Gross Lesions
  • Visible changes occur in the diaphysis of the
    tibia and/or tarsometatarsus.
  • Alterations soon are seen in other long bones
    and bones of the pelvis, shoulder girdle ribs.
  • Marrow cavity is narrowed or completely
    obliterated by newly formed bone tissues formed
    thickening (hyperplasia) of periosteum and
    abnormal bone is spongy Anemia.
  • Atrophy in bursa, thymus with enlargement of
  • Hematology The blood picture is ordinarily
    aleukemic and there is often a secondary anemia
    (as a result of reduction of the marrow) with
    relative lymphocytosis.

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Hematological Differential diagnosis between some
forms of ALVs
Lymphoid leukosis Myelocyto-matosis Myelo-blastosis Erythro-blastosis Constituents of the blood
16/55 88/55 Watery blood Plasma
69/1 Thick buffy coat 1/1 Leukocytes
15/44 11/44 Erythrocytes
Immature lymphoblasts or pseudopoded lymphocytes monocytes Myeloblasts 75 of bl. cells Erythroblasts Blood film
  • Signs and gross lesions are not indicative
  • Isolation of the ALSV on ECE or cell culture is
    not easily applied as routine methods.
  • A number of biologic assays can be used for the
    detection of endognous and exogenous ALVs as PCR
    to detect DNA.
  • Indirect biologic assays such as
  • Phenotypic mixing resistance-inducing factor
    (RIF) are used for the detection of ALVs.
  • (COFAL), or (ELISA) for ALV (ELISA-ALV),
  • The most sensitive procedure for differentiating
    between endogenous and exogenous ALVs is the
    virus isolation and ELISA test.
  • The most specific test for detection of antibody
    to ALVs is the virus neutralization (VN) test,
    indirect immunoperoxidase test and ELISA tests.
  • For detection of exogenous ALV, samples are
    inoculated on CEFs that are genetically resistant
    to subgroup E ALV. Seven to 9 days later, cell
    lysates are tested for the presence of ALV gs
    antigen by ELISA.

ALSVPrevention and Control
  • I- Immunization No vaccines that protect
    chickens from infection with ALV are available
  • II- Eradication depends on breaking the vertical
    transmission of virus from dam to progeny. The
    program is based on the elimination of dams that
    test positive for ALV gs antigen by COFEL, RIF or
  • Sanitation and isolation rearing of susceptible
    chicks is the only practical means available at
  • Ectoparasites should be kept in check at all
  • Live virus vaccines should be prepared from
    leukosis free-eggs.
  • (III) Genetic resistance.
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