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Chapter 5. Thermochemistry.


Chapter 5. Thermochemistry. Chapter 5. Thermochemistry. Thermochemistry deals with changes in energy that occur in chemical reactions. The study of energy and its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 5. Thermochemistry.

Chapter 5. Thermochemistry.
Chapter 5. Thermochemistry.
  • Thermochemistry deals with changes in energy
    that occur in chemical reactions. The study of
    energy and its transformations is known as
  • 5.1 The nature of energy.
  • Different types of energy are kinetic energy and
    potential energy.

Different forms of energy are
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Chemical Energy
  • Kinetic energy (Ek)
  • Ek ½ mv2
  • Where m is the mass of the object in kg, and v
    is its speed in m/s (meters per second, also
    written as m.s-1).
  • Kinetic energy is important in chemistry because
    molecules are constantly in motion and so have
    kinetic energy.

Units of Energy
  • The unit of energy is the joule (J). This is the
    energy required to move an object weighing 2 kg
    at 1 m per second.
  • units of joules kg x m2
  • s2
  • Example. What is the energy in J of an O2
    molecule moving at 200 m/sec?
  • Mass of O2 molecule 2 x 16.0 32.0 amu (1 kg
    1000 g)
  • One amu 1.66 x 10-24 g 1.66 x 10-24 g x
    _1 kg_
  • 1000 g
  • 1.66 x 10-27 kg.

  • Mass of O2 molecule 32.0 x 1.66 x 10-27 kg
  • 5.31 x 10-26 kg
  • Energy in Joules is calculated as
  • Ek ½ mv2
  • Ek ½ x 5.31 x 10-26 kg x (200
  • 1.06 x 10-21 J.

mass velocity
What is the kinetic energy of a person (50kg)
moving at a speed of 1m/s?
Weight of person
Walking speed
  • What is the kinetic energy in Joules of a 45 g
    golf-ball moving at 61 m/s?
  • Ek ½ mv2
  • Note m has units of kg, v of m/s
  • 45 g 45 g x 1 kg/1000 g 0.045 kg.
  • Ek ½ x 0.045 kg x 61 m x 61 m 83.7 J.
  • s s
  • What happens to this energy when the ball lands
    in a sand-trap? Ans. It is converted to heat.

units check out
Units of energy
  • A joule is a very small amount of energy, and so
    one commonly uses the kJ. Energies for bonds are
    usually expressed in kJ/mol.
  • The calorie Amount of energy required to raise
    temperature of 1 g of water by 1 ºC.
  • Use kcal.mol-1 (kcal/mol) for bonds.
  • Nutritional Calorie (note upper case) 1000 cal.

Types of energy
  • Potential energy Object has this by virtue of
    its position.
  • Electrostatic energy (not covered in CHM 101).
    Potential energy due to electrostatic attraction
    or repulsion.
  • Chemical Energy Due to arrangement of atoms,
    e.g. gasoline, glucose
  • Thermal Energy Due to kinetic energy of

Calculation of work or potential energy
  • The potential energy equals the work done to
    raise the object to the height it is above the
    ground. e.g. a 5.4 kg bowling ball is raised to a
    height of 1.6 m above the ground. What is its
    potential energy? Note The force is the
    gravitational constant is g 9.8 m/s2.
  • Work m x g x d
  • 5.4 kg x 9.8 m x 1.6 m
  • s2
  • 85 kg.m2/s2 85 J
  • (check J units of kg.m2/s2 so our
  • calculation produces the right units).

Units Check out
System and surroundings
  • In thinking about thermodynamics, we cannot
    think about the whole universe at one time. We
    have to think about the system of interest to us,
    which for chemistry is usually the contents of
    something the size of a beaker. Thermodynamics is
    the book-keeping of energy, and so we are
    concerned with how much heat goes in or out of
    the system from the surroundings.

everything else surroundings
energy out energy in
an example of a system a beaker plus a solution
A system is like a bank account see below
The System and its Surroundings
Energy can also be transferred from the
surroundings to the system
Energy can be transferred from the system to the
heat in
heat out
Hot coffee Cold soda
Heat is transferred from the hotter to the colder
until their temperatures are equal
The sign of the loss or gain of energy
  • We are interested in how much energy goes in or
    out of a system because this is what causes a
    chemical reaction to take place. If energy is
    lost from the system into the surroundings the
    sign of the energy change is negative, and if
    energy is gained, it is positive.

the signs of the energy changes are rather like a
bank account ve for money in, -ve for money out
energy out negative
energy in positive
A system is like your bank account. You only
worry about what goes in or out of it, not what
happens to the money in the surroundings, i.e.
the rest of the world.
Work and Heat
  • Energy can be transferred from one object to
    another either as work or as heat.
  • Energy used to make an object move against a
    force is called work.
  • w F x d ( work force x distance)
  • Heat is energy transferred from a hotter to a
    colder object.

