Organizational communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Organizational communication


Organizational communication Organization Definition: a collection, or system, of individuals who commonly, through a hierarchy of ranks and division of labor, seek ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Organizational communication

Organizational communication
  • Definition a collection, or system, of
    individuals who commonly, through a hierarchy of
    ranks and division of labor, seek to achieve a
    predetermined goal.

Division of labor
  • Craftsman produces entire product.
  • Early in the industrial revolution it was found
    that organization could produce more by allowing
    individuals to specialize through a division of
    labor than by making each person produce entire

Span of control
  • Specialized functions require individual
  • This requirement results in the concept of span
    of control in organizations - that is, a limit on
    the authority of the individual supervisor.
  • Span of control is often determined by the number
    of people who can effectively be managed by one
  • As more workers are added to the organization,
    more supervisors are needed and more upper-level
    managers are required to oversee their
  • Pyramid of control - hierarchy

Chain of command
  • Chain of command - the formal communication
    system in an organization.
  • Orders are sent down through the formal system.
  • People in the organization may also communicate
    informally - outside the channels indicated on
    the organization chart.
  • Both types of communication - formal and informal
    - help organization to move toward achieving its
  • System of formal organizational communication
    also requires members to act in certain expected

Industrial versus Postindustrial Society
  • Two the most important changes
  • (1) Nature of jobs is changing
  • (2) The type of employees is changing.

(1) Nature of jobs is changing
  • Bell (1976) An industrial society is a game
    against fabricated nature, in which Man has used
    energy to make large machines that add to his
    power to transform his word. But a
    post-industrial society is a game between
    persons, between teacher and student, doctor and
    patient, research team members, and so forth.

(1) Nature of jobs is changing
  • Primary industrial society manufactures goods.
  • Postindustrial society provides services.
  • More people hold white-collars jobs than
    blue-collar jobs.
  • White-collars jobs involve providing services
    such as trade, finance, real estate,
    transportation, education, health, research,
    government, and so on.
  • A service industry, to a great extent, is based
    more on a person-to person relation rather than a
    man-to-machine relation.
  • Information society.

(2) The type of employees is changing
  • These changes are dramatically influencing
    organizational communication.
  • Historically, organizations have been
    owerwhelmingly male. Those males were native.
  • It will become increasingly necessary to learn to
    communicate within a context of cultural
    diversity. The study of human communication in
    organizations is more relevant today than ever

Importance of communication
  • When managers and other responsible person in
    business organization are asked how much of the
    work day spent in communication, the replies
    range about 85 to 99 percent (Zelko and
  • Relationship between communication and employee
  • Urban hospitals (Jain,1973) - the quality of
    supervisory communication (as perceived by
    subordinates) correlated highly with quality od
    superordinates performance.
  • Automative manufacturing plants (Hain and
    Widgerz,1973, Hain and Tubbs,1975) - the quality
    of supervisory communication correlated highly
    with high employee performance, high product
    quality, low absenteeism, and low job turnover.

  • Researchers have also discovered that
    communication skills are rated higher than
    technical skills in some fields.
  • It was shown that in evaluating job performance,
    engineering supervisors rated engineers more
    heavily on their communication abilities than on
    their engineering skills.
  • Importance of communication abilities in personal
  • Schein (1978) studied the stages of peoples
    careers in organizations and emphasized the
    Importance of communication abilities at every
    one of those stages.
  • Jennings (1971) says that when a corporate
    president gets fired, it is usually because of
    deficient communication skills.

  • Japanese management practices - factors
    associated with the Japanese economical successes
  • Lifetime employment
  • Slow evaluation and promotion
  • Nonspecialized career paths
  • Implicit control mechanism
  • Collective decision making
  • Collective responsibility
  • Wholistic concern

Three functions of communication in an
  • Conrad (1985)
  • Conrad, C. (1985). Strategic Organizational
    Communications Cultures, Situations, and
    Adaptation. N.Y., Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • (1) The command function
  • (2) The relational function
  • (3) The ambiguity-management function

1. The command function
  • Communication allows members of the organization
    to issue, receive, interpret, and act on
  • Two types of communication that make up this
    function are
  • directions
  • feedback
  • The goal is the succesful influence of other
    members of the organization.
  • The outcome is coordination among the many
    interdependent members of the organization.

