Title: Transitioning On The Job:
1Transitioning On The Job
- Pragmatics and Perspective From a MTF Trade
2How my union helped me transition on the job
after 18 years as a male.
- I met Lenny my union representative at the
flag pole before work on July 25, 1996 . I asked
him if he had five minutes for me. He said, Of
course, anything for you. I showed him a
professional picture portfolio of myself.
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12How my union helped me !
- He asked, What is this... are you a
transvestite or drag queen or what? - I said, Lenny, I have a serious problem, I am
hoping you can help me. The pictures you see is
how I live when I am not at work and how you see
me now is how I look when I am working. It is too
hard now to go back and forth. Can you help me?
13- Lenny said, I have to go inside and take care
of a few things. I will be with you in 30
minutes. - So thirty minutes went by and I met with him
he asked, How serious are you about this? I
said, I am very serious. I live as Lisa and work
as you see me now.
14- Lenny called Labor Relations, I have a
situation here perhaps you can help me with.
Lenny and I went over to the Labor Relations
office. We sat down and Lenny made a presentation
that included my picture portfolio.
15- At the conclusion of Lennys presentation, the
person from Labor Relations said to me, you are
a very valuable employee. We are not going to
fire you. How soon can you transition? - I thought I had gone deaf and replied, I can
be back in an hour and a half." - The manager said, Thats not quite what I had
in mind.
16- A phone call was made to the Director of
Operations and the three of us met and sat
comfortably with the Labor Relations
Representative explaining what was going - to transpire on my behalf. The Director said,
We ought to call Steve, his manager, and explain
what is going on.
17- Steve my manager was called up to the
Directors office and when he walked in we were
all sitting waiting for him. He remarked, Isnt
this a comfortable gathering! Steve sat down
and I handed him the picture portfolio.
18- He looked through the pictures and said, This
is you? I said, Yes it is. He swallowed hard
and then had a big grin on his face and said,
What size shoe do you wear? I told him and we
all had a good chuckle.
19- It was determined then and there I would take
off three days the next week while the colleagues
I worked with were presented with sensitivity
training as to what was going to happen with me
transitioning on the job. Five diversity/sensitivi
ty training sessions were scheduled with the
people I would interface with.
20- Many of my colleagues were shocked and amazed.
At the conclusion of each session, Labor
Relations said, We are behind Lisa 100 on this
- Anyone teasing or hassling her will be
seriously disciplined and or terminated.
21- I had my hair done Monday morning and got all
of the documentation changed over at the
Department of Motor Vehicles, Social Security,
new bank accounts, auto registration and auto
22- I reported to work on Thursday of the first
week in August, 1996 as Lisa for the first time.
Lenny my union representative met me in the Labor
Relations Office. He did not know or recognize
me. I had a new photo I.D. taken, and signed new
insurance forms for my name change. Lenny and I
walked to my work area and peoples jaws dropped.
23- I suddenly became the talk of the plant
gossip is a choice morsel that goes down to the
inner most parts of the bowels. Many comments
were filtering back to me from colleagues I
worked - with.
24- It has a white suit on today,
- and it is wearing the hair in a
- French Twist!
25- I must have used the same bathroom Lisa used
because the toilet seat was left up! - (the cleaning crew had just gone through the
ladies room)
- Lisa may not be a woman,
- and
- he still looks pretty good
27- One day I wore a jean skirt and tank top shirt
to work. Labor Relations received a complaint
about me being scantily clothed and I should be
sent home to change.
28- Another colleague said,
- When are you going to take off the Halloween
29- The jokes and snide comments about me on the
studio lot were most humiliating, and hearing
this from my fellow colleagues caused me great
30- I was constantly being referred to as he or
sir to my face. - People took great joy at publicly humiliating
me at every opportunity.
31- My colleagues complained loudly to my manager
about not wanting to work with me on projects.
32- Many folks laughed, smirked in my face and
snickered at me in the hallways at work.