Energy can be transferred as heat (q)
Energy can also be transferred as work (w)
When an object is moved by a force, F, over a
distance, d, energy (work) is transferred
the soccer player is doing work on the ball
  • Heat is the non-ordered transfer of energy due
    to random collisions between particles, whereas
    work is the ordered transfer of energy.

5.2. The first Law of Thermodynamics.
  • Energy is conserved
  • This means that energy cannot be created or
    destroyed, but only converted from one kind of
    energy to another.

Internal energy
molecules also have vibrational energy
  • The internal energy of a system (E) is the sum
    of all kinetic and potential energies
  • We dont know the internal energy of the system,
    and can generally only calculate ?E, the change
    in E that accompanies a change in the system.
  • ?E Efinal - Einitial

kinetic energy is energy of molecules rapidly
moving about
Relating ?E to heat and work.
  • ?E q w
  • Where
  • q is the heat transferred to the system, and
  • w is the work done on the system
  • Heat transferred into the system, and work done
    on the system, are positive.

Practice exercise
  • Calculate the change in internal energy where
    the system absorbs 140 J of heat from the
    surroundings, and does 85 J of work on the
  • q 140 J (absorbs heat ve)
  • w - 85 J (does work on
  • ______________ surroundings -ve)
  • ?E 55 J ______________________

Endothermic and Exothermic processes
  • When a chemical process absorbs heat as it
    occurs, it is referred to as endothermic. When
    heat is given off, it is exothermic.

The burning of H2 in O2 is exothermic, because a
large amount of heat is given off 2 H2 O2 ?2
H2O heat
Exothermic / Endothermic Processes
H2O (l)
H2O (g)
Endothermic system gains heat
Water vapor
H2O (l)
H2O (s)
Exothermic system loses heat
Water ice
State functions.
  • The value of a state function depends only on
    the present conditions, not on how it got there.
    Examples of state functions are temperature and
    ?E, the change in internal energy. Q and w are
    not state functions, because one can get to a
    particular value of ?E by a variety of
    combinations of q and w. E itself is also a state

?E q w
The same value of ?E can be achieved e.g.
with large q and small w, or small q and large w
The height difference between Denver and Chicago
is a state function.
Route A
4684 ft
Route B
The height difference between Denver and Chicago
is a state function because it is independent of
the route taken to travel from one to the other.
The travel distance is not a state function
because one can travel by different routes.
Work done in a chemical reaction
  • The work done in a chemical reaction at constant
    pressure is given by P?V, where V is the change
    in volume during the reaction. For a reaction
    involving a gas, this can be a considerable

increase in volume due to H2 gas given off
Zn metal
H2 formed plus air
Zn dissolving
Bubbles of H2
Enthalpy (?H)
  • If a reaction is carried out at constant P,
    which is true for all reactions open to the
    atmosphere, e.g. in a beaker, then the work done
    by the system is equal to -P ?V. However, the
    change in volume of a solution will generally be
    very small, and so this can be ignored. The heat
    given off or absorbed during a reaction at
    constant pressure is known as the enthalpy, and
    is given the symbol ?H.

Enthalpy (?H)
  • It can be shown that the change at constant
    pressure is given by
  • ?H qp
  • where the subscript p denotes constant
    pressure. When ?H is positive, the system has
    gained heat from the surroundings, and is
    endothermic. When ?H is negative, the process is

5.4. Enthalpies of reaction.
  • In a thermochemical equation, the heat of
    reaction for the equation is written as
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H -483.6 kJ
  • This is the heat given off when 2 moles of H2
    combine with one mole of O2 to give 2 moles of
    water, all in the gas phase. Note that a large
    negative value of ?H such as we have here is
    associated with a very exothermic reaction.