2. The relational function
  • Communication allows members of the organization
    to create and maintain productive business and
    personal relationships with other members of the
  • Relationships on the job affect job performance
    in many ways, e.g. job satisfaction, the flow of
    communication both down and up the organizational

3. The ambiguity-management function
  • Choices in an organizational setting are often
    made in highly ambiguous circumstances - e.g.
  • multiple motivations exists since choices affect
    coworkers and the organization, as well as
  • the organizations objectives may not be clear
    etc.. etc.
  • context within which the choice needs to be made
    may be unclear.
  • Communication is the means for coping with and
    reducing the ambiguity inherent in the
  • Members talk with each others in an effort to
    make sense of new situations, which entails
    gaining and sharing information.

Five factors considered by members of
organization to be of prime importance in
  • (1) Superior to subordinate communication
  • (2) Downward communication
  • (3) Superiors' perceptions of communication with
  • (4) Upward communication
  • (5) Reliability of information

1. Superior to subordinate communication
  • Superior to subordinate communication As
    measured by such questions as, to what extent
  • Your superior make you feel free to talk to him
    or her?
  • Your superior listen to you when you tell him or
    her about things that are bothering you?
  • Your superior encourage you to let him or her
    know when things are going wrong on the job?

2. Downward communication
  • Downward communication As measured by such
    questions as
  • Do people in top management say what they mean
    and mean what they say?
  • Is top management providing you with the kinds of
    information you really want and need?
  • Are you satisfied with explanations you get from
    top management about why things are done as they

3. Superiors' perceptions of communication with
  • Superiors' perceptions of communication with
    subordinates As measured by such questions as
  • Do you believe your subordinates are frank and
    candid with you?
  • Do you believe your colleagues (coworkers) are
    really frank and candid with you?
  • Do you believe that your subordinates think that
    you understand their problems?

4. Upward communication
  • Upward communication As measured by such
    questions as
  • Do your opinions make a difference in the
    day-to-day decisions that affect your job?
  • Do you believe your views have any real influence
    in your organization?
  • Does your superior let you participate in the
    planning of your own work?

5. Reliability of information
  • Reliability of information As measured by such
    questions as
  • Do you think that information received from your
    subordinates is reliable?
  • Do you think that information received from your
    colleagues (or coworkers) is reliable?

1. Supervisory communication
  • Supervisory communication is considered the most
    important factor influencing an employees
    communication satisfaction.
  • The effective supervisor is described as
    supportive. People particularly need confirmation
    and support from their superiors.
  • A wrong supervisory communication seems to create
    negative side effect such as increased
    complaints, absenteeism, employer turnover and
    even sabotage.

A study of General Electric Company (1957)
  • General Eletric Company (1957). The effective
    Manufacturing Foreman An Observational Study of
    the Job Activites of Effective and Ineffective
    Foremen. N.Y.,G. E. Public and Empoyee Relations
    Research Service.
  • Better foremen initiated fewer contacts, but
    spent more time with persons when they did
    initiate a contact.
  • Better and poorer foremen were contacted by
    others about the same number of times, but better
    foremen spent more time in each contact.
  • Lower-rated foremen spent more time seeking
    information from others, while better foremen
    spent more time answering request for
  • High-rated foremen spent more time in contacts
    where information was passed voluntarily by
    either party.
  • Better foremen engaged in more two-way
    conversations on job-related matters.

Self-esteem in leadership
  • Value of self-esteem in leadership and
  • The true leader wants to enhance his/her
    followers levels of self-esteem.
  • Leaders must have a positive self-image.

2. Downward communication
  • Such communication is initiated by the
    organizations upper management and then filters
    downward through the chain of command.
  • People are limited as to the amount of
    information they can effectively absorb and react
  • Therefore, management must, of necessity,
    restrict what it communicates to subordinates.
  • Organization implies some restriction of
    communication. Without restrictions on
    communication, any organizational member could be
    buried under an avalanche of incoming messages
    from all the other members.

Information overload
  • Seven ways in which people adapt to information
    overload (Miller,1964)
  • (1) omission (failing to handle all the
  • (2) error (ignoring or failing to correct errors
    when made)
  • (3) queuing (letting things pile up)
  • (4) filtering (dealing with input in categories
    ranked according to a priority system)
  • (5) approximation (lowering standard of
  • (6) multiple channels (delegation of information
    processing to others)
  • (7) escape (refusal to handle the input al all)

The effectiveness of different forms of downward
  • Research on the effectiveness of different forms
    of downward communication has shown that using a
    combination of channels tends to get the test
  • In a classic study, Dahle (1954) found that
    channels were ranked in the following order of
    effectiveness (from most to least effective)
  • 1. Combined oral and written
  • 2. Oral only
  • 3. Written only
  • 4. Bulletin board
  • 5. Grapevine

  • A combination of written and oral channels gets
    the best results.
  • Sending the same message through more than one
    channel creates redundancy.
  • Redundancy seems to be helpful not only in
    getting messages through but in ensuring that
    they will be remembered.
  • As the number of memos, meetings, phone calls,
    and so increases, each person becomes that much
    busier, since it requires time to attend to each
    of these messages.