Complete strangers greeted me in the hallway and
said, Good morning sir. - Still it was going better than I thought it
33- A team of five people was set up by Labor
Relations and Human Resources to help me with my
transition. When I shared some of my war
stories with them, they would reply, What did
you expect? suck it up you can not change how
people think about you. This was the turning
point where I realized another approach had to be
34- The insults and comments were starting to
get to me. My work was getting sabotaged. I
thought some of these folks could get me fired. I
had no shop steward in my work area that I could
ask for help.
35- I decided to became a shop steward after one
of my colleagues suggested I would make a great
shop steward. After some thought, I took the
petition around to be signed. I thought surely
the union would be there for me as one of their
36- My first shop stewards meeting was very
cordial. People were pleasant. - My fellow shop stewards tolerating someone
like me, was completely new and foreign to them.
As time progressed, and they came to know me, I
became acceptable to them as an equal.
37- My vast broadcast experience proved invaluable
in technical conversations. Never once has there
been an insulting comment towards me about my
personhood in the past seven years.
38- Two years ago in the fall of 2002, I received
an invitation to attend the leadership School for
the Pride At Work Los Angeles Chapter, held at
the University of California, Los Angeles campus.
39- Much to my surprise, the Executive Board and
President approved my fees to attend this weekend
of leadership training. There were about 40
people attending this two day conference. I was
the only transgender person attending the Pride
At Work Leadership School, and I might add, the
only one wearing a dress!
- My local union president shortly after
attending this leadership school asked me to
coordinate the Members Assistance Program for
the local. - For many years, the Communications Workers of
America (CWA) District 9, has had a Member's
Assistance Program (MAP).
41- MAP is a union based program aimed towards
providing union members help when life's problems
cause an adverse affect on their job performance
and productivity.
42- CWA has a vital interest in maintaining a
safe, hostile free, healthy workplace for our
members, free from the influence of violence,
sexual harassment, discrimination, drugs and
43- I took on this new responsibility most
earnestly and enrolled in many continuing
educational classes in labor studies. This
continuing education gave me a pretty good
understanding of the challenges most unions face
supporting their members.
44- In June of 2004, I decided to run for Vice
President of my local NABET CWA Local 53
(National Association of Broadcast Employees and
Technicians, Communications Workers of America,
Local 53). In this race for Vice President, I
ran against the incumbent and one other
45- My recent labor studies training gave me a
good understanding of the issues our local faced.
I ran on the issues, and much to my disbelief,
there were no public slanders on my personhood as
a transgender woman. - I made it to the second run off election
receiving many votes. The ballots were counted
on August 31, 2004. I am now the Vice President
elect of NABET CWA Local 53. I take office on
October 1, 2004 -
46- I am an active part of Pride At Work Los
Angeles Chapter on the Steering Committee, and I
am their web designer. I have received unfailing
support and much encouragement for my abilities
and the person I am as a transgender woman. - I passionately believe in unions because of
the nondiscrimination and total support I have
received over the past eight years.
47- Pride At Work is affiliated as the newest
constituency group of the AFL-CIO (American
Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial
Organizations). - The purpose of Pride At Work is to mobilize
mutual support between the organized Labor
Movement and the LGBT Community around organizing
for social and economic justice.
48- We seek full equality for LGBT Workers in their
workplaces and unions. - We work towards creating a Labor Movement that
cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and
ensures safety dignity. - We aim to educate the LBGT Community about the
benefits of union membership for LGBT working
people, and to build support and solidarity for
the union movement in the LGBT community.
49- We intend to do this in the spirit of the union
movement's historic motto, "An Injury to One is
An Injury to All." We oppose all forms of
discrimination on the job and in our unions based
on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation,
race, national or ethnic origin, age, disability,
religion or political views.
50- The AFL-CIO strongly urges Congress to pass the
"Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)." This
important civil rights legislation will promote
equal opportunity for all Americans by
prohibiting employment discrimination based on
sexual orientation.