1. Heat is an extensive property
  • With an extensive property such as heat, the
    amount of heat given off is proportional to the
    amount of substance reacted.

small log log twice as
big burning twice as much heat
  • Enthalpy is an extensive property. If we burn
    one mol of H2 with ½ mol of O2, we will get
    483.6/2 -241.8 kJ, as shown below
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H -483.6
  • 2 moles 1 mole ?H
    -483.6 kJ
  • 1 mole ½ mole ?H -241.8 kJ
  • Factor _____moles we have______
  • moles in balanced equation
  • 1 mole 0.5
  • 2 moles
  • So multiply everything in the equation by the
    factor of 1/2 , including the enthalpy.

2. The enthalpy of a reaction is of opposite sign
to its reverse reaction.
  • If we burn H2 a large amount of heat is given
  • If we break H2O up into H2 and O2, an equal
    amount of heat energy has to be put into this
    reverse reaction

?H - 483.6 kJ Heat given off
2 moles H2 1 mole O2 2 moles H2O
?H 483.6 kJ Heat put back in
2 moles H2O 2 moles H2 1 mole O2
  • The enthalpy of a reaction is equal in magnitude
    but opposite in sign for the reverse reaction.
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H - 483.6 kJ
  • but for the reverse reaction
  • 2 H2O(g) ? 2 H2(g) O2(g) ?H 483.6 kJ
  • For the reverse reaction one simply changes
  • the sign of ?H.

  • 3. The enthalpy change for a reaction depends on
    the state of the reactants.
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H -483.6 kJ
  • but
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(l) ?H -659.6 kJ
  • since
  • H2O(l) ? H2O(g) ?H 88 kJ
  • or
  • H2O(g) ? H2O(l) ?H -88 kJ
  • Note that -659.6 (2 x 88) -483.6 kJ
    (discussed later)

water vapor
liquid water
liquid water water vapor
water vapor liquid water
  • How much heat is given off by burning 3.4 g of
    H2 in excess O2?
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H -483.6
  • 2 moles 1 mole
  • Excess O2 means that H2 is the limiting
    reagent, and so we dont need to bother with the
    O2. So we know that 2 moles of H2 burns in O2 to
    give off -483.6 kJ, so we need to know how many
    moles of H2 we have in 3.4 g.

Problem (contd.)
  • Molecular mass H2 1.0 1.0 2.0 g/mol
  • Moles H2 3.4 g x 1 mole 1.7 moles
  • 2.0 g
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(g) ?H -483.6 kJ
  • 2 moles 1 mole
  • 1.7 moles ?H ?
  • ?H - 483.6 kJ x moles we have
  • moles in balanced equation
  • - 483.6 kJ x 1.7 moles
  • 2 moles
  • - 411.1 kJ

Specific heat
  • Specific heat is the amount of heat in joules it
    takes to raise the temperature of a substance by
    1 K. The units of specific heat are J/g.K. Some
    examples are
  • Substance Specific heat (J/g.K)
  • H2O(l) 4.184
  • N2(g) 1.04
  • Al(s) 0.90
  • Fe(s) 0.45
  • Hg(l) 0.14

Calculating heat produced from rise in
temperature and a knowledge of the specific heat
  • Example 5 ml of H2SO4 (at 21.2 ºC) is added to
    50 ml of water in a coffee-cup calorimeter. The
    temperature of the solution in the calorimeter
    rises from 21.2 to 27.8 ºC. How much heat was
    liberated by the dissolution of the H2SO4?
    (assume all 55 ml of solution has specific heat
    of water 4.184 J/g.K, and density of water

Temperature 21.2 ºC
Temperature 27.8 ºC
add 5 ml H2SO4
55 ml H2O plus H2SO4
50 ml H2O
Coffee-cup calorimeter
  • Problem (contd.)
  • 55 ml x 1g 55 g of solution
  • 1 ml
  • 4.184 heat in J (q)
  • weight (g) x temperature rise (K or
  • ________q (J)__________
  • 55 g x (27.8 21.2) ºC
  • q 4.184 J x 55 g x 6.6 ºC
  • 1 g x 1 ºC
  • -1519 J

rises in K or ºC will be the same
specific heat of water
(q is negative because heat is evolved)
Example on calculating heat evolved per mole
  • When 9.55 g of NaOH dissolves in 100.0 g of
    water in a coffee-cup calorimeter, the temp.
    rises from 23.6 to 47.4 oC. Calculate ?H for the
  • (Assume specific heat is as for pure water
    4.18 J/g.K.)
  • NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH- (aq)
  • We assume that when presented with the balanced
    equation we need to calculate ?H for the numbers
    of moles indicated by the coefficients, i.e. 1
    mole NaOH