The law of diminishing returns
  • An important consideration in organization
    communication is so-called law of diminishing
    returns, which states that more is better, up to
    a point.

Lack of accuracy
  • Another characteristics of downward communication
    is lack of accuracy.
  • Conboy (1976) cites a study that polled 100
    industrial managers to determine what percentage
    of a message got through to lower organizational
  • Board of directors 100 of communication content
  • Vice presidents 67
  • General supervisors 56
  • Plant managers 40
  • Foremen 30
  • Workers 20

3. Upward communication
  • Upward communication -the process whereby the
    ideas, feelings, and perceptions of lower-level
    employee are communicated to those at higher
    levels in the organization.
  • Functions
  • It provides management with needed information
    for decision making
  • It helps employees relieve the pressures and
    frustrations of the work situation.
  • It enhances employees sense of participation in
    the enterprise.
  • It serves as a measure of the effectiveness of
    downward communication.

  • Degree of upward receptivity - willingness to
    receive messages from subordinates.
  • Degree of upward receptivity is most often
    associated with so-called open-door policy in
  • If a manager has his/her door open, this signals
    a willingness to communicate with employees

Psychological barriers between superior and
  • Three principles
  • 1. If a subordinate believes that disclosure of
    his /her feelings, opinions, and difficulties may
    lead a superior to block the achievement of
    personal goal, he/she will hide or distort them.
  • 2. The more a superior rewards disclosure of
    feelings, opinions, and difficulties by
    subordinates, the more likely they will be
    disclose them.
  • 3. The more a superior discloses his/her own
    feelings, opinions, and difficulties to
    subordinates and his/her superior, the more
    likely subordinates will be to disclose theirs.

  • A special type of upward communication is
    ingratiation. This is defined by Liden and
    Mitchell (1988) as an attempt by individuals to
    increase their attractiveness in the eyes of
  • The authors identify three main forms of
    ingratiation. The first is flattery. Those who
    are attempting to "get in good" with others above
    them will often flatter or compliment the other
    person (often falsely). The second is
    self-disclosures and advice requests.
    lngratiators may reveal personal information or
    may request the advice of a superior to gain
    favor. Third is attitude similarity and
    sincerity. The ingratiator will attempt to stress
    any similarities between himself or herself and
    the target person. However, research has shown
    that any of the ingratiating behaviors mentioned
    will be effective only if the target person
    perceives them as sincere.

4. Horizontal communication
  • Horizontal communication is the exchanges between
    and among agencies and personnel on the same
    level of the organization chart.
  • The survival of a modem organization often
    depends on the degree to which it specializes.
  •  Coordination or integration of diverse units is
    required to keep the organization running

Problems in horizontal communication
  • Horizontal communication frequently suffers in
    organizations because of employee loyality to a
    given department.
  • The situation is intensified in organizations
    that reward people and group on a competitive
  • In such situations, each department may consider
    itself to be at the top of the organization.

Four functions of horizontal communication
  • 1. Task coordination The department heads may
    meet monthly to discuss how each department is
    contributing to the systems goals.
  • 2. Problem solving The members of a department
    may assemble to discuss how they will handle a
    threatened budged cut. They may employ
    brainstorming techniques.
  • 3. Information sharing The members of one
    department may meet with members of another
    department to give them some new data.
  • 4. Conflict resolution Members of one department
    may meet to discuss a conflict inherent in the
    department or between departments.

  • Ineffective horizontal communication has been
    cited as one important factor in the space
    shuttle Challenger accident in January 1986.

Reducing Barriers
  • Some steps can be taken to reduce the barriers to
    horizontal communication
  • 1. Relatively greater emphasis given to total
    organizational effectiveness and the role of
    departments in contributing to it departments
    measured and rewarded on the basis of their
    contribution to the total effort rather than
    their individual effectiveness.
  • 2. High interaction and frequent communication
    stimulated between groups to work on problems of
    intergroup coordination and help organizational
    rewards given partly on the basis of help which
    groups give to each other.

Reducing Barriers (cont.)
  • 3. Frequent rotation of members among groups or
    departments to stimulate high degree of mutual
    understanding and empathy for one another's
  • 4. Avoidance of any win-lose situation groups
    never put into the position of competing for some
    organizational reward emphasis always placed on
    pooling resources to maximize organizational
    effectiveness rewards shared equally with all
    the groups or departments.
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