51- Since there is no federal law which prohibits
employment discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation, it is currently legal to fire
working men and women in 39 states because of
their sexual orientation. As a result, working
people are now being denied employment on the
basis of something that has no relationship to
their ability to perform their work.
52- The AFL-CIO strongly believes that discrimination
based on sexual orientation is wrong and
un-American. We recognize the contributions which
gay and lesbian workers have made to our country
and our labor movement. We steadfastly join
hundreds of civil rights organizations, religious
institutions, and responsible employers in urging
Congress to enact the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act
53- "I support the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act because I believe in the fundamental values
of fairness and equality -- values that are at
the very heart and soul of the creed that unites
us as a nation. - President Bill Clinton
54- "I support the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act because I believe that freedom and justice
cannot be parceled our in pieces to suit
political convenience. As my husband, Martin
Luther King Jr. said, Injustice anywhere is a
threat to justice everywhere.' Like Martin, I
don't believe you can stand for freedom for one
group of people and deny it to others. - Coretta Scott King
55- "We protest any actions taken against a worker
solely on the basis of sexual orientation and we
support legislation to guarantee the civil rights
of all persons without regard to sexual
orientation in public and private employment.
When a judge rules that an employee is not
wrongfully terminated if he is being fired for
being homosexual,' then it is time to change the
law. - Richard Womack, Director of Civil Rights
56- "PAW advocates the view that persons identified
as transgender and transsexual be included in
ENDA, and that all efforts by the labor community
and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender/transsexual community be brought to
bear to demand an end to discrimination based on
gender identity or gender expression." - Excerpt from PAW resolution - 3rd Biennial
57ENDA the Workplace
- As our nation enters a new century when our
survival depends upon the contributions of every
American, we must understand that merit and hard
work -- not bias and stereotypes -- are what
counts in job opportunities and the workplace
58What would ENDA do?
- ENDA would prohibit discrimination on the basis
of an individual's sexual orientation in hiring,
firing, promotions, compensations, and other
employment decisions. Currently, there is no
federal law protecting individuals from this kind
of discrimination and today in America, millions
of citizens can be fired simply for being gay or
lesbian, no matter how well they perform their
59ENDA the American Public
- Workplace non-discrimination based on sexual
orientation has been widely embraced by the
American public. Poll after poll demonstrates
that ENDA enjoys the support of over two-thirds
of the American public, including a solid
majority of Republican voters.
60ENDA Talking Points
- ENDA extends federal employment discrimination
protections currently provided based on race,
religion, sex, national origin, age and
disability to sexual orientation. ENDA extends
fair employment practices -- not special rights
-- to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and
heterosexuals. - ENDA prohibits public and private employers,
employment agencies, and labor unions from using
an individual's sexual orientation as the basis
for employment decisions, such as hiring, firing,
promotion, or compensation.
61ENDA Talking Points
- ENDA provides for the same procedures, and
similar, but somewhat more limited, remedies as
are permitted under Title VII and the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA). - ENDA applies to Congress, with the same
procedures as provided by the Congressional
Accountability Act of 1995, and presidential
employees, with the same procedures as provided
under the Presidential and Executive Office
Accountability Act of 1996. ENDA does not cover
small businesses with fewer than 15 employees.
62ENDA Talking Points
- ENDA does not cover religious organizations,
including educational institutions substantially
controlled or supported by religious
organizations. The bill only covers employees
whose duties pertain solely to a religious
organization's activities which generate profits
deemed taxable by the Internal Revenue Service.
- ENDA does not apply to the uniformed members of
the armed forces and thus does not affect current
law on lesbians and gay men in the military.
63ENDA Talking Points
- ENDA does not allow for quotas or preferential
treatment based on the sexual orientation of the
individual. ENDA does not allow a "disparate
impact" claim such as is available under Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).
Therefore, an employer is not required to justify
a neutral practice that may have a statistically
disparate impact on sexual orientation. - ENDA does not allow the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to collect
statistics on sexual orientation or compel
employers to collect such statistics
64ENDA Talking Points
- ENDA does not require an employer to provide
benefits for the same-sex partner of an employee.