Problem (contd.)
  • Wt. of solution (100.0 g 9.95 g) 109.95
  • change in K 47.4 - 23.6 23.8 K.
  • q specifc heat x mass in g x temp. rise
    in K
  • q 4.18 J x 109.95 g x 23.8 K -10938 J
  • g x K
  • -10.9 kJ
  • F. Wt. NaOH 23 16 1 40 g/mol
  • Moles NaOH 9.95 g x 1 mole
  • 40 g
  • 0.249 mol

Problem (contd.)
  • NaOH (s) ? Na (aq) OH- (aq)
  • 1 mole 1 mole 1 mole
  • 0.249 mole 0.249 mole 0.249 mol ?H
    -10.9 kJ
  • ?H -10.9 kJ x 1 mol/0.249 mol
  • - 43.8 kJ/mol

Note If the temperature rises in a process, then
?H will be negative.
5.3 Calorimetry (covered in labs)
  • The system in a coffee cup calorimeter is
    usually the solution in the calorimeter. A
    thermometer is used to monitor the temperature
    rise due to the chemical reaction being studied.
    One assumes the heat capacity of the solution is
    that of water.

two nested coffee cups to provide better
the solution the system
Coffee-cup calorimeter
5.6 Hesss Law.
  • Hesss Law states If a reaction is carried out
    in a series of steps, ?H for the overall reaction
    will equal the sum of the enthalpy changes for
    the individual steps.
  • Hesss Law provides a method for calculating ?H
    values that are impossible to measure directly.

Hesss law
Increasing Enthalpy (H)
The enthalpy of going from H2O (g) (water vapor)
to H2O (s) (ice) in one step (-50 kJ) is the sum
of the two steps of going first from H2O (g) to
H2O (l) (-44kJ) and then from H2O (l) to H2O
(s) (-6 kJ)
H2O (g)
H2O (l)
-6 kJ
H2O (s)
Adding enthalpies following Hess Law
  • We cannot measure directly the heat of burning
    graphite to give CO. However, we can calculate
    this by combining two equations
  • C(s) O2(g) ? CO2(g) ?H -395.5 kJ
  • CO2(g) ? CO(g) ½O2(g) ?H 283.0 kJ
  • _________________________________________________
  • C(s) O2(g) CO2(g) ? CO2(g)
  • CO(g) ½ O2(g) ?H -110.5 kJ
  • C(s) ½O2(g) ? CO(g) ?H -110.5

add the ?H values

add the equations
Cancel things that occur on both sides of equation
net equation
The enthalpy of conversion of graphite to diamond
from Hess Law
  • Graphite is the stable form of carbon
  • C(graphite) ? C(diamond) ?H 1.9 kJ
  • This value of ?H could not be measured directly,
    but could be obtained from the enthalpy of
    combustion of graphite and diamond using Hess
  • C(graphite) O2(g) ? CO2(g) ?H
    -393.5 kJ
  • C(diamond) O2(g) ? CO2(g) ?H -395.4
  • ________________________________________________
  • C(diamond) ? C(graphite) ?H -1.9 kJ
  • or C(graphite) ? C(diamond) ?H 1.9 kJ

Using Hess Law to calculate the energy of
formation of ethylene from C (graphite) and H2
  • An impossible (so far) reaction to carry out
    would be
  • 2 C(s) H2(g) C2H2(g) (acetylene).
  • We can calculate the energy of the above by
    combining the heats of combustion of the
    components in the reaction
  • C2H2(g) 2½O2(g) ? 2 CO2(g) H2O(l) ?H
    -1299.6 kJ
  • C(s) O2(g) ? CO2(g) ?H
    -393.5 kJ
  • H2(g) ½ O2(g) ? H2O(l)
    ?H -285.8 kJ