- ENDA does not apply retroactively.
65ENDA Where you live?
- Only 11 states and 1 district prohibit workplace
discrimination on the basis of "sexual
orientation". They are - California (1992)Connecticut (1991)Hawaii
(1991) Massachusetts (1989)Minnesota (1993)Nevada
(1999) New Hampshire (1997)New Jersey (1992)Rhode
Island(1995) Vermont (1992)Wisconsin
(1982)District of Columbia (1977)In the 39 other
states it is still legal for employers to fire or
punish employees based on their sexual
orientation, despite polls that suggest most
Americans believe a qualified and hard working
person should not lose their job just because
they are gay or lesbian.
66Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Workers
in the U.S.
- Pride At Work is committed to the principle of
equality. We believe that working men and women,
regardless of race, national origin, gender,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity
or gender expression, religion or age should have
the opportunity to live and work in an
environment free of physical intimidation,
prejudice, retaliation, harassment and bias.
67LGBT Workers and Workplace Discrimination
- Federal law does not prohibit employment
discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation, and currently only 14 states and
approximately 151 local jurisdictions have
enacted laws forbidding it. In the remaining 36
states, it remains legal to fire a worker because
of their real or perceived sexual orientation.
There are still 46 states in which it is legal to
fire someone based on their real or perceived
gender identity or expression. The following
states have laws banning discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation (SO), and four states
have laws banning gender identity (GI)
68LGBT Workers and Workplace Discrimination
69LGBT Workers and Workplace Discrimination
- 77 percent of Fortune 500 companies include
sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination
policies. Included in that list are
union-organized workplaces such as American
Airlines, General Motors, and the New York Times.
Only 39 of the Fortune 500 companies have
non-discrimination policies that include gender
identity and expression."
70Sample Union Contract Policy Language
- "The City and the Union agree to not discriminate
against any employee and to promote equal
employment opportunity for all without regard to
political affiliation or opinion, age, race,
color, national origin, ancestry, religious
creed, marital status, physical disability,
mental condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender
expression, gender identity, pregnancy,
pregnancy-related condition, or any other
non-merit factor." -
- WEHOME, AFSCME Local 3339
- (West Hollywood, CA)
71Pride At Work Says "Not Without Our Trans
Brothers and Sisters!"
- Transgender Inclusion Resolution Passed
- Pride At Work, AFL-CIO Press Release5/8/2003
- Pride At Work has been increasingly involved in
advocating for the rights of transgender workers
and union members. We see firsthand how often
transgender workers face ignorance, harassment,
and discrimination on the job and in their
72Pride At Work Says "Not Without Our Trans
Brothers and Sisters!"
- Paradoxically perhaps, at the same time, many
local and state level ordinances have recently
been passed to protect the transgender community,
New Mexico and Covington, Kentucky were among the
latest. We believe the entire LGBT community must
be committed to transgender inclusion at all
levels.Regarding federal legislation, some
civil rights activists still question the timing
("transgender can be added later") or say its
not necessary ("gender or sexual orientation,
real or perceived will be enough"). Based upon
our experience and the advice of leading
transgender legal experts, we disagree with both
of these opinions
73Pride At Work Says "Not Without Our Trans
Brothers and Sisters!"
- We believe the time for inclusion is NOW. Indeed,
we believe that today, when progressive
legislation is not likely to pass, is right the
right time to do the educational work necessary
to build support for transgender inclusion in all
civil rights legislation. Therefore, on May 5,
2003 the Executive Committee of Pride At Work
passed the following resolution
74Pride At Work Says "Not Without Our Trans
Brothers and Sisters!"
- Resolution To Support Only Transgender Inclusive
Legislation - "Pride At Work, AFL-CIO stands firmly for an
inclusive lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
(LGBT) movement representing the entire LGBT
community. For that reason, Pride At Work,
AFL-CIO will only endorse legislation that
explicitly includes transgender people."
75- For Immediate ReleaseSaturday, Aug. 7, 2004
SUPPORTING MODERNIZED WORKPLACE LEGISLATION - We are strongest as a community when we are
united and that's why we need the strongest and
most unifying protections,' said Cheryl Jacques,
president of the Human Rights Campaign. -
76- WASHINGTON The Human Rights Campaign Board
of Directors today adopted a policy to support a
modernized version of the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act. - The updated language includes gender identity
and expression as well as sexual orientation to
ensure that every gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender American is protected from employment
discrimination. - "Passage of ENDA is a brass ring for our
community and we're making it clear that it must
have the strongest teeth possible to protect
everyone," said Tim Boggs, co-chair of the HRC
Board. - The Board of Directors voted to adopt the
following resolution "The Human Rights Campaign
adopts a policy that we will only support ENDA if
it is inclusive of sexual orientation and gender
identity and expression."
- HRC took this step to ensure that ENDA will
provide real protection to incidents of workplace
discrimination. Attorneys who specialize in civil
rights laws believe that ENDA without gender
identity and expression explicitly stated may not
adequately address discrimination against gay,
lesbian and bisexual Americans who are often
singled out because they're viewed as not
conforming to gender norms. -
- "I am very proud that HRC continues to lead
on issues of importance to everyone in our
community, including on workplace
discrimination," said Gwen Baba, co-chair of the
HRC Board of Directors.
- "We are strongest as a community when we are
united and that's why we need the strongest and
most unifying protections," said Cheryl Jacques,
president of HRC. "The staff of the Human Rights
Campaign will continue to work tirelessly to
enact this comprehensive ENDA." -
79- ENDA was introduced in 1994 and barely lost a
Senate vote in 1996. - The Human Rights Campaign is the largest
national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
political organization with members throughout
the country. It effectively lobbies Congress,
provides campaign support and educates the public
to ensure that LGBT Americans can be open, honest
and safe at home, at work and in the community.
- For Immediate ReleaseFriday, June 18, 2004
POLICIES FOR TRANSGENDER STAFF - This tool will help managers ensure that
transgender employees are valued for the job they
do, not devalued by discrimination, said HRC
President Cheryl Jacques.
- WASHINGTON Responding to the need for resources
to help employers create fair policies for their
transgender staff, the Human Rights Campaign
Foundations WorkNet project today released a new
guide, Transgender Issues in the Workplace A
Tool for Managers.
- This tool will help managers ensure that
transgender employees are valued for the job they
do, not devalued by discrimination, said HRC
President Cheryl Jacques. We hope employers will
use this guide to create work environments where
all employees are able to devote their skills and
energy to the work at hand, rather than worrying
about being harassed or fired because of who they
- The guide covers basic terminology, how to manage
as an employee transitions from one sex to
another, and laws and court cases regarding
workplace protections based on gender identity.
In addition, the guide presents a sound business
case for implementing policies aimed at ending
discrimination against transgender employees. The
32-page document is based on interviews with 20
representatives of corporations that have
implemented policies to address transgender
issues in their workplaces, as well as employer
and legislative data that HRC WorkNet has
collected for years.
- Transgender Issues in the Workplace also covers
answers to frequently asked questions and
contains a directory of publications, consultants
and organizations that address transgender issues
in the workplace.
- Human resources professionals will welcome the
information this new tool provides, said HRC
Education Director Kim I. Mills, who oversees HRC
WorkNet. Employers spend significant amounts of
their annual budgets to attract and retain
talented people. These programs are important,
but sometimes employers overlook the simplest
step they can take to enhance their ability to
recruit and retain the best employees that is,
ensuring equality in the workplace.
- Transgender Issues in the Workplace A Tool for
Managers may be downloaded from HRC WorkNet. - The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political
organization with members throughout the
country. It effectively lobbies Congress,
provides campaign support and educates the public
to ensure that LGBT Americans can be open, honest
and safe at home, at work and in the community.