  • We first want to get the products on the right
    hand side, so we reverse the first equation
  • C2H2(g) 2½ O2(g) ? 2 CO2(g) H2O(l) ?H
    -1299.6 kJ
  • 2 CO2(g) H2O(l) ? C2H2(g) 2½O2(g) ?H
    1299.6 kJ
  • Then we double the second equation because there
    are two C-atoms in the desired reaction
  • C(s) O2(g) ? CO2(g) ?H -393.5
  • 2 C(s) 2 O2(g) ? 2 CO2(g) ?H -787.0 kJ

  • We now add them together in two steps (its
    easier that way)
  • 2 CO2(g) H2O(l) ? C2H2(g) 2½ O2(g) ?H
    1299.6 kJ
  • 2 C(s) 2 O2(g) ? 2 CO2(g) ?H -787.0 kJ
  • __________________________________________________
  • 2 C(s) H2O(l) ? C2H2(g) ½ O2(g) ?H
    512.6 kJ
  • 2 C(s) H2O(l) ? C2H2(g) ½ O2(g) ?H
    512.6 kJ H2(g) ½ O2(g) ? H2O(l)
    ?H -285.8 kJ
  • __________________________________________________
  • 2 C(s) H2(g) ? C2H2(g) ?H 226.8

5.7. Standard enthalpies of formation
  • The standard enthalpy change ?Ho is defined as
    the enthalpy change when all the reactants and
    products are in their standard states. The
    standard state is 25 oC (298 K) and 1 atm
  • 2 H2(g) O2(g) ? 2 H2O(l) ?Hº -659.6 kJ

Superscript o indicates standard enthalpy change
Standard states for H2 and O2 Standard state
for H2O is a are gases at 25 oC and 1 atm
liquid at 25 oC and 1 atm
Standard enthalpies of formation, ?Hof
  • The standard enthalpy of formation of a compound
    ?Hof is the enthalpy of formation of one mole of
    the substance from its constituent elements, all
    being in their standard states. For elements, the
    standard state is the most stable form of the
    element at 298 K and 1 atm, e.g. C is graphite,
    not diamond. For elements in their standard state
    (e.g. C(graphite) or O2(g)), ?Hof is zero.

  • (See Table of ?Hof values on p. 192)
  • ?Hof for some substances (kJ/mol)
  • ______________________________________
  • C2H2(g) 226.7 HCl(g) -92.3
  • NH3(g) -46.19 HF(g) -268.6
  • C6H6(l) 49.0 CH4(g) -74.8
  • CO2(g) -393.5 AgCl(s) -127.0
  • Diamond 1.88 NaCl(s) -410.9
  • C2H5OH(l) -277.7 H2O(l) -285.8
  • C6H12O6(s) -1273 Na2CO3(s) -1130.9
  • ______________________________________

Using Enthalpies of formation to calculate
Enthalpies of reaction
  • One can show from
  • Hesss Law that
  • ?Horxn Sn?Hof(products) Sm?Hof(reactants)

Upper case Greek sigma means sum of
coefficients in the balanced equation
Standard sum of standard sum of standard
enthalpy heats of formation of heats of
formation of reaction all products of
all reactants
Heat of reaction sum of heats of formation of
products minus sum of heats of formation of
  • What the equation on the previous slide is
    saying is that the standard enthalpy change for a
    chemical reaction (?Horxn) is given by the sum of
    the standard heats of formation of all the
    products minus the sum of the standard heats of
    formation of all the reactants. This is best
    illustrated by some examples.

Example the standard enthalpy of formation of
  • Calculate the standard enthalpy change (?Horxn)
    of combustion of 1 mol of benzene from standard
    enthalpies of formation.

Benzene, C6H6
  • write out the balanced equation
  • C6H6(l) 7½ O2(g) ? 6 CO2(g) 3 H2O(l)
  • 1 mole

  • Products (?Hof)
  • 6 CO2(g) 6 x (-393.5) -2361.0
  • 3 H2O(l) 3 x (-285.8) -857.4
  • -3218.4 kJ/mol
  • Reactants
  • C6H6(l) (49) 49 kJ/mol
  • 7 ½ O2(g) (7.5 x 0.0) 0
  • 49 kJ/mol
  • ?Horxn -3218.4 (49) 3267 kJ/mol
  • (products) (reactants)
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